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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was written by J.K Rowling and was
published in 2000.

It is set in Howard’s school is a magic school. Harry Potter is in his 4 year is

this school with his best friends Hermione and Ronald. The main characters
are Harry Potter, Hermione Ranger and Ronald Weaslee but there are other’s
characters importants like: Draco Malfoy, Dumbledore, Saberous Snape, Cedric
Digori,Sirius Black...

The story is about a tournament, every 5 years the school do a Tournament of

the goblet of fire but this year only can participate the boys or girls older
than 16 because it’s very dangerous and harry can’t participate because is 15
but someone older of 16 put his name in the goblet. The goblet choose him and
now he has to participated to this misterous and dangerous tournament.

I like so much this book because is very interesting and when you start reading
somehow you can’t stop. I recomend this book for everyone because this book
is for adults, teenagers, and kids.

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