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Castallia L.


BSN 2 N-24

On one of your regular days in the clinic, Spencer's mother came over and personally approached you
with her concern. She tells you that Spencer is overweight though she says Spencer likes school he has
developed a lot of nervous habits such as nail biting since school started.

Critical Thinking Activity:

1. As the school nurse assigned, his mother asks you if this is normal. How would you answer? What
suggestions would you make to his mother regarding this?

- This is not seen as typical, according to the school nurse assigned. Biting one's nails indicates
tension or worry. It's possible that Spencer's peers are bullying him at school or that some of them
are body-shaming him. I would advise his mother to always support Spencer and to inquire about
his sentiments.

2. Spencer has become obese in the last year. What are suggestions you could make to help prevent
Spencer from gaining more weight? What is a possible consequence of telling school-age children
they are overweight?

- Although being overweight is not seen as being desirable or healthy, it can cause ailments
including heart failure, high cholesterol, hypertension, and other conditions. I would advise
Spencer to follow the right regular exercise routine and the right nutrition in order to aid him in
preventing further weight gain.

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