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Some people enjoy more traveling around their own country and others find

more enjoyable or interesting traveling abroad. It’s a difficult question to answer.

Firstly, traveling abroad make you go out your comfort zone, being on a place
where you do not understand at all. In addition, you learn how to manage
yourself your feelings as a human being.

Secondly, when you are in a country which is not yours, you are more willing to
be impressed about things that you are not accustomed to. Despite traveling in
your own country, you are not willing to be impressed.

Finally, people enjoy a lot eating food, so for instance you are at exotic country
where you can eat not common food. Of course, it’s not made for everybody but
it’s something new you could try.

On the whole, I think traveling abroad it’s a great way to explore new cultures
and meet people around the world.

Víctor Morcillo Sanz

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