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Video Discussion -

Assessing The General Appearance
Normal Findings

● Identifies the portion of the body that extends

from the base of the neck superiorly to the ● No Nasal Flaring
level of diaphragm inferiorly ● The diaphragm and muscles is relaxed
● In the human lungs the distal portion of the ● Evenly Colored Skin
trachea and the bronchi are located in the ● Pink tones should be seen
thorax ● 160 degree angle between the base nails and
● And this portion constitute to the lower ● The skin
respiratory system and the outer structure
of the thorax is what we called the thoracic
● Nasal Flaring should never be observe in a
normal patient
● Because normally the diaphragm and the
external intercostal muscles do not do all of
the movements or the contraction.
● This is the evidence of what we call the
outward expansion or the “rise and fall of the
chest”. Inspiration and expiration which is a
normal breathing.

● The client when we observe in assessing the

skin, should have an even color without any
forms of promonents discoloration.

● In his/her nails should be at a normal angle,

which is a 160 degree angle, and the nails of
the bed are intact.

● Going back this is a vital organ must be ABNORMAL FINDINGS ON THE ASSESSMENT
supported with a cage or thoracic cage OF THE GENERAL APPEARANCE

Nasal Flaring
Thoracic Cavity

● Nasal Flaring normally there should be a
● Many contains your respiratory components
proper inhalation and exhalation.
that would help the person to breath and
● Nasal Flaring is what we call the labored
regulate the breathing
breathing (nostrils are being widened) due to
wanting to engulf oxygen. This process is
● And a thorough assessment to the lower
normal for a child/baby. As mentioned, they
respiratory system would focus on the
are still on a developing stage.
chest as well as the components of the
thoracic cavity.
● The cause of this disorder is a poor airflow of
breathing and main symptoms include the
shortness of breathing and cough, typically
this is the reason why their skin turns to
purple color.

● Purple skin results from bleeding and

bruising, broken blood vessels (hemorrhage),
and this is the reason for low levels of blood
oxygen (hypoxemia) and reason why airflow
won’t properly circulate into the system.
● But in Assessing an Adult this means that it is
● It would create a decrease in the level of
an indication of a patient having hypoxia, or it
hemoglobin and the circulation.
is an inadequate oxygen delivery in the
tissue. ● Eventually, the distal part of the body of a
patient who has COPD, will eventually start to
have a (necrosis)/cell death, death of body
Pursed Lip Breathing tissue, due to a lack of oxygen air flows of the
entire body because of the destruction.
Maybe the patient is a long time smoker or
● Purpose of this is for patients who have has a bronchitis disease.
Asthma, Emphysema and patients who are
also experiencing congestive heart failure. ● Grasp of air

● They are performing a pursed lip breathing is ● It has different stages, not all patients with
because it mainly works into the lungs by COPD are then having a ruddy complex
excreting the carbon dioxide, and this
breathing technique would help the airway
open longer

1. Mild Stage

- When it is mild somewhat the breathing of the

patient is inped (shortness of breath)

2. Moderate Stage

- In This stage of observing, the patient would

grasp air
● Pucker or “Purse” the lips as if they are going 3. Severy to very severe
to whistle
- In this observation, the patient is already
● Pursed lip breathing is also used when the having the ruddy complex. And with this the
patient is experiencing any pain, this could be patients have COPD, when the patient is
instructed to the patient. palpated and by touching them they are
somewhat cold and have clammy skin. It is
● It would slowly progress the intensity of the already a sign of hypoxia.

● With patients having this condition it helps

them elevate their breathing by moving the
oxygen into the lungs. Cyanosis

Due to Hypoxia

● Patients with these findings make the skin

Ruddy to Purple Complexion appear blue or bluish, especially in the very
orbital nail bed and the conjunctiva area; it is
Due to (COPD)
the note of bluish discoloration.
● It is seen in patients with your (COPD) or ● If a client has dark skin, it would appear as a
mainly the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary blue dull or lifeless in the areas in the nails,
Disorder. palm and toes
● Normally the color should never be a Ruddy ● These three assessments in the nails, palms,
to Purple complex, toe nails would indicate that the patient is
having a decreased oxygenation, it would ● While the client would sit, The arms should
lead to the patient appear to be cyanotic. be at side or stand behind and observe the
position of the scapula
Clubbing of Fingers ● Note the configuration of the chest wall.

Due to Hypoxia ● So with this you would know the indicator

where you should inspect the configuration of
● Nails - the normal degree of your nails should the scapula. Symmetrical alignment and
160 degrees and should be intact. No signs symmetry of the posterior thorax.
of crooked and freckles.

● Nail beds should be pinkish in color.

● Pale, Cyanotic nails, greater than 180 degree THE POSTERIOR THORAX
angle, the tips of the fingers enlarge and the
nails become extremely curved from front to ● Scapula which is the base of the
back. configuration are symmetrical and non
A. because of hypoxia there is pale and
cyanotic nails, greater than 180 ● A normal person his/her shoulder are equally
degree where the tip becomes horizontal in position and the ratio of the
enlarged, which would indicate anterior and posterior transverse diameter is
clubbing 1 is to 2.
B. Another test that you would perform to “The Dominant 80 which is your anterior, posterior
determine, If the angle of your nail ratio to letter T and it should 1 is to 2.”
beds are within 160 degree
Schamroth window test. ● Spinous Process appears straight and thorax
appears symmetric with a 45 degree angle
relation to spine.
Schamroth Window Test - With this the ribs of a normal person are
sloping downward and should never be
● If 2 opposing fingers are held back to back upward because that is an abnormal finding.
against each other, a diamond-shaped space
should normally appear. ● There should be no curvature in the spine for
it signifies that there is lordosis, kyphosis or
● That means you have a good perfusion and scoliosis or unsymmetric illness in the spine.
your nail angle is 160 degrees, Because it would depend on the S and I
● This could be done by either your index finger shape or any degrees of curvature .
or your thumb ● When we age some of our patients, elders
their height would decrease because it is a
● If the patient is a smoker it could be the normal process of the development and
thumb, index, middle and pinky fingers decreased functionality of the body, the
calcium levels are also decreased in this
● Once that it won’t create a diamond shape, state.
that is what can be called a positive clubbing ● When Patient goes old they are much prone
finger to hypoglycemia or decreased calcium
● level. They can be given calcium
supplement together with vitamin D to
Inspecting The Posterior Thorax prevent it from occurence.
● Kyphosis is a normal thing for a normal adult
● One thing in doing an inspection of the (older adults). Because of the result of lung
posterior thorax is that you would first assess elasticity,
to perform the inspection of the ● Ketosis is a decreased of bone density and
posterior thorax’s configuration. is also normal for an adult (older adults)
● No accessory muscle is used in breathing.
● The curvature of the spine is forming like a
OF THE POSTERIOR THORAX C-Shape is a kyphosis and Scoliosis is

● Once there is an abnormal curvature into the

spine it would affect the heart and also affect
Scoliosis the breathing and muscles that are nearby.

● sideways curvature of the spine that occurs

most often. Uneven shoulders and/or hips.
Bump in the lower back. Numbness, Atelectasis
weakness, or pain in the legs. Trouble
walking Trouble standing up straight ● It is mainly collapsed on the lungs, or
Shortness of breath. Loss of height. permanent collapse or only one of the lungs
is (atelectasis) it is closure of a lung resulting
● Kyphosis is a spinous process making in reduced or absent gas exchange.
deviation or forming an S-shape. There is an
equal alignment of the spine that makes it an ● It is only half of the lungs and the other half is
S-shape. still functioning.

- With this there is an even shoulder

and an even hips that can be
observed. ● Decreased chest expansion, mediastinal
displacement towards the affected side and
- Patients would also feel numbness elevation of the diaphragm. Patients develop
due to the channel of electrical dullness to percussion over the involved area,
impulses going to the brain and going wheezing and diminished or absent breath
to the peripheral central system. If sounds on auscultation.
there is a misalignment that would
cause an impede

- There are weaknesses and pain in the

What causes Atelectasis?
legs because of an even distribution
of weight, including in the pelvis,
● It can be caused by an injury of a patient that
should be straight so that the weight
have experience in an accident
of the shoulders would be equalized.
This is for scoliosis. ● Determine the type of work and the activities
that the patient did

● There is a pleural effusion and is also

Kyphosis pneumonia and if a patient is at an elderly
age and is bedridden the patient needs to
● Which is normal for the Adults or elderly turn it side to side, to prevent progress into
which is 60 and above, and is identified pneumonia.
abnormal if is found young patients this is the ● There is scarring of tissue, it could illusion or
kyphosis the abnormal excessive curvature a viral infection or a cancer that would
● abnormally excessive convex curvature of the eventually metastasized,
spine as it occurs in the thoracic and sacral ● but most common is the pleural effusion,
regions where our lungs is filled with water, between
➢ Mild to severe back pain the layers of the pleura outside the lungs
➢ Back pain with movement ● The spaces (plura outside the lungs) should
➢ Tenderness and stiffness in the spine not be filled with water because of a
➢ Forward posture of the head boundary called allowance (pleural sac)
➢ Chest pain or difficulty breathing allowance of the body to prevent friction from
➢ Difference in shoulder height rubbing.
➢ Tight hamstrings (muscles in the back
of the thighs) - most common ● So once that allowance will be filled with
symptom water, it could also be filled with air, and it
becomes a positive pressure, it should
never go inside the body and just maintain a ● Once it starts palpating, move the hand from
negative pressure. With this, it would lead to the left going to the right and comparing the
atelectasis. both. And this is called bilateral.

● Absence of breath sounds. ● Whatever is compared from the left, should

also be noted on the right and this is what
24:24 mins/sec you call a bilateral comparison.

Tripod Position ● Hands would move systematically

downwards to the portion of the base of the
Due to COPD lungs.
- It's because we could still palpitate
● It is found more commonly in patients who the boney prominents.
have COPD. Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disorder. - Once we cannot palpate it is already
basing your kidneys.
● It is when the patient sits or stands leaning
forward on the edge of the bed or chair and - You would know the limit in palpation
supporting the upper body with hands on the into base of the lungs
knees or on another surface.

● This is done so that the patients would have a

more comfortable position and can help the Palpation for Crepitus
patient to breathe accordingly.
Subcutaneous Emphysema
● These patients cannot sit properly in chair
leaning their backs on the chair and making a ● crackling - feel to the touch , a sensation that
supine position because it would suffocate has been described as similar to touching
them and had a hard time breathing Rice Krispies ; This sensation of air under the
skin is known as subcutaneous crepitation.
● Patients with tripod position are sleeping with
2 to 3 pillows or more, the more pillows can - It is like the sound of a Rubbing of hair
help support the breathing of the patient. against each other or a crepitus
● Cannot lay down properly in the bed to sleep,
some of the patients who have the COPD will
sleep while standing for this would help them
to breath. Palpation for Surface Characteristics

Palpation of the Posterior Thorax

Assessing the Fremitus

● It can be done Using one or Both Hands
● Palpate for Fremitus : Vocal fremitus is a
● Use the fingers to Palpate for the tenderness, vibration transmitted through the body It
warmth, pain and sensation refers to the assessment of the lungs by
either the vibration intensity felt on the chest
● In the areas there are sensation wall (tactile fremitus) and/or heard by a
stethoscope on the chest wall with certain
● In palpating the thorax always start at the
spoken words (vocal resonance)
midline and at the levels of the left scapula.
- Once you palpate it and you note the - The small airways are replaced by air
patient has lesions, in assessing you or water, it is filled with anything or
need to use gloves. something else, that is the
- This is also an assessment in the
expansion of the chest, ● Usually when there is consolidation it would
increase the fremitus sound, which should
- it should be bilateral symmetrical; not be.
whatever is on the left should also be
on the right. It's because you will be ● Bronchial Obstruction or air trapping or if
palpating also for the expansion that there is emphysema, or pneumothorax
is part of the surface characteristics. which causes decrease in the fremitus sound.

● First is palpating for Fremitus, A fremitus is ● Diminished Fremitus even with aload spoken
a vibration of air in the bronchial that is word or speaking in a loud voice, would
transmitted into the chest wall, This is the indicate that there is an obstruction on the
Fremitus sound tracheobronchial tree.
- Once you palpate it the normal
findings should be symmetric and ● Unequal chest expansion can occur with
easily identified in the upper region decreased chest excursion - COPD,

- As you go along in the lower, it would ● There should also be a proper understanding
diminish the reason is the higher the when the client is speaking, so a proper
position of your hands the closer to assessment can be done.
vibrations, because it is closer to - Because it may create false results and it
the lungs. would lead into false intervention that would
- But if it is farther from the lungs it be formulated on the patients.
would diminish, because of distant the ● Those are the abnormal findings.
region from the lungs and these are
your fremitus

Percussion For Tone

30:18 mins/sec



● Symmetric and easily identified in the upper

region which is the bronchi.

● If the fremitus is not palpated on either side

the patient may need to speak louder.

● A decrease in intensities of intensities from

Fremitus is Normal, because as you go along
the lower and farther you are from the lungs. ● chest wall and underlying tissues into motion,
producing audible sounds and palpable
● This should remain symmetric for bilateral
vibrations. Percussion helps to determine
whether the underlying tissues are filled with
air, fluid, or solid material.

● Percussion for tone always starts in the apis

ABNORMAL FINDINGS ON THE ASSESSMENT or the apices of the scapula or the
“acromion” in the same manner as for the
other side.
● Upon palpation it has Unequal Fremitus result
in consolation. - It should be an outward manner
- The consolidation in the lungs means
that the lungs are accumulated by air. ● In percussion use the index finger and middle
finger. Percuss both shoulders on the
intercostal spaces across down and start
comparing the sides, and the reason why it ➢ ask the patient to remove its clothing
should start from left to right as to compare to expose the posterior or anterior
the other parts. aspects of the patient's thorax.

● It would determine abnormal findings in any ➢ And by this you would begin to place
lateral aspect of the posterior thorax. the diaphragm in the stethoscope.

➢ If it is on inspecting the thyroid we use

the bell since it is a large organ, use
Assessing The Tone the diaphragm, and directly put the
diaphragm on the posterior chest wall
NORMAL FINDINGS of the apex.

● Resonance - Normal lung tone 40:32 mins/sec

➢ resonance is when we do your ● You should know that you are in the apex on
percussion it is a normal lung tissue the posterior chest wall or go to cervical 7 or
C7 on the spinal cord to clarify.
● Excursion - Equally bilateral
● Once you locate the C7, it is about the
anacosta chest wall.

ABNORMAL FINDINGS ON THE ASSESSMENT ● When we do the auscultation for the breath
OF THE TONE sounds we should make the patients
comfortable, and alert for any signs of
● Hyper Resonance - trapped air distress
➢ It means that the patient may have ● Take Note if the patient has any problems
emphysema. with the procedure because we need to
expose the posterior and back of the patient.
● Dullness - fluid or solid tissues that replaces
the lungs so it could be the patient is having a ➢ There are three types of normal
pleural effusion. (41:38)
1. When you do the palpation you will hear
● Tympany - a hollow drum-like sound that is
sounds louder if you're on the upper portion
produced when a gas-containing activity is
and in the lower portion would make the
tapped sharply.
sounds lower or soften in vibrations or “The
➢ It should be normally hear into the transmit of the ver bations.”
stomach 2. In auscultation of the abbreviation (B,B,V)
first B stands Bronchial and second B stands
➢ If there is tympany it could be the for bronchovesicular and the V is vesicular
patient is having pneumothorax or - It means that there is a much clearer
there is an air inside the thorax. and larger quantity of sound in the
upper portion then going to vesicular
the sound becomes lower and a
medium sound on the
Auscultating The Breath Sounds

● Assesses the airflow through the

trachea-bronchial tree. It is important to
distinguish normal respiratory sounds from Assessing the Breath Sound
abnormal ones
Three Normal Breath Sounds
● To best assess the breath sound is to use a
stethoscope with it so the breath sounds can ● Bronchial Breath Sound - The pitch of this
be directly heard. is high and the quality is harsh and hollow
because it is closer to the respiratory region.
● Never attempt to listen or auscultate if the
- The amplitude is loud
patients has clothings because sounds can
- The nearer the louder
never be heard directly,
- The duration is short during inspiration
- And long when it is during expiration
- The location is in the upper windpipe
Types of Adventitious Sound
located in your trachea and your
● Fine Crackles - are high pitch, short
- It is loud because it is closer to the
popping, short heard during inspiration and
upper portion or windpipe
not cleared with coughing.
● Bronchovesicular Breath Sound - it is in ➢ Characteristics
the middle, combination of both bronchial and - Sounds are discontinued and can be
vesicular. simulated by rolling or strand of hair between
the fingers and near the ears.
- The pitch is moderate and the quality
is mixed with harsh and breezy sound ➢ Source
- The amplitude is moderate during - Inhaled air suddenly opens in a small deflate
inspiration and expiration passage that coated a sticky with exudates
- There is short inspiration and long
expiration ➢ Associated Condition
- The location of this is at the middle of - Late in inspiration with respective diseases
the posterior scapula and anterior like pneumonia.
sternum. In your first and second
intercostal space. ● Coarse Crackles - are low pitch, there's a
bubbling moist sound that may be persistent
● Vesicular Breath Sound - The quality of the from early inspiration and early expiration.
pitch is low and it's breezy.
- The amplitude is low ➢ Characteristics
- It has long inspiration and short expiration, - It is also described as your velcro, these are
opposite to the bronchial all musical sounds.
- This is usually in the peripheral field or base
➢ Source
of the pulse.
- Usually accumulation of mucus
❖ These are the normal findings, sounds
and areas where to locate them ➢ Associated Condition
❖ If there is diminished or absent breath - The indicator of this is the patient has
sound that would indicate that there is pulmonary edema or it could be your
no air moving in or out of the lungs pulmonary fibrosis.
that is being auscultated by the
examiner. ● Pleural Friction Rub - it is a low pitch so
➢ This indicate that there could be an but there is a grunting.
➢ Some lungs as result of sucration, mucus ➢ Characteristics
plugging or forgin objects that would clog in - It's more like crackles but the friction rubs are
hearing the breath. more superficial. Crackles are very much
➢ It could also be an indicator for pleural space deep unlike the friction rub.
effusion or there is pneumothorax or fluid in ➢ Source
the thorax. - Factor is result in rubbing and there is an
➢ Hyperinflation or there is a nature of the inflammation of the pleural space because of
lungs that would basically lose its elasticity of a Pleuritis
the lungs tissue or decrease in function. - Pleuritis is you would observe that the patient
is having a friction because of the
- The purpose why lungs has spaces (plura) in
ABNORMAL FINDINGS between the ribs so that it doesn’t touch the
ribs and cause grunting
Diminished or Absent Hyperinflated Nature - It is very painful and causes discomfort for
of the Lungs Adventitious Sound the patient.

● Mainly the musical sounds that are the ● Wheezing - something like a narrowing
abnormal sounds that should not be heard. sound because of vasoconstriction. Like a
“Takure” or teapot sound.
● These sounds are the musical sounds that
would be heard upon auscultation.These are ➢ Characteristics
superimposed or over the normal breath
sounds during auscultation
- It is the high pitch musical sound primarily and Letter E should not be
heard during expiration, and can also be distinguishable upon auscultation.
heard during the inspiration stage.
- The voice transmission will be soft
- Because of the constriction, the tumor, and muffled
swelling or there is secretion there is less air
that could pass. - If the letter A is the one determine
rather than Letter E upon auscultation
➢ Source it is already an abnormal findings
- It is most like seen on asthmatic patients, and because it indicates there is lung
when there's a vasoconstriction consolidation

- Whispered Pectoriloquy - if you ask

a client to whisper the phrase 1, 2 or 3
● Stridor - are harsh hoonking wheezes while you auscultate the chest wall.
sounds. Most likely associated with
laryngospasm, one of the reasons that - These are your voice transmission
causes stridor. that is soft, muffled and indistinct
when auscultate. The sound may be
heard but the actual phrase cannot be
distinguished, so this is when you are
➢ Characteristics
going to use a stethoscope.
- Low pitch, snoring and moaning
- Primarily during expiration - Normal Findings is Transmission of
- This type of condition is life threatening the sound is really faint and muffled
because it would impede the clearance of and it may be inaudible at times.
airway clearance of the patient
- This is a consolidation, or there is
➢ Source compression that the sound is
- It could be an inflammation of the bronchial, transmitter clearly and distinctly in
which is dangerous. areas of the client it also signifies that
- It's like air hunger or like the patient is there is a lung consolidation
breathless from running a marathon.
➢ Associated Condition POSTERIOR ASPECT
- Eq. allergy attack, which causes inflammation
and swelling. likely associated with
Assessing on The Anterior Thorax

Auscultate the Voice Sound

1. Bronchophony - “kung Broncho only of

course anything that starts with bronx naa
siya sa taas” you would ask the client to
repeat the word and say 99
- Abnormal Findings of bronchophony
is the word 99 can easily be easily
understood and it is very loud ● Observe the condition of the skin and inspect
- The normal should be cannot be the chest for deformities, asymmetry, and
distinguished respiratory movement. Next, palpate the
- If you determine that there is a very chest to locate any areas of tenderness or to
loud transmission of voice this means assess any lesions or abnormalities . Then,
that the patient may be having a lung assess chest expansion.
2. Egophony - if you want the client to listen for ● Always start the inspection at the shape and
the “E sound” in the chest wall. configuration, in the posterior and anterior it's
just the same manner and principle on
- Normal Findings The voice distinguishing normal from abnormal findings.
transmission will be soft and muffled
● Lung condition that causes shortness of

● increase in the anterior posterior diameter of

● Anteroposterior Dm Less Than
the chest wall resembling the shape of a
● The Transverse Dm (1 : 2) Anterior Posterior barrel
to Transverse should be 1 is to 2 that is the
● Retraction Not Observed SOUNDS

● Rib Slope Downward, rib should not be Pectus Excavatum

sloping in a 90 Degrees Costal Angle

● Patient should be Relaxed, Effortless

● No Accessory Muscles Is Used

Lung Consolidation

● There should be no Air, Fluid or Blood

● There should be no pus in the lungs for it

because lung consolidation is the ● sunken sternum or funnel chest, it is inherited
accumulation of fluid and that is your pleural or could start to form the birth.
● It doesn’t cause any harm to the patient but it
● If there is air that is your pneumothorax causes self-consciousness
● When there is blood that is your hemothorax ● It is a congenital chest wall deformity in which
several ribs and the sternum grow
● And if there is pus or “nana” this is your pyro
abnormally, producing a concave, or caved-in
thorax and that would cause a long
appearance in the anterior chest wall.

Abnormal Findings on
Assessing the Breath Sounds
Pectus Carinatum

● Breast bone protrudes in an outward position

● An abnormal size in the anterior, posterior
which should 1 is to 2 is what we call ● This is your forward protrusion of the sternum
hyperinflation or hyper inflamed that is what causing an adjacent rib to slow backward
we call your barrel chest
● Often this is also referred to as your pigeon’s
● Ribs appear to be horizontal that angle chest.
greater than 45 degrees, that is the cause of
emphysema and commonly seen with a
barrel chest
● One of the complications of one of the
Abnormal Findings on
Assessing the Breath Sounds categories of C or COPD is your emphysema
aside from the bronchitis this is the cause of
Barrel Chest barrel chest

● Configuration results in a more horizontal

position and coastal angle or more than 90
degree, or there is a hyperinflation.

● Commonly if a patient is a smoker and

develops COPD (Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disorder)

Breathing Patterns

Abnormal Findings on Assessing the Breath Sounds

Pattern Condition Description

Eupnoea ● Normal Breathing Rate And


● Normal respiratory rate of an

adult is 12 to 20 breath per

● The patient is relaxed and not

using any accessories muscles

Tachypnoea ● Increase Respiratory Rate

● Above the normal rate of 12 to

20 breath per minute ex. 22 bpr
and Above

● A 21 bpr is the borderline so it is

not included

Bradypnoea ● Decreased Respiratory Rate

● Anything that is below 10 bpr

● Breathing is deep and shallow

Apnoea ● Absence of breathing

● Rapid and shallow breathing

Hyperpnoea ● Increased Depth And Rate Of


Cheyne - ● Gradual Increases And

Stokes Decreases In Respirations With
Periods Of Apnoea

Biot’s ● Abnormal Breathing Pattern

With Groups/Clusters Of Rapid
Respiration Of Equal Depth And
Regular Apnoea Periods

● For three seconds or two

seconds the breathing is Within
the same rate the same depth
and the same manner and

● usually these are individuals

who are having your infections

Kussmaul’s ● Tachypnoea And Hyperpnoea

● Most likely seen in a patient who

are having respiratory disorder
and a patient having a
deficiency in iron

Apneustic ● Prolonged Inspiratory Phase

With A Prolonged Expiratory

● here is also a period of the

sensation of breathing within a

Percussing for Tone

is elicit over the normal

● It would determine abnormal findings tissues.
in any lateral aspect of the posterior - And determine for hyper
thorax. resources, which is elicit in
case of air trapping, dullness,
● In the apices, which is above the pleural effusion or tumor.
clavicle, in a downward motion

- Same manner in the

posterior thorax, start from ● Auscultate for Breath sounds,
the left to right and going to Adventitious Sounds and Voice
the opposite direction Sound.
- So that you would determine
the resonance and tone that

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