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Para el modelo de la figura, determine las ecuciones de movimento a partir de la
posición de equilibrio

G θ+

l π l π
ΣMo = - m g Sinθ + +mg Sin - θ
2 4 2 4
Io = 2 m l2
Ec1 = ΣMo ⩵ Io α
1 π 1 π
g l m Sin - θ - g l m Sin + θ
2 4 2 4
2 l2 m
1 π 1 π 2
g l m Sin - θ - g l m Sin + θ ⩵ l2 m α
2 4 2 4 3

Ec1t = Ec1 /. θ → θ[t] /. α → θ ''[t]

1 π 1 π 2
g l m Sin - θ[t] - g l m Sin + θ[t] ⩵ l2 m θ′′ [t]
2 4 2 4 3
2 Clase 20150825.nb

Ec1t // TrigExpand
g l m Sin[θ[t]] 2
- ⩵ l2 m θ′′ [t]
2 3

DSolve[Ec1t, θ[t], t]
2 g l m Sin[θ[t]]
DSolve l2 m θ′′ [t] + ⩵ 0, θ[t], t
3 2
Solve::ifun :
Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information. 

θ[t] →
- 2 JacobiAmplitude  3 2 g t2 + 2 l t2 C[1] + 6 2 g t C[2] + 4 l t C[1]
2 2 l
6 2 g
C[2] + 3 2 g C[2]2 + 2 l C[1] C[2]2 , ,
3 2 g + 2 l C[1]
θ[t] → 2 JacobiAmplitude  3 2 g t2 + 2 l t2 C[1] + 6 2 g t C[2] +
2 2 l
6 2 g
4 l t C[1] C[2] + 3 2 g C[2]2 + 2 l C[1] C[2]2 , 
3 2 g + 2 l C[1]

Solve::ifun :
Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information. 

θ[t] →
- 2 JacobiAmplitude  3 2 g t2 + 2 l t2 C[1] + 6 2 g t C[2] + 4 l t C[1]
2 2 l
6 2 g
C[2] + 3 2 g C[2]2 + 2 l C[1] C[2]2 , ,
3 2 g + 2 l C[1]
θ[t] → 2 JacobiAmplitude  3 2 g t2 + 2 l t2 C[1] + 6 2 g t C[2] +
2 2 l
6 2 g
4 l t C[1] C[2] + 3 2 g C[2]2 + 2 l C[1] C[2]2 , 
3 2 g + 2 l C[1]

2 g l m Sin[θ[t]]
Ec1tl = l2 m θ′′ [t] + ⩵ 0 /. Sin[θ[t]] → θ[t]
3 2
g l m θ[t] 2
+ l2 m θ′′ [t] ⩵ 0
2 3

DSolve[Ec1tl, θ[t], t]
3 g t 3 g t
θ[t] → C[1] Cos  + C[2] Sin 
23/4 l 23/4 l
Clase 20150825.nb 3

m = 1;
l = 1;
g = 9.81;
θ0 = ;
θp0 = 0;

2 g l m Sin[θ[t]]
DSolve l2 m θ′′ [t] + ⩵ 0, θ[t], t
3 2
g l m θ[t] 2
DSolve + l2 m θ′′ [t] ⩵ 0, θ[t], t
2 3

Solve::ifun :
Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information. 

θ[t] → - 2. JacobiAmplitude0.5 √ 20.8102 t2 + t2 C[1] + 41.6203 t C[2] +

2. t C[1] C[2] + 20.8102 C[2]2 + C[1] C[2]2 , ,
20.8102 + C[1]
θ[t] → 2. JacobiAmplitude0.5 √ 20.8102 t2 + t2 C[1] + 41.6203 t C[2] +
2. t C[1] C[2] + 20.8102 C[2]2 + C[1] C[2]2 , 
20.8102 + C[1]

{{θ[t] → 1. C[1] Cos[3.22569 t] + 1. C[2] Sin[3.22569 t]}}

sol1 =
2 g l m Sin[θ[t]]
NDSolve l2 m θ′′ [t] + ⩵ 0, θ[0] ⩵ θ0, θ '[0] ⩵ θp0, θ[t], {t, - 1, 20}
3 2
2 g l m θ[t]
sol2 = DSolve l2 m θ′′ [t] + ⩵ 0, θ[0] ⩵ θ0, θ '[0] ⩵ θp0, θ[t], t
3 2
{{θ[t] → InterpolatingFunction[{{- 1., 20.}}, <>][t]}}

{{θ[t] → 0.392699 Cos[3.22569 t]}}

θ1 = θ[t] /. sol1[[1]]
θ2 = θ[t] /. sol2[[1]]

InterpolatingFunction[{{- 1., 20.}}, <>][t]

0.392699 Cos[3.22569 t]
4 Clase 20150825.nb

Plot[{θ1, θ2}, {t, 0, 20},

PlotStyle → {Red, {Blue, Dashed}}, AxesLabel → {"t[seg]", "x[m]"}]


5 10 15 20


Clase 20150825.nb 5

Entre la solución exacta (no lineal) y la solución no exacta (lienalizado) se

euncuentra una pequeña difrencia en el comportamiento. A menor ángulo inicial,
las solucones se parecen más.
m = 1;
l = 1;
g = 9.81;
θp0 = 0;
sol1 = NDSolve
2 g l m Sin[θ[t]]
 l2 m θ′′ [t] + ⩵ 0, θ[0] ⩵ θ0, θ '[0] ⩵ θp0, θ[t], {t, - 1, 20};
3 2
2 g l m θ[t]
sol2 = DSolve l2 m θ′′ [t] + ⩵ 0, θ[0] ⩵ θ0, θ '[0] ⩵ θp0, θ[t], t;
3 2
θ1 = θ[t] /. sol1[[1]];
θ2 = θ[t] /. sol2[[1]];
Plot[{θ1, θ2}, {t, 0, 20},
PlotStyle → {Red, {Blue, Dashed}}, AxesLabel → {"t[seg]", "x[m]"}]

, θ0, 0, 





5 10 15 20



◼ The variable phi (also denoted am (u, k)) used in elliptic functions and elliptic
integrals is called the amplitude (or Jacobi amplitude).It can be defined by
ϕ = am (u, k) (1)
=  dn (u', k) du' (2)
6 Clase 20150825.nb

where dn (u, k) is a Jacobi elliptic function with

elliptic modulus. As is common with Jacobi elliptic functions,
the modulus k is often suppressed for conciseness. The Jacobi
amplitude is the inverse function of the elliptic integral of the
first kind.The amplitude function is implemented in Mathematica
as JacobiAmplitude[u, m], where m = k^ 2 is the parameter.

Plot3D[JacobiAmplitude[x, y], {x, - 4, 4}, {y, - 4, 4}]

ContourPlot[JacobiAmplitude[x, y], {x, - 4, 4}, {y, - 4, 4}]



-4 -2 0 2 4

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