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DofE Silver Award – Activities Outline 2022/23

Activities – please remember to consider the following

1. Your activities must be distinct. For example, you cannot choose dance as a physical activity and dance
coaching as a service activity
2. You must have an assessor for each activity who is not a close family member.
3. It is best that you choose something different from your bronze award if possible.
4. Ensure your activity choice fits within the time frame and you need to keep online logs of what you do
on a weekly basis.
5. The physical activity is something that requires a sustained level of physical energy.
6. The skill activity should be focused on broadening your understanding and increasing your expertise in
a particular area.
7. The service activity should be focusing on offering your time to help others. This cannot be a paid
activity and it is not to improve your own personal skills. Your goal should reflect this.

Please return this form (page 2) to Mr Timmermans by Friday September 30th 2022.
Silver DofE Activities Outline 2022/23

Name: Yusuf Ahmed

Skill Section:
Activity Choice: Cooking
SMART Target:
I would like to be able to create dinner every Friday and Saturday (twice a week) for my family, with meals
including salmon with boiled potatoes and boiled peas and carrots, steak, lentils, and be able to season these
dishes appropriately to add to the flavour. By the end of the nine months, I would like to be able to cook a full
meal consisting of meat, vegetables, and potatoes without any assistance.

Physical Section:
Activity Choice: Cycling
SMART Target:
I would like to be able to cycle 10 kilometres in under 30 minutes by the end of the six month period, and I will
achieve this by going to the cycling track every Saturday where I will time how long it takes for me to complete
one lap (10km). My current fastest time taken to cycle around the track is 45 minutes, and therefore I aim to
get around a minute faster every week, getting me closer to my goal of 30 minutes.

Service Section:
Activity Choice: Mentoring
SMART Target:
I will be mentoring a Year 7 at my school and would like to give them advice about how to make friends,
manage their time, and maintain a healthy routine in which they can participate in different sports and
activities whilst still making time for work. After 6 months, I aim for the Year 7 student to have a strong social
life with friends whom they can trust, and be able to manage their time wisely – this includes submitting all
homework on time and allowing themselves time to take a break as well as work.

Signed by MTI: ______________________________________________

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