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Projects and Modelling Exercises

2. You may like to revisit this part of Test Your Understanding after reading through the complete
class notes once and self-exploring all the key proposals. With that, you may have some (or
many) aha! moments in which something clicks for you, you understand a proposal. What you
have understood may be expressed in various creative ways which appeal to different people.
This part is for you to give a creative expression to your understanding. Of course, you can do
this in a group also. Creative expressions may be in the form of sketches, drawings, paintings,
clay models, sculptures, songs, poems, music, dance, audios, videos, games, puzzles, stories,
skits, plays, dramas, charts, diagrams, plans, survey questionnaires, blogs, something on social
media and so on. It is the story of your own life – and it matters. While some hints are given
above, please feel free to share your real aha’s in your own way! “Day after day, week after
week, year after year I have been running for happiness. Now I know exactly where to put in
effort. I can imagine my life (after few years) – it will be wonderful”. 1. Personal transformation
to 'human consciousness' by focusing on right understanding, fulfilment in relationship and on
physical facility. 2. Societal transformation from inhuman society to humane society. 3. For both,
human education has to be the foundation.
3. Take your list of desires. Revise it if you need to. Now, if a desire is fulfilled, find out what it will
result into – harmony (happiness), prosperity or something else (see table, below). If it is
something else, try to identify exactly what it will result into. It may be excitement; it may be a
temporary relief from unhappiness
4. You may like to revisit this part of Test Your Understanding after reading through the complete
class notes once and self-exploring all the key proposals. With that, you may have some (or
many) aha! moments in which something clicks for you, you understand a proposal. What you
have understood may be expressed in various creative ways which appeal to different people.
This part is for you to give a creative expression to your understanding. Of course, you can do
this in a group also. Creative expressions may be in the form of sketches, drawings, paintings,
clay models, sculptures, songs, poems, music, dance, audios, videos, games, puzzles, stories,
skits, plays, dramas, charts, diagrams, plans, survey questionnaires, blogs, something on social
media and so on. It is the story of your own life – and it matters. While some hints are given
above, please feel free to share your real aha’s in your own way! “Happiness is to be in a state of
harmony. Unhappiness is to be forced to be in a state of disharmony”. 1. My state – making
effort for excitement or happiness? 2. State of the society – making effort for excitement-escape
or happiness? 3. Ultimately, I want happiness, regardless of the profession etc.
5. You may like to revisit this part of Test Your Understanding after reading through the complete
class notes once and self-exploring all the key proposals. With that, you may have some (or
many) aha! moments in which something clicks for you, you understand a proposal. What you
have understood may be expressed in various creative ways which appeal to different people.
This part is for you to give a creative expression to your understanding. Of course, you can do
this in a group also. Creative expressions may be in the form of sketches, drawings, paintings,
clay models, sculptures, songs, poems, music, dance, audios, videos, games, puzzles, stories,
skits, plays, dramas, charts, diagrams, plans, survey questionnaires, blogs, something on social
media and so on. It is the story of your own life – and it matters. While some hints are given
above, please feel free to share your real aha’s in your own way! Like, “I have to know the
existential reality to be in tune with it” “Human being – co-existence of the Self and the Body or
just the Body”?
6. “Self (consciousness) is the significant part of human being” 1. Activities of the Self 2. Three
sources of imagination 3. Self-evolution: Sanskar (t+1) = Sanskar (t) + Environment (t) + Self-
exploration (t) 4. Happiness = harmony in the Self
7. My Participation (Value) regarding my Self and my Body (To Make effort for Harmony in the Self
and the Body) Human being is the co-existence of the Self (consciousness) and the Body
(material). The Self is continuously active. My participation (value) is to make effort for
excellence – for understanding harmony and living in harmony at all levels of being. My
participation (value) vis-à-vis my Self is to ensure harmony in the Self by way of: • Ensuring right
understanding and right feeling in the Self. It means ensuring the understanding and feeling of
relationship, harmony and co-existence. In this way, right understanding and right feeling
becomes the guide for my imagination. • Ensuring that my imagination is guided by right
understanding and right feeling which is based on my natural acceptance. In this way, inputs
from the other sources of imagination, i.e. preconditioning and sensation, are rightly evaluated.
My sanskar is gradually evaluated till only that sanskar which is in harmony with my natural
acceptance remains. By ensuring these two, the Self is in harmony; “what I am” is in harmony
with “what is naturally acceptable to me”. The Self is in a state of continuous happiness. This is
my participation (value) visà-vis my. This is articulated in terms of the values of happiness,
peace, satisfaction and bliss. My participation (value) vis-à-vis my Body is to ensure harmony
with the Body by way of: • Ensuring a feeling of self-regulation in the Self • Ensuring the
nurturing, protection and right utilisation of the Body • Ensuring the production / availability of
more than required physical facility for the above By ensuring these three, the Body continues
to be in harmony. This is my participation (value) vis-àvis my Body.
8. Take any five examples to highlight that the Self is the seer (the one who understands), doer
(the one who takes decisions) and enjoyer (or experiencer, the one who feels happy or
unhappy). What is the purpose of the Self? What is the purpose of the Body? What would be the
right utilisation of the Body?
9. “The Self is central to human existence – it is the seer, doer and enjoyer; the Body is an
instrument” 1. Self-regulation and Health 2. Prosperity
10. The unhappiness in the family is more due to lack of fulfilment in the relationship, but also due
to lack of physical facility. The major issue is that of fulfilment of feelings in relationship; and
with that, the minor issue is lack of physical facility. By itself, physical facility cannot compensate
for lack of feelings . The base of relationship is feelings – in one Self (I1) for other Self (I2).
Feelings are in the Self, not in the Body. Feelings are fundamental to fulfilment in relationship. •
These feelings are definite, so they can be understood. There are nine naturally acceptable
feelings in relationship – from trust (foundation value) to love (complete value). • When we
ensure these naturally acceptable feelings in ourselves, we share them with the other and when
we are both able to evaluate the feelings rightly, it leads to mutual happiness
11. What is the meaning of family for you? List down the people in your family/extended family. a.
What do you call these people? You may be calling them by a relationship name like father,
mother, brother, sister, chacha, chachi, mama, mami, etc. or by a family name (pet-name) or
their formal name. b. What are your expectations from each of these people? c. What are your
responsibilities towards each of them? d. What is your state of harmony with each person?
Now, write down your conclusions from this exercise. 2. Make a list of at least ten relationship
pairs in the family (e.g. father-mother, mother-daughter, mother-son, father-son, father-
daughter, brother-brother, brother-sister, chacha-chachi, mamamami, chacha-mama, etc.). For
each pair, write down a. The rough evaluation of the state of harmony of that pair. If your
parents are in harmony with each other, write 100% in front of father-mother. If your chacha is
in 50% harmony with your mama, write 50% in front of chacha-mama. b. The reason for that
state of harmony or disharmony. c. How can you contribute to ensuring harmony in these
relationships (wherever you find it lacking)? What is your conclusion from this exercise? 3. Take
the relationship in which you have the most dissatisfaction or complaints. If you are in harmony
with every member of your family, you can skip this exercise or you can do it for someone in
your extended family or friends circle. a. Make a list of your dissatisfaction, complaints and all
the things that you dislike about the other person. b. Make a list of some of the good qualities
about the other person. In these lists, find out the points that have to do with physical facility
and the points that have to do with feeling. What are your conclusions from this exercise?

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