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Quiz 4 with Answers

Knowledge Management (University of Newcastle (Australia))

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Chapter 4: Knowledge Capture and Codification

Instructional Module

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is tacit knowledge capture so difficult?

a. Lack of well-documented methods and techniques.
b. Individuals often not motivated or wary of “losing” their valuable knowledge.
c. The volume of tacit knowledge greatly exceeds that of explicit knowledge.
d. Both a and b.
e. Both b and c.

2. Which knowledge capture technique is best suited for use with individual subject
matter experts?
a. Structured, one-on-one interviewing.
b. Facilitated workshop.
c. Automated log analysis of workstation data.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

3. Which of the following statements are true?

a. Open-ended questioning is best suited to validating captured but not yet
codified knowledge.
b. Closed questioning results in questions that can be answered by a yes or a no.
c. Open questions place more constraints on the interviewee.
d. Closed questioning allow interviewers to observe the expert’s use of key
vocabulary, concepts and frames of reference.
e. All of the above.

4. Why does use of a case matrix make tacit knowledge capture easier?
a. Cases require open-ended questions only.
b. Cases are a more structured form of interviewing.
c. People like to recount their concrete experiences.
d. Both a and b.
e. Both a and c.

5. What are organizational stories?

a. A form of knowledge coding used with explicit knowledge.
b. A form of reflective listening that helps confirm that the expert’s message was
heard and understood correctly.
c. A chronology of all the important events that occurred during the lifetime of a
given organization that has been coded into the intranet.
d. A detailed narrative of management actions, employee interactions and other
intra-organizational events that are communicated informally within the

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e. None of the above.

6. Which of the following represent the key stages involved in knowledge capture from
a. Identification, conceptualization and codification.
b. Interviewing, recordkeeping and population of organizational knowledge base.
c. Converting tacit into explicit knowledge and then coding in a case matrix.
d. Reflective listening, observing and validating content generated by
e. None of the above.

7. Which of the following the key stages involved in organizational knowledge capture?
a. Grafting.
b. Vicarious learning.
c. Experiential learning.
d. Inferential processes.
e. All of the above.

8. Why is it necessary to codify knowledge once it has been captured?

a. By converting knowledge into a tangible, explicit form such as a document,
that knowledge can then be communicated much more widely and with less
b. Documents can be disseminated widely over a corporate intranet and they
persist over time, which makes them available for reference as and when they
are needed, both by existing and by future staff.
c. Codified knowledge constitutes the only ‘real’ corporate memory of the
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

9. What are the major ways of codifying explicit knowledge ?

a. Protocol analysis and process tracing.
b. Expertise location systems and yellow pages.
c. Cognitive maps, decision trees and knowledge taxonomies.
d. Both a and b.
e. Both c and d.

10. Which of the following statements best describe knowledge taxonomies?

a. They are classification schemes.
b. They are typically hierarchically organized.
c. They incorporate inheritance of properties of objects that are more general.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

11. What are some benefits of using peer assists?

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a. Networking opportunities
b. Access to tacit knowledge
c. Participatory learning
d. Thinking outside the box
e. All of the above

12. Which of the following are characteristics of knowledge jams?

a. Can be used for problem solving
b. Are unstructured
c. Bring together people who are working on the same team
d. Consists primarily of brainstorming
e. All of the above

13. When would you make use of a master class?

a. To classify explicit knowledge
b. To transfer tacit knowledge between two peers
c. To transfer tacit knowledge from an existing expert to a potential expert
d. To transfer explicit knowledge to organizational memory
e. None of the above

14. What is the knowledge continuity approach to knowledge capture?

a. An orientation session for new employees
b. Integrated into succession planning
c. Making a backup of retiring employees’ paper and digital files
d. Pairing new employees with mentors
e. All of the above

15. Cognitive maps represent:

a. A map of how expert brains function at the neurological level
b. A record of all decisions made by an expert
c. Mental models of experts
d. Visual representation of a social network
e. None of the above

Answer Key Multiple Choice

1 e
2 a
3 b
4 c
5 d
6 a
7 e
8 d
9 c
10 d

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11 e
12 a
13 c
14 b
15 c

Essay Questions

1 A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One
individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a
variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of
questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly
reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for
each of these individuals. How would your approach differ? What do
anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How
would you select the best techniques to use given these obstacles?

2 The same organization has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity

strategy to ensure that knowledge is not only captured from key departing
individuals but that this knowledge is coded and retained in organizational
memory systems. Outline how you would develop and implement such a
strategy. Describe the key techniques you would use and justify your

3 What are some of the major obstacles in trying to capture and codify tacit
knowledge? How would you address these challenges?

4 How would you decide on the best approach (or combination of approaches)
to tacit knowledge capture? What are some of the criteria you would need to
know in order to make the best possible choice?

5 Why are stories a good way of capturing tacit knowledge? How do people
learn from them? How would you ensure that they are preserved in
organizational memory?

6 What are some of the key reasons why it is important to codify knowledge
once it has been documented? Name at least three reasons and provide

7 Why is it important to document decision audit trails? What are some

consequences that could ensue if only the decision is captured?

8 What are the major benefits of developing a visual representation or mental

model of an expert’s knowledge? Is there an advantage to having them?
Provide some examples.

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9 What is the relationship between a taxonomy of knowledge and organizational


10 Discuss at least three ways in which tacit knowledge can be captured from a
group and then preserved in organizational memory. What are the pros and
cons of each approach?

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