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Walking daily has a big help in your physical health and also your mental health.

It can help
to improve your blood circulation, breathing, and it will also help to strengthen your bones
and muscles, and for the people who have insomnia, it will help in their sleeping schedule. 

While brisk walking, I felt good because I do it after class since my class is five hours, and
sitting for five hours will cause you back pain and pain in your shoulders, so it is a perfect
routine so that I can prevent the problem. But after walking, I’ll usually feel tired because I’ve
just been sitting and doing assignments for a long time, that’s why I’ll get tired. 

After doing the activity, I noticed that I’m sleepy because I’m tired, so I think that it helped
me fix my body clock because it’s always hard for me to sleep since I’m used to sleeping late
until the sunrise.

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