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Dear youtube team

Im appealing for my channel named Mission AM

recently i applied for monetization on this channel

but my application was rejected and it shows that my channel has reused content
but i dont have any reused material on my channel,
all videos are my gameplay videos, and i recorded those game on my android phone
every content on my channel are made by my own,
i never used any third party material on my content till now,
it dosent have any music, any clip from other sources, or any video from youtube.

i play many games to make content for my channel, maybe the visual of some game can
because of the visual structure of that game.
but it dosent mean that i copied the gameplay from others,
im pretty much sure that there is a mistake from youtube bot.
my gameplays are all under every guideline.
i didnt break any rules of youtube partner programme.

let me show you how i make my content

basicly i record my gameplay from my smartphone during play them.

i start recording and then i play my specific games.
after playing for a specific time i save the recordings.
then i make some adjustments and some basic edits on my phone,
and then i upload them on youtube.
this way i made all of my content on this channel

so dear youtube team,

here i explained everything that how i make content and upload them,
and im 100% sure that there is no copyright content or reused content on my channel

i request internal team to carefully review my content closely.

i believe youtube team will find my content clean,
and i have full faith in internal team.

thank you

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