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GEd 105- MIDTERM concerning the past on which historians

depend in order to create their own

Main Topic I: Introduction to History depiction of the past. There are three
Lesson 1: Definition and sources of kinds of sources namely: primary,
history secondary, and tertiary sources.

A. Definition
History is the study and
interpretation by a historian on the data
and other source of the past human
activity, people, societies and
civilizations leading to the present day.
There are three important concepts in
the definition. First it is based on past
events. It is interpreted by someone
usually by historian.

B. History’s Subject Matter

The word history came from the

Greek word Historia which means
inquiry. It denotes asking question or
investigation of the past done by person
trained to do so or by persons interested
in human past. We can say that
historical account must be based on all
available relevant evidence.

C. History and the Historian

Historian is an expert or student
of history, especially that of a particular
period, geographical region or social
phenomenon. Historians seek not only
historical evidence and facts but also to
interpret these facts. He also gives
meaning to these facts and organizes
them chronologically.

D. Sources of History
Historical sources are
tangible remains of the past. It is an
object from the past or testimony

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