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✓ All-in one Study Material (for Boards/IIT/Medical/Olympiads)

✓ Multiple Choice Solved Questions for Boards & Entrance Examinations
✓ Concise, conceptual & trick – based theory
✓ Magic trick cards for quick revision & understanding
✓ NCERT & Advanced Level Solved Examples
Chapter – 2


In 1807, an English school teacher, John Dalton gave the first convincing argument about
the existence of atoms. He relied upon a large number of experiments and measurements to measure
the masses of elements that combined together, and assembled arguments that strangely indicated
the existence of atoms. Dalton picturised atoms as featureless spheres like billiard balls. Today we
know that atoms have an internal structure and are built from even smaller particles. It is this
knowledge that provides an insight into the difference between elements.
The earliest experimental evidence of the existence of sub−atomic particles was the discovery in
1807 by the British physicist J.J. Thompson. He was investigating “cathode rays”, He said that cathode
rays are emitted when a high potential difference (a high voltage) is applied between two electrodes in an
evacuated glass tube. Thompson showed that cathode rays are streams of negatively charged particles.
They came from inside the atoms that made up the electrode called cathode. Thomson found that the
charged particles were the same regardless of the metal he used for the cathode. These particles were
named electrons and denoted e−. Later the mass of the electrons was experimentally calculated by Robert
Milkan as 9.1  10−28 g. Goldstein discovered the existence of protons, (positively charged particles) and
neutrons (neutral charged particles) was discovered by Chadwick.
Table 1:
Properties of Electrons, Protons & Neutrons


AMU 0.000549 1.00727 1.00866
GRAMS 9.11  10−28 1.675  10−24 1.675  10−24
CHARGE COULOMBS −1.602  10−19 + 1.602  10−19 Zero
ESU − 4.8  10−10 + 4.8  10−10 Zero
RELATIVE −1 +1 Zero

Based on these discoveries J.J. Thompson proposed the plum pudding model. This model proposed
that atoms are blobs of a positively charged jellylike material, with electrons suspended in it like raisins in
a pudding.
In 1908, the plum pudding model was overthrown by a simple experiment.
The New Zealander Ernest Rutherford asked two students to shoot -particles (he knew that some
element like Radon emit positively charged particles, which he called alpha () particles) toward a
piece of gold foil only a few atoms thick. If atoms were indeed like blobs of positively charged jelly,
then all the −particles would leave similar paths as they move through the foil.
What his students observed astonished everyone around them. Although almost all the −particles
did pass through, about 1 in 20,000 was deflected through more than 90°, and a few −particles bounced
straight back in the direction from which they had came. “It was almost incredible,” said Rutherford, “as if
you had fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it can back and hit you”.

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The explanation was that atoms had to contain massive point like centers of positively charge
surrounded by a large volume of mostly empty space. Rutherford called the point of positively charged
region, the nucleus. He reasoned that closer the path of the −particles to the nucleus of the atom, greater
the deflection it experiences and the −particles which directly hit on the molecules would rebound back.
The electrons are thinly distributed throughout the space around the nucleus. If the nucleus in a
hydrogen atom were the size of a fly at the center of a cricket stadium, then the space occupied by the
electron would be about the size of the entire cricket stadium.

Nucleus of
gold atom

 particles
In an atom the positive charge of the nucleus exactly cancels the negative charge of the
surrounding electrons. So, for each electron outside the nucleus, there must be a matching positively
charged particle inside the nucleus called the proton.
Since electrons would be attracted by the nucleus and would eventually fall into it, Rutherford
assumed that electron were not stationary and that they move in a circular path around the nucleus using
the electrostatic force of attraction. This was analogues to the earth moving around the sun using the
gravitational force of attraction.
As a prelude to Bohr’s theory, we should have an
introduction to (i) nature of radiations
(ii) atomic spectra and (iii) quantum theory.
(a) Radiations: Ordinary light, X−rays, −rays etc. are called electromagnetic radiations and they
have wave characteristics. These radiations are called electromagnetic because when they pass
through a point in space, they produce oscillating electric and magnetic fields at that point. In 1873
a Scottish physicist, James Clark Maxwell showed that a static charge or a charge with uniform
velocity sets up an electric and magnetic fields which gives rise to an energy density in space
associated with the electric and magnetic fields, but the energy density remains constant. On the
other hand, if we were to change the velocity of the charged particle, the energy density varies and
then gives rise to electromagnetic waves.
There are three fundamental characteristics associated with wave motion. They are
(i) wavelength () (ii) frequency () and (iii) velocity (c).

Crest Wavelength ()


(i) Wavelength: Consider a wave profile as shown in the above figure. The distance between two
successive crests or troughs is known as wavelength (). It is measured in cm or Angstrom unit
1Å = 10−8 cm = 10−10 m
Some times nanometer, (1nm = 10−9 m) is also used.
(ii) Frequency: The number of waves that pass through a given point in one second is called its
frequency (no. of waves per sec.). Frequency () is expressed in cycles per sec (cps) or Hertz (Hz).

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(iii)The distance traveled by a wave in one second is its velocity.
wavelength Dis tan ce travelled in a wavelength
velocity = =
T Time taken to travel one wavelength
If the frequency is , it means that to travel  waves, it takes one second, then to travel one
wavelength, the time taken is:

No. of wavelength Time

 1s
  1s 1
 = s.
 
T =

So, it follows that

c = = 
The velocity ‘c’ of all types of electromagnetic radiations including light is established
experimentally. It is a constant in vacuum, equal to 3  108 ms−1. Since all electromagnetic
radiations travel with the same velocity, they differ from are another in their wavelengths and
consequently their frequencies.

 in Å
Energy increases
Frequency increases
Wavelength decreases
Radio waves 3  107−3  1014
Infrared (IR) 7600 −3  107
Visible 3800 − 7600
Ultraviolet (UV) 1 − 3800
X−rays 10−2 − 10
−rays 10−4 to 10−1

(b) Atomic Spectra: When white light is passed through a prism, it is separated into light of seven
colours (VIBGYOR) or radiations of different wavelengths. The pattern obtained by splitting or
sorting out of radiations into its component wavelengths is called a spectrum. The spectrum of
white light when analyzed by spectrometer (an instrument that indicates the
wavelengths/frequencies of individual components of a radiation) is a continuous spectrum,
suggesting that white light is made up of all possible wavelengths or frequencies of radiations.
If a gas is heated, it emits light. When this emitted light is analysed in a spectrometer, the
spectra obtained consists of a series of well−defined sharp lines, each line corresponding to a
definite wavelength or frequency. These line spectra are characteristic of atoms.
In spectroscopic work, a term called wave number is often used. It is defined as the number of
wavelengths per cm. It is given as:
_ 1
Wave number =  =

Since c =
_ 
Spectral lines are associated with electronic transitions. Hydrogen atom contains only one electron
and the spectrum is the simplest to analyze. The spectrum of atomic hydrogen consists of a number
of discrete lines in the UV, visible and I.R regions. Each line corresponds to a particular frequency
or wavelength. The space between two lines represents the frequency range in which no radiation
is emitted by the hydrogen atom. Lines observed in the atomic spectra of hydrogen are grouped
into the several series called spectral series. A group of lines appearing in the UV region is called

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the Lyman series; that in the visible region is called Balmer series; in the I. R region there are three
− Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series.
The wave number of any line of hydrogen atom can be represented as a difference of two terms by
the formula.
_ 1 1
 = R 2 − 2 
 n1 n 2 
where R is called Rydberg constant (as this was formulated by Rydberg) and n1 and n2 are integers
(n2 > n1, n1 > 0).
Limit Limit Limit
109,678 97,492 27,420 12,186

102,823 82,259 15,233

* * *− 1 110,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 5,000

40,000 20,000

Lyman Balmer Paschen

Ultraviolet Visible Infrared

109,678 97,492 82,259 * In the region near the limits of the
Lyman, Balmer and Paschen series,
* the lines become too closely spaced
to show on this scale.
Absorption spectrum− 1110,000100,000 80,000

(C) Quantum Theory: According to this theory, a body cannot emit or absorb energy in the form of
radiation of continuous energy; energy can be taken up or given out as whole number multiples of
a definite amount known as a quantum. Light is imagined to consist of a stream of particles called
photons. It E is the energy of a photon; its quantum for a particular radiation of frequency  sec−1 is
given by quantum theory as
E = h
where h is a universal constant known as planck’s constant; h = 6.626  10−27 erg second or
6.626  10−34 Joule second (Js).
E = h = = hc 

According to quantum theory, a body can emit or absorbs either one quantum of energy (h) or
whole number multiples of this unit, 2h, 3h……….nh.
In 1913 more than a decade before quantum mechanics was established, the Danish physicist Niels
Bohr proposed a model of the hydrogen atom based on a linear hybrid combination of classical and early
quantum physics. Although a fully developed quantum model later replaced Bohr’s model, it nevertheless
served as a powerful stimulus of later developments.
Bohr retained the Rutherford model of a central positively charged nucleus containing practically
all the mass surrounded by a planetary system of electrons whose number is equal to the protons. He made
use of Planck’s quantum theory and gave the following postulates.
In any atom electrons can rotate only in certain selected (or permissible orbits without radiating
energy). Such orbits are known as stable or non-radiating orbits or stationary states. These orbits are
circular with well−defined radii. These orbits are numbered 1, 2, 3,…..(from the nucleus). Orbits are paths
of revolution of electrons. A spherical surface around the
nucleus, which contains orbits of equal energy and radius, is called a shell. The shells are denoted as K, L,
M, N, ……

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Each stationary state or (orbit) corresponds to a certain energy level (i.e., as long
as the electron is in the particular stationary state it has a definite amount of energy).
The energy associated with an electron is least in the K shell and it increases as we pass to
L, M, N, ….. shells.
An electron can jump from one stationary state to another. For an electron to jump from an inner
orbit of energy E1 to an outer orbit of energy E2, it should absorb the equivalent of a quantum of energy =
E2 − E1 = h, when  is the frequency of radiation absorbed. Similarly, when it jumps back from the outer
to the inner orbit, it will emit an equal amount of energy in the form of radiation.
When an electron absorbs energy, it passes from an inner to an outer orbit; then the electron or the
atom is said to be in an excited state. An exited electron has always to fall back to a lower orbit within a
very short interval or time and as it does so, it releases the quantum of energy absorbed during excitation.
Unlike in Rutherford’s model where an electron should constantly emit radiations (Maxwell’s
theory) since it gets accelerated while moving around the nucleus (with constant speed but varying
direction), in Bohr’s model all orbits are stable−the electron would not be radiating energy. This is because
the angular momentum of an electron moving in a stable state is quantized. The angular momentum of an
electron moving in a circular orbit is mvr, where m is the mass, v is the velocity and r is the radius of the
orbit. According to Bohr, angular momentum is given by
mvr = n
Where  =
 mvr =
where n is a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …. and is known as a Quantum number. The angular momentum can,
h 2h 3h nh
therefore, be , , ,........ .
2 2 2 2
This principle is known as quantization of angular momentum.
These postulates of Bohr lead us to:
(i) Explain the permanence of the atom. Since electron neither loses energy nor gains energy as
long as it is in its ground state, there is no question of the electron falling into the nucleus and
so Bohr’s theory accounts for the permanence of the atom.
(ii) Using these postulates, Bohr calculated the energy of the electron in an orbit. In a hydrogen
atom, the electron revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit. For the system to be stable,
the coulombic attraction between the electron and the nucleus must be the source of the
necessary centripetal force for circular motion. i,e. coulombic force of attraction = centripetal
K  ( Ze)  e mv 2
r2 r
e = magnitude of charge on an electron (or a proton).
Z = atomic number (e.g. for H−atom, Z = 1)
r = radius of the orbit
m = mass of the electron
v = velocity of the electron
K = coulomb’s law constant =
4 
= 9  109 C 2 in SI system and = 1 in CGS units.

K.Ze 2
The above equation becomes, = mv 2 ………(i)
The angular momentum of a body moving in a circular orbit is mvr and as per the Bohr’s

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mvr =
Substituting in equation (i)
Kze 2  nh 
= m  ………(ii)
r  2mr 
Solving for r, we get
n 2h 2
r= 2 ………(iii)
4 KZme 2
This is the equation for the radius of the orbit of the electron. For hydrogen atom in the
ground state, n = 1 and substituting the values of the constants in equation (iii), we get
r1 = 0.529  10−10 m = 0.529 Å
The radius of any other orbit in H atoms will be,
rn = 0.529 n2 Å
The total energy of the electron will be the sum of the potential and kinetic energies.
Total energy, E = PE + KE
The potential energy is the energy due to coulombic attraction and so
− KZe 2
PE =
Kinetic energy can be calculated from the velocity of the electron.
KE = mv 2
− KZe 2 1
Total energy, E = + mv 2 ………(iv)
r 2
Substituting the value of mv2 from the equation (i),
− KZe 2 KZe 2
E= + ………(v)
r 2r
− KZe 2
E= ………(vi)
Substituting (iii) in (vi), we get
− 2 2K 2 Z 2 me 4
E= ………(vii)
n 2h 2
From equation (v), it can seen that the magnitude of the potential energy is twice that of kinetic
The negative sign in the equation (vii) represents that the energy is released when the electron
moves from  to any orbit. Thus the energy of the electron in an atom is lower than the energy
of a free electron (which is zero). As ‘r’ increases, the energy becomes less negative which
means that energy increases.
We can calculate the energy of the ground state of the electron in hydrogen atom.

( ) ( )
− 2  (3.14 )  9  10 9  12  9.1 10 −31  1.6  10 −19
2 4

12  6.626  10 −34
E = − 2.179  10−18 J per atom
E = − 13.6 eV per atom ( 1eV = 96.368 J/mole)
E = − 1312 kJ/mole
From this ground state energy of hydrogen atom, we can find the energy in any
other atom.
En = EH  2

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n can have only positive integral values and so the total energy of the electron is
Suppose an electron jumps from n2 to n1 level in a hydrogen atom (n2 > n1)
− 2 2k 2me 4
En = (in C.G.S. units);
1 n12h 2
− 2 2k 2me 4
En =
2 n 22h 2
The difference in energy emitted is
− 2 2k 2me 4  1 1
h = 2  2 − 2
h  n 2 n1 
2 2k 2me 4  1 1
 = 3  2 − 2
h  n1 n 2 
− v 2 2k 2me 4  1 1
 = = 3  2 − 2
c h c  n1 n 2 
− 1 1
 =R  2 − 2
 n1 n 2 
2 2k 2me 4
R = = 109737 cm−1
h3 c
This empirical value of R deduced from Balmer, Lyman and other series agreed excellently
with the experimental results. This is the triumph for Bohr’s theory. From the foregoing
discussion, we can understand that Bohr’s theory has given an expression for the energy of the
electron of hydrogen atom in the nth orbit as
− 21 .76  10 −19 J
En =
− 13 .6
En = eV
It can be assumed that the electron and the nucleus revolve around their common center of
mass. Therefore, instead of the mass of the electron, the reduced mass of the system was
introduced and the equation becomes
− 2 2k 2 e 4  1 1
 = 3  2 − 2
h c  n1 n 2 
where  is the reduced mass = , whose M is the mass of the nucleus and m is the mass
of the electron.
The hydrogen atom contains only one electron in first orbit (K shell). This is the normal orbit or
ground state and represents the stationary state of the unexcited atom. Energy may be absorbed by this
electron, which is then raised from its normal orbit to a higher energy level. In this new level, the electron
possesses more energy and is less stable than before. It will, therefore, fall towards the nucleus until it
reaches either the normal orbit or some intermediate level. In this process, energy is released as a photon of
frequency E = h.
Spectral lines are produced by radiation of photons and the position of the lines on the spectrum is
determined by the frequency of photons emitted. Transition to innermost level (n= 1) from higher levels (n
= 2, 3, 4 etc.) gives the first, second, third etc., line of the Lyman series. The general idea will be clear by a
study of the following figure.

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r ie
e ri
tt s
B ra
6 5 4 3 2 1 L M N O P

r ie
Pa se
sc er
he lm
ns Ba
e ri

which shows the various energy changes leading to various lines in the spectrum. Thus Bohr’s theory is
able to account for the observed spectral lines and series in detail and with accuracy for the hydrogen atom.
Hydrogen atom contains only one electron but its spectrum consists of several lines. Why?
A sample of hydrogen contains a very large number of atoms. When energy is supplied, the electrons
present in different atoms may be excited to different energy level. These electrons when they fall back to
various lower levels emit radiations of different frequencies. Each electronic transition produces a spectral
line. Energy is absorbed by an atom when an electron moves from the inner energy level to the outer
energy level. The amount of energy necessary to remove an electron from its lowest level (n = 1) to infinite
distance resulting in the formation of a free ion is called the ionization potential. The ionization energy of
hydrogen is 2.18  10−18 J or 13.595 electron − volts (1 eV = 1.602  10−19 J).
If an electron acquires more than enough energy to permit its removal from the atom,
the extra energy is carried off by the free electron as kinetic energy. Because of the very small magnitude
of the quanta of translational (i.e. kinetic) energy, this energy is essentially continuously variable. The
spectrum beyond the series limit thus appears continuous; from the position of continuum, we may
calculate the ionization potential.

n=5 O-shell
Ionisation potential

n=4 N-shell

n=3 M-shell
Paschen IR-region

n=2 L-shell
Visible region

n=1 K-shell
Bohr’s model was quite successful in accounting for the main features of the hydrogen spectrum
and also the spectrum of He+ ion (which has only one electron). However, it failed to predict the
energy states of more complicated atoms. It is applicable only for one electron system because it
does not take into account inter−electronic repulsions.

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Even in the case of hydrogen atom, the spectral lines under high resolution showed fine structure
(a number of closely packed lines), which is not explained by Bohr’s theory.
Bohr’s theory could not explain why an electron does not get excited if it is provided energy that
will allow it to exist in between two energy levels.
Illustration 1
Question: The energies of the electron in the second and third orbits of the hydrogen atom are
−5.42  10−12 and − 2.41  10−12 ergs respectively. Calculate the wavelength of the emitted
radiation when the electron drops from the third to the second orbit.
Solution: The emitted radiation will have energy equal to the energy difference between the third and the
second orbit.
E = E3 − E2
= − 2.41  10−12 − (−5.42  10−12)
= 3.01  10−12 ergs.
1 erg = 10−7 J
E = 3.01  10−19 J
This energy of radiation corresponds to a wavelength of
E = h =

hc 6.626  10 −34  3  10 8
 = =
E 3.01 10 −19
= 6.6039  10−7 m
= 6603.9  10−10 m
= 6603.9 Å
Illustration 2
Question: Calculate the wavelength in Å of the photon that is emitted when an electron in the Bohr orbit
n = 2 returns to the orbit n = 1 in the hydrogen atom. The ionization potential of the ground
state of the hydrogen atom is 2.17  10−11 erg per atom.
Solution: Energy of nth level in the hydrogen is inversely proportional to n 2.
En 
− 2.17  10 −11
En =
When electron falls from n = 2 to n = 1 the energy emitted would be,
− 2.17  10 −11
E1 =
− 2.17  10 −11
E2 =
 1
E = E2 − E1 = 2.17  10−11 1 − 2 
 2 
3 3
= 2.17  10−11  erg /atom = 2.17  10−18  J/atom
4 4
E =

hc 6.626  10 −34  3  10 8
 = = = 1.22138  10−7 m
E −18 3
2.17  10 
 = 1221.38 Å

Illustration 3

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− 21.7  10 −12
Question: The electron energy in hydrogen atom is given by E = ergs. Calculate
the energy required to remove an electron completely from n = 2 orbit. What is the
longest wavelength (in cm) of light that can be used to cause this transition?
− 21.7  10 −12
Solution: En = ergs
− 21.7  10 −12
E2 =
Removing the electron completely from the atom implies that the electron has
been exited to the level .
− 21.7  10 −12
 E = =0
21.7  10 −12
E = E − E2 = ergs
21.7  10 −12
E =  10 −7 Joule = 5.425  10−19 J
E =

hc 6.626  10 −34  3  10 8
 = = = 3.66414 
E 5.425  10 −19
10−7 m.
  = 3664.14 Å
Illustration 4
Question: There is one hydrogen atom in the ground state. It is excited to a higher energy level n.
When the electron comes back to the ground state, it emits radiation. What is the
maximum number of unique wavelengths it can emit?

Let us imagine the electron to be in the energy level n. When it comes to the ground state
it can come in many number of ways. Either it will directly come to n = 1, in which case it
will emit only one wavelength (corresponding to n to 1) or it can fall to n =2 and then from
n = 2 to n = 1, in which case it will emit two unique wavelengths (one corresponding to n
to 2 and the other corresponding to n = 2 to n = 1) and so on. We have to find how the
electron must come back by emitting maximum number of unique wavelengths. It is very
clear that every jump of the electron would radiate a unique wavelength as
1  1 1
= R 2 − 2 
  n1 n 2 
 cannot be same for different sets of n1 and n2.
The only way maximum wavelengths can be emitted is when the electron comes back to
ground state by maximum jumps. This means the electron must jump stepwise i.e., n to n −
1 to n − 2 to n −3 and so on. This means the total jumps would be n − 1 and so would be
the number of unique wavelength.


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Nature abounds in symmetries of all kinds. If light can be both wave and particle, is it possible that
matter can also have these properties? Can the electron, traditionally regarded as a particle since its
discovery in 1898, also have a wave aspect? More specifically, can we assign a wavelength and a
frequency to a moving electron?
In 1924, the French physicist Prince Louis−Victure Broglie, motivated entirely by this symmetry
argument, answered yes to these questions. He proposed that an electron of energy E and linear momentum
h E
‘p’ could be defined by a matter wave whose wavelength and frequency are given by,  = ; =
p h
in which h is the Planck’s constant. The wavelength of a moving particle calculated above is called its de
Broglie wavelength. De Broglie shared the 1929 Nobel prize for his discovery of the wave nature of
Objects such as marbles or cricket balls do not seem at all wave like. We can understand why this
is so because the Planck’s constant h is so small and the momentum p of even slowly moving macroscopic
particles is so large that the calculated de Broglie wavelengths of such objects are small indeed, being
many orders of magnitude smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus.
First derived by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, it states that. It is not possible to
measure, simultaneously, the position and the momentum of a particle with unlimited precision.
If x is the uncertainty in position and p is uncertainty in momentum then, x  p 
The message of the uncertainty principle is that there is a limit to the extent to which the concept
of “particle” can be extended from the Newtonian world to the quantum world. In the quantum world, it is
wrong to imagine that a particle really has a definite position and momentum but, for some reason, we are
not able to measure it. It is wrong to visualize a particle as a tiny mass point moving along a path, with its
position and velocity well defined at every instant. The very notion of “trajectory” belongs to the
Newtonian world, not to the quantum world.
Improving on the Bohr Model, Sommerfield, in order to account for the additional
lines present in the spectra of atoms, assumed that each principal energy level contains a number of
sub−levels, each of which possesses slightly different energy. The subsidiary orbits are designated s, p, d
and f (these letters standing for the nature − sharp, principal, diffuse and fundamental − of the lines in the
spectra). The number of sub−levels in any particular energy level is fixed. The various sub−levels in K, L,
M, N etc., shells and the maximum number of electrons that may be present in each of them are given
Shell K L M N
Sublevels 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f

Max. no. of electrons 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 14

The principle quantum number, n can have values 1, 2, 3, ….., and is indicative of the major
energy levels of the electron in an atom in a gross way. This is similar to the quantum levels in Bohr’s
theory. The azimuthal quantum number, l, has values from 0 to (n−1), for each value of n. It is a measure
of the angular momentum of the electron, which is l (l + 1) in magnitude. Values of l = 0, 1, 2, 3, …..,
are designated by the letters s, p, d, f ….. The magnetic quantum number m is indicative of the component
of the angular momentum vector in any one chosen direction, usually the z−axis. The values of m are from
−l to + l including zero for any value of l. An electron can spin either in clockwise direction or in
anticlockwise direction. Spin quantum number, ‘s’ can have two values + ½ and − ½ and also represented
by arrow pointing in opposite direction i.e. and for any particular value of magnetic quantum number.
Permissible values of the quantum numbers for various orbitals are mentioned in the table given on next
Table: Permissible values of quantum numbers for atomic orbital

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Pr. Q.
Azimuthal Quantum no. ‘l’ Magnetic Quantum no. ‘m’ Spin Quantum no. ‘s’
no. ‘n’
l = 0; 1s subshell m = 0; s orbital + ½ & −½
1 no. of orbitals in s−subshell = 1 no. of e’s in s−subshell = 2
Total no. of subshells in I shell = 1 Total no. of orbitals in I shell = 1 Total no. of e’s in I shell = 2

l = 0; 2s subshell m = 0; s orbital +½&−½

no. of orbitals in s−subshell = 1 no. of e’s in s−subshell = 2
m = −1; px / pz +½&−½
l = 1; 2p subshell m = 0; py +½&−½
m = +1; pz / px +½&−½
no. of orbitals in p−subshell = 3 no. of e’s in p−subshell = 6
Total no. of subshells in II shell= 2 Total no. of orbitals in II shell = 4 Total no. of e’s in II shell = 8

l = 0; 3s subshell m = 0; s orbital +½&−½

no. of orbitals in s−subshell = 1 no. of e’s in s−subshell = 2
m = −1; px / pz +½&−½
l = 1; 3p subshell m = 0; py +½&−½
m = +1; pz / px +½&−½
no. of orbitals in p−subshell = 3 no. of e’s in p−subshell = 6
m = −2 +½&−½
m = −1 +½&−½
l = 2; 3d subshell m=0 +½&−½
m = +1 +½&−½
m = +2 +½&−½
no. of orbital in d−subshell = 5 no. of e’s in d−subshell = 10
Total no. of subshells in III shell=3 Total no. of orbitals in III shell = 9 Total no. of e’s in III shell = 18

l = 0; 4s subshell m = 0; s orbital +½&−½

no. of orbitals in s−subshell = 1 no. of e’s in s−subshell = 2
m = −1; px / pz +½&−½
l = 1; 4p subshell m = 0; py +½&−½
m = +1; pz / px +½&−½
no. of orbital in p−subshell = 3 no. of e’s in p−subshell = 6
m = −2 +½&−½
m = −1 + ½ & −½
l = 2; 4d subshell m=0 +½&−½
m = +1 +½&−½
4 m = +2 +½&−½
no. of orbitals in d−subshell = 5 no. of e’s in d−subshell = 10
m = −3 +½&−½
m = −2 +½&−½
m = −1 +½&−½
l = 3; 4f subshell m=0 +½&−½
m = +1 +½&−½
m = +2 +½&−½
m = +3 +½&−½
no. of orbitals in f−subshell = 7 no. of e’s in f−subshell = 14
Total no. of subshells in Total no. of orbitals in Total no. of e’s in
IV shell = 4 IV shell = 1+3+5+7=16 IV shell = 2+6+10+14=32
From the above table we have derived the formula, to know the number of
subshells/orbitals/electrons in a shell/subshell.
1. Total number of subshells in a particular shell = ‘n’

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2. Total number of orbitals in a particular subshell = (2l + 1)
3. Total number of orbitals in a particular shell = n2
4. Total number of electrons in a particular subshell = 2 (2l + 1)
5. Total number of electrons in a particular shell = 2 n2
Node is defined as a region where the probability of finding an electron is zero. Nodes can be of
two types.
(a) Radial node or spherical node
(b) Angular node or planar node
Radial node or spherical node
They correspond to ‘n’ values i.e. as the distance between nucleus & outermost shell increase, the
number of radial nodes increases. For example 1s, 2p, 3d & 4f orbital are closest to nucleus ( 1p,
1d, 2d, 1f, 2f, 3f doesnot exist) so there is no radial node but for higher values of ‘n’, radial nodes
can be defined.
Angular node or planar node
They correspond to ‘l’ value. It depends upon the shape of orbitals. For example,
‘s’ orbitals are spherically symmetrical in all three planes; so in s−orbital, no angular node exists.
p−orbitals are not spherically symmetrical but the electron density is concentrated in one plane
either x, y or z. So they have one angular node. Similarly electron density in d−orbital is
concentrated in two planes i.e. xy, yz, zx etc. So the d−orbitals have two angular nodes.
Total no. of radial nodes = (n − l − 1)
Total no. of angular nodes = l
Total no. of nodes = (n −l − 1) + l = n −1
(i) s−orbital: An electron is considered to be smeared out in the form of a cloud. The shape of the
cloud is the shape of the orbital. The cloud is not uniform but denser in the region where the
probability of finding the electron in maximum.
The orbital with the lowest energy is the z
1s orbital. It is a sphere with its center at the
nucleus of the atom. The s−orbital is said to
spherically symmetrical about the nucleus, so + x
that the electronic charge is not concentrated in
any particular direction.
2s orbital is also spherically symmetrical about y
the nucleus, but it is larger than
Shape of s−orbital
(i.e., away from) the 1s orbital.
(ii) p−orbitals: There are three p−orbitals: px, py and pz. They are dumb−bell shaped, the two
levels being separated by a nodal plane, i.e., a plane where there is no likely hood of finding
the electron. The p−orbitals have a marked directional character, depending on whether px,
py and pz orbital is being considered. The p−orbitals consist of two lobes with the atomic
nucleus lying between them. The axis of each p−orbital is perpendicular to the other two.
The px, py and pz orbitals are equivalent except for their directional property. They have the
same energy. Orbitals having the same energy are said to be degenerate.

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z z
− + x − x x

y −
px py

Shapes of p−orbital
(iii) d−orbitals: There are five d−orbitals. The shapes of four d−orbitals resemble four leaf
cloves. The fifth d−orbital loops differently. The shapes of these orbitals are given below.
Illustration 5
Question: Show that the circumference of an orbit of Bohr hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of
the de Broglie wavelength associates with the electron revolving round the nucleus.
Solution: According to Bohr’s postulates,
mvr =
 the circumference, 2r =
From de Broglie’s equation,  =
 2 r = n
Illustration 6
Question: (a) If a 1 g body is traveling along the x−axis with an uncertainity in velocity of
1 cm/s, what is minimum theoretical uncertainity in its position? (b) If an electron is
traveling with uncertainity in velocity of 1 m/s, what is the minimum theoretical
uncertainity in its position?
Solution: (a) According to the uncertainity principle
x  m v 
x 
6.626  10 −27 ergs sec

4  3.14  1 g  1 cms −1
 5.275  10−28 cm = 5.275  10−30 m
6.626  10 −34 Js
(b) x 
4  3.14  9.1 10 −31kg  1 ms 1
 5.797  10−5 m.

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Example 1:
Bohr’s atomic model can explain
(a) the spectrum of hydrogen atom only
(b) the spectrum of an atom or ion containing one electron only
(c) the spectrum of hydrogen molecule
(d) the solar spectrum.
In Bohr’s theory while calculating the energy of electron, the potential energy has been found out
by considering only the attraction between the electron and nucleus. If there is another electron in the orbit,
the potential energy would change due electron−electron repulsion. Therefore the Bohr’s model is meant
for all one−electron systems.

 (b)

Example 2:
The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 2s orbital is
(a) 4 (b) 1
(c) Zero (d)

The orbital angular momentum of an electron is calculated as l(l + 1) .

0(0 + 1) =0

 (c)

Example 3:
The ratio of the energies of photons of 2000 Å to that of 4000 Å is
(a) 2 (b) 4
1 1
(c) (d)
2 4
hc E  4000
E= ,  1 = 2 = =2
 E2 1 2000
 (a)

Example 4:
Which of the following postulates does not belong to Bohr’s model of the atom?
(a) Angular momentum is an integral multiple of
(b) The electron stationed in the orbit is stable.
(c) The path of an electron is circular.
(d) The change in the energy levels of electron is continuous.
In Bohr’s model, the energy levels are discrete and not continuous.

 (d)

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Example 5:
The wave number of the first Balmer line of Li2+ ion is 1, 36, 800 cm−1. The wave number of the first
line of Balmer series of hydrogen atom is (in cm−1)
(a) 68,400 (b) 15,200
(c) 76,000 (d) 30,800
Atomic number of Li2+ is 3

1  1 1
= RH Z 2  − 
  n2 n2 
 1 2

 1 1
1,36,800 = RH  9  − 
2 32 

 1 1  1,36,800
RH  − = = 15,200
2 32  9

 (b)

Example 6:
If uncertainity in the position of an electron is zero the uncertainity in its momentum will be
h h
(a) < (b) >
4 4
(c) Zero (d) infinite
x  p 

if x = 0, then p will be infinite

 (d)

Example 7:
The principal quantum number represents
(a) shape of an orbital
(b) number of electrons in an orbital
(c) distance of an electron from the nucleus
(d) orientation of orbitals in space
 (c)

Example 8:
The energy of an electron of 2py orbital is
(a) greater than 2px orbital
(b) less than 2pz orbital
(c) equal to 2s orbital
(d) same as that of 2px and 2pz orbitals
All the 2p orbitals are degenerate.

 (d)

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Example 9:
If the following matter waves travel with equal velocity, the longest wavelength is that of a/an
(a) electron
(b) proton
(c) neutron
(d) −particle
 will be large if m is small.
 (a)

Example 10:
Number of nodal planes (planes of zero electron density) in the d xy orbital is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 0 (d) 4
xz & yz are planes with zero electron density for dxy orbital.

 (b)

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Example 1:
An electron in a Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom in quantum level n 2 has an angular momentum of 4.276
 6  10−34 kgm2 sec−1. If this electron drops from this level to the next lower level, find the wavelength
of this spectral line. (given RH = 109679 cm−1)
According to Bohr’s theory

mvr =

mvr = 4.2176  10−34 kg m2s−1

2  3.14  ( 4.2176  10 −34 kg m 2 s −1 )

n =
(6.626  10 − 34 Js)

= 3.99


when an electron falls from n = 4 to n = 3 in a hydrogen atom, the wavelength emitted is calculated

1  1 1
= RH  − 
  n12 n 22 

 1 1 
= 109679  − 
3 42 

 = 1.8756  10−4 cm−1

= 1.8756  10−6 m−1

= 18756  10−10 m−1

= 18756 Å

Example 2:
What transition in the hydrogen spectrum would have the same wavelength as the Balmer transition,
n = 4 to n = 2 of He+ spectrum?
In the He+ spectrum,

1  1 1
= RH Z 2  −  ( Z = 2)
 2 2
42 

1  1 1
= RH  4   − 
 2 2
42 

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In the hydrogen spectrum

1  1 1
= RH  − 
 2
n1 n 22 

For same wavelength,

 1 1  1 1 
RH 

 = RH  4   2 − 2 
n1 n 2  2 4 

1 1
= RH   2
− 
1 22 

 n2 = 2, n1 = 1

Example 3:
The circumference of the first Bohr orbit in H atom is 3.322  10−10 m. What is the velocity of the
electron in this orbit?
According to Bohr’s model,

mvr =

nh 1 (6.626  10 −34 Js)

v= =
2mr (9.1 10 − 31kg )  3.322  10 −10 m

= 2.19  106 m/s

Example 4:
How much will be the kinetic energy and total energy change of an e− in H atom if the atom emits a
photon of wavelength 4860Å?
The energy released is

hc (6.62  10 −34 Js) (3  10 8 ms −1 )

E = = = 4.09  10−19 J
 ( 4860  10 −10 m)

 Total energy change = 4.09  10−19 J

Total energy of electron in an atom = –kinetic energy of electron in an atom.

Loss in energy due to release of photon = gain in kinetic energy = 4.09  10−19 J

Example 5:
Calculate the energy emitted when electrons of 1.0 g atom of hydrogen undergo transition giving the
spectral lines of lowest energy in the visible region of its atomic spectra.
RH = 1.1  107 m−1, c = 3  108 m sec−1 and h = 6.62  10−34 J sec.
For visible line spectrum, i.e., Balmer series n1 = 2. Also for minimum energy transition n2 = 3.

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1  1 1
 = R H  2 − 2  for H−atom
  n1 n 2 

1  1 1
 = RH  2 − 2 
 2 3 

 1 1
= 1.1  107  4 − 9  = 1.1  107 

  = 6.55  10−7 m

hc 6.62  10 −34  3.0  10 8

E = =
 6.55  10 −7

= 3.037  10−19 Joule

if N electrons show this transition in 1 g atom of H then

Energy released =EN

= 3.03  10−19  6.023  1023

= 18.29  104 J

= 182.9 kJ.

Example 6:
The dissociation of O2 into two normal atoms requires 498 kJ mol−1. Oxygen also undergoes
photochemical dissociation into one normal oxygen atom and one excited atom having
1.967 eV more energy than normal atom. What is the maximum wavelength effective for
photochemical dissociation of O2?
O2 ⎯→ 2O

2O ⎯→ O + O* (O* is excited oxygen atom)

For dissociation, total energy required per atom is

498  10 3
= J per atom
6.023  10 23

For exciting one atom energy required is = 1.967  1.6  10−19 J

498  10 3
Total energy require is = J + 1.967  1.6  10−19 J
6.023  10



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(6.626  10 −34 Js) (3  10 8 ms −1 )
498  10 3
J + 1.967  1.6  10 −19 J
6.023  10

= 1.7413  10−7 m

= 1741.3 Å

Example 7:
Positronium consists of an electron and a positron (same mass, opposite charge) orbiting around their
common center of mass. The spectrum is therefore expected to be hydrogen like, the difference arising
from the mass differences. Calculate the wave number of the first three lines of Balmer series of
The masses of the nucleus and the electron are comparable and in such systems the mass of the
nucleus is also to be taken into account. In the energy equation, instead of the mass of the electron, the
reduced mass is to be taken.

By definition, reduced mass  is

1 1 1
= +
 m M

m is the mass of the electron and M is the mass of the nucleus.


Since the mass of positron = mass of electron,

mm m
= =
2m 2

Therefore with equation for Rydberg constant, for positronium is

2 2 e 4k 2 2 2 (m / 2)e 4k 2
Rpos = =
h3 c h3 c


= = 54868.5 cm−1

−  1 1 
First line of Balmer series: 1 = 54868.5  −  = 7620.6 cm−1
2 32 

−  1 1 
Second line:  2 = 54868.5  2
−  = 10288 cm−1
2 42 

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−  1 1 
Third line:  3 = 54868.5  −  = 11522 cm−1
2 2
2 5 

Example 8:
The circumference of the second Bohr orbit of electron in hydrogen atom 600 nm. Calculate the
potential difference to which the electron has to be subjected so that the electron stops. The electron
had the de Broglie wavelength corresponding to this circumference.
mvr =

2r = = n

2r 600
 = = = 300 nm
n 2

 =

v =

If Vo is the voltage, eVo = mv 2

1 h2
= m
2 m 2 2

Vo =
2 m2 e

(6.626  10 −34 Js) 2

= − 31 −9 2 −19
= 1.675  10−5 V
2  (9.1 10 kg )  (300  10 m)  (1.6  10 C)

Example 9:
Calculate the retarding potential to be applied to an electron to increase its de Broglie wavelength of
1.75 Å to 2.25 Å?
Wavelength change = 2.25 − 1.75
= 0.5 Å

Energy decrease =

(6.626  10 −34 Js)  (3  10 8 ms −1 )

(0.5  10 −10 m)

= 3.975  10−15 J
eVo = E
(1.6  10−19 C) Vo = 3.975  10−15

3.975  10 −15
Vo =
1.6  10 −19

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= 24843.75 V
It looks very much logical to do it this way. But the mistake here is,

= is applicable only to electromagnetic waves and not to particle waves.

The correct method is:

E = m( v 12 − v 22 )

 
  
1  h  −  h  
= m
2  m1   m  
 2
 

 2
1  
1 h 2  1 
= m   −   
2 m 2  1    2  


1.29  10 19 
eVo = E

E (6.626  10 −34 Js) 2  (1.29  10 19 m −2 )

Vo = = = 19.45 V
e 2  (9.1 10 −31kg ) (1.6  10 −19 C)

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3. The radius of an orbit is given by

2. According to Bohr model, the
n 2h 2
1. According to the quantum theory, the radiant angular momentum of an electron r = . The velocity of an electron
energy is emitted by atoms & molecules in h 4 2KZme 2
small discrete amounts (quanta), rather than is an integral multiple of . nh
over a continuous range. The energy of 2 in an orbit is given by v = and the
Bohr’s model is applicable single 2mr
each quanta is given by E = h
electron species (hydrogen like energy of an electron in an orbit is given by
species). − 2 2K 2 Z 2me 4
n 2h 2

9. In photoelectric effect, electrons are ejected

from the surface of certain metal exposed to 4. In Bohr model, an electron emits a photon
light of at least a certain minimum frequency when it drops from a higher energy state to a
called threshold frequency. lower energy state.
h = h  + K.E

8. Four quantum numbers characterize 5. The emission spectra of hydrogen is
each electron in an atom. The principal obtained when electron from an excited
quantum number(n) identifies the main state is deexcited to the ground state. The
energy level, the angular quantum release of specific amounts of energy in the
number (l) indicates shape of orbital, form of photons accounts for the lines in the
the magnetic quantum number (m) hydrogen spectrum.  of each line in the
specifies orientation of orbital in space spectrum can be given by
and the spin quantum number (s)
indicates the direction of the electron’s 1  1 1 
= RH z 2  2 − 2 
spin on its axis.   n1 n2 

7. An orbital may be defined as a region in 6. De Broglie extended Einstein’s wave

space around the nucleus where the −particle description of light to all matters in
probability of finding the electron is motion. The wavelength of a moving particle
maximum. of mass m and velocity  is given by
de Broglie equation,  = .

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Problem 1: Estimate the difference in energy between the I and II Bohr orbit for a hydrogen
atom. At what minimum atomic number, would a transition from n = 2 to n = 1
energy level result in the emission of X-rays with  = 3 10–8 m. Which hydrogen
atom like species does this atomic number correspond to?

Solution: For a hydrogen atom, the expression of energy difference between two atomic
levels is
 1 1
E = RHhc  2 − 2 
 n1 n2 
E2  1 = (1.0967  107 m–1) (6.626  10–34 Js) ( 1
 3  108 ms −1  2 − 2 
1 2 
= 1.635  10 J –18

 1 1
For hydrogen like species, the expression is E = Z2 RHhc  2 − 2 
 n1 n2 
1 1 1
= Z 2RH  2 − 2 
  n1 n2 
1 3
= Z2 (1.09677  107m–1)  
3  10 4
1 3
= −8
(1.09677  107) = 4.0
3  10 m 4
The species is He+

Problem 2: Calculate the ionization energy of (a) one Li2+ ion, and (b) one mole of Li2+ ions.
Given Rydberg constant R = 1.0974  107 m–1.

Solution: The expression of ionisation energy is

E = RHZ2hc
For Li2+ ion, Z = 3. Hence
E = (1.0974  107 m–1) (9) (6.626  10–34 Js) (3  108 ms–1)
= 1.964  10–17 J
for one mole of ions, we have
E = NAE
= (6.023  1023 mol–1) (1.964  10–17 J)
= 1.1829  107 J mol–1 = 11829 kJ mol–1

Problem 3: What is the speed and de Broglie wavelength of an electron that has been
accelerated by a potential difference of 220 V?

Solution: The kinetic energy of the electron under a potential difference of 220 V is given
by the expression.
mv 2 = eV
 2eV 
Hence v =  
1/ 2
= 
( )
 2 1.602  10 −19 C (220 ) 
1/ 2

 = 8.80  106 ms–1

 m  9.1 10 − 31kg 
 

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Now, using de Broglie relation, we get,

6.626  10 −34 Js ) = 8.26  10–11 m
mv ( )( )
9.1 10 − 31 8.80  10 6 ms −1

Problem 4: You are given 3.01 × 1023 atoms of A. If half of the atoms of A transfer one
electron to the other half of A atoms; 204.5 kJ must ba added. If all A – ions are
subsequently converted to A+ ions an additional 366.5 kJ must be added.
Determine the ionisation potential and electron affinity of A in electron volts.
Solution: Ionisation Potential of 1.505 ×1023 atoms (a) – Electron affinity of 1.505 × 1023
atoms (b)
204 .5  10 3
= = 1.276 × 1024 eV …(1)
1.602  10 −19
The difference in IP and EA is taken as the energy is released when electrons are
taken up by half of the atoms given
For converting 1.505 ×1023 A– ions to A+ ions; energy is needed to be spent
against EA and energy has to be spent for IP.
A(g)– ⎯→ A(g) + e–
A(g) ⎯→ A(g)+ + e–
A(g)– ⎯→ A(g)++ 2e–
 I.P. of 1.505 × 1023 atoms (a) + EA of 1.505 × 1023 atoms (b)
366 .5  10 3
= = 2.287 × 1024 eV …(2)
1.602  10 −19
From (1) & (2) we have
a – b = 1.276 × 1027 eV
a + b = 2.287 × 1024 eV
Solving the above two equations we get
I.P. of 1.505 × 1023 atoms a = 1.781 × 1024 eV
EA of 1.505 × 1023 atoms b = 0.505 × 1024 eV
1.781  10 24
Hence I.P. of A = eV = 11.83 eV atom–1
1.505  10 23
0.505  10 24
EA of A = eV = 3.35 eV atom–1
1.505  10 23

Problem 5: If a stationary proton and -particle are accelerated through same potential,
then calculate the ratio of their de-Broglie’s wavelengths.

Solution: mv 2 = eV
(mv)2 = 2meV
p = mv = 2meV
for proton pp = 2mp ep Vp

for -particle p = 2m e V

= (from de-Broglie’s equation)

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p p 2m  e  V
= =
 pp 2m p e p Vp
p m e
Given V = Vp =
 mp ep
m = 4 units
mp = 1 unit
p ( 4 )  ( 2)
= =2 2
 (1)  (1)

Problem 6: (a) What change in molar energy would be associated with an atomic
transition giving rise to a radiation of 1 Hg?
(b) What is the relationship between electron volt and the wavelength in nm of
the energetically equivalent proton?

Solution: a) If each of NA atoms give off 1 Hg photon, then

E = NA (h) = (6.023  1023 mol–1) (6.26  10–34) (1s–1)
= 3.990  10–10 J mol–1

b) First, frequency equivalent to 1 eV is determined from the Planck’s equation

and then the wavelength.
E 1.6022  10 −19 J
= = ( 1 eV = 1.602  10–19J)
h 6.626  10 − 34 Js
= 2.42  1014 s–1
c 3.0  10 8 ms −1
= = = 1.24  10–6m
 2.42  10 14 s −1
Therefore, 1 eV = (1.24  10–6 m) 109nm / m
= 1240 nm

Problem 7: The stopping potential for the photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface of
work function 1.7 eV is 0.83 V. Find the wavelength of incident photon and also
identify energy levels in the hydrogen atom which will limit this wavelength?

Solution: KEmax of the photoelectron = 0.83 eV (stopping potential being 0.83V)

Energy of the incident photon = 1.7 + 0.83 = 2.53 eV
= 2.53 eV (since 1240 nm = 1 eV)

= = 490.11 nm
This wavelength corresponds to visible region of hydrogen spectrum;
Hence n1 = 2, let n2 = n
1 1 1
 = RH =  2 − 2 
  n1 n2 
1 1 1
 −9
= 1.097  10 7  2 − 2 
490 .11 10 2 n 
Solving the above equation we get
 The transition is from n = 2 ⎯→4

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Problem 8: It has been found that gaseous Iodine molecules dissociate into separate atoms
after absorption of light at wavelengths less than 4995Å. If each quantum is
absorbed by one molecule of I2, what is the minimum input in kcal/mole,
needed to dissociate I2 by this photo chemical process.

Solution: E (per mole) = NAh

E = Na
( )( )
6.023  10 23 mol −1 6.626  10 −38 Js  3  10 8 ms −1
 4995  10 −10 m
 1 kcal 
= 239.5 kJ/mol   = 57.1 kcal/mole
 4.184kJ 

Problem 9: Find (i) the total number of neutrons and (ii) total mass of neutrons in 1 g of
H2O18 ?

Solution: i) Since 20g of H2O18 contains 6.023 × 1023 molecules

6.023  10 23  1 10 −6
 1  g (1 × 10–6g) contains molecules
= 3.0115 × 1016 molecules
3.0115 × 1016 molecules of H2O18 contains 6.023 × 1016 hydrogen atoms and
3.0115 × 1016 atoms of O18
Each hydrogen atom contains zero neutrons
Each O18 atom contains 18 – 8 = 10 neutrons
Total number of neutrons per molecule of H2O18 = 10
Total number of neutrons for 3.0115 × 1016 molecules = 3.0115 × 1017
ii) Mass of a neutron = 1.675 × 10–27 kg
Mass of 3.0115 × 1017 neutrons = (1.675 × 10–27 × 3.0115 × 1017)
= 5.044 × 10–10 kg

Problem 10. A gas of identical H like atom has some atoms in the lowest (ground) energy
level A and some atoms I a particular upper (excited) energy level ‘B’ and there
are no atoms in any other energy level. The atoms of the gas make transition to
a higher energy level by absorbing monochromatic light of photon energy 2.7
eV. Subsequently, the atoms emit radiations of only six different photon
energies. Some of the emitted photons have energy of 2.7 eV. Some have more
and some less than 2.7 eV.
i) Find the principal quantum number initially excited level B?
ii) Find the transition energy for the gas atoms?
iii) Find the maximum and the minimum energies of the emitted photons?
Solution. The electrons being present in I shell and another shell n1. These are excited to
higher level n2 by absorbing 2.7eV and on deexcitation emits six  and thus
excited state n2 comes to be 4.
− RH.c.h R .c.h R .c.h
Now E1 = 2
; En1 = − h 2 ; E 4 = h 2
1 n1 4
Since de-excitation leads to different  having photon energy  2.7 eV and thus,
absorption of 2.7 eV energy causing excitation to 4th shell and then re-emitting
photons of  2.7 eV is possible only when n1 = 2 (the de-excitation from 4th shell
occurs in I,II and III shell.)
E4 – E2 = 2.7 eV
E4 – E3  2.7 eV

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E4– E1  2.7 eV
Rh .c.h E1
 En 1 = E 2 = = 2 since n1 = 2 (as obtained by discussion)
22 2
Also E4 – E2 = 2.7 eV
E1 E1
– + = 2.7 eV
4 2 22
 E1 = –14.4 eV
I.P. = 14.4eV
E1 E1
Emax = E4 – E1 = +
42 12
=− + 14.4 = 13.5 eV
Emin = E4 – E3
E1 E1
=− + = 0.7 eV
42 32

Problem 11: A photon of wavelength 5000 A strikes a metal surface, the work function of the
metal being 2.20 eV. Calculate (i) the energy of the photon in eV (ii) the kinetic
energy of the emitted photo electron and (iii) the velocity of the photo electron.

Solution: i) Energy of the photon

E = h =
( )(
6.6  10 −34 Js 3  10 8 ms −1)= 3.96  10–19 J
 5  10 − 7 m
1 eV = 1.6  10–19 J
3.96  10 −19 J
Therefore E = = 2.475 eV
1.6  10 −19 J / ev
ii) Kinetic energy of the emitted photo electron
Work function = 2.20 eV
Therefore, KE = 2.475 – 2.20 = 0.275 eV = 4.4  10–20 J
iii) Velocity of the photo electron
KE = mv 2 = 4.4  10–20 J
2  4.4  10 −20
Therefore, velocity (v) = − 31
= 3.11  105 ms–1
9.1 10

Problem 12: The second ionization potential of Be is 17.98 eV. If the electron in Be+ is
assumed to move in a spherical orbit with a central field of effective nuclear
charge (Zeff) consisting of the nucleus and other electrons, by how many units of
charge is the nucleus shielded by other electrons? (The energy of electron in first
Bohr orbit of H is –13.6 eV). If the extent of shielding by the K electrons of Li+ ion
is same as you have calculated above, find the ionization potential of Li+?
13.6Z eff
Solution: Ionization Energy = = 17.98
17.98  2 2
 Z 2eff = = 5.28
Zeff = 2.3
Shielding effect = Z–Zeff = 4–2.3 = 1.7
Zeff for Lithium = 3–1.7 = 1.3

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13.6  (1.3 )
 IE of lithium = = 5.74 eV

Problem 13: Wavelength of the K characteristic X–rays of iron and potassium are 1.93110–
and 3.737  10–8 cm respectively. What is the atomic number and name of the
element for which characteristic K wavelength is
2.289 10–8 cm?
At. No of K = 19, and Fe = 26
Velocity of light = 3 1010 cm / sec
According to Mosely’s law, the frequency of emitted X – ray   Z2
c c
Solution: Frequency  =  Z2 = K(Z)2
 
 2  Z1 
=  … (1)
 1  Z 2 
3  Z2 
=  … (2)
 2  Z 3 
1 (Fe) = 1.931  10–8, Z1 = 26
3(K) = 3.737 10–8, Z3 = 19
2 (u) = 2.289  10–8, Z2 = ?
2.289  10 −8
 26 
from eqn (1) −8
=  
1.931  10  2
On solving we get Z2 = 23.88 = 24
From equation (2)
3.737  10 −8 Z 
=  2 
2.289  10  19 
Z2 = 24.27 = 24
Thus, the atomic number of that element is 24 and it is chromium.

Problem 14: The IP of H is 13.6 eV. It is exposed to electromagnetic waves of 1028 A and
given out induced radiations. Find the wavelength of these induced radiations?
Solution. E1 of H atoms = –13.6 eV
6.625  10−34  3.0  108
Energy give to H atom =
1028  10−10
= 1.933  10–18 J = 12.07 eV
 Energy of H atom after excitation = –13.6 + 12.07
= –1.53 eV
 En =
− 13 .6
 n2 = =9
− 1.53
Thus electron in H atoms is excited to 3rd shell
 I induced 1 =
E3 − E1
 E1 = -13.6 eV; E3 = –153 eV

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6.625  10 −34  3  10 8
 1 =
( −1.53 + 13.6)  1.602  10 −19
= 1028  10–10 m
 1 = 1028 Å
 II induced 2 =
(E2 − E1 )
13 .6
 E1 = –13.6 eV; E2 = – eV
6.625  10 −34  3  10 8
 2 = = 1216  10–10 m = 1215 Å
 13 .6 
− + 13 .6   1.602  10 −19
 4 
 III induced 3 =
E3 − E 2
13 .6 13 .6
 E1 = –13.6eV; E2 = − eV; E3 = − eV
4 9
6.625  10 −34  3  10 8
 3 = = 6568  10–10 m = 6568 Å
 13 .6 13 .6  −9
− +   1.602  10
 9 4 

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Problem 1: If the radius of first Bohr orbit is x, then de Broglie wavelength of electron in 3rd
orbit is nearly.
(A) 2x (B) 6x
(C) 9x (D)
n a0
Solution: rn = ,  r0  n2
r3 9
= ; r3 = 9r1 = 9x
r1 1
Also mvrn =
mvr3 =
mv =
= = 6x,

Problem 2: When photon of energy 4.25 eV strike the surface of a metal A, the ejected
electrons have maximum kinetic energy TA (expressed in eV) and de-Broglie
wavelength A. The maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons liberated from
another metal B by photons of energy 4.20 eV is T B = TA – 1.50 eV. The de-
Broglie wavelength of these photoelectrons is B = 2A then which of the
following is incorrect?
(A) The work function of A is 2.25 eV
(B) The work function of B is 3.70 eV
(C) TA = 2.00 eV
(D) TB = 2.75 eV
uA 
Solution: = B = 2 (since B = 2A)
uB  A
TA mu 2A 4
= 2
= ; Also TA – TB = 1.50
TB muB 1
 TB = 0.50 eV
 TA = 2.00 eV
Also 4.25 = 0 + TA A = 4.25 – 2.00 = 2.25 eV
4.20 = B + TB ; B = 4.20 – 0.50 = 3.70 eV
 (D)

Problem – 3: The radiation is emitted when a hydrogen atom goes from a high energy state to a
lower energy state. The wavelength of one line an visible region of atomic spectrum
of hydrogen is 6.5  10–9 m. Energy difference between the two states is
(A) 3.0 10–17 J (B) 1.0 10–18 J
(C) 5.0  10–10 J (D) 6.5 10–7 J
hc 6.62  10  3  10
Solution: E = h = = −9
= 3  10–17 J
 6.5  10

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Problem 4: The ratio of the electron in second excited state of He+ ion to the electron in the
first excited state of Be3+ is
(A) 1:3 (B) 9:16
(C) 1:9 (D) 16:9

− 136  Z 2
Solution: En = eV
2nd excited state of He+ n = 3, Z = 2 for He+
− 13.6  (2)2 − 13.6  4
E3 = 2
3 9
1st excited state of Be3+ is n = 2 and Z = 4 for Be3+
− 13.6  42 − 13.6  16 E3 44 1
E2 = = = =
2 2
4 E2 16  9 9
 (C)

Problem 5: The number of d-electrons in Fe2+ (Z = 26) is not equal to that of

(A) p-electrons in Ne (Z = 10) (B) s-electrons in Mg (Z = 12)
(C) d-electrons in Fe(Z = 26) (D) p-electrons in Cl (Z = 17)

Solution: Fe2+ (z = 26) electron = 24 [Ar] 3d6, six d-electron

a) Ne (Z = 10) 1s2 2s2 2p6, six electron in p orbital
b) Mg (Z = 12) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2, six electron in s-orbital
c) Fe (Z = 26) [Ar] 3d6, six d-electron

Problem 6: The accelerating potential to be imparted to a beam of electrons to give an

effective wavelength of 2.42 nm is
(A) 2.56 V (B) 3.42 V
(C) 0.256 V (D) 0.342 V

Solution: =
For electron  = × 10–8 cm
2.42 × 10–7 = × 10–8 cm
(24.2)2 =
V = 0.256 Volt
 (C)

Problem 7: In Bohr’s Model of hydrogen atom the ratio between period of revolution of an
electron in the orbit n = 1 to the period of revolution of electron in the orbit n =
2 is
(A) 1:12 (B) 2:1
(C) 1:8 (D) 1:4

Solution: Period of the revolution =

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T2 2r2 v rv
=  1 = 2 1
T1 v2 2r1 r1v 2
Also v n = 1
rn = r1 × n2
T2 r  22  v 1 8
= 1 = T1 : T2 = 1:8
T1 r1  v1 / 2 1
 (C)

Problem 8: Photoelectric emission is observed from a surface for frequencies 1 and 2 of

the incident radiation (1>2). If the maximum kinetic energies of the
photoelectrons in two cases are in ratio 1:K then the threshold frequency 0 is
given by
 − 1 K1 − 2
(A) 2 (B)
K −1 K −1
K 2 − 1  − 1
(C) (D) 2
K −1 K
Solution: KE1 = h1 – ho
KE2 = h2–ho
It is given that
KE1 1
KE 2 K
h 1 − h o 1
h 2 − h o K
(K1 − 2 ) = o (K − 1)
K 1 −  2
o =
K −1
 (B)

Problem 9: The velocity of electron in the ground state of H atom is 2.184 × 10 8 cm/sec. The
velocity of electron in the first excited state of Li2+ion in cm/sec would be
(A) 3.276 × 108 (B) 2.184 × 108
(C) 4.91 × 108 (D) 1.638 × 108

v1H  Z
Solution: vn = (v1H = velocity in the ground state of hydrogen atom)
First excited state is n = 2, Z = 3 for Li+2 ion
2.184  10 8  3
vn = = 3.276 × 108
 (A)

Problem 10: The ionization energy of the ground state hydrogen atom is 2.1810–18J. The
energy of an electron in its second orbit would be
(A)–1.09 10–18 J (B) –2.18 10–18J
(C) –4.36 10 J
(D) –5.45 10–19J

Solution: Energy of electron in first Bohr’s orbit of H–atom

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− 2.18  10 −18
E= 2
J ( ionization energy of H = 2.18 10–18J)
− 2.18  10 −18
E2 = J
= –5.45 10–19J
 (D)

Problem 11. Magnetic moments of V (Z = 23), Cr (Z = 24) and Mn (Z = 25) are x, y, z. Hence
(A) z  y  x (B) x = y = z
(C) x  z  y (D) x  y  z

Solution: Magnetic moments = n(n + 2)B.M. where n is the number of unpaired electron
V ( Z = 23) (Ar) 3d 4s2 n = 3, 15 Bm = x

Cr (Z = 24) (Ar) 3d5 4s n = 6, 48 Bm = y

Mn (Z = 25) (Ar) 3d5 4s2 n = 5, 35 Bm = z

Problem 12: The speed of a photon is one hundredth of the speed of light in vacuum. What is
the de Broglie wavelength? Assume that one mole of protons has a mass equal
to one gram. h = 6.626  10–27 erg sec
(A) 3.31  10–3Å (B) 1.33  10–3 Å
(C) 3.13  10 Å
(D) 1.31 10–2Å

Solution: m= g
6.023  10 23
h 6.626  10 −27
= =  6.023  1023 = 1.33  10–11 cm
mv 1 3  10 8 cm sec −1

Problem 13: The wave number of first line of Balmer series of hydrogen atom is 15200 cm –1.
What is the wave number of first line of Balmer series of Li2+ ion?
(A) 15200 cm–1 (B) 6080 cm–1
(C) 76000 cm (D) 1,36800 cm–1
Solution: For He+  =  for H Z2 = 15200  9 = 1, 36,800

Problem 14: The speed of the electron in the 1st orbit of the hydrogen atom in the ground
state is [C is the velocity of light]
(A) (B)
1.37 1370
(C) (D)
13.7 13.7

Solution: V= = 2.189  108 cm sec–1
C = 3  1010 cm, = 137

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Problem 15: The quantum number not obtained from the Schrodinger’s wave equation is
(A) n (B) l
(C) m (D) s

Solution: n, l and m quantum numbers can be obtained from Schrodinger equation.


Problem 16: Among the following the one which represents incorrect set of quantum
numbers is
(A) n = 4, l = 2, m = +2 (B) n = 3 , l = 2 , m = 0
(C) n = 3, l = 2, m = –3 (D) n = 4, l = 3, m = + 3

Solution: If n = 4, l = 0, 1, 2, 3
l=0 m=0
l=1 m = ± 1, 0
l=2 m = ± 2, 0 ± 1, 0
l=3 m = ± 3, +2, ± 1, 0
If n = 3, l = 0, 1, 2
If l = 2 m cannot take a value – 3
 (C)

Problem 17: Assuming that a 25 watt bulb emits monochromatic yellow light of wave length
0.57 . The rate of emission of quanta per sec. will be
(A) 5.89  1015 sec–1 (B) 7.28  1017 sec–1
(C) 5  1010 sec–1 (D) 7.18  1019 sec–1

Solution: Let n quanta are evolved per sec.

 hc 
n   = 25 J sec–1
 
6.626  10 −34  3  10 8
n = 25
0.57  10 −6
n = 7.18  1019 sec–1
 (D)

Problem 18: How many chlorine atoms can you ionize in the process Cl ⎯→ Cl + e, by the
energy liberated from the following process.

Cl + e– ⎯→ Cl for 6  1023 atoms
Given electron affinity of Cl = 3.61 eV, and I P of Cl = 17.422 eV
(A) 1.24  1023 atoms (B) 9.82  1020 atoms
(C) 2.02  10 atoms
(D) none of these

Solution: Energy released in conversion of 6  1023 atoms of Cl– ions

= 6  1023  electron affinity = 6  1023  3.61 = 2.166  1024 eV
Let x Cl atoms are converted to Cl+ ion
Energy absorbed = x  ionization energy
x  17.422 = 2.166  1024
x = 1.243  1023 atoms
 (A)

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Problem 19: The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of the He atom is equal to
24.6 eV. The energy required to remove both the electrons from the atom will
(A) 59 eV (B) 81 eV
(C) 79 eV (D) None of these

Solution : Ionization energy of He

z2 22
= 2  13.6 = 2  13.6
n 1
= 54.4 eV
Energy required to remove both the electrons
= binding energy + ionization energy = 24. 6 + 54.4
= 79 eV
 (C)

Problem 20: The wave number of the shortest wavelength in Lyman series of Li2+ion is
(A) 10.13Å (B) 135.0Å
(C) 13.50Å (D) 101.30Å

1 1 1
Solution: = RH  Z 2  2 − 2 
 shortest  n1 n2 
1 1 
= 109678 × 32  2 − 2  = 109678 × 32 cm-1
1  
 = 1.0130 × 10 cm

= 101.30 Å
 (D)

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1. Choose the incorrect relation on the basis of Bohr’s theory

1 1
a) Velocity of electron ∝ 𝑛 b) Frequency of revolution ∝ 𝑛2
c) Radius of orbit ∝ 𝑛2 𝑍 d) Force on electron ∝ 𝑛4
2. X-rays were discovered by :
a) Becquerel b) Roentgen c) Mme. Curie d) Van Laue
3. Two electrons in the same orbital may be identified with:
a) 𝑛 b) 𝑙 c) 𝑚 d) 𝑠
4. An electron has principal quantum number 3. The number of its (i) subshells and (ii) orbitals
would be respectively:
a) 3 and 5 b) 3 and 7 c) 3 and 9 d) 2 and 5
5. Maximum number of electrons in a subshell of an atom is determined by the following:
a) 2𝑛2 b) 4𝑙 + 2 c) 2𝑙 + 1 d) 4𝑙 − 2
6. Particle having mass 200 times that of an electron is:
a) Proton b) Positron c) Meson d) Neutron
7. Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired electrons?
a) Mg 2+ b) Ti3+ c) Fe2+ d) V 3+
8. An electron from one Bohr stationary orbit can go to next higher orbit
a) By emission of electromagnetic radiation
b) By absorption of any electromagnetic radiation
c) By absorption of electromagnetic radiation of particular frequency
d) Without emission or absorption of electromagnetic radiation
9. How many neutrons are present in tritium nucleus?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) 0
10. The number of wave made by an electron moving in an orbit having maximum magnetic
quantum number +3 is :
a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 6
11. The wavelength of a spectral line emitted by hydrogen atom in the Lyman series is 16 cm. What
is the value of 𝑛2 ?(𝑅=Rydberg constant)
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
12. The statements, which is/are correct:
a) Number of total nodes in an orbital = 𝑛 − 1
b) Number of radial nodes in an orbital = 𝑛 − 𝑙 − 1
c) Number of angular nodes in an orbital = 𝑙
d) All of the above
13. If the wavelength of an electromagnetic radiation is 2000Å, what is its energy in ergs?
a) 9.94 × 10−12 b) 9.94 × 10−19 c) 4.97 × 10−12 d) 4.97 × 10−19
14. Number of unpaired electrons in the electronic configuration 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝4 :
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
15. A strong argument for the particle nature of cathode rays is that they:
a) Produce fluorescence
b) Travel through vacuum
c) Get deflected by electric and magnetic fields
d) Cast shadow

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16. The electronic configuration 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠1 3𝑝1 correctly describes:
a) Ground state of Na b) Ground state of Si+ c) Excited state of Mg d) Excited state of Al3+
17. What accelerating potential is needed to produce an electron beam with an effective wavelength
of 0.090Å?
a) 1.86 × 104 eV b) 1.86 × 102 eV c) 2.86 × 104 eV d) 2.86 × 102 eV
18. Which of the following pairs have identical values of 𝑒/𝑚?
a) A proton and a neutron b) A proton and deuterium
c) Deuterium and an 𝛼-particles d) An electron and 𝛾-rays
19. Positive charge in an atom is:
a) Scattered all over the atom
b) Concentrated in the nucleus
c) Revolving around the nucleus
d) None is true
20. [Cr(H2 O)6 ]Cl3 (at. No. of Cr = 24) has a magnetic moment of 3.83 B. M. The correct distribution
of 3𝑑 electrons in the chromium of the complex:
1 1 1
a) 3𝑑𝑥𝑦 , 3𝑑𝑦𝑧 , 3𝑑𝑥𝑧
b) 3𝑠𝑥𝑦 1
, 3𝑑𝑦𝑧 , 3𝑑𝑧12
c) (3𝑑𝑥1 2 −𝑦2 ) , 3𝑑𝑧12 , 3𝑑𝑥𝑧

d) 3𝑑𝑥𝑦
, (3𝑑𝑥1 2 −𝑦2 ) , 3𝑑𝑦𝑧

21. The mass of an electron is 𝑚, its charge is 𝑒 and it is accelerated from rest through a potential
difference, 𝑉. The velocity of electron will be calculated by formula
d) None of these
𝑉 𝑒𝑉 2𝑒𝑉
a) √ b) √ c) √( )
𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
22. The present atomic weight scale is:
a) C12 b) O16 c) H1 d) C13
23. Which one of the following set of quantum numbers is not possible for electron in the ground
state of an atom with atomic number 19?
a) 𝑛 = 2, 𝑙 = 0, 𝑚 = 0 b) 𝑛 = 2, 𝑙 = 1, 𝑚 = 0 c) 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 1, 𝑚 = −1 d) 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 2, 𝑚 = +2
24. Oxygen consists of O16 , O17 and O18 isotopes and carbon consists of isotopes of C12 and C13 .
Total number of CO2 molecules possible are:
a) 6 b) 12 c) 18 d) 1
25. In order to designate an orbital 𝑛 in an atom, the number of quantum number required are:
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
26. For a given value of azimuthal quantum number 𝑙, the total number of values for the magnetic
quantum number 𝑚 are given by:
a) 𝑙 + 1 b) 2𝑙 + 1 c) 2𝑙 − 1 d) 𝑙 + 2
27. Magnetic quantum number for the last electron in sodium is:
a) 3 b) 1 c) 2 d) Zero
28. The Heisenberg s uncertainty principle can be applied to:

a) A cricket ball b) A football c) A jet aeroplane d) An electron

29. Isotopes are
a) Atoms of different elements having same mass number
b) Atoms of same elements having same mass number
c) Atoms of same elements having different mass number
d) Atoms of different elements having same number of neutrons

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30. Which element possess non-spherical shells?
a) He b) B c) Be d) Li
31. Splitting of spherical lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric field is called:
a) Zeeman effect b) Stark effect c) Decay d) Disintegration
32. An orbital in which 𝑛 = 4 and𝑙 = 2 is expressed by
a) 4𝑠 b) 4𝑝 c) 4𝑑 d) 5𝑝
33. Which wave property is directly proportional to energy of electromagnetic radiation:
a) Velocity b) Frequency c) Wave number d) All of these
34. Mass of an electron is :
a) 9.1 × 10−28 g b) 9.1 × 10−25 g c) 9.1 × 10−10 g d) 9.1 × 10−18 g
35. Which is the correct outermost shell configuration of chromium?





36. Which of the following ion will show colour in aqueous solution?
a) La3+ (𝑍 = 57) b) Ti3+ (𝑍 = 22) c) Lu3+ (𝑍 = 71) d) Sc 3+ (𝑍 = 21)
37. The electric configuration of element with atomic number 24 is
a) 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 3𝑑4 , 4𝑠 2 b) 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 3𝑑10
c) 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 3𝑑6 d) 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 3𝑑 5 , 4𝑠1
38. What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following quantum
numbers 𝑛 = 4, 𝑚1 = +1?
a) 4 b) 15 c) 3 d) 6
39. The principal quantum number of an atom represents:
a) Size and energy of the orbit
b) Spin angular momentum
c) Orbital angular momentum
d) Space orientation of the orbitals
40. The specific charge for positive rays is much less than the specific charge for cathode rays. This
is because:
a) Positive rays are positively charged
b) Charge on positive rays is less
c) Positive rays comprise ionised atoms, whose mass is much higher
d) Experimental method for determination is wrong
41. The magnetic moment of electron in an atom (excluding orbital magnetic moment) is given by:
√𝑛(𝑛 + 2) Bohr d) None of the above
a) b) √𝑛(𝑛 + 1)B. M. c) √𝑛(𝑛 + 3) B. M.
Magneton (or B.M)
42. de Broglie equation is a relationship between:
a) Position of an electron and its momentum
b) Wavelength of an electron and its momentum
c) Mass of an electron and its energy
d) Wavelength of an electron and its frequency

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43. Which electromagnetic radiation has extremely small wavelength?
a) Radiowave b) Cosmic rays c) Infrared rays d) Microwaves
44. Dimensions of Planck’s constant are:
a) force × time b) energy × distance c) energy/time d) energy × time
45. Given : The mass of electron is 9.11 × 10 kg and

Planck constant is 6.626 × 10−34 Js,

the uncertainty involved in the measurement of velocity within a distance of 0.1 Å is:
a) 5.79 × 108 m s−1 b) 5.79 × 105 m s−1 c) 5.79 × 106 m s−1 d) 5.79 × 107 m s−1
46. If helium atom and hydrogen molecules are moving with the same velocity, their wavelength
ratio will be
a) 4: 1 b) 1: 2 c) 2: 1 d) 1: 4
47. The energy required to break one mode of Cl − Cl bonds in Cl2 is 242kJmol−1 . The longest
wavelength of light capable of breaking a single Cl − Cl bond is
a) 594 nm b) 640 nm c) 700 nm d) 494 nm
48. The uncertainty in momentum of an electron is 1 × 10 kg m/s. the uncertainty in its position

will be (ℎ = 6.62 × 10−34 kg m2 /s)

a) 2.36× 10−28m b) 5.25× 10−28m c) 2.27× 10−30m d) 5.27× 10−30m
49. All types of electromagnetic radiations possess same:
a) Energy b) Velocity c) Frequency d) Wavelength
50. The values of four quantum numbers of valence electron of an element are
𝑛 = 4, 𝑙 = 0, 𝑚 = 0 and𝑠 = + .
The element is
a) K b) Ti c) Na d) Sc
51. Ground state electronic configuration of nitrogen atom can be represented as
a) b) c) d)
52. The value of charge on the oil droplets experimentally observed were −1.6 × 10−19 and
−4 × 10−19 coulomb. The value of the electronic charge, indicated by these results is:
a) 1.6 × 10−19 b) −2.4 × 10−19 c) −4 × 10−19 d) −0.8 × 10−19
53. Transition from 𝑛 = 4,5,6 to 𝑛 = 3 in hydrogen spectrum gives:
a) Lyman series b) Paschen series c) Balmer series d) Pfund series
54. The atomic numbers of elements 𝑋, 𝑌 and 𝑍 are 19, 21 and 25 respectively. The number of
electrons present in the 𝑀-shell of these elements follow the order
a) 𝑍 > 𝑋 > 𝑌 b) 𝑋 > 𝑌 > 𝑍 c) 𝑍 > 𝑌 > 𝑋 d) 𝑌 > 𝑍 > 𝑋
55. The mass number of an element is 23 and atomic number is 11. The number of protons,
electrons and neutrons respectively present in the atom of the elements are:
a) 11, 11, 12 b) 12, 12, 11 c) 11, 12, 11 d) 12, 11, 12
56. In photoelectric emission the energy of the emitted electrons is:
a) Larger than that of incident photon
b) Smaller than that of incident photo
c) Same as that of incident photon
d) Proportional to intensity of incident light
57. Angular momentum of an electron in an orbital is given by :
ℎ ℎ ℎ d) None of these
a) 𝑛 b) × √𝑙(𝑙 + 1) c) 𝑛
2𝜋 2𝜋 4𝜋

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58. What is the mass of a photon of sodium light with a wavelength of 5890 A° ?(ℎ = 6.63 × 10−27
a) 5.685× 10−33 g b) 6.256 × 10−33 g c) 4.256× 10−33 g d) 3.752 × 10−33 g
59. Consider the ground state of (𝑍 = 24). The numbers of electrons with the azimuthal quantum
numbers, 𝑙 = 1 and 2 are respectively
a) 12 and 4 b) 12 and 5 c) 16 and 4 d) 16 and 5
60. The charge on an electron was discovered by
a) J.J. Thomson b) Neil Bohr c) James Chadwick d) Mullikan
61. If an electron has spin quantum number of + and a magnetic quantum number of −1, it cannot
be represented in an
a) 𝑠 −orbital b) 𝑝 −orbital c) 𝑑 −orbital d) 𝑓 −orbital
62. The orbital angular momentum for an electron revolving in an orbit is given by √𝑙(𝑙 + 1) ℎ . This
momentum for an 𝑠-electron will be given by
1 ℎ b) Zero ℎ ℎ
a) + . c) d) √2.
2 2π 2π 2π
63. A heavy element has atomic number 𝑋and mass number 𝑌. Correct relationship between 𝑋 and
𝑌 is
a) 𝑋𝑌 b) 𝑋𝑌 c) 𝑋𝑌 d) 𝑋𝑍(1 𝑌)2
64. Proton is :
a) Nucleus of deuterium
b) Ionised hydrogen molecule
c) Ionised hydrogen atom
d) An 𝛼-particle
65. An isotone of 76 32 Ge is
a) 32 Ge
b) 7733 As c) 77 34 Se d) 7836 Sc
66. Which principle/rule limits the maximum number of electrons in an orbital to two?
a) Aufbau principle
b) Pauli’s exclusion principle
c) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity
d) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
67. Magnitude of kinetic energy in an orbit is equal to
a) Half of the potential energy b) Twice of the potential energy
c) One fourth of the potential energy d) None of the above
68. The shortest 𝜆 for the Lyman series is: (Given 𝑅𝐻 = 109678 cm−1)
a) 991 Å b) 700 Å c) 600 Å d) 811 Å
69. The maximum number of atomic orbitals associated with a principal quantum number 5 is:
a) 9 b) 12 c) 16 d) 25
70. The number of orbitals present in the shell with 𝑛 = 4 is
a) 16 b) 8 c) 18 d) 32
71. Which one of the following is the set of correct quantum numbers of an electron in 3𝑑 orbital?
a) 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 0, 𝑚 = 0, 𝑠 = −1/2 b) 𝑛 = 2, 𝑙 = 3, 𝑚 = 0, 𝑠 = +1/2
c) 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 1, 𝑚 = 0, 𝑠 = −1/2 d) 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 2, 𝑚 = 1, 𝑠 = +1/2
72. Different lines in Lyman series of hydrogen spectrum lie in …. region
a) Ultraviolet b) Infrared c) Visible d) Far infrared
73. The first energy level that can have 𝑑-orbitals is:
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) All are correct

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74. The uncertainty in the momentum of an electron is 1.0 × 10−5 kg ms−1. The uncertainty in its
position will be
a) 1.50 × 10−28 m b) 1.05 × 10−26 m c) 5.27 × 10−30 m d) 5.25 × 10−28 m
75. Which of the following particles moving with same velocity would be associated with smaller
de-Broglie wavelength?
a) Helium molecule b) Oxygen molecule c) Hydrogen molecule d) Carbon molecule
76. Stark effect refers to the
a) Splitting up of the lines in an emission spectrum in the presence of an external electrostatic
b) Random scattering of light by colloidal particles
c) Splitting up of the lines in an emission spectrum in a magnetic field
d) Emission of electrons from metals when light falls upon them
77. For which species, Bohr′s theory does not apply:
a) H b) Be c) He+ d) Li2+
78. The energy of electron in first orbit of He is (𝑅H = −871.6 × 10
+ −20
J). The energy of electron in
the first orbit of H is:
a) −871.6 × 10−20 J b) −435.8 × 10−20 J c) −217.9 × 10−20 J d) −108.9 × 10−20 J
79. The quantum levels upto 𝑛 = 3 has:
a) 𝑠 and 𝑝-levels b) 𝑠, 𝑝, 𝑑, 𝑓-levels c) 𝑠, 𝑝, 𝑑-levels d) 𝑠-level
80. Which of the subshell has double dumb-bell shape?
a) 𝑠 b) 𝑝 c) 𝑑 d) 𝑓
81. The lightest particle is
a) -particle b) Positron c) Proton d) Neutron
82. The ratio of speed of 𝛾-rays and X-rays is:
a) 1 b) < 1 c) > 1 d) None of these
83. The radius of second Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom is
a) 0.053 nm b) 0.106 nm c) 0.2116 nm d) 0.4256 nm
84. Which set of phenomenon shown by the radiation proves the dual nature of radiation?
a) Scintillation
b) Interference and diffraction
c) Interference and photoelectric effect
d) None of the above
85. The hydrogen spectrum from an incandescent source of hydrogen is:
a) A band spectrum in emission
b) A line spectrum in emission
c) A band spectrum in absorption
d) A line spectrum in absorption
86. The total spin resulting from a 𝑑7 configuration is:
a) ±1/2 b) ±2 c) ±1 d) ±3/2
87. The path of deflection of electron beam is:
a) Directly proportional to the magnitude of applied magnetic field
b) Inversely proportional to the magnitude of applied magnetic field
c) Inversely proportional to the velocity of electron
d) Directly proportional to the 𝑒/𝑚 value
88. Which one of the following groupings represents a collection of isoelectronic species?
(At. no. Cs=55, Br=35)
a) Na, Ca2 , Mg 2 b) N 3 , F, Na c) Be, Al3 , Cl d) Ca2 , Cs, Br

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89. Which particle may be removed from a stable neutral atom with least energy change?
a) An 𝛼-particle b) A neutron c) A proton d) An electron
90. Visible spectrum of hydrogen shows that it exists in two different forms which are based on
direction of spin of the:
a) Molecule of hydrogen
b) Nuclei of hydrogen atoms
c) Electrons of hydrogen
d) Atoms of hydrogen molecule
91. Evidence for the existence of different energy levels in atom is supplied by:
a) Spectral lines b) Mass defects c) Atomic numbers d) Atomic radii
92. Rutherford’s experiment on the scattering of α −particles showed for the first time that the
atom has
a) Electrons b) Protons c) Nucleus d) Neutrons
93. The longest 𝜆 for the Lyman series is : (Given 𝑅𝐻 = 109678 cm−1)
a) 1215 Å b) 1315 Å c) 1415 Å d) 1515 Å
94. The angular momentum of electron in 𝑛th orbit is given by:
ℎ 𝑛ℎ 𝑛2 ℎ
a) 𝑛ℎ b) c) d)
2𝜋𝑛 2𝜋 2𝜋
95. According to Bohr′s postulates which quantity can take up only discrete values:
a) Kinetic energy b) Angular momentum c) Momentum d) Potential energy
96. When the frequency of light incident on a metallic plate is doubled, the 𝐾𝐸 of the emitted
photoelectrons will be:
a) Doubled
b) Halved
c) Increased but more than doubled of the previous 𝐾𝐸
d) Unchanged
97. The mass of one mole of electron is:
a) 0.55 mg b) 0.008 mg c) 1.008 mg d) 0.184 mg
98. The velocities of two particles 𝐴 and 𝐵 are 0.05 and 0.02ms respectively. The mass of 𝐵 is five

times the mass of 𝐴. The ratio of their de-Broglie’s wavelength is

a) 2: 1 b) 1: 4 c) 1: 1 d) l4: 1
99. Which are in the ascending order of wavelength?
a) 𝐻𝛼 , 𝐻𝛽 , 𝐻𝛾 … lines in Balmer series of hydrogen atom
b) Lyman limit, Balmer limit, Paschen limit in the hydrogen spectrum
c) Blue, violet, yellow, red colours in solar spectrum
d) None of the above
100.The representation of the ground state ↑ ↑ electronic configuration of He by box-
diagram as
is wrong because it violates
a) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
b) Bohr’s quantization theory of angular momenta
c) Pauli exclusion principle
d) Hund’s rule

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1. Beta-emission takes place
a) From the elements above the band of stability
b) When neutron is converted to proton
c) With shifting of the new element one group towards right
d) Following all the facts given above
2. The angular momentum of an electron in 4s orbital, 3p orbital, and 4th orbit are
1 ℎ 2ℎ
a) 0, , ,
√2 𝜋 𝜋
1 ℎ 2ℎ
b) , , , 0
√2 2 𝜋
√2ℎ 4ℎ
c) 0, ,
𝜋 𝜋
d) √2ℎ , , 0
𝜋 𝜋
3. Slow neutrons can bring about the fission of
a) 92 U 235 b) 82 U238 c) 82 Pb207 d) 88 U226
4. When passing through a magnetic field the largest deflection is experienced by
a) α −rays b) β −rays c) γ −rays d) All equal
5. A radioactive element decays by the sequence, and with half-lives, given below
𝛼 2𝛽
𝑋 → 𝑌→ Z
30 min 2 days
Which of the following statements about this system are correct?
a) After two hours, less than 10% of the initial 𝑋 is left
Maximum amount of 𝑌 present at any time before 30 min is less then 50% of the initial
amount of 𝑋
c) Atomic numbers of 𝑋 and 𝑍 are same
d) All of the above are correct statements
6. 7
4 Be captures a K electron into its nucleus. What is the mass number and atomic number of the
nuclide formed?
a) 3,7 b) 4,8 c) 3,8 d) 4,7
7. When electronic transition occurs from higher energy state to lower energy state with energy
difference equal to Δ𝐸 electron volts, the wavelength of the line emitted is approximately equal
12395 12395 12395 12395
a) × 10−10 m b) × 1010 m c) × 10−10 cm d) × 1010 cm
∆𝐸 ∆𝐸 ∆𝐸 ∆𝐸
8. Which of the following nuclei is unstable?
a) 5 B10 b) 4 Be10 c) 7 N14 d) 8 O16
9. Thiosulphate ion, S2 O2−
3 on acidification changes to SO2 along with precipitation of sulphur
35 32 2− +
S SO3 + 2H → H2 O + SO2 + S
Which is the correct statement?
a) 35 S is in sulphur b) 35 Sis in SO2 c) 35 Sis in both d) 35 Sis in none

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10. The electrons, identified by quantum numbers 𝑛 and 𝑙
1. 𝑛 = 4, 𝑙 = 1
2. 𝑛 = 4, 𝑙 = 0
3. 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 2
4. 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 1
Can be placed in the order of increasing energy, from the lowest to highest, as
a) iv < 𝑖𝑖 < 𝑖𝑖𝑖 < 𝑖 b) ii < 𝑖𝑣 < 𝑖 < 𝑖𝑖𝑖 c) i < 𝑖𝑖𝑖 < 𝑖𝑖 < 𝑖𝑣 d) iii < 𝑖 < 𝑖𝑣 < 𝑖𝑖
11. After the emission of a β −particle followed by α −particle from 83 Bi;the number of neutrons

in the atom is
a) 130 b) 129 c) 128 d) 127
12. In the Schrodinger’s wave equation Ψ represents
a) Orbit b) Wave function c) Wave d) Radial probability
13. Which of the following has the maximum penetrating power?
a) α −particle b) Proton c) γ −particle d) Positron
14. Which of the following projectiles is the best for bombarding the nuclide?
a) α −particle b) Proton c) Deuteron d) Neutron
15. Which of the following is false?
The energy of an electron in an orbital of a hydrogen-like species depends only on the
principal quantum number 𝑛
The angular momentum of an electron of an orbital of a multielectron atom depends on the
quantum numbers 𝑙 and 𝑚

c) The expression of angular momentum of an electron in an orbital is given as √𝑙(𝑙 − 1) (2𝜋)

d) The 𝑧-component of angular momentum of an electron in an orbital is given as 𝑚 ( )
16. Which of the following elements belongs to 4𝑛-series?
a) Pb-207 b) Bi-209 c) Pb-208 d) Pb-206
17. The radius of second Bohr’s orbit is
a) 0.053 nm 0.053
b) nm c) 0.053 × 4 nm d) 0.053 × 20 nm
18. Sodium chloride imparts a yellow colour to the Bunsen flame. This can be interpreted due to the
a) Low ionization energy of sodium
b) Sublimation of metallic sodium to give yellow vapour
c) Emission of excess energy absorbed as a radiation in the visible region
d) Photosensitivity of sodium
19. When 𝑛/𝑝 ratio of an isotope is greater than the stable isotope of that element, it emits
a) β −particles b) α −particles c) Neutron d) Positron
20. The electronic configuration of a diapositive ion M is 2, 8,14 and its mass number is 56. The

number of neutrons present is

a) 32 b) 42 c) 30 d) 34

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1) c 2) b 3) d 4) c
5) b 6) c 7) c 8) c
9) a 10) a 11) c 12) d
13) a 14) a 15) c 16) c
17) a 18) c 19) b 20) a
21) c 22) a 23) d 24) b
25) c 26) b 27) d 28) d
29) c 30) b 31) b 32) c
33) d 34) a 35) d 36) b
37) d 38) d 39) a 40) c
41) a 42) b 43) b 44) d
45) c 46) b 47) d 48) d
49) b 50) a 51) a 52) d
53) b 54) c 55) a 56) b
57) b 58) d 59) b 60) a
61) a 62) b 63) b 64) c
65) b 66) b 67) a 68) a
69) d 70) a 71) d 72) a
73) b 74) c 75) b 76) a
77) b 78) c 79) c 80) c
81) b 82) a 83) c 84) c
85) b 86) d 87) b 88) b
89) d 90) b 91) a 92) c
93) a 94) c 95) b 96) c
97) a 98) a 99) b 100) c

2 (b)
Roentgen discovered X-rays.
3 (d)
Spins of an electron are ±1/2 in an orbital
4 (c)
No. of subshell = 𝑛; no. of orbitals = 𝑛2.
5 (b)
No. of electrons in an orbital = 2
No. of orbitals in a subshell = 2𝑙 + 1
∴ No. of electrons in an orbital = 2(2𝑙 + 1)
6 (c)
Mesons are electrically neutral (𝜋 0 ) or charged (𝜋 − , 𝜋 + ) particles having their mass 236
times of electron.
7 (c)
Mg 2+ = [Ne] [Zero unpaired electrons]
Ti3+ = [Ar]3𝑑1 [One unpaired electrons]
Fe2+ = [Ar]3𝑑5 [Five unpaired electrons]
V 3+ = [Ar]3𝑑2 [Two unpaired electrons]

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8 (c)
According to Bohr’s atomic model, if energy is supplied to an electron it may jump from a
lower energy level to higher energy level. Energy is absorbed in the form of quanta (or
∆𝐸 = ℎ𝑣
Where, 𝑣 is the frequency.
According to above postulate an electron from one Bohr stationary orbit can go to next
higher orbit by the absorption of electromagnetic radiation of particular frequency.
9 (a)
Tritium is the isotope of hydrogen. Its composition is as follows :
1 electron, 1 proton and 2 neutrons
10 (a)
If 𝑚 = +3 (maximum), then 𝑙 = 3 (maximum). Thus, maximum value of 𝑛 = 4. Also no. of
waves in an orbit = no. of orbit
11 (c)
For Lyman series,
1 1 1
= 𝑅 [ 2 − 2]
𝜆 1 𝑛2
15𝑅 1 1
= 𝑅 [ 2 − 2]
16 1 𝑛2
15𝑅 𝑛2 − 1
=[ 2 ]
16𝑅 𝑛2
15 𝑛2 − 1
16 𝑛22
15𝑛22 = 16𝑛22 − 16
𝑛22 = 16, 𝑛2 = 4
12 (d)
The desired formulae to calculate nodes.
13 (a)
𝑐 3 × 1010
𝑣= = = 1.5 × 1015 s −1
𝜆 2000 × 10−8
ℎ = 6.6 × 10−27 erg s.
𝐸 = ℎ𝑣 = 6.6 × 10−27 × 1.5 × 1015
= 9.94 × 10−12 erg
14 (a)
In 𝑝-orbitals electrons are present as

15 (c)
Rest all are evidence for wave nature.
16 (c)
Ground state of 12 Mg is 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 .
17 (a)

KE = 2
2𝜆 𝑚

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(6.626 × 10−34 )2
2 × (0.090 × 20−10 )2 × 9.1 × 10−31
= 2.98 × 10−15 J
Accelerating potential
2.98 × 10−15
= eV
1.6 × 10−19
= 1.86 × 104 eV
18 (c)
𝑚𝑑 4𝑚𝑎−𝑝
= =1
2𝑒 4𝑚𝑑
So, deuterium and an 𝛼-particles have identical value of 𝑒/𝑚
19 (b)
All the protons carrying +ve charge are present in nucleus.
20 (a)
Cr 3+ : 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 3𝑑3 . The 3𝑑𝑥𝑦
1 1
, 3𝑑𝑥𝑧 1
, 3𝑑𝑦𝑧 has lower energy.
21 (c)
We know that kinetic energy = 𝑒𝑉
or = 2 𝑚𝑣 2
So, 2
𝑚𝑣 2 = 𝑒𝑉
𝑣2 =
22 (a)
At. wt. scale now-a-days is based on C12.
23 (d)
K(𝑍 = 19): 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 , 4𝑠1
In the ground state the value of 𝑙 can be either zero or one.
Hence, the set (d) of quantum numbers 𝑖. 𝑒.,
(𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 2, 𝑚 = +2)cannot possible in the ground state.
24 (b)
Six with C12 as C12 O16 O16 , C12 O16 O17 , C12 O17 O17
C12 O18 O18 , C12 O16 O18 , C12 O17 O18 and six with C13
25 (c)
To designate an orbital, 𝑛, 𝑙, 𝑚 are required.
26 (b)
Total values of 𝑚 for a given subshell (2𝑙 + 1).
27 (d)
Na has 3𝑠1 configuration for last electron.
28 (d)
The principle is valid only for sub-atomic particles.
29 (c)
Isotopes are atoms of same elements having different mass number
Isobars are atoms of different elements having same mass number.

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Isotones are atoms of different elements having same number of neutrons.
Nuclear isomers are atoms with the same atomic number and same mass number but
different radioactive properties.
30 (b)
B has 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 2𝑝1 configuration; 𝑝 is non-spherically shell.
31 (b)
Follow Stark effect.
32 (c)
𝑛 = 4, means electron is in 4th shell and 𝑙 = 2, means subshell is 𝑑. Therefore, the orbital is
in 4𝑑-subshell.
33 (d)
𝐸 = ℎ𝑣 = = ℎ𝑐𝑣
34 (a)
𝑚𝑒 = 9.108 × 10−28 𝑔 = 9.108 × 10−31 kg
35 (d)
Cr has 3𝑑5 , 4𝑠1 configuration.
36 (b)
3+ 1
22 Ti : … … … 3𝑑 , 𝑖. 𝑒., one unpaired electron.
37 (d)
The electronic configuration of element with atomic number 24 is
1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 , 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 , 3𝑝6 , 4𝑠1 , 3𝑑5
(∵Exactly half-filled orbitals are more stable than nearly half-filled orbitals.)
38 (d)
𝑛 = 4, 𝑚𝑙 = +1
𝑚1 = +1 shows the 𝑝-subshell, the maximum number of electron will be six.
39 (a)
Principal quantum number specifies size and energy level of orbit.
40 (c)
Specific charge = 𝑒/𝑚; Higher is 𝑚, lesser will be 𝑒/𝑚.
41 (a)
The formula for magnetic moment of an atom.
42 (b)
𝜆 = ℎ/𝑚𝑢.
43 (b)
The cosmic rays are highest energy rays having smallest 𝜆, of the order of less than 10−15 m.
44 (d)
Planck′s constant ℎ = 𝑣 . Put dimensions of energy and frequency, 𝑖. 𝑒. , energy/time−1 =
energy × time.
45 (c)

Δ𝑢 ∙ ∆𝑥 =
6.626 × 10−34
∆𝑢 =
4 × 3.14 × 9.11 × 10−31 × 0.1 × 10−10
= 5.8 × 106 m/sec
46 (b)
According to de-Broglie,

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𝜆He 𝑚H 𝑣H
or 𝜆 = 𝑚 2 × 𝑣 2
H2 He He

Given, 𝑣H2 = 𝑣He

𝜆He 2 𝑣He
∴ = ×
𝜆H2 4 𝑣He
47 (d)
Energy required for 1 Cl2 molecule = 𝑁𝐴
ℎ𝑐 6.626 × 10−34 × 3 × 108 × 6.02 × 1023
or𝜆 = =
𝐸 242 × 103
= 494 × 10 m = 494 nm
48 (d)

∆𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑃 =
6.63 × 10−34
∆𝑥 =
4 × 3.14 × 10−5
5.27 × 10−35
1 × 10−5
= 5.27 × 10−30m
49 (b)
Velocity of light is same for all types of radiations.
50 (a)
Four quantum numbers are
𝑛 = 4, 𝑙 = 0, 𝑚 = 0, 𝑠 = +
𝑛 = 4 indicates that the valence electron is present in 4th shell (4th period), 𝑙 = 0 indicates
that the valence electron is present in 𝑠-subshell. 𝑚 = 0 indicates that the valence electron
is present in orbital of 𝑠-subshell. 𝑠 = + 2 indicates that the spining of electron in orbital is
clockwise. So, from the above discussion it is clear that valence electron is present in 4𝑠
subshell as 4𝑠1 . 𝑠1 indicates that the element is present in IA group. So, the element present
in 4th period and IA group is potassium (K).
51 (a)
The atomic number of nitrogen is 7 and its electronic configuration in ground state is as :

52 (d)
Free charge can exist only as integer multiple of electronic charge.
53 (b)
For Paschen series electron must fall in 3rd shell.
54 (c)
Symbols K L M N
19 𝑋 = 2 8 8 1

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21 𝑌 = 2 8 9 2
25 𝑍 = 2 8 13 2
Hence, the order of number of electrons in 𝑀 shell is
55 (a)
Mass no. ≈ At. wt;
Mass no. = No. of protons + No. of neutrons;
At. no. = No of protons
56 (b)
A part of energy of photon is used up to do work against coulombic forces of attractions.
57 (b)
It is expression to represent angular momentum of an electron in an orbital.
58 (d)
ℎ ℎ
𝜆 = 𝑚𝑐 or 𝑚 = 𝜆𝑐
6.63 × 10−27
5890 × 10−8 × 3 × 1010
= 3.752 × 10−33g
59 (b)
𝑍 = (24) = 1𝑠 2 , 2𝑠 2 , 2𝑝6 , 3𝑠 2 , 3𝑝6 , 4𝑠1 , 3𝑑5
𝑙 = 1, means 𝑝-orbitals and 𝑝-orbitals have total 12 electrons
𝑙 = 2 means 𝑑-orbitals and 𝑑 − orbitals have total 5 electrons
60 (a)
1. J.J. Thomson Determined charge on electron

2. Neil Bohr Gave structure of atom

3. James Chadwick Discovered neutron

4. Mullikan Carried out oil drop experiment

61 (a)
𝑚 = −1 is not possible for 𝑠-orbital (𝑙 = 0)
62 (b)
For 𝑠-electron,𝑙 = 0
63 (b)
A heavy element has atomic number 𝑋 and mass number 𝑌.
The atomic number of heavy element is smaller than its mass number.
𝑖. 𝑒., 𝑋 < 𝑌
64 (c)
Proton is referred as H + .
65 (b)
The isotones are a species which have equal number of neutrons.
No. of neutrons is 77 32 Ge = 77 − 32 = 45
No. of neutrons in 77 33 As = 77 − 33 = 44
No. of neutrons 34 Se = 77 − 34 = 43
No. of neutron 77 36 Sc = 76 − 36 = 40
No. of neutrons in 76 32 Ge = 76 − 32 = 44
∴ 33 As is isotone of 76
32 Ge.

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66 (b)
Follow Pauli′s exclusion principle.
67 (a)
𝑍𝑒 2
Kinetic energy in an orbit= 8𝜋𝐸°𝑟 . . . (i)
𝑍𝑒 2
Potential energy in an orbit = 4𝜋𝐸°𝑟 … (ii)
Comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii)
68 (a)
For shortest 𝜆 of Lyman series,
1 1 1
𝑛1 = 1 and 𝑛2 = ∞; = 𝑅H [ 2 − 2 ]
𝜆 𝑛1 𝑛2
Because Δ𝐸 = 𝜆
is maximum when 𝜆 is small
Thus, Δ𝐸 = 𝐸∞ − 𝐸1
69 (d)
No. of orbitals for a given value of 𝑛 = 𝑛2.
70 (a)
The number of orbitals in an orbit (or shell) = 𝑛2
where, 𝑛 =no. of orbit or shell
Given, 𝑛 = 4
∴ No. of orbitals in the 4th shell =(4)2
= 16
71 (d)
For 3𝑑-orbital,
For 𝑑-orbital, 𝑙 = 2
and 𝑚 = −2, −1, 0, +1, +2
∴ The correct set for 3𝑑-orbital is
𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 2, 𝑚 = 1, 𝑠 = +
72 (a)
Lyman series falls in UV region.
73 (b)
The 3rd shell as well as all higher shells have 𝑑-subshells.
74 (c)

∆𝑥 × ∆𝑝 ≥
where, ∆𝑥 =uncertainty in position.
∆𝑝=uncertainty in momentum.
= 1.0 × 10−5 kg ms−1
6.62 × 10−34
∴ ∆𝑥 × 1.0 × 10−5 ≥
4 × 3.14
6.62 × 10−34
∆𝑥 ≥
4 × 3.14 × 1.0 × 10−5
≥ 5.27 × 10−30 m

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75 (b)
De-Broglie wavelength,

or 𝜆 = 𝑚
76 (a)
Splitting of spectral lines under the influence of an external electrostatic field is called Stark
77 (b)
Bohr′s model is applicable to one electron system only.
78 (c)
𝐸1 He+ = 𝐸1 H × 𝑍 2
∴ −871.6 × 10−20 = 𝐸1 H × 4
∴ 𝐸1 H = −217.9 × 10−20 J
79 (c)
For 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 may have values 0(𝑠) , 1(𝑝) and 2(𝑑) .
80 (c)
𝑠-orbitals are spherical; 𝑝-orbitals are dumb-bell; 𝑑-orbitals are double dumb-bell; 𝑓-
orbitals are complicated.
81 (b)
Positron is as heavy as an electron.
82 (a)
Both are waves of radiant energy.
83 (c)
Give that,
Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom (𝑛)=2
Atomic number of hydrogen (𝑍)=1
By using
0.529 𝑛2
0.529 × (2)2
0.529 × 4
= 2.116 Å
= 0.2116 nm
84 (c)
Interference shows the wave nature and photoelectric effect represents particle nature.
85 (b)
Elements show characteristics line spectrum which is finger print of atom.

86 (d)
𝑑7 configuration has three unpaired electrons.
Thus, total spin = ±1/2 × no. of unpaired electrons.
87 (b)
Radius of deflected path = ; where 𝐻 is magnetic field.
88 (b)

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N 3− 7 + 3 = 10 electrons
F − 9 + 1 = 10 electrons
Na+ 11 − 1 = 10 electrons
89 (d)
Rest all involves nuclear forces of higher degree.
90 (b)
H2 has two nuclear isomers knows as 𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑜 (same spin of nuclei) and 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎 (anti-spin).
91 (a)
Spectral lines of different 𝜆 suggest for different energy levels.
92 (c)
Rutherford’s scattering experiment for the first time showed the presence of positively
charged nucleus at the centre of atom.
93 (a)
For longest 𝜆 of Lyman series 𝑛1 = 1 and 𝑛2 = 2,
1 1 1
= 𝑅H [ 2 − 2 ]
𝜆 𝑛1 𝑛2
Because Δ𝐸 = is minimum when 𝜆 is longest
Thus, Δ𝐸 = 𝐸2 − 𝐸1
94 (c)

Angular momentum of electron in an orbit = 𝑛 2𝜋
95 (b)

Angular momentum = 𝑛 ∙ 2𝜋 ; where 𝑛 is integer and thus discrete value.
96 (c)
ℎ𝑣1 = work function + 𝐾 ∙ 𝐸1
2 × ℎ𝑣1 = work function + 𝐾 ∙ 𝐸2
97 (a)
Mass on one mole electron
= 𝑁 × 𝑚𝑒 = 6.023 × 1023 × 9.108 × 10−31 kg
98 (a)
Given, velocity of particle 𝐴=0.05 ms−1
Velocity of particle 𝐵=0.02ms −1
Let the mass of particle 𝐴 = 𝑥
∴ The mass of particle 𝐵 = 5𝑥
de-Broglie’s equation is

For particle 𝐴

𝜆𝐴 = … (i)
𝑥 × 0.05
For particle 𝐵

𝜆𝐵 = … (ii)
5𝑥 × 0.02
Eq. (i)/(ii)
𝜆𝐴 5𝑥 × 0.02
𝜆𝐵 𝑥 × 0.05

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𝜆𝐴 2
𝜆𝐵 1
or 2: 1
99 (b)
Lyman < 𝐵𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑒𝑟 <𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑛
𝜆increase in the order (U.V)(Visible)(IR)
100 (c)
According to Pauli Exclusion Principle, In any orbital, maximum two electrons can exist,
having opposite spin.


1) d 2) a 3) a 4) b
5) d 6) a 7) a 8) b

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9) a 10) a 11) c 12) b
13) c 14) d 15) b 16) c
17) c 18) c 19) a 20) c

2 (a)
2K, 8L, 9M, and 2N
1𝑠 2𝑠 2𝑝6 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 3𝑑1 4𝑠 2
2 2

K means 𝑛 = 1, L means 𝑛 = 2
( )
M means 𝑛 = 3, N means 𝑛 = 4
Structure is 3𝑑1 , 4𝑠 2
Atomic number21
The total number of 𝑝e−
2𝑝6 + 3𝑝6 = 12
5 (d)
−𝛼 −2𝛽
𝐴𝑋 → 𝐴−2 𝑌 → 𝐴𝑍
30 min 2 days

𝐴 is atomic number of 𝑋

Half-life period of 𝑋 = 30 min

Total time = 2 h = 120 min

(𝑦) number of half-lives = =4

1 4
𝑋 left after 4 half-lives 𝑁 = 𝑁0 (2)

= 100 ( ) = 6.25%

Thus, (a) is true

Before 30 min ( = half-life) amount of 𝑋 left > 50%

Hence, 𝑌 formed < 50%

(since half-life of 𝑌) is 2880 min >> half-life of 𝐴)

Thus, (b) is correct

𝑋 and 𝑌 are isotopes with same atomic number 𝐴, thus, (c) is correct

7 (a)
ℎ𝑐 6.62 × 10−34 J s × 3 × 108 m s−1
𝜆= =
∆𝐸 𝐸 × 1.602 × 10−19 J
= 12395 × 10 m

10 (a)
iv < ii < 𝑖𝑖𝑖 < 𝑖
According to Aufbau’s principle, filling of electrons in various subshells of an atom takes
place in the increasing order of energy, starting with the lower most

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The following order is observed:
1𝑠 2𝑠 2𝑝 3𝑠 3𝑝 4𝑠 3𝑑 4𝑝 5𝑠 4𝑑 5𝑝 6𝑠 4𝑓 5𝑑 6𝑝 7𝑠 …
According to Bohr-Bury rule, (𝑛 + 𝑙) rule, the subshell with the lower value of (𝑛 + 𝑙)is
filled first. If the values for (𝑛 + 𝑙) are equal, the one with the smaller value of 𝑛 is filled first
𝒏 𝒍 (𝒏 + 𝒍)
i. 4 1 5
ii. 4 0 4
iii. 3 2 5
iv. 3 1 4
12 (b)
Ψ=wave function
14 (d)
Neutron is the best projectile
15 (b)
5. True

6. False. The angular momentum depends only on the azimuthal quantum number

7. True

8. True

16 (c)
Pb-208 belongs to 4𝑛 series
17 (c)
𝑟1 for H × 𝑛2
𝑟𝑛 =
0.53 Å × 22
= 0.53 × 4 Å = 0.053 × 4 nm
= (1 Å = 10−10 m, 1 nm = 10−9 m)
19 (a)
Isotope must have some number of proton, therefore β-particle will be emitted
20 (c)
Electronic configuration of M 2+ = 2 + 8 + 14 = 24e−
Since two e− has been lost in forming M 2+ ion from metal, so total number of protons
should be = 24 + 2 = 26
Hence, number of neutrons = 56 − 26 = 30

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