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7 Образец составления краткосрочного плана анг языка. (КТП)

8 Подготовка образца плана –конспекта пробного урока анг языка по пробной практике.
9 Оформление краткосрочного поурочного плана по иностранному языку для 5- класса.

Образец составления краткосрочного плана анг

языка. (КТП)


School: Long term plan unit:2.Treasure and Heritage

Date: ________ Teachers‘ names:
Grade:4 Number present:20 absent:2
Topic of the lesson: Treasure and numbers1
Learning objective(s) plan, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic
that this lesson is personal, general and some curricular topics;
contributing to use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
 Use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100;
 Determine the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers
Assessment Criteria The student has achieved the objectives if:
 Practice cardinal and ordinal numbers.
 Choose the correct numbers and write them.
Value links Life-long learning, peace and harmony.
Previous learning Treasure map 2
Cross – curricular Mathematics,Kazakh languages.
Use of ICT presentation, video, pictures.
Time Planned activities Resources
Warm up
Beginning Teacher;Hello children
3 min
How are you?
Today we have an interesting topic
«Treasure and numbers1»
Then let's start our fun lesson!
Teacher;First, let's sing the song « Hello song» and dance
Middle together.
30 min

3 min

10 min
Teacher;Children today we will passcardinal numbers and
ordinal numbers. W/W
Cardinal numbers
The numbers which give us the exact quantity of an object
are called cardinal numbers. In other words, cardinal
numbers answer “How many?”
For example: The given picture shows 4 cars in a parking lot.
Hence, ‘four’ here is a cardinal number.
Нысанның нақты санын беретін сандар кардиналды
сандар деп аталады. Басқаша айтқанда, кардинал сандар
«Қанша?» деген сұраққа жауап береді.
Мысалы: Берілген суретте тұрақтағы 4 автокөлік
көрсетілген. Демек, ‘төрт’ бұл кардиналды сан.
Ordinal numbers
The numbers which give us the exact position of an object
are called ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers tell the position
of an object rather than their quantity.
Example - The given picture shows different floors in a
building. We can use ordinal numbers to define their
Бізге заттың нақты орнын беретін сандар реттік сандар
деп аталады.
Мысалы - Берілген суретте ғимараттың әртүрлі
қабаттары көрсетілген. Олардың орналасуын анықтау
үшін реттік сандарды қолдануға болады.

Now let's watch the video and count the numberstogether.

5 min
Now let's do an interesting task. You need to paint according
to the colors of the car and write the numbers.
 Write your name.
 Paint correctly according to colors.
 Write numbers correctly.
Assessment Criteria W/W
7 min  Practice cardinal and ordinal numbers.
 Choose the correct numbers and write them

Teacher;Great kids! Now for the next task, you need to put
the numbers you want.

7 min

Descriptor I/W
 Insert missing numbers.
 Pronounce them correctly.
Assessment Criteria
 Practice cardinal and ordinal numbers.
 Choose the correct numbers and write them.

Teacher;Great kids!
Well, now, so that our hands can be released, we will do a
little warm-up. I will show movement and you repeat after
You are ready?
Then let's get started!

3 min
I've got ten little fingers
And they all belong to me
I can make them do things
Would you like to see?
I can wave them up high
And wave them down low
I can hold them together
Just like so
I've got ten little fingers
And they all belong to me
Have you got ten fingers?
Let's count and see!
End Feedback
5 min Did you like our lesson?
What did you learn new?

Thank you children!


Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? Assessment – how are you planning to
How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? check learners’ learning?
***See in text notes about specific differentiation techniques How was the lesson?
In general: Were the students active?
 Allow for flexible groupings and cooperative
learning, depending on the appropriateness to the task Was everything clear?
 Allow for extra time for students needing it, when Was I able to explain the topic well to
appropriate them?
 Give extra text or visual support to students needing Did you achieve your goals?
extra English support
 Create small learning groups for students needing
extra support or enrichment with the co-teacher,
when appropriate
 Encourage high-preforming students to lead activities
and support others during challenging tasks
 Provide interesting puzzles, texts etc. to those
students who finish early
 Use open-ended tasks and questions so students may
take their learning in their own directions
 When possible, allow for student choice of task
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: Learning.


What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will
inform my next lesson?
I learned from this lesson that I will use more games to keep the kids interested in learning and give more
group activities.

Unit 1. All about me

NAME OF THE LESSON-“ My clothes and things”

Learning objectives

2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects on familiar
topics and classroom routines

2.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural forms in
giving simple descriptions

2.UE3 use common adjectives in descriptions and to talk about simple feelings

School: 2 school Long term plan unit: Unit 1. All about me

Date: 25.02.2022 Teachers‘ names: Taukenova Symbat Azamatovna
Grade: 2 Number present: 0 absent:0
Topic of the lesson: My clothes and things
Learning objective(s) 2.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects
that this lesson is on familiar topics and classroom routines
contributing to
2.UE3 use common adjectives in descriptions and to talk about simple feelings

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

 Describe someone’s outfit by using common adjectives
 Use common adjectives and provide examples
Assessment Criteria The student has achieved the objectives if:
 Talk about basic statements on familiar topics
 Choose correctly nouns and adjectives to describe things.
Value links Harmony and peace
Previous learning Colours
Cross – curricular Kazakh language
Use of ICT PPT, pictures
Time Planned activities Resources
Good morning children! How are you? What is the weather
Beginning like today? What is the date today? Who is on duty today?
(10 min) Let’s check your homework!

Warm up Activity: Strike a pose.

Come here children, stand in a circle then represent yourself
like: “My name is [insert name],” accompany by the gesture
or pose that you came up with.
Now, let’s look at the pictures on the desk and guess what
will be today’s topic about.
[W], (L)
Middle RYFi6ZIEdCU
Teacher: Let’s watch this video about clothes, please be
(30 min) attentive!

Task 1:
Now, I’ll give you some flash cards.

 drag the clothes to the corresponding square
 write the names by the numbers
 tell the colour of each clothing
Assessment criteria:
 Talk about basic statements on familiar topics
 Choose correctly nouns and adjectives to describe

Task 2.

Teacher: Let’s listen the audio and do some exercises!

 Drag and drop
 Listen and match words correctly
End Home work: Your home work will be to learn by heart
(5 min) new words.

Feedback: The lesson is getting over, now I’ll give you

some stickers and you should stick them on the paper that
on the desk.
Now, stand up, good bye children!

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? Assessment – how are you planning to
How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? check learners’ learning?
***See in text notes about specific differentiation techniques How was the lesson?
In general: Were the students active?
 Allow for flexible groupings and cooperative
learning, depending on the appropriateness to the Was everything clear?
task Was I able to explain the topic well to
 Allow for extra time for students needing it, when them?
appropriate Did you achieve your goals?
 Give extra text or visual support to students
needing extra English support
 Create small learning groups for students needing
extra support or enrichment with the co-teacher,
when appropriate
 Encourage high-preforming students to lead
activities and support others during challenging
 Provide interesting puzzles, texts etc. to those
students who finish early
 Use open-ended tasks and questions so students
may take their learning in their own directions
 When possible, allow for student choice of task
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: Learning.


What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will
inform my next lesson?
I learned from this lesson that I will use more games to keep the kids interested in learning and give more
group activities.

Подготовка образца плана –конспекта пробного урока анг

языка по пробной практике

Конспект пробного урока английского языка

по пробной практике

Name And Surname Of The Student

Тема урока: 
 Тема урока: «О себе. Знакомство.»
 Тип урока: комбинированный
 Цель урока: Формирование речевых навыков и навыков чтения по
 Задачи:
 Обучающие:
- произносить правильно слова с буквой «А» в 3х типах слога;
-формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения;
-совершенствование произносительных навыков.
 Развивающие:
-развивать память, внимание на основе материалов урока;
-развивать умение работать в паре
 Воспитательные:
-снижение уровня тревожности и преодоления замкнутости в общении
Учащийся должен
 Знать: лексику по теме
 Уметь: употреблять лексику в речи
 Лексический материал (ЛЕ):
Name, day, what, глагол «to be» в 3м лице ед.ч. в утвердительной и отрицательной
формах (is, is not), личные местоимения (I, he, we, they, she)
 карточки со словами названий городов и стран, диалогических реплик
 Литература: учебник по английскому языку 4класс, English
 Этап урока/время
 1. Организационный момент (5 минут)
 Дидактическое обеспечение/деятельность учителя
 Организация внимания класса, определение цели, тема урока.
 2. Речевая зарядка
 Деятельность учащихся
 Задает дежурные фразы учащимся
 (5 минут)
 Вспоминаем и повторяем вместе с учащимися слова и стихотворение.
 Приветствуют учителя.
 Произносим выражения, требуя правильного произношения и их перевод.
 Учащиеся повторяют и переводят слова и стихотворение.
 Отвечают на вопросы учителя
 How many days are there in the week?
 (Стихотворение After and Before)
 Повторить в разбивку дни недели для закрепления: Is it Thursday?
 There are seven days.
 Отвечают на вопрос учителя
 3. Речевая разминка (10 минут)
 Повторение буквы «А»
 4.Работа с учебником (10 минут)
 Повторение фразы «I from…»
 Вызвать 3 учащихся к доске для выполнения задания: расставить слова
на каждый звук типов слога.
 Выходят учащиеся для выполнения задания.
 Учитель просит открыть учебник на …странице и вместе выполнить …
 Откорректировать выполненное задание учащимися у доски
 Читают и проговаривают выделенные фразы хором за учителем
 Проверочная работа на букву «А»
 Ведение новой фразы: What is your name? Организует работу в парах, раздает
карточки с названием стран, городов и английских имен
 Выдать работы с заданиями ученикам
 Дети в парах с опорой(карточки) рассказывают друг другу диалог
 Принимают к сведенью
 Учащиеся выполняют задания
 5.Работа с фразой What is your name? (10 минут)
 Выполняют работу по учебнику.
 6.Домашнее задание (3 минуты)
 Прочитать текст «О себе» и перевести. Учитель просит учащихся
рассказать диалог по учебнику друг другу
 Задать домашнее задание. Рассказать и показать пример выполнения данного
задания. Нарисовать открытку на тему «I am from…»,образец есть в учебнике
 7.Подведение итогов урока (2 минуты)
 Читают и переводят текст
 Подводим итоги урока (что прошли на уроке). Оценить работу учащихся,
 спросить диалог
 Рассказывают диалог друг другу
 Записывают домашнее задание и принимают к сведенью.
 Подводят итоги.Самооценка.
 рассказывают диалог перед классом.

Оформление краткосрочного поурочного плана по

иностранному языку для 5- класса.
UNIT-5 Creativity (Unit 8 p.p. 96 - 103)
Name of the lesson-
Asking a plan p.101Greetings and names

Learning objectives

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an

increasing range of general and curricular topics
(Ex.1 - 2p.101)
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class
exchanges (Ex.3 p.101)
5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and
curricular topics ( describe a picture Ex.4)
5.UE3 use a structure to be going to (questions) to ask about plans
Lesson Plan

School: Long term plan unit:

Date: Teachers‘ names:
Grade: Number present: absent:
Topic of the lesson:
Learning objective(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives
Assessment Criteria
Value links
Previous learning
Cross – curricular
Use of ICT
Time Planned activities Resources


Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? Assessment – how are you planning to
How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? check learners’ learning?
***See in text notes about specific differentiation techniques How was the lesson?
In general: Were the students active?
 Allow for flexible groupings and cooperative
learning, depending on the appropriateness to the task Was everything clear?
 Allow for extra time for students needing it, when Was I able to explain the topic well to
appropriate them?
 Give extra text or visual support to students needing Did you achieve your goals?
extra English support
 Create small learning groups for students needing
extra support or enrichment with the co-teacher,
when appropriate
 Encourage high-preforming students to lead activities
and support others during challenging tasks
 Provide interesting puzzles, texts etc. to those
students who finish early
 Use open-ended tasks and questions so students may
take their learning in their own directions
 When possible, allow for student choice of task
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: Learning.


What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will
inform my next lesson?
I learned from this lesson that I will use more games to keep the kids interested in learning and give more
group activities.

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