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Living Things are Organized

The body of an animal is like a

well- organized machine capable
of performing different task. The
ability of the body to do all the
things it can do is due to the
special structures both inside and
outside that work together in an
orderly manner.

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Characteristics of the different organ systems in representative animals

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How Animals Survive

CORE IDEAS Characteristics of the Different Organ Systems in

Representative Animals

LEARNING • describe the general and unique characteristics of the

OUTCOMES different organ systems in representative animals; and
• analyze and appreciate the functional relationships of
the different organ system in ensuring animal survival.

CODES S11/12LT-IIIaj- 21-22

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How Animals Survive

Organ Systems

An organ system is a group of organs that

work together to perform a certain function
in an organism's body.
Organ System are interdependent,
interconnected, and packaged together in
a relatively small space.

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• In a separate sheet, list down your 5 foods that you usually buy in the
grocery store.

• What are your criteria in choosing those foods as top of your priority
when you go to the grocery store?
• In your observation, do you think they give proper nutrition?

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Getting Food to Cells

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How Animals Survive


Nutrition refers to activities by which living

things obtain raw materials from the
environment and transport them into the
Nutrients are the chemical substances that
organisms need in order to grow and
function properly.
▪ It can be organic nutrients and
inorganic nutrients.

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How Animals Survive

Process of Digestion

Digestion is the breakdown of organic

compounds into their simple forms for
use by cells. It is the life support job of
the digestive system and breaks down
food into two ways: mechanically and
▪ Digestive system processes:
ingestion, propulsion, mechanical
and chemical digestion, and

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Digestive System
Parts of Digestive System

[1] Mouth. The food tube, nine meters

long, begins at the mouth.
[2] Esophagus. The esophagus is the
tube that connects the mouth to the
[3] Stomach. It is a bag-like muscular
organs. The role of the stomach is to get
rid the food and mix it with the digestive

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Digestive System
Parts of Digestive System

[4] Small Intestine. It is where the food is

chemically digested and makes several
digestive juices.
[5] Large Intestine. It removes the useful
fluids from the undigested food.

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Digestive System
Parts of Digestive System

[6] Liver. The liver is the largest organ in

the body with a mass of about two
[7] Pancreas. The pancreas is a small
organ that makes three different kinds
of enzymes and is found below the
[8] Gall Bladder. The gall bladder is a
small pear shape that hold bile.

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Essential Question
1. What are the two living
organisms in the picture?
2. How these two-living
organism work to support

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Gas Exchange
with the Environment

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Composition of Air

Air is a mixture of different

gases. The air we breathe is
made up of oxygen, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, and other

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The Process of Respiration

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Breathing vs. Respiration


Breathing is a mechanical process

of pumping air into and out of the
• It is done by a group of organs
that make up the respiratory
• Exchange oxygen and carbon
dioxide between air and the

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Mechanisms of Breathing

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Mechanisms of Breathing
Inspiration and Expiration

Inspiration is when atmospheric air

is drawn in once the pressure in
the lungs is less than the
atmospheric pressure.
Expiration is when the diaphragm
relaxes, and the rib cage returns to
its original position.

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Breathing vs. Respiration


Respiration is the exchange of

oxygen and carbon dioxide
between organism and its
• There are two major
processes of respiration:
external respiration and
internal respiration.

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Respiratory Structures

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Respiratory Structures in Animals


Gills are used by fish and other

marine species to absorb
oxygen trapped in water and
filter carbon dioxide out of the

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How Do Gills

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Respiratory Structures in Animals

Tracheal System

In insects, a few land

arachnids, and myriapods, the
trachea is an elaborate system
of small, branching tubes that
carry oxygen to individual
body cells.

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How Do Trachea

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Respiratory Structures in Animals


Amphibians, earthworms, and

some turtles respire through
a process called cutaneous
• Cutaneous respiration is a
form of respiration in which
gas exchange occurs
across the skin

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How Do Skin

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Respiratory Structures

In mammals the lungs are

the main respiratory organs.
All mammals have lungs,
which are the main organs
for breathing.

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How Do Lungs

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The Internal Transport System

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The Circulatory System

The road network within the body

The circulatory system is the life

support that feeds our cells with
food, nutrients, oxygen, and
removal of waste products.
• The circulatory system has
three main parts: the heart,
the blood vessel, and the

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Main Parts of Circulatory System

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Three Main Parts of Circulatory System

The Human Heart

The heart is located between your
lungs in the middle of your chest,
behind and slightly to the left of
your breastbone.
• It is a living pump.
• Each side is divided into two
chambers: atrium and

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How Do Heart

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The Human Heart

How blood flows through the heart

To pump blood throughout the body,

your heart contracts then relaxes.
This action is like clenching and
unclenching your fist. With each
beat of your heart, blood is pushed
through your arteries. This is what
creates your pulse.

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How Do Heart

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Three Main Parts of Circulatory System

The Blood Vessels

The blood vessels in our body form
an intricate transportation
network to service every cell.
• There are three kinds of blood
vessels that make up the
circulatory system: arteries,
veins, and capillaries.

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The Blood Vessels

Kinds of Blood Vessels

• Arteries carry blood away from

the heart.
• Veins carry blood towards the
• Capillaries are very small tubes
that connects the arteries to
the veins.

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Kinds of Blood

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Three Main Parts of Circulatory System

The Blood
The blood brings oxygen and
nutrients to all the parts of the
body so they can keep working.
• It is made up of two
components: the blood
plasma and the formed

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The Blood
Two Components of Blood
1. Water
2. Dissolved solids
3. Dissolved gases
Formed elements
1. Red blood cells
2. White blood cells
3. Cell fragments

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Components of

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How Blood Circulated

in the Body?
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How Blood is Circulated in the Body?

There are two circuits for blood

circulation in mammals.
• Pulmonary Circuit involves
pumping blood from the heart
to the lungs for oxygenation.
• Systemic Circuit involves
pumping oxygenated blood
from the heart to the rest of the

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and Waste Removal

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The Excretory System

Urinary System

A urinary system is made up those

organ that rid of the liquid waste in
the body.
• Kidney are one of the most
important organs of the
urinary system.
• Major metabolic wastes–
water, salts, and urea.

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Waste Removal
Excretory Organs

• Lungs helps in ridding the water and • Large intestine eliminate solid waste
excess heat in our body. that remains after food is digested.
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Waste Removal
Excretion and Homeostasis

The integumentary system and

excretory system help the body to
maintain homeostasis in a different
• Integumentary system:
constant temperature
• Excretory system: constant
body fluids level

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Immune System:
Defense from Disease

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The Immune System

Body’s general defense

The immune system is made up of

specialized cells, proteins, tissues,
and organs, to protect and defend
us against germs and pathogenic
• Major job: Keep people
healthy and preventing

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The Immune System

Parts of the Immune System
[1] Lymph Nodes. Filter the
lymphatic fluid and store special
cell that can trap cancer cells or
[2] Thymus. The site of maturity of T
cells that function for adaptive
immune response.
[3] Spleen. Contains white blood
cells that fight infection or

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The Immune System

Parts of the Immune System
[4] Bone Marrow. A lymphoid organ
that is involve in the production of
leukocytes, mainly the T cells and
the B cells.
• Leukocytes. Work in
coordinated manner to
monitor the body for germs. It
has two basic types:
phagocytes and lymphocytes.

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Nervous System:
Control System of the Body

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The Nervous System

The Body’s Control System

The nervous system is made up of the

brain, spinal cord and nerves. It controls
much of what you think and feel and
what your body does.
• Components of the Nervous
System: Central Nervous System
(CNS) and Peripheral Nervous
System (PNS).

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The Nervous System

Brain, Spinal Cords, and Nerves
The brain is the main control
center of coordination.
The brain is divided into:
• Cerebrum- is the center of
• Cerebellum- keeps the
muscle coordinated.
• Medulla- controls and
coordinates the activities
of internal organs.

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The Nervous System

Brain, Spinal Cords, and Nerves

The spinal cord is an organ made up of

tightly packed neurons. It has two
[1] carries nerve impulses from all
over the body to and from the brain.
[2] it controls many of the body’s
involuntary actions.

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The Nervous System

Brain, Spinal Cords, and Nerves

The nerve cells are the information

and signal processors of the body.
• A human being has
approximately 100 billions
• Neurons vary in size and
shape, but all neurons have a
common structure: Dendrites
and Axons.

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The Nervous System

A Stimulus Causes a Response

The nervous system is aided by five organs–

the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.

• Stimulus- any information received by

the nervous system about a condition
in the environment.
• Response- is a reaction to a condition
or stimulus.

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Body in Motion:
The Skeletal and Muscular System

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The Skeletal System

The Body’s Central Framework

The skeletal system delivers form and

support to the body.
Bone serve the following functions
• Protect the vital organs inside the
• Protect anchor and support to the
• Produce blood cells

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The Skeletal System

Parts of Skeletal System
The skeletal system includes the
bones, cartilage, ligaments, and
• Bone is hard, living tissue and
contains blood vessel, nerves,
and dividing cells.
• Cartilage is the one that softens
the ends of the long bones where
they meet.

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The Skeletal System

Parts of Skeletal System
The skeletal system includes the
bones, cartilage, ligaments, and
• Ligaments is being attach at one
bone to another where two bones
• Tendons are the tissue that link
the bone to a muscle.

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The Muscular System

Responsible for the Movement of the Body

The muscular system is a set of an organ

system which are mainly responsible for
movement of the human body.
• Muscle is a special kind of tissue
that brings movement. It is also
responsible of the body fluids.
• There are 600 muscles in the
human body.

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Functional relationship of the different organ systems for animal survival

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The Organ System

There are various systems in
the animal’s body. Each
system has a special job. All
the body systems must work
together to keep them

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The Organ System

There are various systems in
the animal’s body. Each
system has a special job. All
the body systems must work
together to keep them

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Functional relationship of the different organ systems

Circulatory and Respiratory System

The circulatory system and the

respiratory system always work
together to provide oxygenated blood
to the organism’s other organ

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Functional relationship of the different organ systems

Digestive and Excretory System

The digestive system are responsible

for breaking down and extracting
nutrients from the foods. Meanwhile,
excretory system removes waste
products from the body.

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Functional relationship of the different organ systems

Skeletal and Muscular System

The skeletal and muscular systems

are interrelated. The combination of
skeletal and muscular systems gives
us the ability to move.

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