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4, JULY / AUGUST 1994 1099

Short-Circuit Current Calculation:

A Comparison between Methods
of IEC and ANSI Standards
Using Dynamic Simulation as Reference
Albert0 Berizzi, Member, IEEE, Stefan0 Massucco, Member, IEEE, Andrea Silvestri,
and Dario Zaninelli, Member, IEEE

Abstract-An essential issue concerning short-circuit studies ages, electrical system one-line diagram, on adequate
is about how much precise should short-circuit calculations be. sizing of system equipment, and on proper setting of
Simplified procedures have been proposed since many years by
International Committees to provide reference methods for the
protection devices, is still a basic and unquestionable
manual computation and for the use of rated, rather than requirement.
operating, equipment data. Recently, dynamic programs have Some of the mentioned studies need complex and de-
been used to accurately simulate short-circuit currents. Two tailed models to represent the behavior of the power
widely adopted international standards (ANSI / IEEE system; other studies can utilize less sophisticated ap-
C37.010.1979 and IEC 909 Standards) are investigated in this
paper for comparing and pointing out the most significant proaches based on simplified but valid analytic proce-
differences in methodologies, assumptions, computed currents, dures. The kind and detail of the analysis are strictly
and results. An outline of the two standards is presented and a related to the stage of the project under development.
detailed comparison is carried on. The procedures of the two Not all the above mentioned calculations are required
standards are applied to a test network proposed in the IEC 909 at the preliminary stage of a project and also their accu-
Standard. Results of calculations by the two standards are
compared using the results of a transient study performed by racy can be less strict at this point than at more advanced
the EMTP simulation program as a reference basis. stages.
Short-circuit current studies are a typical example of
this. They are essential studies in system design as well as
I. INTRODUCTION in equipment sizing and selection. Their accuracy can be
L A ” I N G , design, and operation of electrical power quite different: they can be based on simulation, that
P systems require several studies to evaluate and assess must adopt very detailed models representing the dynamic
performances, reliability, and safety of the system. Exam- behaviour of system components, or they can use simpli-
ples of these studies are: load flow, fault and short-circuit, fied approaches by a quasi-steady state representation of
motor starting, stability, protective device coordination, the system components.
reliability analysis [l], [21. Although there is a great inter- Simplified procedures for short-circuit current calcula-
est in power system operation (as the large number of tion have been proposed long since by International Or-
works on hardware and software tools to improve system ganizations [4]-[91. The adoption of dynamic simulation is
operation can testify [31), it is common experience that a relatively more recent and is related to the availability of
poor electrical system design can lead to serious conse- powerful computers and software tools, which are succes-
quences in the system safety and operation. Sometimes sive to the development of standards, and to the availabil-
problems cannot be solved and the system situation can- ity of a much larger set of data (the recent document [lo]
not be improved by subsequent adoption of control provides information about power system equipment).
methodologies and devices. Bad system operation may The enormous development of computer hardware and
often be prevented by a correct planning and design. A software could have forced power system engineers to
good system design based on a careful selection of volt- adopt extensively dynamic simulation for short-circuit
studies and to set aside the use of simplified procedures
Paper ICPSD 93-47, approved by the Power Systems Engineering offered by standards. On the contrary, there is still a great
Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation interest in short-circuit current calculation by interna-
at the 1993 IAS Annual Meeting. Manuscript released for publication tional standards as it can be deduced by the continuous
February 21, 1994.
A. Berizzi, A. Silvestri, and D. Zaninelli are with the Dipartimento di process of revision and consolidation they are subjected to
Elettrotecnica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonard0 da Vinci 32, (for instance, see [51, [SI and [71, [91). Moreover, this
MI33 Milano, Italy. interest is confirmed by the significant presence in the
S.Massucco is with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Univer-
sit$ di Pavia, Via Abbiategrasso 209, 27100 Pavia, Italy. software market of many programs that make use of the
IEEE Log Number 9402630. quasi-steady state computational method proposed by in-

0094-9994/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE


ternational standards [ll] and by recent works which Afterwards, reference is made to the case of three-phase
compare standards and procedures from different coun- balanced short-circuit, because [7] applies only superfi-
tries [12]-[14]. cially to unbalanced faults. Some details to unbalanced
The aim of the present paper is to give evidence of the faults are reported in the mentioned revision of the IEC
different approaches offered by dynamic and standard 909 Standard [9].
based calculation of short-circuit currents and to remind
0 Computation of . :Z The approach of the IEC 909
the specific fields of application and the limits of both.
Afterwards, it seemed worthwhile to compare the method- method consists in an approximation of the superpo-
ologies offered by two important international standards, sition method. It neglects the state prior to the faults
namely the ANSI/IEEE C37.010.1979 [61 and the IEC and considers an equivalent voltage source cU, at the
909 [7], which is the recent result of a long revision work. faulted bus. The results are made sufficiently accu-
It is evident that the comparison between the IEC and the rate by using some corrective factors. The voltage
ANSI/IEEE Standards is not immediate and needs some factor c assumes different values according to the
considerations due to the differences in computed quanti- system rated voltage ( c = 1 in low-voltage systems
ties. The outlines of the two standards are reported in the 230 V/400 V, 50 Hz; c = 1.05 in other low-voltage
following Sec. I1 by pointing out the most significant systems; c = 1.1in medium and high-voltage systems):
differences in methodologies, assumptions, computed cur- it is used to set the most adequate voltage level that
rents and results. The comparison between the standards determines the maximum short-circuit current. An-
is carried out in Sec. I11 on the basis of results derived by other factor K , allows the calculation of the cor-
applying the procedures of the two standards to an electri- rected value of the generator impedance: Z,, =
cal test network proposed in the Appendix of the IEC 909 K J R , +jX$>, where R , is a fictitious value of
Standard. This test network consists of a large generator resistance (generally higher than the actual value of
connected to an external system by means of a step-up the stator resistance) assigned by the Standard as a
transformer and supplying power to an internal network function of the subtransient reactance XG for differ-
including several motors at different voltage levels. The ent ranges of voltage and rating of the generator.
network is quite interesting because it takes into consider- Analogously, other specific corrective factors are pro-
ation balanced short-circuit faults near to generator and posed for power station units, depending on whether
in presence of motor contributions. generators and transformers are to be considered
In order to present a more significant comparison, the separately or not. As for the other element
same electrical test network has been investigated by impedances-such as external network, two or three
using a recent version of the EMTP, a widely spread winding transformers, overhead lines and cables-the
international computer code for electrical transient analy- Standard gives appropriate formulae. Motors are
sis [15]. The results of the transient analysis are in terms modelled by their locked rotor impedance.
of current waveforms versus time: after some elabora- :Z is calculated as: :Z = CU,/ f i z k , where Z, is
tions, they are used as a reference to compare the differ- the equivalent impedance as seen from the faulted
ent values of short-circuit currents computed as required bus; Zk includes rotating machines’ impedances only
by the ANSI/IEEE and the IEC Standards. if the fault is near-to-generators (and motors).


Separated formulae for near-to- or far-from-generator
short-circuits are proposed to compute i,, I b , 16 asym, Zk,
A. The ZEC 909 Standard both because of their inherent dependence on :Z and
The IEC 909 Standard 171 distinguishes between near- furthermore because these characteristic values depend
to-generator and far-from-generator (and motor) short- on the time behavior of the short-circuit current, influ-
circuits, a commonly adopted practice in German techni- enced by possible contributions of synchronous and/or
cal literature [161. The short-circuit is the sum of an ac induction machines.
symmetrical component and of an aperiodic component The Standard also provides different approaches ac-
id,. Near-to-generator short-circuit current presents a cording to network configuration-radial or meshed-and
symmetrical component decaying with time, while far- to fault location. For radial systems, the total short-circuit
from-generator symmetrical component is constant. current is computed-in a simplified but more conserva-
In particular the IEC 909 Standard considers the fol- tive manner-as the algebraic sum (instead of vector sum)
lowing values of short-circuit currents: of all contributions from the paths connected to the fault
location; otherwise, in the case of meshed networks, this
Z[ rms initial symmetrical component; is not possible and a different procedure must take place.
i, peak value;
1, symmetrical short-circuit breaking current at the Computation of i,. It is necessary to distinguish the
instant t , of contact separation of the first pole cases of radial or meshed network.
of a switching device; -In the case of radial network, ip is the sum of
I6 asym rms asymmetrical short-circuit breaking current; contributions i from the ith path converging to the
I, rms steady state short-circuit current. fault bus. Each z p r is computed as a function of ,:Z as

iPi = Ki\/ZZii,where each coefficient Ki depends (by Standard furnishes two graphs for each type of ma-
a formula or a graph) on the X / R ratio of the chine relating I,,,,, and I k m i n to the ratio I I G / Z r G
corresponding element. and, in the case of I k m a x , to the direct axis syn-
-In the case of meshed network, as the behavior of chronous reactance saturated value.
the short-circuit current in each path depends on all
network branch parameters, the IEC 909 suggests B. The ANSI / ZEEE C37.010-1979Standard
three different approximated methods (named A , B , The purpose of the ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979 Stan-
and C ) to compute an equivalent X / R ratio for the dard [6]-aftenvards cited simply as ANSI Standard-is
direct determination of i,. to allow a good size of medium and high-voltage breakers
Computation of Ib. In the case of short-circuit far- (rated on symmetrical current basis) installed at 1000 V
from-generators and independently on the network and above; the corresponding Standard for low voltage
structure, the following holds: I b = Z i = I k . In the breaker is the ANSI/IEEE C37.013-1981, which is not
case of near-to-generator short-circuit it is necessary considered in this paper.
to distinguish between radial and meshed networks: The ANSI Standard allows a simplified calculation of
-radial networks: I b can be expressed as the sum of short-circuit currents by reducing the electric system to an
different Ibi contributions, where Zbi = piqiZii.The equivalent network made by an ideal voltage source E
factor pi can be determined by a formula or a graph behind an equivalent reactance (both expressed in P.u.).
as a function of the minimum contact parting time t, The voltage magnitude E is the highest typical operating
and of the ratio Zii/Zri, where the considered values voltage at the faulted bus and it represents the prefault
of t , are 0.02,0.05, 0.1 and 2 0.25 s and where Zri is voltage. In many cases, when the operating voltage is
the rated current of the machine related to the ith unknown, the nominal voltage is utilized.
branch; for external network supplies, pi = 1 is By means of appropriate corrective factors, the ANSI
adopted. The factor qi is set equal to 1 unless the Standard considers both the dc and the ac decay of the
branch is an induction motor. In the latter case qi short circuit current. The dc decay is determined by the
( I 1) is a function of 1, and of rated power per pair X / R ratio of the equivalent impedance as seen from the
of poles; fault point; the ac decay takes into account the behavior
-meshed networks: it can be assumed I b = Zi, ac- of the system’s rotating machines such as induction mo-
cording to a conservative approximation of a more tors and synchronous generators. Concerning the ac de-
complicated formula. cay, two possibilities are considered: rotating machines
Computation of I b a s y m . It can be calculated as can be either near to or remote from the fault location.
The ANSI Standard aim is to determine a symmetrical
rms current on the basis of which it is possible to choose a
circuit breaker rated on symmetrical current basis as
This formula is also adopted, with different symbols, stated in ANSI C37.04-1979 [171 and ANSI C37.06-1987
in [6] (Sec. 5.1.3 and Appendix A4). The component [l8], although older breakers can still be selected on a
id, must be evaluated at the instant t, (as well as z b ) , total current basis [19]. The considered faults are both
by the formula symmetrical and nonsymmetrical; the Standard pays par-
ticular attention to three-phase and line-to-ground faults.
id, = exp ( - 2 7 ~ f t R / X ) , (1) Three types of duties are taken into consideration by
the ANSI C37.010-1979: (a) first-cycle duty; (b) contact-
where the value of the ratio X / R is computed dif- parting duty; and (c) short-circuit current for time-delayed
ferently according to the radial or meshed network relaying devices.
structure. Each of the cited duties is calculated using a different
-radial network i, = cid, i , where for each branch network. The characteristics of these duties are described
(1) applies with its proper X / R . and commented with reference to the mentioned ANSI
-meshed networks: id, is directly computed using Standard.
(11, where the equivalent ratio X / R can be computed (a) First-cycle duty: It is the half-cycle rms current and
by using one of the methods B or C adopted by the it allows the evaluation of stresses during the first cycle
standard to calculate i,. No indication is given about after the fault. To compute it, a first-cycle network must
the calculation of the single contributions i, i . be built: this requires to ignore the static loads’
Computation of 1,. Two different procedures are impedances, to use the branches’ impedances and to cor-
considered for the cases of faults far-from- or near- rect the rotating machines’ subtransient impedances with
to-generators. In the former I k is assumed equal to multiplicative factors which take into account their typical
Zi; in the latter many parameters affecting the cur- ac decay. Reactances instead of impedances can be used.
rent behavior must be accounted for: magnetic cir- The rotating machines’ multiplicative factors are collected
cuits saturation, excitation type and voltage ceiling, into a table; in particular induction motors are classified
automatic voltage regulator, type of machine (turbo- into three groups in accordance with their rated power
generator or salient poles generator). The IEC 909 and number of poles. The calculation of the first-cycle

duty does not require any consideration about local or factor (cited here as F) which is time varying and depends
remote short-circuit current sources. on the actual X/R ratio: the rated symmetrical capability
Once the equivalent reactance X is obtained, the of the breaker must be larger than F - E / X ;the so
first-cycle duty can be evaluated as E / X (symmetrical, selected interrupting device is adequate as for the total
rms); this symmetrical duty must be lower than the breaker (asymmetrical) short-circuit current too.
closing and latching capability and it does not take into Two set of curves (the meaning of which is described in
account the dc component decay; so it is possible to [20]) are available in the Sec. 5.3.2 of the Standard [6] for
calculate the asymmetrical duty (rms) by multiplying E / X evaluating the factor F : a local curve and a remote one.
by the factor 1.6; moreover, if E / X is multiplied by 2.7, The former, which refers to faults fed predominantly from
one can evaluate the peak value of the first-cycle short- near generators, takes into account both the ac and the dc
circuit current. The factors 1.6 and 2.7 are not empirically decay and it is only empirically known [21]. The latter
determined: their meaning is described in [20] and they curve is related to faults far from generators and consid-
can be derived respectively from the formulae: ers only the dc decay: in this case F can be analytically
expressed as a function of X / R . When both local and
,, = 41 + 2exp(-4aftR/X), (2) remote sources are present, it is not easy to decide which
curve is needed. The more conservative procedure con-
Speak= f i r 1 + e x p ( - 2 ~ f t R / X ) ] , (3) sists in applying the higher factor, i.e., the one related to
the remote curve. In [22] an interpolation technique is
where f is the frequency, X and R are the equivalent applied to single contributions to the fault; a different
reactance and resistance of the first-cycle network. Actu- multiplying factor is applied to each contribution.
ally, factors 1.6 and 2.7 are derived respectively from (2) (c) Short-circuit currents for time-delayed relaying devices:
and ( 3 ) by adopting X/R = 25. Nevertheless, due to the It is necessary to evaluate this current in case of applica-
common exponential shape of (2) and (3), the value of tion of time-delay relays beyond six cycles. The short-cir-
X / R which determines the previously mentioned factors cuit current is calculated as E / X where the correspond-
is indicated in [20] equal to 15: this value is clearly ing network must be built only with generators as well as
established by the ANSI Standard as regard to the differ- with passive elements such as lines and transformers, and
ent procedures for computing the contact-parting duty omitting motor contribution, which can be considered
[see the next point (b)]. vanished. Generators are represented by their transient
The Standard recommends to use two different net- reactances or by a larger reactance that takes into ac-
works to evaluate X and R, one with only reactances and count the ac decay; moreover, the dc component is sup-
the other with only resistances. This procedure is more posed to be zero.
conservative than the one consisting in the calculation of
the complex impedance, for which X and R would be the
immaginary and the real part, respectively.
(b) Contact-parting duty: It is the rms current at the A. Test Network
parting of the breaker poles. In the Standard, only break- The test network adopted for comparing the two stan-
ers with minimum contact-parting time in the interval dards is proposed in the Appendix A3 of the IEC 909
1.5-4 cycles are considered. A n interrupting network has Standard and reported in Fig. 1. It consists of a power
to be built, composed by the prefault voltage source and station unit connected to a 220 kV system. The auxiliary
by an equivalent impedance. This equivalent impedance transformer AT is of the three-winding type and feeds two
(or reactance X , as permitted by the Standard) is calcu- auxiliary busbars B and C at the nominal voltage of 10
lated as in the previous point a: the multiplicative factors kV. Fig. 1 indicates the principal characteristics of all
of rotating machine subtransient reactances are different, equipment. The data of the transformer and of the exter-
because the ac decay at minimum contact-parting time is nal supply system are the same as in [7], while the data of
larger than during the first cycle. the generator and of the motors (handled as groups of
The ANSI Standard provides two procedures to select motors) are specified in [23]-also those unnecessary for
the proper breaker: the most simple possibility, when the use of the standards but essential for the dynamic
X/R is unknown, is to select as adequate a breaker with simulation. Balanced short-circuit current faults at F1, F2,
symmetrical capability larger than 1.25E / X . Otherwise, it and F3 (see Fig. 1) are taken into consideration. Concern-
is necessary to analyse the ratio X / R and the knowledge ing the dynamic simulation, the steady-state condition
of the system resistances is necessary. If X / R is lower preceding the fault is assumed to correspond to the func-
than 15, the breaker symmetrical capability can be se- tioning of motors at nominal slip, while the generator has
lected as > E / X ; on the contrary, a more detailed proce- a load angle which assures the delivery of the nominal
dure (named “with adjustment for ac and dc decrement”) power at the nominal power factor; besides, the effect of
comes into play and it will be considered subsequently. the automatic voltage regulators is not accounted for,
Following this method, once E/X is calculated, it is because it influences the phenomenon only after about
possible to select the breaker by using a proper corrective 200 ms.


Unit transformer T
S,r = 2 5 0 MVA
Un~vlU,~~=2 kV4 l0i l 2 % ) / 2 1 kV
uk, = 15% ;Pkn = 5 2 0 kW


A Auxiliary transformer AT

Auxiliary busbar B, U, =10 kV

M7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1
7 7 7 - . -

M15 M21

6 M20 6 M26

Fig. 1. High and medium voltage test network with faults near-to-generator and motors. Network used for comparison of
results: faults at F1. F2, F3.

B. Basis for the Comparison of the Two Standards Standard and X is the reactance of the first-cycle
The ANSI Standard is not directly addressed to the
The IEC 909 calculates the peak short-cycle cur-
calculation of short-circuit currents but its aim is to choose
rent i,. The ANSI Standard does not directly con-
as well as possible the circuit breaker; the IEC 909 is not
sider this quantity, but allows to calculate it by multi-
particularly oriented to breaker sizing, but rather to the
plying the same term E/X by 2.7.
calculation of short-circuit currents; the dynamic simula-
Concerning the instant of the contact parting, the
tion gives the current waveform, independently from the
IEC 909 allows the calculation of the symmetrical
engineering application of this information. So, as the
component 16,and only in one of the examples in the
goal of this paper is to compare the ANSI and IEC
Appendix it shows the value of the asymmetrical
Standards and the dynamic simulation, considerations
component I , asym; the ANSI Standard considers only
about breaker sizing are left out (while they are treated in
the breaker symmetrical duty.
detail in [241) and attention is focused on the calculation
methodologies of the two standards which are analysed The term corresponding to 16 can be evaluated in the
accurately, to define common quantities comparable also ANSI Standard as E/X,where X is the equivalent reac-
with those evaluated by means of computer dynamic simu- tance of the interrupting network [see our Sec. IIB(b)].
lation. Although the ANSI Standard does not consider the asym-
metrical short-circuit current at the minimum contact
A first comparison between the characteristic values parting time, it is possible to evaluate it by the following
of the short-circuit current considers the initial sym- logical process. Once the breaker is chosen, its asymmetri-
metrical current. The Z i in the IEC 909 can be cal capability is univocally determined from its symmetri-
related to the term E/X of the ANSI Standard, cal rating using ( 2 ) at the half cycle and supposing X / R
where E corresponds to cU, (p.u.1 of the IEC 909 = 15; the asymmetrical short-circuit current is assumed

TABLE I has, for example, a peak value of 0.46 kA which is negligi-

AT F1, F2 AND F3 (SEEFIG1):COMPARISON BETWEENANSI, IEC ble. Even using the ANSI Standard but neglecting the
SIMULATION. contribution of motors, we obtained for example a peak
USED I N THE IEC 909 value of 54.12 kA, very close to the one referred in Table
MULTIPLYING THE FIRSTCYCLEE/X BY 2.7 -Concerning the calculations of i, by the ANSI Stan-
(in the brackets) dard, it is possible to note that, using the coefficient

Fault location ANSI IEC EMTP derived by the actual X / R instead of the coefficient 2.7,
its determination in the case of F1 and F3 is closer than in
IWk=21.04 I",=22.73 1",=22.03 the case of F2 to the one by EMTP. In fact, in the cases
F1 ip=54.49(56.80) i,=56.64 ip=51.71 F1 and F3 the ratio X / R is lower than 25 (about equal to
18 and 24, respectively) while in F2 it is greater than 25
1,=20.99 l,,=22.57 1,=20.30 (about equal to 60).
1,-=21.30 - I, -,,=20.47 --In the case of fault F3 it is possible to note a difference
on the value of I,, determined by the two standards
Yk=75.83 I",=8 1.42 Iak=71.62 compared with the dynamic simulation. This is due both
ip=217.36 ip=201.65
to the beating of the symmetrical component of the
F2 ip=208.94(204.69)
short-circuit current (a typical dynamic phenomenon,
I,=74.35 1,=74.43 Ib=60.23 which is clearly shown in Fig. 2) and to the overestimation
- I, -=87.80
by the standards of motor contributions to the fault (see
Table I1 and the corresponding comments). As concerns
Iwk=29.70 1",=30.70 Yk=27.3O the calculation of the contributions to the fault current, it
is important to note that the ANSI Standard seems not
F3 ip=78.86(80.35) ip=81.19 ip=69.64
explicitly to consider this possibility. Nevertheless, it is
Ib=25.98 1,=23.68 1,=17.75 possible to imagine the calculation of these contributions
considering the reactance of the corresponding network
1,,,=28.06 - 1,,,=21.63
branches and attributing to them the relevant E / X .
Table I1 reports the contributions to the fault F3 cur-
rent from the three-winding transformer AT (secondary B
side), from the group of motors M1-M7 and from the
equal to the breaker asymmetrical capability and compa- motors M + T 15-20, feeding the fault through their
rable to I b transformers. As shown in Table 11, the proposed method
C. Comments and Results to determine the fault current contributions with the
ANSI Standard gives results in accordance to the IEC
Table I shows the characteristic values of the short-cir- Standard and both the standard procedures overestimate
cuit current at the fault points for the IEC 909, the ANSI fault currents with respect to the dynamic simulation
Standard, and the dynamic simulation carried out by results.
means of the EMTP simulation program [151. The table This overestimation is higher for motor contributions,
refers respectively to the faults F1, F2, and F3 (Fig. 1)and as above mentioned, due to the fact the dynamic simula-
the symmetrical and asymmetrical breaking currents are tion takes into account the electric and mechanical tran-
evaluated at t , = 0.1 s (5 cycles). sient behavior of the motors. Only simulation can reveal
Referring to Table I, it is possible to make the following that during the short-circuit transient the motors near to
the fault point behave as generators (the mean value of
-The IEC 909 and the ANSI Standard give results that the torque changes its sign) but the motors far from the
are overestimated with respect to dynamic simulation, fault point still operate as motors. Fig. 3, depicting the
clearly in favor of a safety margin. In general, this overes- transient of the MV motor torques in the case of fault F3,
timation is less marked in the ANSI Standard: its results is a significant example of this.
are closer than the IEC 909 to those obtained by the
dynamic simulation. IV. CONCLUSIONS
-The IEC 909 does not indicate how to calculate Ib asym The present work performed a comparison between two
in this example, while it is possible to deduce it by the of the most significant international standards for short-
procedure used in the ANSI Standard, obtaining values in circuit calculation: the IEC 909 Standard and the
agreement with the dynamic simulation. ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979. Although the methodologies
--In case of fault F1, the IEC 909 (differently from the of the two standards are both based on a steady-state
ANSI) does not take into account the contribution of approximation of the short-circuit phenomenon, they are
motors. Dynamic simulation confirms this approach. In quite different. The ANSI Standard is more oriented to
fact, the corresponding contribution (expressed as the breaker selection, while the IEC Standard gives general
current in the primary of the three-winding transformer) guidelines for short-circuit current computation: conse-

40. I I I I 1 I
I quently the comparative analysis was not so evident and
some detailed considerations had to be done in perform-
ing the comparison. A set of short-circuit currents, di-
rectly extracted from the standards or obtainable after
some elaborations, were determined as values useful for
the comparison. A detailed dynamic analysis performed
by using a well known program for electromagnetic simu-
lation was used as reference for the comparison between
the two standards. This latter analysis is expected to
provide a more accurate evaluation of the short-circuit
-20. currents because of its inherent superiority in modelling
the physical phenomenon.
The comparison between the two standards carried out
-40. I I I I I I I in this paper shows that the IEC 909 is somewhat more
.005 .1 .2 [SI .3 ponderous than the ANSI Standard. Hypotheses and as-
Fig. 2. Symmetricalshort-circuit current in case of fault F3. sumptions are more numerous and more detailed in the
IEC 909 than in the ANSI Standard. In the former
standard more information and more formulae about the
possibility of neglecting motor contributions are pre-
TABLE I1 sented, as well as the basis for determining whether
(AT), FROM THE short-circuit is to be considered near or far-from-genera-
GROUPOF MV MOTORS( M I ... M7) AND FROM THE GROUP tors. The ANSI Standard presents more empirical but as
OFTRANSFORMERS-MOTORS ( M + T, 15 ... 20) much efficient solutions. The results of calculations, in
EMTP fact, confirm that both the standards give satisfactory
approximations of the short-circuit currents which are,
18.27 18.17 17.55
‘“k AT mostly, on the safety side.
10.00 7.82 Sometimes the better accuracy offered by dynamic
analysis becomes a must, such as in case of short-circuit
currents that exibit a large asymmetrical component, or
48.40 51.39 49.40 when more detailed information about actual rotating
machine contributions are needed, or when evaluation of
i, qMl..M7) 24.19 24.77 10.87 voltage regulator effects on fault currents is required.
i, qM+T.15..20) 6.22 5.03 3.41 Nevertheless the traditional short-circuit analysis based
on the standards’ methodologies is still very important.
‘bAT 18.22 18,17 16.97 The adoption of the standards (and of adequately vali-
I, qMl..M7) 6.09 4.82 1.15 dated computer programs based on their methodologies)
should be encouraged if an unique reference for compar-
Ia qM+T.15..20) 1.66 0.69 0 ing different designs is needed, particularly at the begin-
ning of a project development, or if there is lack of data
and of their accuracy for transient analysis.
Although the EMTP simulation program used in this
T CkNn3
paper is widely adopted, there is still no evidence of the
existence of a uniquely recognized international dynamic
program which can be used as a reference, in the same
way as the international standards are.

[l] “Industrial and commercial power system analysis,” ANSI/IEEE
Std.399-80, IEEE Brown Book, 1980.
[2] “IEEE Recommended practice for protection and coordination of
W. .M14 industrial and commercial power systems,” ANSI/IEEE Std.242-

-1 v 1986, IEEE Buff Book, 1986.

[31 Working Group 01 of Study Committee 37: “Flexibility of power
systems. Principles, means of achievement and approaches for
facing uncertainty by planning flexible development of power sys-
tems,” ELECTRA, no. 135, pp. 75-101, April 1991.
0 W Q m m im 110 IQ [41 “Recommendation for the calculation of short-circuit current,”
t [
VDE 0102 Standard, Part 1/11.1971 and Part 2/11.1975.
[SI “Short-circuit evaluation with special regard to rated short-circuit
Fig. 3. Torques ( T ) of motors M1 ... M 7 and M 8 ... M14, respec- capacity of short-circuit breakers in installation in ships,” IEC
tively, in case of fault F3. Publication 363, first edition, 1972.

“Application guide for AC high-voltage circuit breakers rated on a Stefan0 Massucco (M87) received the Doctor
symmetrical basis,” ANSI/IEEE Std. C37.010-1979. degree in electrical engineering at the Univer-
“Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems,” IEC sity of Genova (Italy) in 1979. From 1979 to
Publication 909, First edition, 1988. 1987 he had been working at the Electrical
“Short-circuit current evaluation with special regard to installation Engineering Department of Genova University,
in ships and offshore drilling units,” IEC Publication 363, Draft at CREL-the Electrical Research Center of
second edition, April 1990. ENEL (Italian Electricity Board) in Milano, and
“Revision of IEC 909, 1988. Short-circuit current calculation in at ANSALDO S.p.A. in Genova. Since 1987 he
three-phase ac systems,” IEC preliminary draft, 73 (Sec.) 56, has been Associate Professor of Power Systems
January 1993. at the University of Pavia, where he gives lec-
“Electrical equipment-Data for short-circuit current calculations tures in Automation of Electric Encrgy Systems.
in accordance with IEC 909 (1988),” IEC Technical report 909-2, His main research interests are in the field of power systems design and
first edition 1992-08. control, power systems analysis and simulation, expert systems applica-
N. N. Bengiamin and F. H. Holcomb, “PC-based power system tion to power systems. He is member of PES and of the Italian National
software: comparing functions and features,” IEEE Comp. Appl. Research Council (CNR)-Electric Power Systems Group.
Power, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 35-40, Jan. 1992.
1121 J. R. Dunki-Jacobs, B. P. Lam, and R. P. Stratford, “A comparison
of ANSI-based and dynamically rigorous short-circuit current cal-
culation procedures,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 24, no. 6, pp.
1180-1194, Nov./Dec. 1988.
A. Berizzi, F. Castelli Dezza, S. Massucco, A. Silvestri, and D.
Zaninelli, “Evolution of international standards for short-circuit
calculations: a comparative analysis supported by simulation tests,”
Fifih International Symposium on Short-circuit Currents in Power
Systems, Warsaw (Poland), September 8-9, 1992.
A. J. Rodolalus, “A comparison of North American (ANSI) and
European (IEC) fault calculation guidelines,” IEEE Trans. Ind.
Appl, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 515-521, May/June 1993.
ATP-“Alternative Transient Program Rule Book,” Leuven
EMTP Center, July 1987.
R. Roeper, Short-Circuit Current Calculations in Three-phase Sys-
tems, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1985. Andrea Silvestri received the Doctor degree in
“IEEE Standard rating structure for ac high-voltage circuit break- electrical engineering from the Politecnico di
ers rated on a symmetrical current basis,” ANSI/IEEE Std. Milano (Italy). He was Assistant Professor and
C37.04-1979. then Associate Professor in Electric Plants at
“AC high-voltage circuit breakers rated on a symmetrical current Pavia University (Italy); now he is Full Professor
basis-Preferred ratings and related required capabilities,” of Electric Power Systems at the Politecnico di
ANSI/IEEE Std.C37.06-1987. Milano. His main scientific interests are in power
“Guide for calculation of fault currents for application of ac systems analysis. He is director of the Electrical
high-voltage circuit breakers rated on a total current basis,’’ Engineering Reoiew “MI-Automazione Ener-
ANSI/IEEE Std.C37.5-1979. gia Informazione.” He is a member of the Ital-
C. N. Hartman, “Understanding asymmetry,” IEEE Trans. Ind. ian Committee of CIRED and of the CEI
Appl., vol. IA-21, 110.4, pp. 842-848, July/Aug. 1985. (Italian Standard Authority) Committees 11 and 64; at CEI he is also
C. R. St. Pierre, “Sample system for three-phase short-circuit president of the CT3 and the SC 111 A Committees, and the Italian
calculations,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 203-211, delegate to the CENELEC SC 111 A.
Mar./April 1990.
[221 “IEEE Recommended practice for electric power distribution for
industrial plants,” ANSI/IEEE Std.141-1986, IEEE Red Book,
F. Castelli Dezza, A. Silvestri, and D. Zaninelli, “The IEC 909
Standard and dynamic simulation of short-circuit current,” Eur.
Trans. Etectr. Power Eng., vol. 4, no. 3, May/June 1994.
B. Bridger, “All amperes are not created equal: a comparison of
current of high-voltage circuit breakers rated according to ANSI
and IEC standards,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 29, no. 1,
Jan./Feb. 1993.

Albert0 Berizzi (M’93) received the Doctor de- Dario Zaninelli (M’88) received the Ph.D. de-
gree in electrical engineering at Politecnico di gree in electrical engineering at Politecnico di
Milano (Italy) in 1990 and he is now Assistant Milano (Italy) in 1989 and he is now Assistant
Professor at the Electrical Engineering Depart- Professor at the Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment of Politecnico di Milano. His areas of ment of Politecnico di Milano. His areas of
research include: power system harmonics, research include: power system harmonics and
power system analysis, and voltage stability. He power system analysis. He is a member of PES,
is a member of PES and of the Italian National of IAS and of the Italian National Research
Research Council (CNR)-Electrical Power Council (CNR)-Electric Power Systems Group.
Systems Group.

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