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CAS-Interview 2

What has been the most enjoyable and beneficial for you thus far
in CAS?
The Banana Cake which I baked and gave a surprise to my family,
that day I felt myself really enjoyed. It was the day when I started
cooking, since then I’ve fallen in love with cooking. That day I and
my brother planned to give a surprise. So we planned to cook
something new, my brother suggested to make a banana cake. I
started to cook and accidentally I poured salt instead of sugar in the
dough but later changed it. My brother literally laughed at me. As
such I did many things wrong but my brother helped me. I and my
brother enjoyed a lot while cooking. After cooking, I gave a surprise
to my family, they were shocked and indeed very happy to know my
cooking skills. Since then I’ve got to know how to cook. Cooking is a
very good skill, because if there is no one at home and you are alone,
and you have nowhere to go, then you must know how to cook. So,
Cooking helps us in our difficult times.

What do you hope to achieve most from CAS? How can you do
CAS enables us to grow as unique individuals through experiential
learning, and to understand that we are members of local and global
communities with responsibilities towards each other and the
environment. Creativity exploring and extending ideas leading to an
original or interpretive product or performance.

What have been the biggest challenges for your CAS involvement,
and how have you overcome them?
The biggest challenge for me has been in one of my CAS projects that
is “Teaching my maid’s child English”. In the first class, I thought she
would be knowing at least the Alphabets of English. But it was not
the case, she didn’t even know what English is. So, it took 1month to
teach her the basic alphabets. This was the biggest challenge for me
so far, and also another challenge is I didn’t have any experience on
teaching, so I found it difficult to teach her and make her understand
my point of view.

What have you learned from your involvement in CAS?

I’ve learned a lot from CAS. I learnt how to work for the community
and with the community. CAS helped me go to the people, understand
their problems and solve them. With CAS, I started myself to engage
with the nature and found many ways how to preserve it. With
deforestation increasing day by day, with the help of CAS, I
encouraged myself to plant as many trees as I can and stop

In what ways have your CAS experiences, including your project,

assisted you in achieving one or more learning outcome?
I believe that with my CAS projects I have started to improve my
commitment to a particular work. The way I have started focusing on
my CAS projects has been changing a lot. Because of my
commitment on CAS projects, I’ve improved myself on all projects of
my subjects. Another achievement I think is that I identified my own
strength while teaching my maid’s child. I thought if I could teach one
child, then I can make some difference to this world by teaching more
of them who do not have money to study and buy books.

Outline a skill that you have strengthened or developed from

engaging in a CAS experience.
The skill I think that I have developed or strengthened is facing a
challenge. With no idea on how to teach, I have taught my maid Basic
English. I taught her English alphabets and how to read and write. In
the first 10 days of teaching, I had no idea what to teach and where to
start first. But facing the challenge I improved myself and I got some
idea about teaching.

What difficulty has been hardest to overcome? Where might you

need support at this time?
The hardest thing I’ve faced in CAS is with the project “Planting
Trees”. The difficulty I’m facing is to make a good group. For
planting trees I need a group of people to help me, I alone can’t plant
trees. I need a group, with that group I might make others understand
the importance of trees and the advantages of planting it. This has
been the hardest difficulty for me so far.

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