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I have made a sample of the video. However, I have a few queries that I would like to ask

#1 – You mentioned in the loom video that you want the products on the right side of the video.

So, Kindly confirm if you want the real products to be displayed over there?

I have shown the real product in the sample.

#2 – The software that I am using does not have an exact clothing so I have made a similar type of
clothing for the character and also at the end of the sample you will see some other options for the
pants and shirts.

#3 – Please note:

This is just the raw video, I have not added any sound effects or music in the background

#4 – At the start, I can show even a better animation for the line - Mandatory PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment) on site

This will improve the animation quality and engage the viewers as well.

Please confirm if you want to see a different option for the same.


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