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Mid Term MGT101

Mid Term

Mark Tharwat

Moussa Academy
MGT101 – MID First Term 2020/2021

Q1 - Identify the type of Organizational structure, where people with occupational

specialties are put together in formal groups by similar products, customers or
geographic region.
a. Matrix
b. Divisional
c. Hollow e
d. Functional

Q2 - The process of assigning someone to play the role of critic to voice possible
objections to a proposal and thereby generate critical thinking and reality testing is
termed as __________.
a. Groupthink
b. Personality Conflict
c. Accommodating
d. Devil's Advocacy

Q3 - Middle Level Managers must carry out the tactical planning every______&
First Line Managers must complete the Operational planning every______.
a. 6 to 24 months. 1 to 52 weeks
b. Year if necessary, 1 to 90 days
c. to 52 weeks. 6 to 24 months
d. to 12 weeks. Year

Q4 - Gregson Production highly efficient because of the skills and experience
of its top professionals. The firm is able to outperform its competitors, the firm
enjoys_________ over its competitors:
a. Competitive Advantage
b. Ethical dilemma
c. Quality Role
d. Synergy
MGT101 – MID First Term 2020/2021

Q5 - Which one of the following is one way to think about management?

a.The science of helping people
b. The art of getting things done through people
c. Efficiency in motion
d. The science of synergy

Q6 - Organizational Strengths in a SWOT analysis are:

a. MBO skills and opportunities that should be emphasized
b. Environmental factors that the organization may exploit for competitive
c. External opportunities that a company can take advantage of
d. Skills and capabilities that give a company advantages in executing its strategies

Q7 - Managers have complete information, will make logical decisions that will be
optimal in furthering the Organization's best interest. (Identify the model of
decision making)
a. Rational
b. Satisficing
C. Participative
d. Nonrational

Q8 - An Organization's Mission statement expresses the:

a. purpuse of an organization
b. Expected financial gains
c. Types of employees needed
d. Code of ethics

Q9 - Three common grand strategies are:

a. Growth, Stabilization & Leadership Strategies
b. Growth, Stability & Defensive Strategies
C. Reliability, Growth & Validity Strategies
d. Diverse, Growth & Cutting edge strategies
MGT101 – MID First Term 2020/2021

Q10 - Local Communities are important stake holders that lie in the Organization's
environment and are affected by it:
a. Internal
b. Task
C. General
d. Preferred

Q11 - In order to better meet the corporate goals, the CEO is encouraging the
managers to focus on the major functions of management, which are:
a. Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling
c. Planning, Organizing, Monitoring & Controlling
d. Planning, Organizing, Monitoring & Delegating

Q12 - Which three approaches to management are considered historical

a. Classical, Operations & Scientific
b. Systems, Contingency & Quantitative
c. Classical, Scientific and Quantitative
d. Classical, Behavioral and Quantitative

Q13 - The power of decision making for important matters is held by the higher
level managers, it is termed as:
a. Hierarchy Culture
b. Role ambiguity
C. Decentralization of Authority
d. Centralization of Authority
MGT101 – MID First Term 2020/2021

Q14 - The Triple bottom line representing ____,______&______measures an

Organizational social, environmental and financial performance:
a. People, Planet, Profit
b. People, Validity, Profit
c. People, Related, Profit
d. People, Principle, Profit

Q15 - The Hierarchy of Human needs theory was proposed by :

a. Max Weber

b. Hugo Munsterberg
C. Abraham Maslow
d. Adam Smith

Q16 - What are the three key roles played by managers, as per Mintzberg? Explain

Q17 - What do you understand by the term "Organization's Stakeholders"? Write

all the stakeholders that are there in the Task environment?

Answer all the Questions on the same question paper.

Circle the right answer from the options given below (10 X 1 = 10 Mark)

1. The ability of an organization to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors do,
thereby outperforming them is
a. Competitive advantage
b. Planning
c. Organizing
d. Controlling

2. The major functions of management, who identified first.
a. Frederick W. Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
b. Henri Fayol
c. Max Weber
d. Hugo Munsterberg
3. Members elected by the stockholders to see that the company is being run according to their
interests is known as
a. Owners
b. External Stakeholders
c. Board of Directors
d. Customers
4. Expresses the purpose of the organization is
a. Visio Statement
b. Mission Statement
c. Objective of the Organization
d. Strategic Document

5. Strategy is the creation of a ---------------- & ----------------position

a. Vision, Mission
b. Strategic, Tactical
c. Unique, valuable
d. Strong, Weak

6. Managers seek alternatives until they find one that is satisfactory, not optimal is
a. Satisficing Model
b. Incremental Model
c. Scientific Model
d. Intuition Model

7. Which of following culture focused on the external environment
a. Market culture
b. Clan Culture
c. Hierarchy culture
d. Adhocracy culture

8. Decision-Making Style that considers more information and alternatives is
a. Directive
b. Analytical
c. Conceptual
d. Behavioral

9. Which of the following summarizes what the holder of a job does and why they do it
a. Job Enrichment
b. Job Specification
c. Job Enlargement
d. Job Description

10. Planned change is also known as
a. Proactive change
b. Reactive Change
c. Bothe of the above
d. None of the above


Answer all the Questions (Short answer) (3 X 3 = 9 Mark)

1. Define the decision-making style then list the 4 style of decision-making?

ª Decision-making style

9 reflects the combination of how an individual perceives and responds to information

9 value orientation

9 tolerance for ambiguity


people are efficient, logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to solving problems
action-oriented, decisive, and likes to focus on facts


considers more information and alternatives


takes a broad perspective to problem solving

likes to consider many options and future possibilities


supportive, receptive to suggestions, show warmth prefer verbal to written information

2. What are seven challenges I can look forward to as a manager?

1. Managing for competitive advantage – staying ahead of rivals
2. Managing for diversity – the future won’t resemble the past
3. Managing for globalization – the expanding management universe
4. Managing for information technology
5. Managing for ethical standards
6. Managing for Sustainability— The Business of Green
7. Managing for your own happiness & life goals

3. What is The Strategic-Management Process?

4. Identify and describe the four managerial functions. Give a specific example of each?


Planning is setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. Organizing is arranging tasks, people, and
other resources to accomplish the work. Leading is motivating, directing, and otherwise influencing
people to work hard to achieve the goals. Controlling is monitoring performance, comparing it to goals,
and taking corrective action as needed. The student should give an example of each.

Section III

Answer any one of the following Essay Type Questions (1X6 =6 Marks)

1. Explain the Process of Cultural Change?

• Formal statements
• Slogans & sayings
• Stories, legends, & myths
• Leader reaction to crises
• Role modeling, training, & coaching
• Physical design
• Rewards, titles, promotions, & bonuses
• Organizational goals & performance criteria
• Measurable & controllable activities
• Organizational structure
• Organizational systems & procedures

2. Explain the SMART Goals?

• Specific: Goals should be stated in specific rather than vague terms. The goal that “As many
planes as possible should arrive on time” is too general.
The goal that “Ninety percent of planes should arrive within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival
time” is specific.
• Measurable: Whenever possible, goals should be measurable, or quantifiable (as in “90% of
planes should arrive within 15 minutes . . .”). That is, there should be some way to measure the
degree to which a goal has been reached.
Of course, some goals—such as those concerned with improving quality—are not precisely
quantifiable. In that case, something on the order of “Improve the quality of customer relations
by instituting 10 follow-up telephone calls every week” will do. You can certainly quantify how
many follow-up phone calls were made.
• Attainable: Goals should be challenging, of course, but above all they should be realistic and
attainable. It may be best to set goals that are quite ambitious so as to challenge people to
meet high standards. Always, however, the goals should be achievable within the scope of the
time, equipment, and financial support available.
If too easy (as in “half the flights should arrive on time”), goals won’t impel people to make
much effort. If impossible (“all flights must arrive on time, regardless of weather”), employees
won’t even bother trying. Or they will try and continually fail, which will end up hurting morale.
• Results-oriented: Only a few goals should be chosen—say, five for any work unit. And they
should be results-oriented —they should support the organization’s vision.
In writing out the goals, start with the word “To” and follow it with action-oriented verbs—
“complete,” “acquire,” “increase” (“to decrease by 10% the time to get passengers settled in
their seats before departure”).
Some verbs should not be used in your goal statement because they imply activities—the tactics
used to accomplish goals (such as having baggage handlers waiting). For example, you should
not use “to develop,” “to conduct,” “to implement.”
• Target dates: Goals should specify the target dates or deadline dates when they are to be
attained. For example, it’s unrealistic to expect an airline to improve its on-time arrivals by 10%
overnight. However, you could set a target date—3 to 6 months away, say—by which this goal is
to be achieved. That allows enough time for lower-level managers and employees to revamp
their systems and work habits and gives them a clear time frame in which they know what they
are expected to do.

MidTerm_MGT101_FirstTerm 2021-2022

1. A strategy for minimizing errors by managing each state of production is

A. Quality Control

B. Quality Opinion.

C. Quality Circle

D. Quality Program

2. A process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected
by another party. It includes subtle, nonviolent forms like opposition, criticism, and arguments

A. Conciliation

B. Manifestation

C. Conflict

D. Arbitration

3. Forces The general environment, or macro-environment, includes

A. Ten

B. Six

C. Five

D. Eight

4. The method which calls for managers to foster a structured dialogue or debate of opposing
viewpoints prior to making a decision is:

A. Employee's relation

B. Devil's Advocatee

C. Rational decision making

D. Dialectic
5. The three key principles of strategic positioning are the creation of a unique and valuable position.

and creating a "fit" among activities.

A. An environment with few or no competitors

B. An increased MBO

C. A strong employee mora

D. Trade-offs in competing

6. In the managers seek alternatives until they find one that is satistactory, not optimal.

A. Tunnel Vision Bias

B. Satisficing Model

C. Analytical thinking

D. Behavioral Style

7. funding raises small amounts of money from many people to finance a new venture?

A. Multi

B. Macro

C. Micro

D. Crowd

8. Every five years, the top managers of Beta Technology meet to develop new large-scale action plans
that will set to direction for the company for the next five years. In that meeting the managers will
work on developing a:

A. Contingency Pan

B. Business Model

C. Strategic Plan

D. Tactical Plan
9. In the strategic-management process, the first three steps are establishing the mission and the
values statement, and formulating the grand strategy

A. Assessing the current reality

B. Maintaining strategic control

C. Executing the strategy

D. Formulating corporate, business, and functional strategies.

10. Which of the following would be used to outline a response to a particular circumstance?

A. Procedure

B. Program

C. Norm

D. Optional

11. which provides an opportunity to monitor progress, revise actions, and maintain strategic control,

The originates at the final step of the strategic-management process.

A. Feedback loop

B. Planning process

C. Strategy Formulation

D. Strategy Execution

12. is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms. share goals

A. Group, Common identity

B. Team, initiator

C. Group, initiator

D. Team, common identity

13. relies heavily on a hierarchy culture to manage its vast and complex shipping

part of Amazon's hierarchy culture.

A. An internal focus and valuing stability and control

B. A strong external focus and valuing stability and control

C. An external focus and valuing flexibility

D. A continual focus on efficiency, cost cutting, and outsourcing

14. The principal by-product of the stage of team development is group cohesiveness.

A. Performing

B. Forming

C. Storming

D. Norming

15. Is a set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that

An organizational determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its environments.

A. Behavior

B. Development

C. Structure

D. Culture
‫المقالي األول‬
16. Define Total Quality Management and explain its four components:

Answer: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM): A comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous

quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.

1. Make continuous improvement a priority.

2. Get every employee involved.

3. Listen to and learn from customers and employees.

4. Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems.

‫المقالي الثاني‬
17. What are the three roles as per Henry Mintzberg that managers play? Explain them. Write the sub
roles within each:

Answer: The manager’s roles: Mintzberg’s useful findings

1-A manager relies more on verbal than on written communication.

2-A manager works long hours at an intense pace.

3-A manager’s work is characterized by fragmentation, brevity, and variety.

Midterm 2021-2022 MGT101 Blue_72

In the—————— managers seek alternatives until they find one that is satisfactory, not
O A. Tunnel Vision Bias
O B. Analytical thinking
O c. Behavioral Style
O D. Satisficing Model

A strategy for minimizing Errors by managing each stale of production is

O A.Quality Program
O B. Quality Control
O C. Quality Opinion.
OD. Quality Circle

An organizational is a set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assuagers dad a group

holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reads to is mine me
O A. Development
O B. Culture
O C. Structure
O D. Behavior

_____ is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms, the goals,
and have a ____
O A. Group, Common identity
O B. Team, common identity.
O C. Group, initiator
O D. Team, initiator

BLUE_72 | pg. 1
Midterm 2021-2022 MGT101 Blue_72

The three key principles of strategic positioning are the creation of a unique and valuable
position, "fit" among activities.
O A. Trade-offs in competing
O B. A strong employee morale
O C. An increased MBO
O D. An environment with few or no competitor

The————- which provides an opportunity to monitor progress, revise

actions, and maintain strategic control, originates at the final step of the strategic-
management process
O A. Planning process
O B. Strategy Formulation
O C. Strategy Execution
OD. Feedback loop

Which of the following would be used to outline a response to a particular circumstance?

O A. Program
O B. Norm
O C. Procedure
O D. Optional

Every five years, the top managers of Beta Technology meet to develop new large-scale
action plans that will set the direction for the company for the next five years. In that
meeting the managers will work on developing a
O A Business Model
O B. Contingency Pan
O C. Strategic Plan
© D. Tactical Plan

BLUE_72 | pg. 2
Midterm 2021-2022 MGT101 Blue_72

Define Total Quality Management and explain its four components.

The general environment, or macro-environment, includes_____ Forces

O A. Ten
OB. Five
OC. Six
OD. Eight

A process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively
affected by another party. It includes subtle, nonviolent forms like opposition, criticism,
and arguments.
O A. Conflict
O B. Manifestation
© C. Conciliation
OD. Arbitration

What are the three roles as per Henry Mintzberg that managers play? Explain them. Write
the sub roles within each category.

funding raises small amounts of money from many people to finance a new venture?
O A Crowd
© B. Macro
O C. Micro
OD. Multi

BLUE_72 | pg. 3
Midterm 2021-2022 MGT101 Blue_72

Which of the following would be used to outline a response to a particular circumstance?

© A. Procedure
O B. Norm
© program
O D. Optional

The ———— which provides an opportunity to monitor progress, revise actions, and
maintain strategic control, originates at the final step of the strategic-management process.
O A Strategy Execution
O B. Planning process
O C. Feedback loop
O D. Strategy Formulation

An organizational ———— is a set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that

a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its
O A. Development
© B. Behavior
© C. Culture
O D. Structure

In the strategic-management process, the first three steps are establishing the mission and
the values statement,—————— And formulating the grand strategy.
O A. Maintaining strategic control
O B. Formulating corporate, business, and functional strategies.
O C. Executing the strategy
O D. Assessing the current reality

BLUE_72 | pg. 4
Midterm 2021-2022 MGT101 Blue_72

The principal by-product of the —————— stage of team development is group

O A. Storming
O B. Forming
O c. Norming
O D. Performing

The method which calls for managers to foster a structured dialogue or debate of opposing
viewpoints prior to making a decision is
© A. Devil's Advocate
© B. Rational decision making
O C. Dialectic
O D. Employee's relation relies heavily on a hierarchy culture to manage its vast and complex shipping
processes. ——————— are part of Amazon's hierarchy culture.
O A A continual focus on efficiency, cost cutting, and outsourcing
O B. An internal focus and valuing stability and control
O C. A strong external focus and valuing stability and control
O D. An external focus and valuing flexibility

BLUE_72 | pg. 5

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