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Ok, so I am going to keep this part of the report short and sweet because

there is really no point in beating round the bush.

See, previously when I taught you how you could get 5000 Facebook friends and
market to them. I left this out because the conversion rates are so high that I felt it
needed it's own section.

You will be creating a Facebook event and inviting all 5000 of your friends to this
event. You can actually promote anything on this event but what you should do is
promote a FREE webinar were you get paid on commisions on the products sold at
the end of the webinar. Like I said I am not referring you to
because I am an affiliate, I am doing it because I find it to be the best service. You
get paid instantly into your paypal whenever you make a sale.
You don't have to host these webinars either, there are already people doing this for
you. The people who will be selling the products you are making the commissions

Anyway, on your facebook page go to the events tab:

Once you are on there you want to go to the 'create event' tab.

When you get on the page it will look like the one below.

What you want to do is create a catchy event name at first. If the webinar is about
weight loss something like:
"How to lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss has never been so simple!" Should
suffice and from the fill in the rest of the details. The location being the link to the
webinar. The date and time should be in the time zone of most of your 'friends'. But
just to make sure in the description you should put what time it will be in ALL the
major time zones.
In the description you should right it a bit like copy. Firstly tell them it's not their
It's not their fault their fat.
It's not their fault they can't build muscle.
It's not their fault they can't train their dog.
Give them someone to blame. Tell them people have been lieing to them for years.
Everybody is lieing to them except you. Then talk about how your product or your
affiliate product is going to fix their problem forever.

Then let them no this webinar will be the last time they ever have the problem they
are having. Also uncheck the 'show the guestlist on event box'. Some people will
only attend if they remain anonymous.

So it should look like that. Then you simply just add a attractive picture related to
your niche.
People will see the photo and automatically be intrested.

Now onto adding people to the event.

Click select guest and then it will take you onto a page looking like the one below.

You would think it was simple enough to just tick every box of all your guests but
ticking 5000 boxes manually will take you about an hour or so. That's time us
internet marketers could be using to do things more productive. So once you are on
the page ready to tick all 5000 boxes. Type this piece of code into the browser bar
and it will manually tick all the boxes for you.
javascript:var elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for(var
***Warning this does not work on all browsers. If it doesn't work for you send
me a pm and I will try find the right code for your browser***

It's that easy, it will still take about 5-10 minutes. But it literally auto-pilot you can go
off and do something else while you wait for it.

Yes people it is that easy. To have 5000 potential eyeballs infront of something you
will be paid for. So lets talk about what kind of conversios you will usually see. If
you have done everything else right, a good description, a good title. An attractive
picture. Then you can expect about 700-1000 people say they will actually attend
the event.
But people forget and often don't turn up. But that doesn't matter you can follow
them up later. So lets say 40% of 1000, 400 actually turn up and the webinar is a
good one. You can probably expect about a 4-10% conversion rate. It is basically
easy money ready to just be taken.
Hope you are ready to take some action,
Ryan Milligan

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