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Universidad Anáhuac Cancún.

Sara Ruggiero Portocarrero.


Beginning of the course activity.

● What do you expect from this subject/course?

Honestly, I am still determining what to expect about this course since I

had to miss the first two classes and did not listen to the introduction about what
this class is about, but I am very excited to learn what this course is about
throughout the semester.

● What do you expect from your teacher (me)?

I wish the teacher would explain everything clearly so the learning part for
me will be easier than last semester, but above all, I would like the teacher
always to have a respectful attitude towards his/her students.

● What are your strengths as a student and how can you contribute to our group

My strengths as a student are positivity, I believe that there is a solution for

everything, so being negative is not my thing. Constancy, when I start something
I like to finish it, also I am very respectful, not only to my teachers but also to my

● What things are difficult for you as a student and how can I help you improve?
I get bored with things very easily, and that's a problem I ́ve had all my life,
so I can either love something very much or I'm indifferent to it (I hope this is not
the case with this course), so I would like to learn how to love every class I ́m
taking this semester in order to have a good performance in each one of them.

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