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coordinating with loca government uunits in every baarangya in clapa city about the project proposal.

And requesting for the permission aand intitative to inform every people to collect their use face mask
and having a designated disposal location for the collection of the used face mask

Coordinating with the garabge collector organization for the pick up the of amassed facemask

Having a friendy competition that whichever barangay that collects the most face mask will received
cash prize for their exemplary participation in the proposal

Solicitation of equipment and materials to be used for the recycling of facemask and turning it into trash
bins to our partners organizations and in provincial government unit.

Collection of ammsed facemask in every barangay with the help of the provincial garbage collector

The conduct of recycling process

Distribution of trash bins made from facemasks different school with calapan city.

Having a symposium and proposing the project proposal with every scholls in calapan for the integra
tion of the entire propoosla process.

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