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Exit Strategy

 Oct. 28th, 2012 at 8:42 PM

Title: Exit Strategy

Author: FloweryMisha
Pairing(s): DooSeob
Warning: BoyxBoy love. Enough said.
Summary: Meet Doojoon, twenty something. He’s handsome. He’s sick of his job. He’s irritated that
a lot of customers asked for Son Dongwoon. He’s single.

( Collapse )

Author’s Note: One of the things that could cheer you up...pop up messages while working. Yeay. I


Yoon Doojoon is sick of his job.

He’s sick of his job, but he couldn’t deny the fact that he needed the money.

It’s been three and a half years since he worked in a national bank. It’s been that long since he had faced
a lot of customers, some were nice, some were half assed, some...should be kicked out by the securities
immediately the moment they walked in. But customers are customers, and like they always say,
customers are kings. No matter how painful in the ass they are.

Maybe Doojoon was just tired.

He’s tired, he needed to take a leave of absence, to take his days off, preferably spending all of the days
left, like surfing in Bali, shopping in Singapore, or go backpacking to Thailand..

...yeah right.

With his paycheck, he wouldn’t be able to afford all of the mentions above. He could, but then he’d get
even poorer and must work hard to earn the money back.

Life is such a bitch.

Doojoon needed to plan his exit strategy.

So far, he would feel less burdened if there were cute customers coming into the bank, and usually the
security guards will give him codes and the queue number. Oh, and by cute customers he
meant guys. One of the security guards, Dongwoo, noticed that Doojoon looked like hell one day and he
gave him a sexy, pretty female who was thinking of opening an account and Doojoon didn’t look amused
at all. On another chance, Dongwoo accidentally shoved him a cute guy named Tao—and Doojoon looked
fairly interested if he wasn’t so young and that his boyfriend named Kris showed up suddenly.

But ever since Son Dongwoon had worked in their branch, a lot of customers had been showing up lately
and they would just sit and drool over him. The girls would sit on the chairs, waiting for their numbers to be
called, and when Dongwoon wasn’t the one who called them, they would still steal some glances
expectedly, but Dongwoon never really paid attention to them.

Dongwoon was working as a model, he was quite famous because of his Arabian face, but then after he
graduated, he decided to lay low and live as an banker. Doojoon asked him once why, because surely
he’d get more money from modeling than his current work, and Dongwoon answered casually that his
boyfriend didn’t seem to like him being a model.

“Oh? Did he tell you that?”

“No, he never said anything...but I just felt like it.”

“And he wanted you to be a banker?”

“He never said anything about that either...but I need more money if I want to marry him.”

Dongwoon, twenty something. Already thinking about marrying his boyfriend.

Doojoon, twenty something. Fucking single.

Blame the routinity. Everyday he goes home around seven and eight and who would want to spend the
rest of the day at the bar? Youngsters. He didn’t.

Crap Doojoon you sounded like a really old ahjussi.

Doojoon stopped typing and rubbed his eyes for a moment. He was so not in the mood that he almost
couldn’t smile. The lady in front of him waited patiently as she looked serious with her phone, her long
fingers danced beautifully on the touch screen phone. When he was about to type again, a pop up
message was sent to his screen.

From: Yong Junhyung. To: All sign-in user.

Ehem. Cutie. Let’s see...queue number 29.

Doojoon stared at the cute guy Junhyung said, and then at the big screen behind him, it’s now queue
number 26. Three more to go.

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: All sign-in user.

He’s mine. Back off, Junhyung.

From: Yong Junhyung. To: All sign-in user.

Oh? First one wins.

Junhyung then called the number 27 and Doojoon mentally cursed. If he’s finished and then he’ll call
number 28 and then Junhyung will call the number 29. Dongwoon was on his break so there’s no way he
would call the number 28 unless he get back now but that would mean he’d only spend half of his break

From: Lee Joon. To: All signed-in user.

No need to worry, number 30 is also a cutie.

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: All sign-in user.

Girl. Not interested. You can take her, Hyung.

Joon didn’t usually call for customers unless they’re there for safe deposit boxes. But he called the number
28 anyway, and after standing and waiting for a few seconds, it seemed like number 28 went out or
perhaps the number was missing, so he shrugged and called for the number 29.

From: Yong Junhyung. To: All sign-in user.


From: Yoon Doojoon. To: All sign-in user.

Lucky bastard.

Doojoon sighed and smiled apologetically at the lady as he made her wait. When he’s finished and he
called for number 30, the girl was pretty and had nice smile, but Doojoon’s hunch was right, she asked for
Dongwoon the moment she sat and Doojoon felt even more irritated.

His exit strategy needed to be renewed.

From: Lee Joon. To: All sign-in user.

Holy cow guys. He agreed to go out with me.


It was just Tuesday and Doojoon couldn’t wait for Friday.

Not that he got any date or anything, but because he just wanted to sleep because on workdays he just
didn’t have enough sleep and he’d sleep like there’s no tomorrow. Now that he thought about it, it’s
probably what made him single until now. It’s because he’s too lazy to move his ass out.

Since morning, he had been receiving complaints and it immediately worsened his mood for the day.

Dongwoo looked sympathetically at him before clearing his throat. “Hyung, it’s a cutie. There isn’t any
customer right now so can I just shove him right here?”

Doojoon looked annoyed but then he sighed. He knew that Dongwoo didn’t mean anything, he just wanted
him to cheer up was all. So he nodded and Dongwoo immediately let the male to sit in front of Doojoon.

And yeah, he was cute. Not the kind of cute that would make Doojoon’s heart beat wild, but it was fine for
eye refresher.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for a Doojoon...”

Doojoon raised his brows and he immediately typed on his screen.

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: Yong Junhyung.

Fuck Junhyungie this cute guy said he’s looking for me!

Doojoon tried to look as calm as possible and then turned back to his customer with the most possible
charming smile.

From: Yong Junhyung. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Wait. Let’s not jump to conclusions. Maybe you have unpaid bills.

From: Yong Junhyung. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Wait, unpaid bills HAHAHAHAHAHA I’m so hilarious.

Doojoon decided to kick Junhyung’s ass later.

“I’m Doojoon. What can I help you with...?”

“Oh, you are Doojoon-ssi?”, the customer’s face brightened. “Well, you see, I want to ask about friend said you’re the expert in this branch...”

Doojoon went blank and his effort to look charming was killed in an instant.

“You meant... Dongjun.”
“Oh,” the customer blinked innocently. “Doojoon or Dongjun?”

“Dongjun from mortgage is on the second floor. Take the lift or go upstairs, find the hottest man alive
there,” Doojoon said and waved his hand dismissively. “I’m busy.”

“Oh. I’m very sorry...”

The customer stood up awkwardly and bowed as an apology to Doojoon before walking away in a hurry.

From: Lee Joon. To: Yoon Doojoon.

How was it? Did you get his number?

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: Lee Joon.

Fuck me, I’m still single.


It was Thursday and it was raining hard.

There wasn’t much of an activity in the bank because the wind blew so hard and it was dark despite the
fact that it’s still 10 AM. People would have preferred to stay home or the office than going out. Some of
the customers who survived the storm got soaking wet, they all requested Dongwoon—to preferably
warmed their hearts, and Doojoon wanted to puke at Dongwoo’s choice of words. He felt kind of grateful
though, because he stayed up late last night watching the soccer match on television and he’s not in the
mood for customers today.

It took him almost a few minutes to realize that there’s a cute one in the room.

And he was really, really cute in a way. He was different kind of cute, he was much cuter, like a childish
cute one, and Doojoon knew he had to stop because he had used cute too much, and God, why is he so
damn cute?

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: All sign-in user.


No one replied. He noticed Dongwoon looked up from his paper, observing for merely seconds before
going back to his work. Doojoon felt alarmed a bit, because the last time they all sent pop up messages—
including the girls from tellers—saying that a really cute customer had just entering the building,
Dongwoon replied so cold by typing,

Dongwoon’s boyfriend was definitely the cutest person alive they had ever seen walking into the bank.

But Doojoon felt something different.

The male was not too tall, he was small, probably about Doojoon’s shoulder, and he was cute, and his
chubby cheeks made him even cuter, and oh dear God, Doojoon was not obsessed. No, he’s not
obsessed at all.

From: Kim Hyuna. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Um, Oppa...this cutie over here needs a source for his school paper...and...I think you really suit the it okay...?

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: Kim Hyuna.

For his school paper? Is he writing about banker? I’m not too sure if I suit it, though...why not Dongwoon?

From: Kim Hyuna. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Um...cos you’re like the senior among us all?

Doojoon frowned and shrugged. Well, it made sense...whatever. He nodded at the girl in the teller and she
made the okay sign and gestured the cute male to Doojoon’s table.

The male walked slowly with a smile and Doojoon smiled back.

For someone who seemed so young, he’s probably a freshman, the male looked mature enough. His light
brown haired color shone under the light and Doojoon wondered if he should recolor his hair too for a fresh
change. He finally arrived at Doojoon’s table and deliberately took a seat.

“Hello,” the male greeted politely.

“Yes, what can I help you?”

“Um...”, he scratched his head sheepishly and avoided Doojoon’s gaze. “So I asked the noona over there
for someone I can interview for my paper and she referred me”

“Well yeah, they referred a lot of people to me lately,” Doojoon tried to hide the sarcasm in his voice but it
seemed like he failed. “So...what are you writing for your paper? I hope I can be a good source.”

“Um...”, he looked really awkward and cleared his throat. “I’m writing about the old, senior workaholic who
spends his days working and not being able to find a date...”

The cute male trailed off.

Doojoon went blank for a moment and the male in front of him hid his face by looking down to his note. He
turned to his screen with a calm face and started typing in a manner, even though he actually wanted to
smash the keyboards.

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: Kim Hyuna.


The message cannot be send because the user is not logged in.

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: All sign-in user.


Doojoon tried to calm himself by taking a deep breath but he almost lost it. Instead of sending message to
all sign users that he might later regret, he opened a notepad in his computer and started typing curses
and words. After a moment that seemed like an hour, he finally came to a stop and sucked his breath
before finally facing the male.

“Let’s try it once again.”

“Oh, um...okay?”

“Hello. I’m Yoon Doojoon.”

“Um, Yang Yoseob...”

“Okay, Yang Yoseob-ah, my life isn’t that precious anymore. What do you want to know about this old,
senior workaholic that spend his days working and got no date?”

Yoseob palmed his face and looked apologetic. “Doojoon-ssi...”

“Please, call me Hyung. You even make me sound old.”

Yoseob giggled bashfully. “Actually? You don’t look like one.”

“Like what?”

“, old? I mean, you still look young...and energetic. And handsome.”

Yoseob added the last word in a low voice but Doojoon heard it.

“For...for real?”, Doojoon started to smile. Finally, something to make him feel better. Yoseob could be
faking it, but it was nice to hear those words from someone new, someone he didn’t know.

“Yeah. And—and about the ‘got no date’ thing? Maybe...maybe you’ve been in a really painful breakup or

It was actually a heartbreak to be exact, Doojoon had been really insane for Hyunseung, whom he liked
since high school, but they were only friends and they’ll never be more because now Hyunseung is dating
Junhyung, and he buried the feelings deeply for the sake of his friends. But he was way over it. And he’s
happy for Junhyung and his relationship.

“Something like that...”

Not exactly, but yeah.

They talked, they chatted, sometimes they shared a laugh, and it was good. Doojoon’s friends noticed that
it’s been a while since Doojoon had a laugh like that. All this time he was full with frowns, they’re afraid his
wrinkle will get even more obvious if he didn’t start to smile. Dongwoo stole a lot of glances at both
Doojoon and Yoseob, and he thought they looked great together.

Finally, the conversation ended, and Yoseob promised Doojoon to write it in a good, positive way instead
of a negative one and he promised to send him a copy when it’s done.

Yoseob gathered his things and he bowed in respect to the older male. “Thank you so much for your time,

Doojoon bowed back and he felt slightly confused with himself. The younger male was already turning
around to walk away, but something inside wanted him to stay.


Yoseob stopped walking and turned to him with a questioning stare. “Yes?”

“If...if you’re free this weekend, would you like to grab a cup of coffee...?”

They stared at each other for a moment before Yoseob’s lips curved into a shy smile.

“I don’t drink coffee...”

“...or chocolate, whatever it is. Please go out with me.”

Yoseob laughed and cocked his head to a side. “Sure.”

Doojoon’s eyes widened in shock. He didn’t expect to get an answer so soon. “S—seriously?”

Yoseob gave him a look. “Yes, Hyung. Well, call me for the exact time.”

“Of...of course, wait for my call then. S-see you.”

Doojoon smiled so wide until Yoseob disappeared in sight.

The rain had stopped pouring outside. It was bright, and he could see the rainbow all over the sky. He
went back to his desk and realized there were a lot of pop up messages for him.

From: Yong Junhyung. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Looks like someone is really happy. A date?

From: Kim Hyuna. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Hello Oppa. He was cute, right? Hahaha. Err, okay.

Hyuna immediately signed out after sending the message.

From: Lee Joon. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Nice, dongsaeng... So, should we do a double date or something?

Doojoon couldn’t hide his smile and he shook his head in amusement as he was about to reply.

From: Son Dongwoon. To: Yoon Doojoon.

He told you to call him?

Doojoon blinked and frowned while glancing at the farthest desk from him. It was rare for Dongwoon to
send him a message, he would usually be the calmest one about this whole cute guy thing. Doojoon
shrugged, maybe he’s just asking, because he’s more experienced in this kind of thing? After all, once
again, his boyfriend was definitely the cutest person alive they had ever seen walking into the bank. He
carefully replied.

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: Son Dongwoon.

Um...yeah. Any advice, perhaps? Before I call him...?

From: Son Dongwoon. To: Yoon Doojoon.

Yeah. Did you ask for his number?

Doojoon went blank.

From: Yoon Doojoon. To: All sign-in user.


His exit strategi really needs to be renewed.


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