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Gender and Society as a Social Reality


Gender across time taught us how marginalization of gender evolved because of societal
conditions such as patriarchy that sat boundaries between sexes. Based on your learning,
list down at least five significant influences that happened in your life that were associated
with patriarchy and how this affected your gender identity.

1. My father used to physically hurt my mother whenever he got drunk when he was
2. At that time being, my mother was left at home to do domestic work.
3. During the time that me and my siblings were moved to my grandmother’s house,
my uncles are in superiority, they are the ones who disciplined and are entrusted
with financial expenses.
4. At our grandmother’s house, during weekends, my uncles are out partying and
hanging out with their friends, while us doing household chores cleaning their
rooms and washing their clothes.
5. My first school encampment experience in which being organized by BSP, was the
time I have realized that man is also superior outside the household.

How this affected my gender identity? Well, these aforementioned acts of

patriarchy, indeed portrayed inequality, and my identity of being a male was not
affected at all. But in terms of how I should act based on my identity was affected.
Thus, I have realized that this generational curse where man is being normalized
as superior, just needs to stop. Also, I have learned that not just because I am
male, I have the right to act superior. And so, I have promised myself that I’ll treat
all gender as equals.

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