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Peace conference Simulation

Role- NUG(National Unity of Government)


Problem/ Issues Solutions

(1)No check and balance of power in the NUG, Military and EAOs will serve as three
governing body. pillars and hold veto powers just like the UN
permanent security council.EAOs and Military
will have agreement on non-interference
policy and EAO will have authority to conduct
their military strategies.

(2)Division of ethnic armed groups delayed NLD will give important placement of the
the democratization process party leading positions to representatives of
ethnic armed groups and gradually establish
co-governing between NLD and ethnic tribes.

(3)interference of the Military in the ceasefire Non-interference of both military and NLD in
agreements of ethnic groups causes the the ceasefire of ethnic armed groups and
failure of armed groups to act in union instead interference will only be considered upon the
of learning from each other's experiences. request of the actors.
For example- the military offers incentives to
some ethnic groups to the military and it
causes more divisions and hatred within
ethnic groups.

(1) Organization’s position - NLD

(2) How does the conflict affect the interest of your organization?
National reconciliation and Peace Centre(NRPC), the leading internal peace
process mechanism of NLD has been abolished after the coup and the EAOs now need to
discuss it directly with the military. This significantly delayed the peace process of ethnic armed
groups and the power struggle of those groups increased.

(3)NLD’s main goals for perpetual peace

- Amend the current constitution in accordance with the Union agreement
- Recognition of 2020 election and build federal union based on the results of the election
- To collaborate with EAOs.
(4) Proposals

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