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War On Drugs:

War on drugs is a series of actions tending toward a

prohibition of illegal drug trade. It is a campaign
adopted by the U.S. government along with the foreign
military aid and with the assistance of participating
countries, to both define and to end the import,
manufacture, sale, and use of illegal drugs.. This
initiative includes a set of U.S. drug policies that are
proposed to discourage the production, distribution,
and consumption of illegal psychoactive drugs. The
term "War on Drugs" was first used by President
Richard Nixon on June 17, 1971, during which he
described illegal drugs as "public enemy number one in
the United States.".

a medicine or other substance which has a
physiological effect when ingested or
otherwise introduced into the body.

Effects to Individuals:

The more you take a drug, the more likely you are to
build up a tolerance to its effects. This can lead to the
need to take larger doses to obtain the effects of the
drug. For this reason, evidence suggests that after
prolonged use, many drugs can cause dependence.
Drug dependence
can quickly begin to
affect your
psychological and
physical health, and can also affect your work and social life.

Effects to Family:
The effects of drug abuse on family members, specifically for children living with an addicted
parent can be felt long after childhood and well into adulthood. Parental alcoholism and drug
addiction can create poor self-image, loneliness, guilt, anxiety, feelings of helplessness, fear of
abandonment and chronic depression in children.

Effects on Society:
Substance abuse and addiction have grave
consequences on our existing social systems,
effecting crime rates, hospitalizations, child abuse,
and child neglect, and are rapidly consuming limited
public funds. The intravenous drug abuser
represents the fastest growing vector of HIV virus.
This report focuses on the social and economic
implications of substance abuse and addiction and
discusses the merits and limitations of several
popular solutions to the problem.


I think that the war on drugs is not an effective way to stop the criminals from using
drugs. In doing the war on drugs program some innocent people can be killed and be affected
since there is no enough proof that can show that they are real drug dealers and they can’t fight
for themselves. And everybody deserves second chance. Some drug users are misunderstood
since they only use drugs because of their problems and needs.


Nataniel Hernandez

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