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1. The scope and Nature of Journalism.

— Journalism is a term utilized for the job or profession of a journalist, and a journalist is the individual
who is responsible for gathering, creating, preparing, and delivering or distributing the information or
report that is based on facts. Journalism is the reporting of events in various settings; it may be at the
local, provincial, national, and international levels. Reporting obviously encompasses the gathering of
different relevant information about an event through interviewing and thorough research, so the
information must be credible and reliable for the readers or viewers to believe. The results of the
interview are turned into an unbiased story for publication, for television or radio broadcast, or for any
other means of reporting.

2. Journalism vs. Literature

— Journalism is about gathering, creating, preparing, utilizing, and delivering information to the public
to give them the newest and most relevant happenings in their place or country. It is all about facts and
an unbiased way of creating a story for publication, television, or radio broadcast. Meanwhile, literature
is about creating a literary piece in which the author has the license to create it in a creative way and
may not utilize factual information to entertain. Moreover, journalism aims to inform, while literature
aims to inspire, entertain, and express one's own emotions and feelings about something relevant or
even irrelevant. Journalism is a term for the profession of journalist, while literature is a term for those
individuals who are passionate about writing and reading literary pieces. 

3. Tenets of Journalism

— The tenets of journalism are the things that a journalist should abide by in order to do justice to the
profession they are practicing. From my viewpoint, here are some tenets of journalism that I think are
pivotal: Journalism should be ethical, accurate, and fair. Journalists must practice honesty whenever
they are gathering, reporting, and interpreting information so they won't be biased. Being biased in the
field of journalism is a mortal sin. Journalists should consider numerous reliable sources when they are
gathering information, and they should give proper credit to the owner of a certain piece of information
to avoid plagiarism. Journalists should respect their respondents, especially if they are asking about
things that are too confidential. They should also avoid and refuse favors, special treatment, and
political and other activities that may compromise their integrity and damage their credibility. And lastly,
journalists should acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently.

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