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_1er_ PERÍODO 2021
UNIDAD N° 1 My Classroom GRADO: _1ero__° SECCIÓN: A-B-C
PROFESOR: Clarissa Sánchez MATERIA: Ingles
Horas clases: 4 Desde: 1 de Marzo Hasta: 5 de Marzo
Indicador de logro: Identify and use words for classroom objects

Destreza: Contenido: Tiempo: 40

1. Identify 1-Classroom Objects. minutos cada clase
2. Apply 2-Questions with Is it…?

Definición de la destreza:
Identify- Is recognize the significant from objects, facts phenomena, characters, etc. Those that define them.Identify =
Apply=Use the knowledge through some procedures, algorithms, theories, concepts, laws diverse tools to explain, realize
or solve a problematic situation.

Destreza: Identify
1 Perceive the information in a clear way.
2. Recognize the characteristics and differences
3.Point and mention
Destreza : Apply
Pasos Mentales: 1. Perceive the information in a clear way.
2. Identify the rules to be used.
3. Utilize the law or principle and apply it.

Dia 1
1.Perceive the new words presented related to classroom objects such as: board,computer,paper pencil,
looking at pages 12 and 13 Student’s book , making repetition drills.

2. Recognize the characteristics and differences of characters of classroom objects. By calling out the name of
classroom objects the teacher presents the showing perseverance.

3. Point and mention classroom objects vocabulary by illustrating and labeling classroom objects in their
notebooks showing spirit of improvement.

Dia 2
1. Perceive the information in a clear way by singing a song to practice vocabulary related to
classroom objects student’s Book pages 14-15.

2. Identify the rules to be used when asking and answering Yes/ no questions with it’s. By paying
attention to the examples the teacher provides. Showing security and confidence

3. Utilize the law or principle for the use of yes/no questions with it’s by completing a listening
exercise on pages 16 and 17 in the Student’s Book. Circle the correct pictures.
Dia 3

1.Perceive the new vocabulary presented related to classroom objects such as chair,books, desk, eraser,
picture .by looking at page 18 in the Student’s Book listening to the audio, and making repetition drills,

2. Recognize the characteristics and differences of classroom objects by listening to the teacher calling out the
name of classroom objects and use the stickers to complete the exercise page 18 Exercise 3. showing security
and confidence.

3. Point and mention classroom objects by drawing and labeling the classroom objects in their notebooks (chair-
book-desk-eraser-picture) Showing spirit of improvement.

Dia 4

1. Perceive the information in a clear way by looking at the vocabulary flashcards on page 167 in
their Student’s Book, call out the name of the objects and color the pictures.

2. Identify the rules to be used when asking and answering Yes/ no questions with it’s. By
answering the questions, the teacher asks. Showing security and confidence

3. Utilize the law or principle for the use of answering yes/no questions by writing some questions
in their notebook using the flashcards from the student’s book using YES, IT IS or NO, IT ISN’T
to answer
1. Is it a computer?
2. Is it a clock?
3. Is it a table?
4. Is it a pencil?
5. Is it an eraser?
Ejercicio práctico/ Indicaciones: Numeral 3 de la clase del día 4 Fecha:

Criterios de Evaluación: - Realizar el trabajo de acuerdo a las instrucciones, orden y aseo, puntualidad en la entrega

Se conecta: por medio de Google Classroom

Sitios de enlace: ZOOM (siempre usamos el mismo enlace)


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