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IEC 61439-2

Edition 3.0 2020-07


Low-voltage sw itchgear and controlgear assem blies -

Part 2: Power sw itchgear and controlgear assemblies
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I EC IEC 61439-2
Edition 3.0 2020-07


Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assem blies -

Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assem blies


ICS 29.130.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-8587-9

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- 2 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020


FOREW ORD................................................................................................................................................ 3
1 S cope......................................................................................................................................................5
2 Normative re fe re n c e s ......................................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms and d e fin itio n s ......................................................................................................................... 6
4 Symbols and abbreviations................................................................................................................9
5 Interface c h a ra c te ris tic s .....................................................................................................................9
6 In form a tion .......................................................................................................................................... 10
7 Service co n d itio n s ..............................................................................................................................11
8 Constructional requirem ents............................................................................................................11
9 Performance re q u ire m e n ts .............................................................................................................. 14
10 Design ve rifica tio n ............................................................................................................................. 15
11 Routine verifica tion ............................................................................................................................ 19
A n n e x e s ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Annex AA (inform ative) Items subject to agreement between the PSC-assembly
m anufacturer and the u s e r......................................................................................................................23
Annex BB (inform ative) Forms of internal separation (see 8 .1 0 1 )................................................ 27
Annex CC (inform ative) Determining power loss by measurement for circuits
exceeding 1600 A in a reference d e s ig n ............................................................................................. 32
Annex DD (inform ative) Assemblies for use in photovoltaic in s ta lla tio n s ................................... 34
Annex EE (inform ative) Items subject to agreement between the photovoltaic
assembly (PVA) m anufacturer and the u s e r....................................................................................... 43
Annex FF (inform ative) Design verification (PVA o n ly )................................................................... 47
Annex GG (inform ative) List of notes concerning certain countries................................................49
B ibliography................................................................................................................................................50

Figure BB.1 - Symbols used in Figures BB.2, BB.3 and B B .4 ....................................................... 27

Figure BB.2 - Forms 1 and 2 ................................................................................................................. 29
Figure BB.3 - Form 3 ............................................................................................................................... 30
Figure BB.4 - Form 4 ................................................................................................................................31
Figure CC.1 - Power loss m easurem ent............................................................................................. 33
Figure DD.101 - Indicative arrangement of radiant heat lamps for tem perature-rise test
with simulated solar radiation................................................................................................................. 41

Table 101 - Values of assumed loading.............................................................................................. 19

Table 102 - Test voltages across the open contacts of equipment suitable for isolation..........19
Table 103 - Electrical conditions for the different positions of withdrawable p a rts .................... 20
Table 104 - Forms of internal separation............................................................................................ 21
Table AA.1 - Items subject to agreement between the PSC-assembly manufacturer
and the u s e r .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Table DD.101 - Solar radiation co n d itio n s..........................................................................................38
Table EE.1 - Items subject to agreement between the PVA m anufacturer and the u s e r...... 43
Table FF.1 - List of design verifications to be performed on PVA................................................. 47
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 3-



Part 2: P o w er s w itc h g e a r and c o n tro lg e a r ass em b lies

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International Standard IEC 61439-2 has been prepared by subcommittee 121B: Low-voltage
switchgear and controlgear assemblies, of IEC technical committee 121: Switchgear and
controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage.

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2011. It constitutes a
technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous

a) addition of Annexes DD, EE and FF for assemblies for use in photovoltaic installation;
b) clarification of the requirements for forms of internal separation and the addition of the
requirement, when the form of separation is higher than 1, all parts within the functional
unit com partm ent that remain live when the functional unit is switched off shall be
protected to at least IPXXB;
c) alignm ent with the structure of IEC 61439-1:2020;
-4 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

d) addition of tem perature-rise verification for; (i) tem perature-rise verification of assemblies
with natural cooling and circuits rated above 1 600 A by a com bination of comparison with
a reference design and calculation, and; (ii) tem perature-rise verification of assemblies
with active cooling and rated currents up to 1 600 A.
e) consideration of IP with active cooling.

The text of this document is based on the following documents:

F D IS R eport on voting

1 2 1 B /1 0 4 /F D IS 1 2 1 B /1 0 9 /R V D

Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in
the report on voting indicated in the above table.

This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

In this document, general terms and definitions are defined in Clause 3. Further terms and
definitions specific to Annex DD are given in this annex to facilitate easier reading.

The reader's attention is drawn to the fact that Annex GG lists all the “in-som e-country"
clauses on differing practices of a less permanent nature relating to the subject of this

This document is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61439-1:2020. The provisions of the
general rules dealt with in IEC 61439-1 are only applicable to this document insofar as they
are specifically cited. When this document states “addition” , “m odification” or “replacem ent”,
the relevant text in IEC 61439-1 is to be adapted accordingly.

Subclauses that are numbered with a 101 (102, 103, etc.) suffix are additional to the same
subclause in IEC 61439-1.

Tables and figures in this document that are new are numbered starting with 101.

New annexes in this document are lettered AA, BB, etc.

In this document, the term PSC-assembly is defined in 3.1.101.

N O T E Throughout the IE C 6 1 4 3 9 series of stand ards, th e term assem bly (s ee 3 .1 .1 of IE C 6 1 4 3 9 -1 :2 0 2 0 ) is used

for a lo w -vo ltag e sw itch gear and co ntrolgear assem bly.

A list of all parts of the IEC 61439 series, under the general title Low-voltage sw itchgear and
controlgear assem blies can be found on the IEC website.

The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "http://w” in the data related to
the specific document. At this date, the document will be

• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 5-


Part 2: P o w er s w itc h g e a r and c o n tro lg e a r ass em b lies

1 Scope

This part of IEC 61439 defines the specific requirements for the power switchgear and
controlgear assembly (abbreviated ‘PSC-assem bly’ throughout this document see 3.1.101) as

• assemblies for which the rated voltage does not exceed 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC;
• assemblies designed for a nominal frequency of the incoming supply or supplies not
exceeding 1 000 Hz;

N O T E 1 F req uen cies ab ove 1 kH z are considered as high freq uen cies, se e also IE C 6 0 6 6 4 -1 :2 0 0 7 , 5 .3 .3 .2 .5
to ta ke into accou nt additional constraints to insulation coordination.

• assemblies intended for indoor and outdoor applications;

• stationary or movable assemblies with or without enclosures;
• assemblies intended for use in connection with the generation, transmission, distribution
and conversion of electrical energy, and for the control of equipm ent consuming electrical
energy and for associated data processing;
• assemblies designed for use under special service conditions, for example in ships and in
rail vehicles, provided that the other relevant specific requirements are complied with;

NO TE 2 S up plem en tary requ irem ents for assem blies in ships are co vered by IE C 6 0 0 9 2 -3 0 2 -2 .

This document also applies to assemblies for use in photovoltaic installations, designated as
photovoltaic assemblies (PVA). The particular characteristics, specific service conditions and
the requirem ents for PVA’s are included in Annexes DD, EE and FF.

This document provides supplem entary requirements for PSC-assemblies intended for use as
part of the electrical equipm ent of machines and can be applied in addition to the
requirements given in IEC 60204-1.

This document applies to all assemblies whether they are designed, manufactured and
verified on a one-off basis or fully standardised and manufactured in quantity.

The manufacture and/or assembly can be carried out by an entity other than the original
m anufacturer (see 3.10.1 of IEC 61439-1:2020).

This document does not apply to individual devices, for example, circuit-breakers, fuse
switches and self-contained components such as, motor starters, power electronic converter
systems and equipment (PECS), switch mode power supplies (SMPS), uninterruptable power
supplies (UPS), basic drive modules (BDM), complete drive modules (CDM), adjustable speed
power drives systems (PDS), stand-alone energy storage systems (battery and capacitor
systems), and other electronic equipment which comply with their relevant product standards.
This document describes their integration into a PSC-assembly or an empty enclosure used
as a part of a PSC-assembly.

For some applications, such as, explosive atmospheres, functional safety, there may be a
need to comply with the requirements of other standards or legislation in addition to those
specified in the IEC 61439 series.
- 6 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

This document does not apply to the specific types of assemblies covered by other parts of
IEC 61439. For assemblies not covered by other parts, this part applies.

Unless local legislation details additional requirements, equipment within the scope of this
document, which complies with this document, is deemed to meet essential safety
requirements. This includes fully verified specifier options, for example user choice of
protection against accidental contact with hazardous live parts of IPXXB or IP3XD. Where
special requirem ents are agreed between the user and manufacturer, that are not fully
specified within this document, for example, (i) part of the assembly is outside the scope of
this document, (ii) exceptional vibration is present at the place of installation, (iii) exceptional
voltage variations occur in service, or (iv) possible adverse effects from sonic or ultrasonic
sources, a risk assessment and/or additional or more severe verifications may be required to
demonstrate that the essential safety requirem ents have been fulfilled.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.

Clause 2 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable in addition to the following:


IEC 60204-1:2016, Safety o f m achinery - Electrical equipm ent o f m achines - Part 1: General

IEC 60947-3:2008, Low-voltage sw itchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors,

switch-disconnectors and fuse-com bination units
IEC 60947-3:2008/AMD1:2012
IEC 60947-3:2008/AM D2:2015

IEC 61140:2016, Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installation and

IEC 61439-1:2020, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assem blies - Part 1: General

IEC 62262:2002, Degrees o f protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment

against external m echanical im pacts (IK code)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 61439-1:2020 and
the following apply.

ISO and IEC maintain term inological databases for use in standardization at the following

• IEC Electropedia: available at

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at

Clause 3 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable, except as follows.

IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -7 -

3.1 General terms

A dditional terms and definitions:

p o w er sw itch g ea r and con tro lg ea r assembly
PS C -assem bly
assembly used to distribute and control electrical energy for all types of loads, intended for
industrial, commercial and sim ilar applications where operation by ordinary persons is not

N ote 1 to entry: It is not excluded for a P S C -a s s e m b ly to be located in an are a ac cessible to ordinary persons.

test situation
condition of a PSC-assembly or part of it in which the relevant main circuits are open on its
supply side but not necessarily isolated w hilst the associated auxiliary circuits are connected,
allowing operational tests of the incorporated device(s)

form of internal separation
classification of physical separation within a PSC-assembly

(electric) actuator
device that produces a specified movement when excited by an electric signal

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-151:2001, 151-13-49]

distribution circuit
electric circuit supplying one or more distribution boards

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-826:2004, 826-14-02]

final circuit
electric circuit intended to supply directly electric current to current using equipment or socket

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-826:2004, 826-14-03]

3.2 Constructional units o f assem blies

Replacement o f the title:

3.2 Constructional units o f PSC -assem blies

Additional terms and definitions:

w ith d raw ab le part
removable part intended to be moved from the connected position to the isolated position and
to a test position, if any, whilst remaining mechanically attached to the PSC-assembly
-8 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

test position
position of a withdrawable part in which the relevant main circuits are open on its supply side
but not necessarily isolated and in which the auxiliary circuits are connected allowing
operation tests of the incorporated device(s), the withdrawable part remaining m echanically
attached to the PSC-assembly

N ote 1 to entry: T h e opening can also be achieved without any m ech anical m ovem en t o f the w ithdraw able part by
operation of a suitab le device.

isolated position
position of a withdrawable part in which an isolating distance is established in main and
auxiliary circuits on its supply side, the withdrawable part remaining mechanically attached to
the PSC-assembly

N ote 1 to entry: Th e isolating distance can also be estab lish ed without an y m ech anical m ovem ent of the
w ithdraw able part by o p eratio n of a suitab le d e vice, e .g . a disconnector in ac co rd a n ce with IE C 6 0 9 4 7 -3 .

isolating dis tance
clearance between open contacts of withdrawable parts meeting the safety requirements
specified for disconnectors

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-441:2000, 441-17-35, modified - The context information has been
moved to after contacts and changed.]

3.4 Structural parts of assem blies


active cooling
use of equipment mounted on or within the assembly, installed to reduce or control the
assem bly’s internal air tem perature during normal operation, which requires energization to

N ote 1 to entry: E xam ples include fans, internal air conditioning, h eat exchangers, etc.

p ressure relief flap
mechanical com ponent provided to lim it the pressure rise in case of internal arc-faults

A dditional terms and definitions:

3.101 Electrical connections of functional units

discon n ectab le connection
connection which is connected or disconnected by manual operation of the connecting means
without a tool

w ith d raw able connection
connection which is connected or disconnected by bringing the functional unit into the
connected or isolated position
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -9 -

3.102 G angw ays within PSC-assem blies

operating g an g w ay within a PS C -assem bly
space to be used by the operator for the proper operation and supervision of the PSC-

m ain ten an ce gangway within a PS C -assem bly
space which is accessible to authorized personnel only and prim arily intended for use when
servicing the installed equipment

3.103 Location

location with restricted access
location accessible for all persons who are permitted to have access to the location (e.g.
private housing, private parking areas or sim ilar places)

location with n on -restricted access
location accessible for all persons, e.g. the access is given in a public area

4 Symbols and abbreviations

Clause 4 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable.

5 Interface characteristics

Clause 5 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable, except as follows.

5.1 General


The characteristics of the PSC-assembly shall ensure com patibility with the ratings of the
circuits to which it is connected and the installation conditions. These characteristics shall be
declared by the PSC-assembly m anufacturer using the criteria identified in 5.2 to 5.6 of
IEC 61439-1:2020, as amended by this document.

The specification schedule detailed in the inform ative Annex AA is intended to help the user
and the PSC-assembly m anufacturer to meet this objective, whether the user:

- selects catalogue products, the characteristics of which meet their needs, and the
requirements of this document; and/or,
- makes a specific agreement with the manufacturer.

NOTE A nn ex A A also relates to the topics d e a lt with in C lau ses 6 and 7.

In some cases, inform ation provided by the PSC-assembly manufacturer may take the place
of an agreement.

5.3.3 Group rated current of a main circuit ( / ng)


For further information on the assumed loading of the outgoing circuits, see 5.4.
-1 0 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

5.4 Rated diversity fac to r (RDF)


In the absence of an agreement between the assembly manufacturer and the user concerning
the actual load currents, the assumed loading of the outgoing circuits of the assembly or
group of outgoing circuits may be based on the values in Table 101.

For a motor or electric actuator circuit, the assumed load current is the rated current of the
motor multiplied with the loading factor of Table 101. If only the rated voltage and rated power
of the motor is provided, then the rated current of the motor can be taken from
IEC 60947-4-1:2018, Annex G.

For all other distribution and final circuits, it is assumed load current is the rated current of the
protective device, / n, as required by the user, multiplied with the loading factor of Table 101.

5.6 O th er characteristics

Replacement of item f):

f) degree of protection against contact with hazardous live parts, ingress of solid foreign
bodies and water, IP code (See 8.2.2 of IEC 61439-1:2020), including the degree of
protection for any distinct positions for removable and withdrawable parts;

Replacem ent o f item g):

g) intended for use by electrically skilled, competent or instructed persons (see 3.7.13,
3.7.14 and 3.7.15 of IEC 61439-1:2020);

Replacem ent o f item I):

I) type of construction - fixed, removable or withdrawable parts (see 8.5.1 of

IEC 61439-1:2020 and 8.5.2);


aa) form of internal separation and associated degree of protection(s), IP code (see 8.101);
bb) types of electrical connections of functional units (see 8.5.101);
cc) mounting orientation (horizontal, vertical, etc.) if the assembly can be mounted in
different positions from vertical.

6 Information

Clause 6 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable, except as follows.

6.1 A ss em bly designation marking

Replacem ent o f the title and item g):

6.1 P S C -assem b ly designation marking

g) IEC 61439-2;
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 11 -

6.2.2 Instructions for handling, installation, operation and maintenance


A PSC-assembly that can be energized from more than one source shall carry a warning label
indicating that the assembly is energized from more than one source, and that parts inside the
assembly can still be live unless all supplies are isolated.

7 Service conditions

Clause 7 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable.

8 Constructional requirements

Clause 8 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable, except as follows.

8.1.1 General


For assemblies intended to be used for machines, the requirements given in 11.4 of
IEC 60204-1:2016 shall apply.

8.2 Degree of protection provided by an assem bly enclosure

Replacem ent o f the title:

8.2 Degree of protection provided by a PS C -assem bly enclosure

8.2.1 Protection against m echanical impact (IK code)

Replacem ent o f text:

Where a degree of protection (IK code) provided by a PSC-assembly enclosure against

mechanical impact is declared by the original manufacturer, this shall be verified in
accordance with 10.2.6.

NO TE It is not m and ato ry for the m anu facturer to declare an IK code.

A dditional subclause:

8.2.101 PS C -assem bly with w ith d raw ab le parts

The degree of protection (IP code) indicated for PSC-assemblies normally applies to the
connected position (see 3.2.3 of IEC 61439-1:2020) of withdrawable parts. The assembly
m anufacturer shall indicate the degree of protection (IP code) obtained in the other positions.

PSC-assemblies with withdrawable parts may be so designed that the degree of protection (IP
code) applying to the connected position is also maintained in the test and in isolated

If, after the removal of a withdrawable part, it is not possible to maintain the original degree of
protection (e.g. by closing a door), the assembly manufacturer shall make available covers or
sim ilar to restore the original degree of protection. If these measures are not available, the IP
tests shall be carried out without the removable part in place.
-1 2 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

8.3.2 C learances


The isolating distance between the withdrawable unit's main contacts and their associated
fixed contacts in the isolated position shall be capable of withstanding the test voltage for the
declared impulse withstand voltage as specified in Table 102.

NO TE For altitu des ab ove 2 0 0 0 m, refer to IE C 6 0 6 6 4 -1 . Requirem ents for earth continuity providing protection against the
c o n seq u ences of faults within the class I assem bly

Replacem ent o f the title. Requirem ents for earth continuity providing protection against the
c o n seq u ences of faults within the class I PS C -assem bly

Replacement o f last paragraph:

When removable or withdrawable parts are equipped with a metal supporting surface that
have suitable conductivity and corrosion resistance, these surfaces shall be considered
sufficient for ensuring earth continuity, provided that the pressure exerted on them is
sufficiently high. The continuity of the exposed conductive parts of a withdrawable part shall
remain effective from the connected position to the isolated position inclusively. Devices to be operated or com po n ents to be replaced by ordinary persons

This subclause of IEC 61439-1 is not applicable. Requirem ents related to accessibility in service by authorized persons General


The most appropriate form of internal separation for a PSC-assembly is determined by the
operations to be undertaken when the assembly is energized and in service, but with
individual circuits de-energized (see 8.101).

A dditional subclause: Operating and m aintenance g angways within a PS C -assem bly

Operating and maintenance gangways (see 3.102.1 and 3.102.2) within a PSC-assembly shall
comply with the requirements for basic protection as specified in IEC 61140.

Recesses up to one metre in depth within a PSC-assembly are not considered to be


8.5.2 Rem ovable parts

Replacement o f the title:

IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -13-

8.5.2 Rem ovable and w ith d raw ab le parts

Replacem ent o f text:

The removable and withdrawable parts shall be so constructed that their electrical equipment
can be safely removed and/or isolated from or connected to the main circuit even if the circuit
is live. The removable and withdrawable parts may be provided with an insertion interlock
(see 3.2.5 of IEC 61439-1:2020).

Clearances and creepage distances (see 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 of IEC 61439-1:2020) shall be
complied with in the different positions as well as during transfer from one position to another.

A dditional subclauses: W ith d ra w ab le parts

W ithdrawable parts shall, in addition, have an isolated position (see 3.2.103) and may have a
test position (see 3.2.102), or a test situation (see 3.1.102). They shall be distinctly located in
these positions. These positions shall be clearly discernible.

In PSC-assemblies with withdrawable parts all live parts shall be protected in such a manner
that they cannot unintentionally be touched when the door, if any, is open and the
withdrawable part is withdrawn from the connected position or removed. Where an obstacle or
shutter is used they shall meet the requirements of of IEC 61439-1:2020.

For the electrical conditions associated with the different positions of withdrawable parts, see
Table 103. 02 Interlocking and padlocking of removable and w ith d raw ab le parts

A removable or withdrawable part shall be fitted with a device that ensures that it can only be
removed and inserted after its main circuit has been switched off from the load.

In order to prevent unauthorized operation, the removable and withdrawable parts or their
associated assembly location may be provided with a lockable means to secure them in one
or more of their positions.

8.5.3 Selection of switching devices and com ponents


N O T E 2 T h e stand ards with which com ponents can com ply, include, fo r ex am p le, IE C 6 0 9 4 7 (all parts),
IE C 6 0 2 6 9 (all parts), IE C 6 0 8 9 8 (all parts), IE C 6 1 0 0 8 (all parts), IE C 6 1 0 0 9 (all parts), IE C 6 2 4 2 3 , IE C 6 1 8 0 0 -5 -
1, IE C 6 1 0 1 0 -2 -2 0 1 .

Additional subclauses:

8.5.101 Description of the types of electrical connections of functional units

A functional unit can have the same or different types of electrical connection for incoming
and outgoing supplies; for example, a withdrawable connection can be used for the incoming
and fixed or disconnectable for the outgoing.

N O T E 1 P articu larly w hen m ultiple supplies are involved, the sp ecifier carries out an as sessm ent in ord er to
choose th e m ost ap prop riate co nnection.
-1 4 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

The types of electrical connections of functional units within PSC-assemblies or parts of PSC-
assemblies can be denoted by a three-letter code:

- the first letter denotes the type of electrical connection of the main incoming circuit;
- the second letter denotes the type of electrical connection of the main outgoing circuit;
- the third letter denotes the type of electrical connection of the auxiliary circuits.

The following letters shall be used:

- F for fixed connections (see 3.2.6 of IEC 61439-1:2020);

- D for disconnectable connections (see 3.101.1);
- W for withdrawable connections (see 3.101.2).

NOTE 2 This coding system relates to the capab ility to rem o ve, w ithdraw and re-in sert functional units.

8.101 Internal separation of PSC -assem blies

Typical arrangements of internal separation by barriers or partitions are described in Table

104 and are classified as forms of internal separation (for examples, see Annex BB including
Figure BB.1).

Internal separation may be used to attain one or more of the following conditions between
functional units, separate compartments or enclosed protected spaces:

- protection against contact with hazardous parts, the degree of protection shall be at least
IPXXB (see of IEC 61439-1:2020);
- protection against the passage of solid foreign bodies and contact with hazardous parts,
the degree of protection shall be at least IP2X.

Unless otherwise agreed between the user and the manufacturer, when the form of internal
separation is higher than 1, all parts within the functional unit compartment that remain live
when the functional unit is switched off shall be protected to at least IPXXB. This requirement
only applies when the removable cover or door, as used for normal access to the functional
unit, is removed or opened.

N O T E 1 Th e d egree of protection IP 2 X co vers the d e g re e of protection IP X X B . IP 2 X co vers the prevention of

entry o f solid foreign bodies and the prevention of contact with ha zard o u s parts.

N O T E 2 S ep a ra tio n can be achieved by m ean s o f partitions or barriers (m eta llic or no n-m etallic), insulation of live
parts or the integral housing o f a d e vice e .g . a m oulded c a se circu it-b reaker.

If the application requires the form of internal separation is of a higher level than provided by
the degree of protection IPXXB (IP code), it shall be specified by the user.

See of IEC 61439-1:2020 with regard to stability and durability of barriers and

See of IEC 61439-1:2020 and above with regard to accessibility for maintenance on
isolated functional units.

N O T E 3 Th e internal se paration described is not intended to g u a ra n te e th e integrity of th e assem bly in the event
o f an internal arc-fault.

9 Performance requirements

Clause 9 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable, except as follows.

IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -15-

9.3.1 General


N O T E 3 For gu idance on perform an ce of a P S C -a s s e m b ly under condition o f internal arc-faults, see

IE C T R 6 1 4 3 9 -0 . For gu idance on testing, see IE C T R 6 1 6 4 1 . For gu idance on the in tegration o f internal arc-fault
m itigation system s into P S C -asse m b lies , se e IE C T S 6 3 1 0 7 .

10 Design verification

Clause 10 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable, except as follows.

10.2.6 Verification of protection against m echanical impact (IK code)


When a mechanical impact test is performed, it shall be carried out as follows.

Verification of the degree of protection against mechanical impacts (IK code) shall be carried
out in accordance with IEC 62262.

The enclosure shall be fixed as for normal use.

The impact energy shall be applied:

- three times to each surface exposed in normal use whose largest dimension is less than or
equal to 1 m;
- five times to each surface exposed in normal use whose largest dimension is greater than
1 m.

Unless otherwise specified, the degree of protection against mechanical impact indicated by
the assembly m anufacturer applies to the complete assembly when installed in accordance
with the assembly m anufacturer’s instructions.

When the assembly does not have the same IK rating throughout, (e.g. locks, hinges, socket
outlets, displays which may have a lower IK rating), the m anufacturer shall declare the
exclusion(s) applicable to the assembly.

The impacts shall be applied with even distribution over the faces of the enclosure. After the
test, some deform ation of the enclosure is permissible. Visual inspection shall verify that:

- the degree of protection (IP code) of enclosure is not impaired, where doubt exists the
appropriate IP test according to 10.3;
- dielectric properties have been maintained, where doubt exists the appropriate dielectric
tests according to 10.9 of IEC 61439-1:2020, as modified in this document, should be
carried out;
- removable covers can be removed and reinstalled;
- doors can be opened and closed.

10.2.8 Mechanical operation


In the case of withdrawable parts, the operating cycle includes any physical movements from
the connected to the isolated position and back to the connected position.
-16- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

10.3 Degree of protection of assem blies (IP Code)

Replacem ent o f the title

10.3 Degree of protection o f P S C -assem blies (IP Code)


The internal separation of PSC-assemblies shall be in accordance with 8.101 and the
associated degree of protection shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60529.

The degree of protection associated with withdrawable parts as specified in accordance with
8.2.101 shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60529.

For the verification of the degrees of protection IP5X and IP6X enclosures with active cooling,
in particular when fans and air filters are used, the original manufacturer shall obtain
confirmation from the cooling equipment manufacturer that the cooling equipment has the
required degree of protection. The IP test on the enclosure with the cooling equipment fitted
shall then be carried out in accordance with IEC 60529 without the cooling equipment

N O T E It is expected th at the user will m aintain the cooling eq uip m ent in ac co rd a n ce with the assem bly
m anu facturer's instructions in order to m aintain the cooling equip m ent in an efficient condition and in turn the
cooling efficiency. Impulse withstand voltage test


The impulse withstand voltage capability of the isolating distance between the withdrawable
parts main contacts and their associated fixed contacts shall be verified to confirm compliance
with 8.3.2. This verification test shall not be made on such devices (e.g. withdrawable circuit-
breakers) of the assembly that have already been verified to at least the same requirement
according to their relevant product standard.

10.10 T em peratu re-rise

Clause 10.10 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable with the following additions. General

Addition to the first paragraph:

3) assembly with natural cooling with a rated current exceeding 1 600 A and where a
reference design is available (;
4) assembly with active cooling and a rated current not exceeding 1 600 A (

Additional subclauses: A ss em bly with natural cooling and rated current exceeding 1 600 A Verification method

This method is used to verify the tem perature-rise performance of assemblies with circuits
rated in excess of 1600 A. Circuits including busbars rated in excess of 1 600 A shall have
been verified by test according to 10.10.2 of IEC 61439-1:2020 or by comparison with a
reference design in accordance with 10.10.3 of IEC 61439-1:2020.
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -17-

Verification of the tem perature-rise of a single or multiple compartment assembly with natural
cooling with the total supply current exceeding 1 600 A may be made by a combination of
comparison to a reference design and calculation in accordance with the method of
IEC TR 60890. All the constraints listed in IEC TR 60890 and the general conditions listed in of IEC 61439-1:2020 plus the following conditions shall be fulfilled:

a) the assembly to be verified is from the same assembly system (same manufacturer, same
generic design, same physical construction), same or lower current rating of the
assembly, /nA, and the same or lower group rated currents, / ng, of the corresponding
circuits as the reference design(s);
b) circuits with a group rated current / ng above 1 600 A, including their position and
configuration, shall be verified by test or shall be a variation in accordance with 10.10.3 of
IEC 61439-1:2020. For these circuits the conditions of of IEC 61439-1:2020 do
not apply;
c) the power loss of the circuits rated in excess of 1 600 A in each section tested shall have
been determined from measured values obtained during the tem perature-rise verification
test performed on a reference design to take into account eddy currents, skin effects,
current displacem ent and temperature. The power loss of the main busbars shall be
calculated from measured values obtained during a tem perature-rise test according to a) of IEC 61439-1:2020. The power loss of distribution busbars shall be
calculated from measured values obtained during a tem perature-rise tests according to b) of IEC 61439-1:2020. For guidance on measurement of the power losses,
see Annex CC.
d) the same general type of functional units, e.g. Air circuit-breakers or moulded circuit-
breakers or motor starters;

The air tem perature-rise within the assembly is then determined for the reference design and
the assembly to be verified using the method of IEC TR 60890 including the calculation of
power loss within each assembly.

For enclosures having more than one section with vertical partitions, the tem perature-rise of
the air inside the enclosure shall be determined separately for each section.

10.1 Results to be obtained

The assembly is verified if the calculated air tem perature at the mounting height of any device
does not exceed that of the:

- calculated air tem perature at the corresponding height of the reference design; and,
- the permissible ambient air temperature as declared by the device manufacturer.

With this method of tem perature-rise verification the group rated current of the circuit of the
assembly, / ng, is the current used when determ ining the power loss within the circuit. In order
to take account of local tem peratures (hot spots) by means of safety margins, the rated
current of the circuit does not exceed 80 % of the rated current of the devices, (7th) or (/n),
and the conductors are rated for the maximum permissible air temperature within the
enclosure (see A ss em bly with active cooling and a rated current not exceeding 1 600 A Verification method

Verification of the tem perature-rise of an assembly with active cooling (e.g. forced cooling,
internal air conditioning, heat exchanger, etc.) and a total supply current not exceeding
1 600 A may be made by calculation if all the general conditions listed in of
IEC 61439-1:2020 plus the following conditions are fulfilled:
- 18 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

a) there is no horizontal partition in the assem bly or a section of an assembly that restricts
the air flow. This does not exclude the installation of air deflection plates with the intention
to control the cooling air flow;
b) the instructions of the cooling equipment m anufacturer with regard to the installation and
the use of the cooling device are fulfilled.

N O T E Th e assem bly m anu facturer takes care to install the ac tive cooling equip m ent in such a way th at the air
flow takes into account the g re a te s t pow er dissipating equipm ent.

10.1 Calculation procedure

1) Calculate the perm issible air tem perature-rise inside the assembly by subtracting the
maximum ambient air temperature (maximum daily average ambient air temperature of
35 °C for normal service conditions, see 9.2.1 of IEC 61439-1:2020) outside the assembly
from the lowest permissible maximum operating air temperature of all devices and
components installed in the assembly as declared by the device manufacturer.
2) Determine the total effective power loss as explained in of IEC 61439-1:2020.
3) Assuming the air tem perature-rise inside the enclosure does not exceed the permissible
air tem perature-rise inside the assembly, use the method given in IEC TR 60890 to
calculate the maximum power loss the assembly enclosure can dissipate without
ventilation and active cooling.
- The assumed air tem perature-rise inside the enclosure is equal to the internal
tem perature-rise A / 0 5 of the air at mid-height of the enclosure.

- Use “enclosures without ventilation openings” (even if there are openings, e.g. for fans
for active cooling).
- Number of horizontal partitions: 0.
As an alternative to determ ining the power dissipation using the method given in IEC TR
60890, the enclosure m anufacturer’s declared power dissipation data can be used.
4) Determine the power to be dissipated by active cooling by subtracting the maximum power
loss the enclosure can dissipate without ventilation and active cooling (see 3) above) from
the total effective power loss. When the temperature inside the enclosure is required to be
lower than the ambient temperature, for example, an ambient air tem perature of 50 °C
when the components installed in the assembly are only suitable for 40 °C, the power
absorbed by the enclosure shall be added to the total effective power loss.
5) From the cooling equipment m anufacturer’s data, determine the cooling equipment
required (e.g. a fan) to ensure that the power to be dissipated by the active cooling can be
removed by the active cooling (see 4) above) without the air tem perature-rise inside the
enclosure exceeding the permissible maximum value.

10.1 Results to be obtained

The assembly is verified if the cooling means (active and natural cooling) are sufficient to
ensure the air tem perature within enclosure does not exceed the maximum permissible
operating air tem perature for any device, as declared by the device manufacturer, when the
maximum power loss is being generated within the assembly (as used for calculation in and when the ambient air temperature outside the enclosure is in accordance
with daily average ambient air tem perature in accordance with Table 15 of IEC 61439-1:2020. General


For an assembly including a pressure relief flap, if the pressure relief flap is optional, the
capability of the assem bly to withstand the generated pressure with and without the flap shall
be verified.
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -19- Results to be obtained


After the operation of a pressure relief flap (See IEC TR 61641:2014), a reduced IP rating, not
less than IPXXB, is acceptable if this is declared by the original manufacturer, and the original
IP rating can be easily restored by manually reclosing the pressure relief flap.

11 Routine verification

Clause 11 of IEC 61439-1:2020 is applicable, except as follows.

11.8 Mechanical operation

Replacem ent o f the first paragraph with the following:

The effectiveness of mechanical actuating elements, interlocks and locks, shall be checked.
Verification shall include the checking of interlocking and locking arrangements associated
with removable and withdrawable parts.

Table 101 - Values of assum ed loading

T y p e o f lo ad A s s u m e d lo a d in g fa c to r

Distribution - 2 and 3 circuits 0 ,9

Distribution - 4 and 5 circuits 0 .8

Distribution - 6 to 9 circuits 0 ,7

Distribution - 10 or m ore circuits 0 ,6

E lectric actuator 0 .2

M otors < 10 0 kW 0 ,8

M otors > 10 0 kW 1,0

Table 102 - Test voltages across the open contacts of e qu ip m en t suitable for isolation

R ate d T e s t v o lta g e s a n d c o rr e s p o n d in g a ltitu d e s 1 d u rin g te s t

im p u ls e
w ith s ta n d ^ 1 .2/50 A C p e a k a n d DC AC RMS
v o lta g e kV kV

S ea 20 0 m 500 m 1 00 0 m 2000 m S ea 20 0 m 500 m 1000 m 2000 m

lev el lev el

0 ,3 3 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1,06

0 .5 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1,06

0 ,8 1.8 1,7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1,3 1.2 1.2 1,1 1,06

1,5 2 .3 2 ,3 2 ,2 2,2 2,0 1,6 1.6 1,55 1.5 5 1,42

2 ,5 3,5 3 ,5 3,4 3,2 3,0 2 .4 7 2 ,4 7 2 ,4 0 2 .2 6 2 ,1 2

4 6 ,2 6 .0 5,8 5,6 5,0 4 .3 8 4 .2 4 4 .1 0 3 .9 6 3,54

6 9 ,8 9 .6 9 ,3 9 ,0 8,0 7 .0 0 6 .8 0 6 .6 0 6 .4 0 5,6 6

8 12,3 12,1 11.7 11,1 10,0 8 .7 0 8 ,5 5 8 .2 7 7 .8 5 7,0 7

12 18,5 18,1 17,5 16,7 15,0 1 3 ,1 0 1 2 ,8 0 12 ,37 1 1 ,8 0 1 0 ,6 0

1 V a lu e s for other altitu des are given in IE C 6 0 6 6 4 -1

Table 103 - Electrical conditions for the d ifferent positions of w ith draw ab le parts

P o s itio n

C irc u it M e th o d o f c o n n e c tio n C o n n e c te d p o s itio n R e m o v e d p o s itio n

T e s t s itu a tio n /p o s itio n Is o la te d p o s itio n
(s e e 3 .2 .3 o f lE C 6 1 4 3 9 - (s e e 3 .2 .4 o f lE C 6 1 4 3 9 -
(s e e 3 .1 .1 0 2 /3 .2 .1 0 2 ) (s e e 3 .2 .1 0 3 )
1 :2 0 2 0 ) 1 :2 0 2 0 )

Incom ing m ain circuit Incom ing line plug and

socket or other connection
'I 0 0
Outgoing m ain circuit Outgoing line plug and
socket or other connection
facilities I .'i ■ I„0 . 0
A uxiliary circuit Plug and socket or sim ilar
connection facilities
0 0
Condition o f circuits within w ith d raw a b le parts Live Live D ead if no backfeed is
A uxiliary circuits read y for
operational testing
0 NO
Condition o f outgoing P S C -a s s e m b ly term inals of main Live Live or not disco nnected b D ead if no backfeed is D ead if no backfeed is 0
circuits present present 1
T h e requ irem ents of 8 .4 .5 of lE C 6 1 4 3 9 -1 :2 0 2 0 shall be com plied with.

Earth continuity shall be in accordance with 8 .4 .3 .2 .2 and m aintain ed until the isolating distan ce is estab lish ed.

a D ep end ing on design.

b D ep end ing on the term inals being fed from altern ative so urces o f supply such as a standby supply.

lEC 61439-2:2020 © lEC 2020

| = connected

= isolated

> = open, but not necessarily isolated

IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -2 1 -

Table 104 - Forms of internal separation

M a in c r ite ria S u b c rite r ia F o rm

No internal separation. Form 1

Te rm in a ls for external co nductors not Form 2a

s e p arate d from busbars
S ep a ra tio n of busbars from all functional units.
Te rm in a ls for external co nductors separated Form 2b
from busbars
- S ep a ra tio n of busbars from all functional Te rm in a ls for external co nductors not Form 3a
units. s e p arate d from busbars
- S ep a ra tio n of all functional units from one
Te rm in a ls for external co nductors and external Form 3b
conductors s e p arate d from busbars
- S ep a ra tio n of term inals for external
conductors and the external conductors from
the functional units, but not from the term inals
for external conductors of other functional

- S ep a ra tio n of busbars from all functional Te rm in a ls for external co nductors in the sam e Form 4 a
units. co m p artm ent as the as sociated functional unit
- S ep a ra tio n of all functional units from one
Te rm in a ls for external co nductors not in the Form 4b
sa m e com partm ent as the associated functional
- S ep a ra tio n of term inals for external unit, but in individual, s e p a ra te , enclosed
conductors associated with a functional unit protected sp aces or com partm ents
from the term inals for ex tern al conductors of
any other functional unit and the busbars.

- S ep a ra tio n of the external conductors from

the busbars.

- S ep a ra tio n of the external conductors

associated with a functional unit from other
functional units and their term inals for
external conductors.

- External conductors need not be separated

from each other.

For exam p les see A nn ex BB.

- 22- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

A n nexes

Annexes of IEC 61439-1:2020 are applicable, except as follows

Annex C is not applicable.

Addition o f Annexes AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF and GG.

IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 23-

A n nex A A
(inform ative)

Item s s u b je c t to ag ree m en t betw een

the P S C -ass em b ly m an u fa c tu re r and the user

The information given in Table AA.1 below is subject to an agreement between the PSC-
assembly m anufacturer and the user. In some cases, inform ation declared by the PSC-
assembly m anufacturer may take the place of an agreement.

Table AA.1 - Items subject to a greem en t between

the P S C -assem b ly m an ufactu rer and the user

D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d in U ser

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e
a r ra n g e m e n t3 s ta n d a r d 6 r e q u ire m e n t0

E le c tric a l s y s te m

Earthing system 5.6 , 8 .4 .3 .1 , M a n u factu rer’s T T / T N -C 1 T N -C -

8 .4 .3 .2 .3 , 8 .6 .2 , standard, S / IT / T N -S
10 .5, 11.4 selected to suit
requ irem ents

Nom inal vo ltag e of the supply 3 .8 .9 .1 , 5 .2 .1 , 8 .5 .3 Local, according Max 1 000 V AC

system (V ) to installation or 1 500 V DC

Tran sien t overvoltages 5 .2 .4 , 8 .5 .3 , 9.1 , D eterm ined by O vervoltage

A nn ex G the electrical category
I / II / III / IV

Tem p orary o vervoltages 9.1 N om inal system N one

voltag e + 1 2 0 0 V

R ated freq uen cy f n (H z ) 3 .8 .1 2 , 5 .5 , 8 .5 .3 , A ccording to local D C /5 0 H z/60 Hz

1 0 .1 0 .2 .3 , 1 0 .1 1 .5 .4 installation

A dditional o n -site testing 1 1 .1 0 M a nufacturer's N one

requirem ents: wiring, operational standard,
p e rform an ce and function according to

S h o r t-c ir c u it w ith s ta n d c a p a b ility

P ro spective short-circuit current at 3 .8 .7 D eterm ined by N one

supply term inals / cp (kA) the electrical

P ro spective short-circuit current in 1 0 .1 1 .5 .3 .5 M ax. 60 % o f N one

the neutral p h ase values

P ro spective short-circuit current in 1 0 .1 1 .5 .6 M ax. 60 % o f N one

th e protective circuit p h ase values

S C P D in the incom ing functional unit 9 .3 .2 A ccording to local Y e s / No

requ irem ent installation

C oordination of short-circuit 9 .3 .4 A ccording to local N one

p rotective devices including external installation
short-circuit protective device details conditions

D a ta associated with loads likely to 9 .3 .2 N o loads likely to N one

contribute to the short-circuit current m ake a
allow ed for
- 24- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d in U ser

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e
a r ra n g e m e n t3 s ta n d a r d b r e q u ire m e n t0

P ro te c tio n o f p e rs o n s a g a in s t
e le c tr ic s h o c k in a c c o r d a n c e w ith
IE C 6 0 3 6 4 -4 -4 1

T ype o f protection again st electric 8 .4 .2 B asic protection A ccording to local

shock - B asic protection (previou sly installation
protection again st direct co ntact) regulations

T ype o f protection again st electric 8 .4 .3 A ccording to local A utom atic

shock - F a u lt protection (previously installation disconnection of
protection ag ain st indirect contact) conditions supply / E lectrical
separation /
D ouble or

In s ta lla tio n e n v ir o n m e n t

Location type 3.5 , 8 .1 .4 , 8 .2 M a n u factu rer’s Indoor / outdoor

according to

P rotection again st ingress of solid 8 .2 .2 Indoor N one

foreign bodies and ingress of w ater (enclo sed ): IP 2 X

O u tdo or (m in.):
IP 2 3

P rotection after rem oval of 8 .2 .3 M anufacturer's A fte r rem oval of

w ithdraw able part standard rem o vab le or
8.2 .1 0 1 w ithdraw able

As for connected
position /
R educed
protection to
m anu facturer's

External m ech anical im pact (IK 8 .2 .1 . 1 0 .2 .6 None N one


N O T E IE C 6 1 4 3 9 -2 d o es not
nom inate specific IK codes.

R esistan ce to U V radiatio n (applies 1 0 .2 .4 Indoor: N one

for outdoor assemblies only unless Not applicable.
specified otherw ise)
T e m p erate
clim ate

R esistan ce to corrosion 1 0 .2 .2 N orm al N one

Indoor/O utdoor
arrang em ents

A m bient a ir tem p era tu re - Lower 7.1.1 Indoor: - 5 °C N one

Outdoor: - 2 5 °C

A m bient air tem p era tu re - U pper 7.1.1 4 0 °C N one


A m bient air tem p era tu re - D aily 7 .1 .1 , 9 .2 35 °C N one

av era g e m axim um

M axim um relative hum idity 7.1.1 Indoor: N one

95 % at
- 5 °C to + 3 0 °C
7 0 % at + 3 5 °C
5 7 % a t + 40 °C

100 % at
- 2 5 °C to + 2 7 °C
6 0 % a t + 3 5 °C
4 6 % at + 40 °C
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 25-

D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d in U ser

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e
a r ra n g e m e n t3 s ta n d a r d b r e q u ire m e n t0

Pollution d egree of the m acro­ 7 .1 .2 Industrial: 3 1. 2, 3, 4

environ m en t (o f the installation
en viron m en t)

Altitude 7.1.1 s 2 000 m N one

E M C environm ent (A or B) 9.4 , 1 0 .1 2 , A nnex J A/B A/B

S pecial service conditions (e.g. 7.2 , 8 .5 .4 , 9 .3 .3 No special N one

vibration, excep tion al condensation, T a b le 7 service
heavy pollution, corrosive conditions
environm ent, strong ele ctric or
m agnetic fields, fungus, sm all
creatures, explosion hazards, heavy
vibration and shocks, e a rth q u ake s)

In s ta lla tio n m e th o d

Type 3.3 , 5 .6 M a n u factu rer’s V ariou s e .g . floor

standard standing / wall
m ounted

S tatio n ary /M o vab le 3 .5 S tation ary S tation ary /

m ovable

M axim um overall dim ensions and 5.6 , 6.2.1 M anufacturer's N one

weight standard,
according to

External conductor ty p e(s) 8.8 M a nufacturer's C ab le / Busbar

standard Trunking S ystem

D irectio n (s) of ex tern al conductors 8.8 M a nufacturer's N one


External conductor m aterial 8.8 C opper C op per /

alum inium

External line conductor, cross- 8.8 As defined within N one

sections, and term inations the standard

External protective, neutral, m id­ 8.8 As defined within N one

point, P EL, P E M , P E N conductors the standard
cross-sections, and term inations

Special term inal identification 8 .8 M a n u factu rer’s N one

requirem ents standard

S to ra g e a n d h a n d lin g

M axim um dim ensions and w eight of 6 .2 .2 , 1 0 .2 .5 M anufacturer's N one

transport units standard

M ethods o f transport (e .g . forklift, 6 .2 .2 , 8 .1 .6 M a n u factu rer’s N one

cran e) standard

Environm ental conditions different 7 .3 - 2 5 °C to + 55 °C N one

from those given in 7 .3 and for periods not
exceeding 24 h, up
to +70 °C.

P acking details 6 .2 .2 M a n u factu rer’s N one


O p e ra tin g a rra n g e m e n ts

A ccess to m anually op erated 8.4 A uthorized

devices persons

Location of m anu ally op erated 8 .5 .5 E asily accessible N one


Isolation of load installation 8 .4 .2 , 8 .4 .3 .3 , M a nufacturer's Individual / groups

equip m ent items 8 4 .6 .2 standard /a ll
- 26- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d in U ser

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e
a r ra n g e m e n t3 s ta n d a r d 6 r e q u ire m e n t0

M a in te n a n c e a n d u p g ra d e
c a p a b ilitie s

R eq uirem ents related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 B asic protection N one

in service by autho rized persons:
requ irem ent to op erate devices or
chang e com ponents w hile the
assem bly is en ergized
R eq uirem ents related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 .2 M a n u factu rer’s N one
for inspection and sim ilar operations recom m endations
R eq uirem ents related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 .3 M a n u factu rer’s N one
for m ain ten a n ce in service by recom m endations
autho rized persons

R eq uirem ents related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 .4 M a n u factu rer’s N one

for exten sion in service by recom m endations
autho rized persons
P rotection again st direct co ntact with 8.4 M a nufacturer's N one
hazardou s live internal parts during recom m endations
m aintenance or upgrade (e.g.
functional units, main busbars,
distribution busbars)

G an gw ays 8 .4 .6 .2 .1 0 1 B asic protection N one

M ethod o f functional unit's 8 .5 .1 , 8 .5 .2 , 8 .5 .1 0 1 F fixed
connection connections
N O T E This coding system relates D disco nnect-able
to the capab ility to rem ove and re­ connection
insert functional units.
W w ithdraw ­
Form o f separation 8.101 No requirem ent Form 1, 2 a , 2b,
3a. 3b. 4 a . 4b
IP rating o f separation (protection 8.101 IP X XB IP 2 X or as agreed
again st contact with ha zard o u s live betw een th e user
parts and ingress of solid foreign and m anu facturer
C ap ability to test individual 3 .1 .1 0 2 , 3 .2 .1 0 2 , N one
op eration of th e auxiliary circuits 3 .2 .1 0 3 , 8 .5 .1 0 1 ,
relating to specified circuits while T a b le 103
the functional unit is isolated
C u rre n t c a rr y in g c a p a c ity
M axim um total load current to be 3 .8 .1 0 .1 , 5.3 , 8 .5 .3 , M a nufacturer's N one
supplied by the assem bly (from 8 .8 . 1 0 .1 0 .2 , standard,
which the rated current of the 1 0 .1 0 .3 , 1 0 .1 1 .5 , according to
assem bly / nA (A ) will be d e term ined ) Annex E application

Design current / B and nature of load 3 .8 .1 0 .8 As given N one

for each circuit, alternatively, / n of in T a b le 101

the d e vices and nature of the load

(in such cases, the assum ed loading
factors as given in T a b le 101 can be
R atio o f cross-section of the neutral 8.6.1 100 % N one
conductor to line conductors: line
conductors up to and including
16 m m 2
R atio of cross-section of the neutral 8.6.1 50 % (m in. N one
conductor to line conductors: line 16 m m 2)
conductors ab ove 16 m m 2

a In som e ca ses inform ation d e clared by the assem bly m anu facturer m ay take the place o f an ag re em e n t.

b ‘N o n e’ in this colum n m ean s th at there a re no options in th e stand ard other than the d efau lt condition or value.

c For excep tion ally onerous applications, the user m ay need to specify m ore stringent requ irem ents to those in
the standard.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Sen/ices Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
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A n nex BB
(inform ative)

Form s o f in tern al sep aratio n (see 8.101)

Annex BB provides basic information about forms of internal separation including examples
for different forms.

Main or distribution busbars

Functional unit Term inal(s) for

(partitions, barners, insulation or external conductors
integral housing of a device)

N O T E The conductors connecting a functional unit to the m ain or distribution busbars and to the term inals for
external conductors are part o f the functional unit as defined in 3 .1 .8 o f IE C 6 1 4 3 9 -1 :2 0 2 0 , but in som e designs
part o f th em can be outside the functional unit com partm ent.

Figure BB.1 - Sym bols used in Figures BB.2, BB.3 and BB.4

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
-28- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

Form 1

No internal separation

Main busbar

Main busbar

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 29 -

Form 2

Separation of busbars from all functional units

Main busbar Main busbar


F o rm 2a - T e rm in a ls fo r e x te r n a l c o n d u c to rs no t F o rm 2b T e rm in a ls fo r e x te r n a l c o n d u c to rs
s e p a ra te d fro m b u s b a rs s e p a ra te d fro m b u s b a rs

Figure BB.2 - Forms 1 and 2

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
- 30- IEC 61439-2:2020 © lEC 2020

Form 3

Separation of busbars from all functional units

Separation of all functional units from one a nother

Separation of term inals for external conductors and external con d u cto rs from the
functional units, but not from the term inals of other functional units

Main busbar Main busbar

Main busbar Main busbar

F o rm 3a - T e rm in a ls fo r e x te r n a l c o n d u c to r s no t F o rm 3b - T e rm in a ls fo r e x te r n a l c o n d u c to r s a n d
s e p a ra te d fro m b u s b a rs e x te r n a l c o n d u c to r s s e p a ra te d fro m b u s b a rs

Figure BB.3 - Form 3

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of lEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -3 1 -

Form 4
Separation of busbars from all functional units
Separation of all functional units from one a nother
Separation of term inals for external conductors associated with a functional unit from
the term inals of any o th er functional unit and the busbars
Separation of the external conductors from the busbars
Separation of the external conductors associated with a functional unit from other
functional units and the ir terminals
External con d uctors need not be separated from each other
Main busbar Main busbar

Main busbar Main busbar

Distribution Distribution
busbar busbar

F o rm 4a - T e rm in a ls fo r e x te r n a l c o n d u c to r s in F o rm 4b - T e rm in a ls fo r e x te r n a l c o n d u c to rs n o t in
s a m e c o m p a r tm e n t th e s a m e c o m p a r tm e n t as th e a s s o c ia te d fu n c tio n a l
as a s s o c ia te d fu n c tio n a l u n it u n it, b u t in in d iv id u a l, s e p a ra te , e n c lo s e d p ro te c te d
s p a c e s o r c o m p a rtm e n ts

Figure BB.4 - Form 4

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
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A n nex CC
(inform ative)

D eterm in in g pow er loss by m eas u rem en t fo r circu its

exceed in g 1600 A in a referen ce design

C C .1 G eneral

This annex provides a method of determining power loss from a reference design, as required
for circuits exceeding 1 600 A in c). Manufacturers can use the same method
for determ ining power loss of other circuits if required.

C C .2 M eth od of m e a s u re m e n t.

The m easurement of power losses of a circuit should be made during verification of the
tem perature-rise in accordance with of IEC 61439-1:2020, after the temperature-
rise has reached a constant value (see of IEC 61439-1:2020).

Power loss is equal to:

X A(7k Ik COS cpk
p number of lines;
AU voltage drop;
/ test current;
cos <p is the power factor.

The use of a wattm eter is recommended. For a three-phase circuit an electronic three-phase
wattm eter which calculates the total power loss of all 3 lines should be used.

The voltage drop should be measured across each pole/line for the circuit under

The connecting leads to the wattm eter should be twisted together. The measuring loop should
be as small as practicable and should be positioned sim ilarly for each line to minimize the
influence of voltages induced into the leads by the magnetic field.

Example for the measurement of the power loss of a distribution busbar during temperature-
rise verification according to b) of IEC 61439-1:2020.Figure CC.1 shows the
measurement arrangem ent of one phase, the other phases are sim ilarly connected.

From the power loss measured for the full length of the busbar, the power loss for other
lengths and load currents can be calculated.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 33

Rated Additional
current of current
main busbar for main

AU. Watt­

Test current of
distribution busbar

Figure CC.1 - Power loss m easurem ent

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
- 34- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

A n nex DD
(inform ative)

A ssem b lies fo r use in p h o to v o lta ic in s ta lla tio n s

DD.O G eneral

N O T E This an nex has been desig nated as inform ative; it is seen as first step tow ards a standard. For a standard
or stand ards, m arket requ irem ents and ap plicatio ns a re m ore clearly identified through w id er e x p erien ce.

As part of the answer to the challenge of sustainable development, the number of photovoltaic
(PV) installations is increasing. This latest development in PV technology is challenging the
conventional approach to energy sources and power distribution systems, including their
operating conditions and environment.

PV applications have particular characteristics and require equipment with specific

performance. The performance requirements for assemblies to be used in PV installations are
based on those of IEC 61439-2 PSC-assemblies. Variations where necessary are identified
for photovoltaic assemblies (PVAs) in this annex.

The provisions of IEC 61439-2 are applicable to equipm ent specified in this annex, where
specifically identified. Clauses, subclauses, tables, figures and annexes of IEC 61439-2 thus
applicable are identified by their particular reference, for example as "8.2.101", "Table 101" or
"Annex AA".

D D .1 O v e rv ie w

This annex of IEC 61439-2 specifies requirem ents for the design and verification of
assemblies for use in photovoltaic installations. Such photovoltaic assemblies are designated

PVAs have the following criteria:

- used for the combination of electrical energy in DC systems for which the voltage does not
exceed 1 500 V DC and supply to an AC network where the voltage does not exceed
1 000 V A C ;
- stationary;
- intended for operation by skilled persons; but can be located in an area accessible to
ordinary persons;
- suitable for indoor or outdoor installation.

The object of this annex is to state the definitions and to specify the service conditions,
construction requirements, technical characteristics and verifications for PVAs.

PVAs can also include control and or signaling devices associated with the distribution of
electrical energy.

This annex applies to all PVAs whether they are designed and manufactured on a one-off
basis or fully standardized and manufactured in quantity.

This annex does not apply to specific types of assemblies covered by other parts of the
IEC 61439 series.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
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DD.2 Reference documents

Clause 2 applies, except as follows.


IEC 60068-2-14:2009, Environm ental testing - Part 2-14: Tests - Test N: Change o f

IEC 60269-6:2010, Low-voltage fuses - Part 6: Supplementary requirem ents for fuse-links for
the protection o f solar photovoltaic energy systems

IEC 60364-7-712:2017, Low voltage electrical installations - Part 7-712: Requirements for
special installations or locations - Solar photovoltaic (PV) pow er supply systems

IEC 60898-2:2016, Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for

household and sim ilar installations - Part 2: Circuit-breakers for AC and DC operation

IEC 60898-3:2019, Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers fo r overcurrent protection for

household and sim ilar installations - Part 3: Circuit-breakers for DC operation

IEC 60947-2:2016, Low-voltage sw itchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers

IEC 62109-1, Safety o f pow er converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 1:
General requirem ents

IEC 62109-2, Safety o f pow er converters for use in photovoltaic pow er systems - Part 2:
P articular requirem ents fo r inverters

DD.3 Terms and definitions

Clause 3 applies, except as follows.

DD.3.1 General terms

Additional terms:

DD .3.1.101
photovoltaic assembly
assembly (including PV array com biner box), intended to be used in a photovoltaic installation
which, in use, receives electrical energy from one or more supplies and distributes that
energy through one or more outgoing circuits to other equipment

DD .3.1.102
PV array c om bine r box
assembly where PV sub-arrays are connected and which may also contain overcurrent
protection and/or switch-disconnection devices

[SOURCE: IEC 62548:2016, 3.1.36, modified - "Junction box" replaced by "assembly", the
note to entry has been deleted]

DD.4 Symbols and abbreviations

Clause 4 applies.
Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
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- 36- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

DD.5 Interface characteristics

Clause 5 applies, except as follows.

DD.5.1 General

Replacem ent o f the note:

NO TE A nnex EE also rela te s to the topics d e a lt with in D D .6 and D D .7 .

D D .5.2.2 Rated operational voltage (t/e) (of a circuit o f an assem bly)


The rated voltage ( Ue) of the DC circuits of a PVA shall be specified by the manufacturer.

N O T E Th e in stallation desig ner will en sure th at the rated voltag e of the circuit of the P V A specified or purchased
is equal to or ex ceed the m axim um voltag e in service. This will consider the open -circu it m axim um voltage
according to IE C 6 0 3 6 4 -7 -7 1 2 :2 0 1 7 and any e n erg y storage connected to the D C circuit o f th e P VA .

D D .5.3.1 Rated current of the assem bly ( / nA)


Where an assembly only has AC parts the rating of the assembly shall be in accordance with
this document.

The rated current of the DC part of a PVA is determined by the sum of the rated currents of
the incoming circuits (/nc). Where an assembly has both AC and DC parts, which may include
energy storage, it shall be given an AC and a DC rated current.

D D .5.3.2 Rated current of a circuit ( / nc)


The m anufacturer shall determine the rated current of the circuits / nc.

N O T E The in stallation d e sig n er will en sure th at the rated current of the circuits o f the P V A are equal to or exceed
the m axim um currents in service.

D D .5.4 Rated diversity facto r (RDF)

Replacem ent o f the “addition” o f 5.4 with the following:

In the absence of an agreement between the assembly m anufacturer and user concerning the
actual load currents, it is assumed that all circuits can be loaded continuously and
simultaneously, corresponding to RDF equal to one, that is, no diversity is allowed.

DD.6 Information

Clause 6 applies, except as follows.

DD.6.1 PS C -assem bly designation marking

Replacement o f the title and item g):

C ustom er: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - C om pany: Intertek Testing S ervices S henzhen Ltd. G uangzhou Branch
O rder No.: W S-2020-004552 - IM P O R TAN T: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, S w itzerland. All rights reserved.
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DD.6.1 PVA designation marking

g) IEC 61439-2, Annex DD.

DD.6.2.2 In structions for handling, installation, operation and m aintenance

Addition to the requirem ents o f 6.2.2:

Where a PVA is intended for indoor installation or outdoors without exposure to direct sunlight
it shall include a warning to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Where a PVA is exposed to direct sunlight, operators should note that the temperatures of
external parts that are exposed to solar radiation may be high and precautions should be
taken if they need to be touched.

NO TE Further background inform ation regarding docum entation is given in the IE C 6 2 4 4 6 series.

Additional subclause:

DD.6.101 W arning labels

A PVA that is energized from more than one source shall carry a warning label indicating that
the assembly is energized from more than one source, and that parts inside the assembly can
still be live unless isolated from all sources of supply including all PV circuits.

DD.7 Service conditions

Clause 7 applies, except as follows.

D D .7 .1.2 Pollution degree

Addition to 7.1.2 o f IEC 61439-1:2020:

PVAs shall be suitable for use in the macro-environments in which they are installed:

- indoor domestic - pollution degree 2;

- indoor other than domestic - pollution degree 3;
- outdoor - pollution degree 4.

The m anufacturer shall ensure the enclosure forming part of the PVA provides a micro
environment that is suitable for the enclosed components and their application (see
IEC 60664-1).

Additional subclause:

D D .7.101 PVA under solar radiation conditions

PVAs shall be suitable for one of the solar radiation conditions given in Table DD.101.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
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- 38 - IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

Table DD.101 - Solar radiation conditions

S o la r ra d ia tio n C o n d itio n Com m ent

Indoor - no so lar radiation assem bly installed in a norm al indoor environm ent

O u tdo or - no so lar radiation assem bly suitab le for installation outdoors w h ere it is not exposed to direct
sunlight (in the sh ad e ).

O utdoor - with so lar radiation assem bly suitab le for outdoor in stallation w h ere it is exposed to direct sunlight.
R atings apply w hen the P V A is installed in locations w h ere the irradiance
reach es a m axim um of 1 .0 k W /m 2 and at the m axim um am bient air te m p erature.

DD.8 Constructional requirements

Clause 8 applies, except as follows.

D D .8.2.1 Protection against m echanical im pact (IK code)

Replace text with the following:

The minimum degree of protection provided by an assembly enclosure against mechanical

impact (IK code) shall be IK07 for PVAs installed in a location with restricted access , or IK09
for PVAs installed in locations with non-restricted access. Verification shall be in accordance
with 10.2.6.

D D .8.2.2 Protection against contact with live parts, ingress of solid foreign bodies
and w ater (IP code)


The degree of protection (IP code) provided shall take into account the minimum level of
protection required by the devices included in the PVA.

Where an assembly is located in an area accessible to ordinary persons, the degree of

protection of a PVA enclosure shall be at least IP2XC after installation in accordance with the
PVA m anufacturer’s instructions.

DD.8.4.1 General


PVAs forming part of the DC installation shall be Class II or equivalent in accordance with
IEC 60364-7-712:2017.

D D .8.4.5 Lim itation of steady-state touch currents and charge


N O T E P VA s which can be used in en ergy storage off-grid ap plicatio ns com ply with the pertinent requ irem ents of
relev an t stand ards, e.g. IE C 6 1 4 2 7 -1 :2 0 1 3 .

D D .8.5.3 Selection o f switching devices and com ponents


If the PVA includes power conversion (e.g. DC-to-DC conversion) of the throughput PV power,
the power convertor portion of the PVA shall comply with the applicable section(s) of
IEC 62109-series.

C ustom er: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - C om pany: Intertek Testing S ervices S henzhen Ltd. G uangzhou Branch
O rder No.: W S-2020-004552 - IM P O R TAN T: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, S w itzerland. All rights reserved.
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For DC PV circuits within PVAs:

- Fuses shall be type gPV in accordance with IEC 60269-6:2010.

- Circuit-breakers shall be in accordance with IEC 60947-2:2016, Annex P, or when
appropriate, IEC 60898-2:2016 or IEC 60898-3:2019.
- Switches, fuse switch disconnectors, etc. shall be in accordance with
IEC 60947-3:2008/AM D2:2015, Annex D.

Additional subclauses:

DD.8.101 T h erm al cycling durability

Assemblies shall withstand thermal cycling associated with a PV application as verified

according to DD.10.101.

DD.8.102 Climatic durability

Assemblies shall be suitable for the clim atic conditions for indoor and outdoor applications as
verified according to DD.10.102.

DD.9 Performance requirements

Clause 9 applies, except as follows.

D D .9 .1.3.1 Impulse withstand voltages of main circuits


DC circuits and any associated control circuits in PVAs shall be suitable for a minimum
overvoltage category II.

In the absence of other inform ation, it is recommended that assemblies with a rated voltage
above 1 000 V DC be tested using a rated impulse withstand voltage of at least 8 kV.

DD.10 Design verification

Clause 10 applies, except as follows.

DD.10.1 General


See Annex FF.

N O T E Further background inform ation regarding P V system s is given in the IE C 6 2 4 4 6 series, IE C 6 2 0 9 3 ,

IE C 6 2 1 2 4 and IE C 6 2 7 9 0 .

D D .10 .10 T em peratu re-rise

D D .1 0 .10.1 General

Addition o f the following paragraph to the end o f the subclause:

In the case of outdoor PVAs that are suitable for direct exposure to sunlight, verification of
tem perature-rise by test or by derivation from a similar design tested with solar radiation is
always required.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
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- 40- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

DD. Methods of test

D D . General


Assemblies suitable for installation outdoors and where they are subjected to direct sunlight
shall be tem perature-rise tested with simulated solar effects as detailed in D D .

Additional subclauses:

D D . Test for solar radiation effects

For tests on assemblies that are suitable for installation in direct sunlight, the solar radiation
effects during the tem perature-rise test shall be simulated as follows.

The most severe solar radiation effects on the assembly are assumed to be mid-morning or
midafternoon when the top, back or front and one adjacent side of the PVA enclosure is
subject to solar radiation. At this time the maximum solar irradiance is reduced by
approxim ately 10 %.

For the duration of the tem perature-rise test, radiant heat lamps shall be used to simulate the
effects of solar radiation on the top, front or back and one adjacent side of the test sample
(see Figure DD.101). These shall be arranged such that the average solar irradiance received
by the sample under test, perpendicular to the surface being considered, is:

Top 1 kW/m2 x [0,9 » 1,2/V2] = 0,76 kW/m2

Front or back 1 kW/m2 * [0,9 x 1,2/(\«'2 * V2)J = 0,54 kW/m2
Side 1 kW/m2 » [0,9 * 1 ,2 /(\2 * V2)] = 0,54 kW/m2

A pyranometer shall be used to measure the simulated level of solar irradiance.

The ambient air tem perature sensing means shall be so positioned and/or sufficiently distant
from the radiant heat lamps that they are not affected by the radiation.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 -4 1 -


<l >
<] >
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K ey

A A ssem b ly under test

B A rray of radiant heat lam ps

Figure DD.101 - Indicative arran g e m en t of radiant heat lamps for

tem p eratu re-rise test with simulated solar radiation

The average level of irradiance on each of the exposed surfaces shall be recorded in the test

If the m anufacturer proposes the use of different external colours or materials for the
assembly, the assembly tested shall be that with the colour or material with the highest
em issivity in the range, to verify all the colours and materials used in the range.

N O T E 125 mm d iam e ter, 2 3 5 /2 4 5 V , tungsten filam ent h eat lam ps with a hard glass in fra-red reflecto r and a clear
finish a re d e em ed to provide a suitable source o f heat.

DD.10.101 Therm al cycling test

The PVA, or representative sections of the PVA, in a de-energized state shall be subjected to
a temperature cycling test according to IEC 60068-2-14:2009, test Nb, comprising 50 cycles
(the first starting at the ambient tem perature), each cycle consisting of reducing the
temperature to the lower tem perature limit, holding the lower temperature lim it for 1 h,
increasing the tem perature to the upper temperature limit, holding the upper temperature limit
for 1 h. Tem perature change shall be approxim ately 1 K/min and the upper and lower
tem perature limits shall be held with a tolerance of ±3 °C.

a) Indoor PVA:
Cycling test according to IEC 60068-2-14:2009. 50 cycles of 1 h alternately at -1 5 °C
followed by +40 °C.
b) Outdoor PVA:
Cycling test according to IEC 60068-2-14:2009. 50 cycles of 1 h alternately at -2 5 °C
followed by +60 °C.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
- 42- IEC 61439-2:2020 © lEC 2020

At the conclusion of the 50 cycles, the equipment shall be returned to room temperature
(25 ± 5) °C for a minimum of 3 h.

The equipment shall then be subjected to:

• one open and close operation of the door, drawer or sim ilar of the enclosure to confirm
normal mechanical operation;
• dielectric test in accordance with 10.9.2 of lEC 61439-1:2020;
• visual inspection to verify effectiveness of the earth continuity of the protective circuit; in
case of doubt a test according to 10.5.2 of lEC 61439-1:2020 shall be made;
• visual inspection to verify the degree of protection of the PVA enclosure; in case of doubt
a test in accordance with 10.3 shall be made;
• all switching devices shall be opened and closed 5 times to verify normal operation.

DD.10.102 Climatic test

The PVA, or representative sections of the PVA in a de-energized state, shall be subjected to
the clim atic tests of lEC 60947-1:2020, Annex Q, category B: environment subject to
tem perature and humidity, except that the dry heat test and the low temperature test are not
required, as they are deemed to be covered by the thermal cycling test above.

Product verification after the test shall comprise:

• visual inspection to confirm that there is no distortion or damage to parts that will affect
normal operation and protection;
• one open and close operation of the door, drawer or sim ilar of the enclosure to confirm
normal mechanical operation;
• dielectric test in accordance with 10.9.2. This shall replace the dielectric test in
accordance with lEC 60947-1:2020,, item 3) which is specified in lEC 60947-
1:2020, Annex Q;
• an effectiveness of the earth continuity of the protective circuit test in accordance with
• confirm by inspection that the degree of protection (IP code) of the PVA enclosure is
maintained. In case of doubt a test in accordance with 10.3 shall be made;
• all switching devices shall be opened and closed 5 times to verify normal operation.

At the discretion of the manufacturer, this test may be combined with the thermal cycling test
and made on the same samples.

DD.11 Routine verification

Clause 11 applies.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of lEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 43-

A n nex EE
(inform ative)

Item s s u b je c t to ag ree m en t betw een

the p h o to v o ltaic ass em b ly (PVA) m an u fa c tu re r and the user

The information given in Table EE.1 below is subject to an agreement between the PVA
m anufacturer and the user. In some cases, information declared by the PVA manufacturer
may take the place of an agreement.

Table EE.1 - Items subject to agreem ent between

the PVA m a n ufa ctu rer and the user

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d U ser

c la u s e o r a r ra n g e m e n t9 in d o c u m e n tb r e q u ire m e n t0
s u b c la u s e

E le c tric a l s y s te m

E arthing system 5 .6 , 8 .4 .3 .1 , M a n u factu rer’s T T / T N -C /

8 .4 .3 .2 .3 . standard, se lected to T N -C -S / IT /
8 .6 .2 , 10 .5, suit local T N -S
11.4 requ irem ents

N om inal A C vo ltag e (V ) an d /o r 3 .8 .9 .1 , 5 .2 .1 , Local, according to M ax 1 00 0 V

m axim um D C voltag e (V ) 8 .5 .3 installation A C /1 50 0 V DC

T ran sien t overvoltages 5 .2 .4 , 8 .5 .3 . O vervoltage III and IV

9 .1 , A nnex G categ ory II

Tem p orary overvoltages 9.1 Nom inal system N one

voltag e + 1 2 0 0 V

R ated fr e q u e n c y /n (H z ) 3 .8 .1 2 , 5.5, A ccording to local D C /5 0 H z/60 Hz

8 .5 .3 , installation
1 0 .1 0 .2 .3 , conditions
1 0 .1 1 .5 .4

A dditional o n -site testing 11 .10 M a n u factu rer’s N one

requirem ents: wiring, operational stand ard, according
perform an ce and function to application

S h o rt-c ir c u it w ith s ta n d c a p a b ility

Prospective short-circuit current at 3 .8 .7 D ete rm in e d by the N one

supply term inals / cp (kA ) electrical system

P ro spective short-circuit current in the 1 0 .1 1 .5 .3 .5 M ax. 6 0 % o f phase N one

neutral (three phase A C circuits) values

P ro spective short-circuit current in the 1 0 .1 1 .5 .6 M ax. 6 0 % o f phase N one

protective circuit values

S C P D in the incom ing functional unit 9 .3 .2 A ccording to local Y e s / No

requ irem ent installation

C oordination of short-circuit 9 .3 .4 A ccording to local N one

protective devices including external installation
short-circuit protective d e vice details conditions

D ata as sociated with loads likely to 9 .3 .2 No loads likely to N one

contribute to th e short-circuit current m ake a significant
contribution allow ed

P ro te c tio n o f p e rs o n s a g a in s t
e le c tr ic s h o c k in a c c o r d a n c e w ith
IE C 6 0 3 6 4 -4 -4 1

T ype o f protection again st electric 8 .4 .2 B asic protection A ccording to

shock - B asic protection (previously local installation
protection ag ain st direct co ntact) conditions

C ustom er: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - C om pany: Intertek Testing S ervices S henzhen Ltd. G uangzhou Branch
O rder No.: W S-2020-004552 - IM P O R TAN T: This file is copyright of IEC, G eneva, S w itzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreem ent. E nquiries to Em ail: sales@ - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
- 44- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d U ser

c la u s e o r a r ra n g e m e n t8 In d o c u m e n t6 r e q u ire m e n t0
s u b c la u s e

T ype o f protection ag ain st electric 8 .4 .3 A ccording to local A utom atic

shock - Fault protection (previously installation disconnection of
protection ag ain st indirect contact) conditions supply/electrical
se paration/dou bl
e or reinforced

In s ta lla tio n e n v ir o n m e n t

Location type D D .7.101 M a n u factu rer’s Indoor / outdoor

standard, according without solar
to application radiation /
outdoor with
so lar radiation

P rotection ag ain st ingress of solid D D .8 .2 .2 , Indoor (enclo sed ): N one

foreign bodies and ingress of w ater 8 .2 .2 m inim um IP 2 X , when
ac cessible to
ordinary persons
m inim um IP 2 X C

O u tdo or -m inim um :
IP 23.

E xtern al m ech anical im pact (IK code) D D .8 .2 .1 restricted access: N one

IK 07,

a c c e s s :IK 0 9

R esistan ce to U V radiation (a p p lies 1 0 .2 .4 Indoor: not None

for outdoor assem blies only unless applicable.
specified o th erw is e)
te m p era te clim ate

R esistan ce to corrosion 1 0 .2 .2 Norm al N one

Indoor/O utdoor
arra n g em e n ts

A m bient a ir te m p era tu re - Low er limit 7.1.1 Indoor: - 5 °C N one

Norm al clim ate
- 2 5 °C /
A rctic clim ate
- 5 0 °C

A m bient a ir te m p era tu re - U pp er limit 7.1.1 4 0 °C N one

A m bient air te m p era tu re - D aily 7 .1 .1 , 9.2 35 °C N one

a v e ra g e m axim um

M axim um relative humidity 7.1.1 Indoor: N one

9 5 % at
- 5 ° C to + 3 0 °C
70 % a t + 3 5 °C
57 % at + 4 0 °C

100 % at
- 2 5 °C to + 27 °C
6 0 % at 3 5 °C
4 6 % at 4 0 °C

Pollution d e g ree of th e m acro­ D D .7 .1 .2 Indoor: N one

environ m en t (o f th e installation dom estic: 2
en viron m en t)
Indoor: other than
dom estic: 3

Outdoor: 4

Altitude 7.1.1 i 2000 m N one

E M C environ m en t (A or B) 9 .4 . 1 0 .12, A/B A/B

A nnex J

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 45-

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d U ser

c la u s e o r a r ra n g e m e n t8 In d o c u m e n t6 r e q u ire m e n t0
s u b c la u s e

S pecial service conditions (e.g. 7.2 , 8 .5 .4 , N o sp ecial service A rctic clim ate
vibration, excep tion al condensation, 9 .3 .3 T a b le 7 conditions
heavy pollution, corrosive
environm ent, strong ele ctric or
m agn etic fields, fungus, small
creatures, explosion hazards, heavy
vibration and shocks, ea rth q u ake s)

In s ta lla tio n m e th o d

Type 3 .3 , 5.6 M a n u factu rer’s N one


S tatio n ary /M o vab le 3 .5 S tatio n ary N one

M axim um overall dim ensions and 5 .6 , 6.2.1 M a n u factu rer’s N one

w eight stand ard, according
to application

E xtern al conductor ty p e(s) 8 .8 C ab le N one

D irectio n (s) of external conductors 8 .8 From below From ab ove

E xtern al conductor m aterial 8 .8 C opper/alum inium N one

E xtern al line conductor, cross- 8 .8 As defined within the N one

sections, and term inations docum ent

E xtern al protective, neutral, m id­ 8 .8 As defined within the N one

point. P E L , P E M . P E N conductors- docum ent
cross-sectio ns, and term inations

S p ec ial term inal identification 8 .8 M a n u factu rer’s N one

requ irem ents standard

S to ra g e a n d h a n d lin g

M axim um dim ensions and w eight of 6 .2 .2 , 1 0 .2 .5 M a nufacturer's None

transport units standard

M ethods of transport (e.g. forklift, 6 .2 .2 , 8 .1 .6 M a n u factu rer’s None

cran e) standard

E nvironm ental conditions different 7 .3 As service conditions N one

from those given in 7.3

P acking details 6 .2 .2 M a n u factu rer’s None


O p e ra tin g a r ra n g e m e n ts

A ccess to m anually op erated devices 8.4 Authorised persons N one

Location of m anually op erated 8 .5 .5 Easily accessible N one


Isolation of load installation 8 .4 .2 , 8 .4 .3 .3 , M a n u factu rer’s Individual /

equip m ent item s 8 .4 .6 .2 standard groups / all

M a in te n a n c e a n d u p g ra d e
c a p a b ilitie s

R eq u irem en ts related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 B asic protection None

in service by au tho rized persons;
requ irem ent to op erate d e vices or
chang e co m p on ents w hile the
assem bly is en ergized

R eq u irem en ts related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 .2 No requ irem ents for N one

for inspection and sim ilar op eratio ns accessibility

R eq u irem en ts related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 .3 No requ irem ents for N one

for m ain ten a n ce in service by accessibility
au tho rized persons

R eq u irem en ts related to accessibility 8 .4 .6 .2 .4 No requ irem ents for N one

for extension in service by authorized accessibility

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Sen/ices Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
- 46- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

C h a ra c te r is tic s R e fe re n c e D e fa u lt O p tio n s lis te d U ser

c la u s e o r a r ra n g e m e n t8 In d o c u m e n t6 r e q u ire m e n t0
s u b c la u s e

M ethod of functional unit connection 8 .5 .1 , 8 .5 .2 M a nufacturer's N one


P rotection ag ain st direct contact with 8.4 No requ irem ents for N one
hazardou s live internal parts during protection during
m ain ten a n ce or upgrade (e.g. m ain ten a n ce or
functional units, m ain busbars, upgrade
distribution busbars)

C u r re n t c a rr y in g c a p a c ity

M axim um total load current supplied 3 .8 .1 0 .1 , M a nufacturer's N one

by the assem bly (from which the rated D D .5 .3 .1 , standard, according
current o f the assem bly / nA (A ) will be to application
de term in ed )

M axim um in service cu rren t of each D D .5 .3 .2 None N one


R ated diversity factor D D .5 .4 Unity N one

R atio of cross-section of the neutral 8.6.1 100 % N one

conductor to line conductors: line
conductors up to and including
16 m m 2

(T h re e phase A C circuits on ly)

R atio of cross-sectio n of the neutral 8.6.1 5 0 % (m in. 16 m m 2) N one

conductor to line conductors: line
conductors ab ove 16 m m 2

a In som e cases inform ation d eclared by the assem bly m anu facturer m ay take th e place of an ag reem ent.

b ‘N o n e 1 in this colum n m ean s th at th ere are no options in th e standard other than th e d efau lt condition or

c For excep tion ally dem anding applications, the user m ay need to specify m ore stringent requ irem ents to those
in the docum ent.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Sen/ices Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 47 -

A n n ex FF
(inform ative)

D esign v e rific a tio n (PVA only)

Table FF.1 provides a list of design verifications to be performed on PVA.

Table FF.1 - List of design verifications to be perform ed on PVA

V e r ific a tio n o p tio n s a v a ila b le

No. C h a ra c te r is tic to be v e rifie d S u b c la u s e s Testing® C o m p a ris o n w ith A ssessm ent

a r e fe re n c e
d e s ig n

1 Strength o f m aterial and parts: 10.2

R esistan ce to corrosion 1 0 .2 .2 YES YES NO

P ro perties of insulating m aterials: 1 0 .2 .3

Th erm a l stability 1 0 .2.3.1 YES YES NO

R esistan ce to abnorm al h e a t and fire

1 0 .2 .3 .2 YES YES YES
due to internal ele ctric effects

R esistan ce to u ltra-vio let (U V )

1 0 .2 .4 YES NO NO

Lifting 1 0 .2 .5 YES YES NO

M echanical im pact (IK code) 1 0 .2 .6 YES YES NO

M arking 1 0 .2 .7 YES YES NO

M echanical op eration 1 0 .2 .8 YES YES NO

2 D eg ree of protection of enclosures

(IP code)

3 C lea ran ces 10.4 YES NO NO

4 C re e p a g e distan ces 10.4 YES NO NO

5 P rotection again st electric shock and

integrity of protective circuits:

E ffe ctiv e continuity be tw ee n the

ex p o s ed -co n d u ctiv e-p arts of a class I 1 0 .5 .2 YES NO NO
assem bly and the protective circuit

S ho rt-circuit w ithstand strength of

1 0 .5 .3 YES YES NO
the protective circuit

6 Incorporation of switching devices

10.6 NO NO YES
and com ponents

7 In ternal electrical circuits and

10.7 NO NO YES
co nnections

8 Te rm in a ls for external conductors 10.8 NO NO YES

9 D ielectric properties: 10.9

P o w e r-fre q u e n cy w ithstand voltag e 1 0 .9 .2 YES NO NO

Im pulse w ithstand voltag e 1 0 .9 .3 YES NO YES

Enclosures m ade of insulating

1 0 .9.4 YES NO NO
m aterial

E xtern al operation hand les of

1 0 .9 .5 YES NO NO
insulating m aterial

C onductors co vered by insulating

m aterial to provide protection again st 1 0 .9 .6 YES NO NO
ele ctric shock

10 T e m p e ra tu re -ris e limits D D .1 0 .1 0 YES YES YES

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
- 48- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020

V e r ific a tio n o p tio n s a v a ila b le

No. C h a ra c te r is tic to be v e rifie d S u b c la u s e s Testing® C o m p a ris o n w ith A ssessm ent

a r e fe re n c e
d e s ig n

11 S ho rt-circuit w ithstand strength 10.11 YES YES NO

12 E lectro m agnetic com patibility (E M C ) 1 0 .1 2 YES NO YES

13 Th erm a l cycling test D D .10.101 YES NO NO

14 C lim atic test D D .1 0 .1 0 2 YES NO NO

3 T estin g m ay be on re p rese n ta tive sam p le if perm itted in the ap p ro p ria te test clause.

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 49-

A n nex GG
(inform ative)

List o f notes co n cern in g certain co u n tries

S u b c la u s e Text

8 .8 Add the following note after the last paragraph:

N O T E In the U nited S tates of A m erica (U S A ) the conductor size requ irem ent is d e pen dent on the
current rating, conductor insulation tem p era tu re rating, am bient tem p era tu re and configuration,
along with conductor insulation type. The specific requ irem ents are contained in the US N ational
E lectrical C od e (N E C ) N F P A 70 C h a p te r 3.

8.101 Add the following note after N O T E 2:

N O T E 3 In N orw ay, insulation of live parts or th e integral housing of d e vices is not ac cep ted as a
m eans for achieving internal se paration.

8.101 Add the following note after N O T E 3:

N O T E 4 In A U and N Z , the use o f insulation (deno ted by T ) and integral housings (deno ted by
“h") as barriers is an altern ative m eans of co nstruction. A lte rn ativ e m ean s of construction shall be
id entified by the form identify follow ed by the suffix I, h, or ih. For ex am p le. “Form 3bi" or “Form

1 0 ,2 .3 ,2 .1 of Add the following note after N ote 2

IE C 6 1 439-1
N O T E 3 In K orea, “parts n e cessary to retain cu rren t-carryin g parts in position" m ean, for
exam p le, epoxy insulator, in sulation m aterial for sw itch gear and insulation tu be for busbar, etc.

1 0 .2 .3 .2 .1 of Add the following note a fte r N ote 3

IE C 6 1 439-1
N O T E 4 In K orea, “all other parts” m ean, for ex am p le, in strum ent transform er, operating handle,
control cable and insulation m aterial installed in enclosure, etc.

1 0 .2 .6 Add the following note after the last paragraph

NO TE In K orea, minim um im pact en ergy for P C S -a s s e m b ly is 2 J (IK 0 7 )

J .9 .4 .2 of Add the following note after the 3rd paragraph

IE C 6 1 439-1
N O T E In K orea, T h e incorporated d e v ic e and com ponents can be tested by the local standards
of relev an t product

C ustom er: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - C om pany: Intertek Testing S ervices S henzhen Ltd. G uangzhou Branch
O rder No.: W S-2020-004552 - IM P O R TAN T: This file is copyright of IEC, G eneva, S w itzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreem ent. E nquiries to Em ail: sales@ - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
- 50- IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020


The bibliography of IEC 61439-1 is applicable with the following additions:


IEC 60092-302:1997, Electrical installations in ships - Part 302: Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear assem blies1

IEC 60092-302-2, Electrical installations in ships - Part 302-2: Low voltage sw itchgear and
controlgear assem blies - Marine pow er

IEC 60269 (all parts), Low-voltage fuses

IEC 60898 (all parts), Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for
household and sim ilar installations

IEC 60947 (all parts), Low-voltage sw itchgear and controlgear

IEC 61008 (all parts), Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent
protection for household and sim ilar uses (RCCBs)

IEC 61009 (all parts), R esidual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent
protection for household and sim ilar uses (RCBOs)

IEC 61427-1:2013, Secondary cells and batteries for renewable energy storage - General
requirements and methods o f test - Part 1: Photovoltaic off-grid application

IEC TR 61439-0, Low-voltage sw itchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 0: Guidance to

specifying assemblies

IEC TR 61641:2014, Enclosed low-voltage sw itchgear and controlgear assemblies - Guide for
testing under conditions o f arcing due to internal fault

IEC 61010-2-201, Safety requirem ents for electrical equipm ent for measurement, control, and
laboratory use - Part 2-201: P articular requirem ents fo r control equipment

IEC 61800-5-1, Adjustable speed electrical pow er drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety
requirem ents - Electrical, therm al and energy

IEC 62093, Balance-of-system components for photovoltaic systems - Design qualification

natural environments

IEC 62124, Photovoltaic (PV) stand alone systems - Design verification

IEC 62423, Type F and type B residual current operated circuit-breakers with and without
integral overcurrent protection for household and sim ilar uses

IEC 62446-1:2016, Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Requirements for testing, documentation and
m aintenance - Part 1: Grid connected systems - Documentation, com missioning tests and
IEC 62446-1:2016/AMD1:2018

1 This publication w as w ithdraw n and replaced by IE C 6 0 0 9 2 -3 0 2 -2 :2 0 1 9 .

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
IEC 61439-2:2020 © IEC 2020 - 51 -

IEC 62548:2016, Photovoltaic (PV) arrays - Design requirements

IEC 62790, Junction boxes for photovoltaic modules - Safety requirem ents and tests

IEC TS 63107, Integration o f internal arc-fault m itigation systems in pow er sw itchgear and
controlgear assemblies (PSC - Assemblies) according to IEC 61439-2

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of lEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11

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P O B ox 131
C H -1 2 1 1 G e n e v a 2 0
S w itze rla n d

T e l: + 4 1 2 2 9 1 9 0 2 11
in fo @ iec .ch
w w w .ie c .c h

Customer: Jason Yan- No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Order No.: W S-2020-004552 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11

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