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Szerelem, szerelem,

�tkozott gy�trelem,
M�rt nem vir�gozt�l
Minden fa teteje?
Minden fa tetej�n,
Di�fa level�n,
Hogy szak�sztott volna,
Minden le�ny �s leg�ny.
Mer' �n is szak�sztottam,
El is szalasztottam,
�n is szak�sztottam,
S el is szalasztottam.
Ej de m�g szak�sztan�k,
Ha j�ra tal�ln�k,
Ha j�ra, ha sz�pre,
R�gi szeretomre.
S, a r�gi szeretom�r,
Mit nem cselekedn�k,
Tengerbol a vizet,
Kan�llal lemern�m.
S a tenger fenek�rol,
Apr� gy�ngy�t szedn�k,
S a r�gi szeretomnek,
Gy�ngykoszor�t k�tn�k.


Love, love
accursed torture
why did you not blossom
on every treetop?
On the top of every tree,
on the leafs of the walnut tree,
so that every maiden and young man
would have plucked you.
Because I plucked it too,
but let it slip away.
I plucked it too,
but let it slip away.
I'd pluck more and more
if I found a good one,
a good one, a beautiful one,
my old lover.

And for my old lover what wouldn't I do?

I would skim the water from the sea with a spoon.
And from the bottom of the sea I would gather small pearls
and for my old lover I would braid a wreath of pearls.

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