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schemas - mental structures in the child’s thinking that provide representations and plans

for enacting behaviours. Not only one representation but a lot of it

Operations - themes based on mental representations, processes of how we operate, (stages

are based on operations and types of operations)

Adaptation - knowing something like this is a dog (it's first)

Assimilation - when we have already an image of a dog and we add new info about it

1. Sensorimotor stage
2. Pre-operational stage
3. Concrete operations stage
4. Formal operations stage
5. Post formal operation stage

1. Sensorimotor stage

changes from the helpless newborn to the thinking and

knowing toddler, that is, to the cognitive individual with a
-thought in action
-use senses (touching,watching, smelling)

0-1 month -> reflexive stage -> sucking, wrodzone odruchy

1-4 months -> control their behaviour
4-10 months-> secondary-> grabs objects
1 year->
1year-1,5-> child starts walking
18-24 months -> try to memorize
Know they exist on exam -> najpierw odruchy a potem myślenie

2. Pre-operational stage (2-7 years)

They can communicate well and represent information and ideas by means of sym-
bols – in drawing, symbolic play,
gesture, drawing, and particularly speech.
-egocentric - can’t see anything from another person perspective
-are unable to coordinate aspects of problems in order to solve them
Symbolic sub stage 2-4 years
-Can play pretend

Intuitive sub stage 4-7 years

-learn how to classify and order in a more systematic way

Dwie szklany tyle samo napoju używamy większej szklanki dzieci myślą ze w większej
szklance jest więcej

3. Concrete operations stage 7-11 years

- centration the focusing or centring of attention on one aspect of a situation to the exclusion
of others.
- conservation tasks- tasks that examine children’s ability to un-
derstand that physical attributes of objects, such as their mass
and weight, do not vary when the object changes shape.

4. The formal operation stage (from about 11 years)

- solve many problems involving the

physical world, but the major limitation in their thinking is
to do with the realm
of possibilities
-ability of abstract thoughts

cognitive adaptations children’s developing cognitive awareness of the world. As a result of

cognitive adaptations they become better able to understand their
assimilation the process through which children incorporate new experiences into their pre-
existing schemes – that is, they assimilate the new to their already existing schemes of

accommodation the cognitive process through which children adapt to new experiences by
modifying their preexisting schemes

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