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SUBJECT: Language Arts

TEACHER: Nury Dufay Martínez

TOPIC: The sign of four DATE:
STUDENT: juliana diaz ACTIVITY:

Reading Comprehension Activities

1 and 2

Answer these questions writing a short text.

1. Why did Doctor Watson return to England?
Because he was wounded in the army, and got sick to the point of almost dying, so they sent him back to

2. How did Sherlock Holmes help his clients?

He helped them solve mysteries or problems that they had by following clues or solving questions.

3. Why was Holmes bored?

He was bored because he had no mysteries to solve.

4. Who was Holmes’ new client?

Miss Morstan, a young lady, not very tall with blonde hair and blue eyes and a lovely face.
Chapter 2
1. Miss Morstan went to a hotel in London and asked for her father. What did the hotel manager tell her?
that her father had gone out the night before and had not returned.

2. what was Captain Morstan’s job in India?

was an officer in the British army who served in India.

3. Who was Major Sholto?

Major Sholto is the father of Bartholomew and Thaddeus Sholto and was a friend to Captain Morstan, with
whom he served in India.

4. The next day Miss Morstan received a small cardboard box.

a. what was in the box?
The box contained a large, rare and expensive pearl.

b. How many times did she received the same sort of box?
She have received another five pearls since that day.
5. Miss Morstan had come to see Sherlock Holmes because she hd received a note.
a. Where was she go that night at seven o’clock?
To the lyceum theatre, outside the entrance, on the left
b. Who could she bring with her?
2 friends (sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson).
c. How was the note signed?
Your unknow friend.
5. What did Holmes decide to do?
To go to the theatre and help the lady.

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