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Map Pointing Skills-GUIDELINES (Prease note that the labelling should be done in CAPITAL tetters preferably using the Arrow.) Mountains and Plateaus ; fo Tobe marted in Grown colour with a singte tne. (oy Diroctsn of the mountain should be kept in mind. (cy No movntains to be marked intersecting a ver, © g (0) Western Gnats must not touch to eassting; the ‘Sam applies to tha Eastem Ghats Plains {0} To be markea in yetiow colour (©) Tho extentofte plains shouldnot exceed the ima. (c) The coastal plains should not be marked inside (ho Coast but bracketed and labeled within tha lines Rivers To bea marked In Ble. celeut tabotied ‘on’ the Curve ‘of the Mvar and nol ‘under Water bodies: To be colgused within the ‘heut ‘and the arrow should be martes accordingly Passos : Tobe marked using the symbet ] [in ted colour ‘Latitudes and Langitudes : (a) To be marked in broken bnes using red colour {b} Should be taboled in degrees (°), 23% °N tor Lottuge (Tropic et Cancer) and 82% "E for Longitude (Standard Meridian) Direction of Monsoon Winds : (a) To be marked in blue coiour arrows, (b} Sovmn West Monsoon from Seuth West to Noh East (June ~ September) (€}, Retreating Mansoan trom North East to South West (October ~ November) XG}, Noth East Monsoon trom North Eastto South West (December - February) Distribution of Minarats : (a) Ory 3 munarats have tobe marked for Board exams, © tram orp, com! and od fila (b) High (Offshore tal in Arabian ea should ‘Rot touch the coast). Digbo és onshore oil fiekd, (6) tron ore in Singhbum and Coal in aria 9. Soil Distribution : (a) Sous should be marked in @ mall area as per folowing colours (0 Adria! Sol: Brown (ii) Laterte Soil : Readish brown: (ily Btack Sod : Btack (iw) Red S00 Re (b) They should be shaded only in a small area, as per the question asked, (} Ono must lear one area above the Tropic of Cancer (North) and one area South of the Tropic af Canoe, for ait the sols, 10, Towne : (9) Only 10 towns to be marked. os given in the syflabus, (©) They must be marked with a fod dot on the Coast ‘and nt in the Ocean (for ports) 11, Population : The distribution of population as per dénsily to be marked 95 one point in North India and one point in Please Note ; ** Wino labatng and marking, one must keep in mind, Whether the"“Area' or the “State's asked in the question. ** Hfonty marking is done and not tabatied, no marks are given. a a + Ai ating in the map shoud be done with recone tothe Rivers. Assignment 4 (Based on Water Bodies. Latitude and Longitude) (a) Mark and name Lake Chilka ) {c) Shade and name the Guil of Khambhat (a) (0) Shade and name the Gull of Kutch wo (9) Mark and name Wular Lake > ) (0) Draw tne Longitude 8214" €. ca 0 < wens Rep On the outline map of India provided Shade and name the Guilt of Mannar Mark and label Paik Strait Shade and label Andaman Sea Mark and label Nathu-Lo Pass Draw and label the Tropic of Cancer _awant§ (88806 an Direction of Winds, Distibulion of Minerals & Soils}: On tne outina map of india provisee ei jtark with aFTOWS aNd mame South West Monsoon winds over the Bay of Bengél _) Mark with @ SINGIE OrTOW ond name the winds that bring winter rain in northeast India A Mark and name the winds which pang rain to Mumbai in July and August ,) Mark wath arrows the wind that brings rainfall to Tam Nadu coast in December |) Mask and label Digho! citfetds () Mare and name Mumba High ) Mark and name Jnana coalfield (h) Print S on the iron mines in Singhbhurn ,) Shade @ region with Laterte Soil in Eastem india) Shade and label an area with Red Sod | 1 ak Sint fine Alien 13 Row ‘Assignment 14: On ths cutl nap of Inutea provited (a) Draw ond label Tropic of Cancer (hb) Mark nd shel Mount Kany te (Cc) Snago and mark the area geting raintall by Western Disturbances (d) Label the ter Ghambaa - {0} Mask and label Mumbar High (0) Mark with ot am label Cheng, (a) Shade and abet a state naving high density of population th) Mark and label Konkan Cass (0) Oraw the Standind Meridian of india () Shade an area having req soy eStTY PePOLATED eral eurarcre MAcaPOR PAR ST went 1 (Based on Moun “ "Mark and name Vindhya noaees Plateaus) : On the outline map of india provided ie * york and name Karakoram Ranga {b) Shade and label Aravali His: ie) Shad and label the Deccan Plateau (d) Shade and label Nigiti Hills «) atk and label Western and Eastem Gnats () Mark Khasi Hills 0 Mark and lable Satpura Rango (h) Shade and label Himalayas Mountains () Mark and lable Malwa Plateau (nas Fane ner may ~*idoment 2 (Based on Plains, Deserts and Mt. Peaks) : On the outline map of India provided (2) Shade and tate! Matabar Coastal Plains (6) Mark an 4 (0) Mar (&) Shade and label Gangetic Piaing (4) Shade and tabel the Great indian () Mark and label Kanara Coast (h) Mark and label Mount Kanchenjungs label Coromandel Coast ‘and label Konkan Coast (9) Mark and label Northern Circars (0) Mark and label Mount Godwin Austin (K,) ©) Shade and label Westom Coastay Praing TBS GMMACIC. Pind /- CO CRIS PLN] | (@) Label the river Mahanagi ve me nver Ganga Label the river Tapti Label the river Cauveri Label the river Krishna or , hy @ Label the river Brahmaputra » DECCAN PLATEAU

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