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Trisha Shinmari A.

Fabe Sir Japhet Villeta

11 ABM

As someone who is still learning about herself, I haven’t able to comprehend what
really is my specialty when it comes to what I like, What i do best, and what I’m
able to be good at. I guess it’s part of being a teenager that you have to figure it out
yourself. With our activity that occurredj last Wednesday, it widen my curiosity on
what I really am , and what the system tells about me as a person. I was actually
kind of amaze at how perfect it described me as a person especially as a student. I
saw that I’m a protagonist type of personality and has a great amount of
willingness to serve a great purpose in life. I very much relate to it since I’m a
student president for 4 consecutive years, I explore to different kinds of activities
trying to have a greater purpose to my life. It was actually a very fun activity, It’s a
eye opener to my hobbies that I should continue it and nurture my own passion
and charisma that could inspire a lot of lives.s

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