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Department of Arts & Sciences & Teacher

RED 107
Charito Acena, 47 years old, female
According to my aunt, her challenges was she was feeling envious, lonely at times.
Envious because she also want to have a family of her own. A husband that takes care of her, a
child whom she could raise just like her sibling does. She said that it sucks to be single,
especially when everyone in your group of friends is already taken, and you can’t help but feel
like you’re way behind in love, or life in general. It’s upsetting when the world thinks it’s funny to
put walking love birds in front of your eyes wherever you go, and you can’t help but look the
other way because the view only triggers your loneliness. It’s depressing whenever you scroll
through your social media during the times that you’re so tired and you can’t help but come
across with photographs that have captions,
My aunt said this is how she coped with being single, these were her reply to my
question, being single is having the freedom to do what you want when you want. It’s having the
ability to focus on yourself, to focus on your career and your personal goals. Being single is
finding the strength within yourself to be happy on your own. To force yourself to find happiness
in who you are as an individual. To know how to laugh by yourself and feel content. To know
how to smile to yourself alone in a cafe. To know how to live your life. Without leaning on
anyone else. Being single is enjoying free time with your amazing friends. It’s feeling the joy of
having great and nourishing friendships around you. It’s finding comfort and solace in the
connections you make with new people along the way. It’s feeling perfectly blissful staying in on
a Friday night with a few of your best friends, just talking about life. Being single is taking care of
yourself. It’s making time to exercise or to take a quiet walk when it’s nice outside. It’s taking the
time for yourself when you need to. It’s knowing when to go and knowing when to stop. Being
single is feeling lonely and confused one night and the next day calling your girlfriends to talk
about it. It’s tearing up thinking about past loves, but then realizing that you have yourself. It’s
having and experiencing ups and downs. But it’s empowering as hell.

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