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Name: Wala'a Yahya Malkawi.

Type: cause and effect

August 16, 2022. Draft 1

internet influence on kids

The Internet is a double-edged sword. The world has known the
Internet since 1969 and the Internet is defined as a way to connect
computers to each other wherever they are located in any part of the
planet. Children's use of the Internet has many effects that disturb the
comfort of parents, whether they are physical, psychological, or
behavioral effects.

When children use the Internet excessively, it leads to serious health

problems. When a child sits for hours in front of a computer or mobile
phone to browse the Internet, this leads to poor eyesight, headaches, and
bone aches, especially since his body is still in the formative stage, and it
may also lead to obesity and related diseases, especially if he does not
exercise any sport at other times.
Recent psychological research confirms that children's excessive use
of the Internet causes psychological addiction close to addiction caused
by heavy drug use. Consequently, the psychology of children is affected
by viewing inappropriate content, for example, images of predatory
animals and scenes of violence.
Since the internet keeps the brain constantly occupied without any
rest, the child tends to be more irritable and may become more violent
and angry even in normal discussions, hindering his social life and
behavior, and may stop communicating in the real world.

In the end, we cannot deny the positive effects of the Internet, but we
certainly achieve this through the correct use of it. For example, parents
should monitor the sites that their child browses and set a certain time to
use the Internet.

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