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a first-year undergraduate

I feel like going into your freshman year at college, it will make things that much easier.

Student im 1.Semester/ Studienjahr

2.  Lecturer
a public educator at certain universities

The lecturer said the exam elements of MBA courses were being removed, with
assessment focusing entirely on coursework instead.

Dozent, Akademiker, der eine Vorlesung hält

3.  department
a specialized division of a large organization

This document was published by the accounts department.


4.  grade
a number or letter indicating quality

Every student wants to get good grades.


5.  A level
the advanced level of a subject taken in school

The student passed her A-level exams last summer.

to do your A-levels - Abiturprüfung ablegen

6.  subject
some situation or event that is thought about
“The entire discussion about compromise is difficult subject,” Johnson
added.Salon (Feb 19, 2013)


7.  module
a self-contained component used in combination with others

Not all students need to attend this module.

core module - Pflichtmodul; wichtiges Modul im Studium

8.  pass
go successfully through a test or a selection process

If you want to pass this test, you need to get at least a score of 50% .

to pass an exam

9.  lecture
a speech that is open to the public

The lecture on Plant Physiology was cancelled due to the lack of interested students.

lecture hall - Auditorium

10.  laboratory
a workplace for the conduct of scientific research

In addition to his work in the laboratory, Butler has written four books on DNA testing
and is now working on a fifth volume.

computer lab - Computerlabor

language lab - Sprachlabor

11.  gymnasium
athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training
In the school, cameras are located in cafeterias, hallways, gymnasiums and other
interior spaces, including classrooms.Salon (Oct 8, 2012)


12.  library
a place containing books and other materials for reading

The library estimates 46 million sound recordings are held by institutions, but a very

small percentage have been preserved.Seattle Times (Feb 13, 2013)


13.  canteen
a room with food sold to personnel at an institution

The new Canteen in Pollard Street was opened before Christmas.Delafield, E.M.


14.  placement
contact established between applicants and prospective employees

His father, Ken, mentors unemployed teenagers in London, helping them fulfil their
potential by finding them work placements and apprenticeship schemes.

placement semester/internship - Praktikumssemester
work placement - Praktikum

15.  undergraduate
a university student who has not yet received a first degree

This programme is ony offered for undergraduate students.

Bachelor- oder Diplomstudent

undergraduate programme - Bachelor- oder Diplomstudiengang

16.  compulsory
required by rule

Marketing is a compulsory module for all business students of the university.

compulsary subject - Pflichtfach

17.  optional
possible but not necessary; left to personal choice

An optional information pack add-on provides more details on visible celestial objects

and artificial satellites.Scientific American (Dec 25, 2012)

optional subject - Wahlfach

18.  exercise
systematic training by multiple repetitions

Simple exercises performed as little as 12 minutes daily can help you become more

mindful.Scientific American (Feb 18, 2013)

to take part in an exercise - an einer Übung teilnehmen

19.  attend
be present

Around 250 viewers of various ages and nationalities attended the special showing.

to attend a seminar - ein Seminar besuchen

20.  take up
turn one's interest to

Maria A. took up her studies in Barcelona.

etwas beginnen
to take up my studies - mein Studium beginnen/aufnehmen

21.  postgraduate
of or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's degree

And it works,” said Ms. Zhu, who plans to take up postgraduate studies.

postgraduate student - Student, der bereits einen akademischen Abschluss hat

22.  even
divisible by two

In the even weeks we start our sessions at 08:00 a.m.

even week - gerade Woche

23.  odd
not divisible by two

Next week is an odd week, right?

odd week - ungerade Woche

24.  experience
the content of observation or participation in an event

work experience - praktische Arbeitserfahrung

25.  period
an amount of time

The first double period starts always at 07:30 in the morning.

double period - Doppelstunde

26.  facility
something designed and created to serve a function

He shows me around the hospital, an amazing facility that has become virtually self-


study facilities - Studienbedingungen; -einrichtungen (z.B. Bibliothek)

27.  faculty
the body of teachers and administrators at a school

The faculty members suggested that other compromises might have better served

Wagner’s purposes.Salon (Feb 19, 2013)


28.  apprenticeship
the position of one working for an expert to learn a trade

His father, Ken, mentors unemployed teenagers in London, helping them fulfil their
potential by finding them work placements and apprenticeship schemes.


29.  interest
a sense of concern with and curiosity about something

We are not interested in how well you can carry out film-school

assignments.Salon (Feb 20, 2013)

to be interested in = sich für etwas interessieren

30.  apply
ask for something

to apply for an semester abroad - sich für ein Auslandssemester bewerben

31.  requirement
something that is needed in advance

No specific training requirements are needed for the physician either.Forbes (Feb 12,


to meet entrance requirements - Eingangsvoraussetzungenn erfüllen

32.  secondary education

education beyond the elementary grades
“I like being around kids, teaching people, so secondary education could be one of
those things,” Parker said when asked what he might major in.

Sekundarschulausbildung (inkl. Gymnasium)

33.  tertiary
coming third in position

In some countries it is common to pay for tertiary education.

tertiary education - Universitäts- und Hochschulausbildung

34.  break
interrupt a continued activity

Pause, Unterbrechung
smester break - Semesterpause

35.  tutorial
a session of intensive instruction

We still need to prepare for our tutorial with Mr. Kraut.

to attend a tutorial - ein Tutorial/eine Fachkonsultation besuchen

36.  tuition fee

a fee paid for instruction (especially for higher education)

Unfortunately, I cannot complete my studies as the tuition fees are too high for my

personal budget.

to pay tuition fees - Studiengebühren bezahlen

37.  assignment
an undertaking that you have been told to perform

Your assignments will be read by Scott, the Teaching Assistant.Salon (Jan 26, 2013)

38.  skill
an ability that has been acquired by training

to train skills - Fertigkeiten trainieren

39.  elective
not compulsory

What elective will you choose in your final semester?

to choose an elective - ein Wahlfach belegen

40.  major
have as one's principal field of study

My major is International Law.


41.  minor
of a secondary field of academic concentration

His minor is Psychology.


42.  oral exam

an examination conducted by spoken communication

Mr. Holmes took his oral exam on June 7.New York Times (Aug 27, 2012)

Mündliche Prüfung

43.  written report

a written document describing the findings of some individual or group

A written report on the findings will be released next month, regulators said.
Schriftliche Bericht
written exam - Schriftliche Prüfung

44.  assessment
the act of judging a person or situation or event

His assessment was backed up by the pink paper's front page headline: "A warning to
the big clubs."

continuous assessment - Kontinuiertliche Bewertung (Alernative Prüfungsleistung)

45.  staff
the body of teachers and administrators at a school

Stars of the week are selected by The Seattle Times staff and published

Tuesdays.Seattle Times (Feb 19, 2013)

academic staff - Lehrkörper

46.  administration
the act of governing or exercising authority

Administration officials insist that Obama is acting legally to protect the United States
from further attacks like the September 11, 2001, strikes.

Allgemeine Verwaltung

47.  incoming
arriving at a place or position

We will welcome our new incoming students and show them around the campus.

incoming students - Programmstudierende von Partnerhochschulen

48.  outgoing
leaving a place or a position

This is a meeting for outgoing students to instruct them on legal regulations.

outgoing students - Studierende, die ins Ausland gehen

49.  mature
grow old or older

The number of mature students at our university has significantly grown.

mature students - reife Studierende, die nicht sofort nach dem Abitur studieren

50.  representative
standing for something else

student representative - Studentenvertreter in Fachschaft und STURA

51.  freelance
working for yourself

There a several freelance teachers at the language centre.

freelance teacher - Lehrbeauftragte/r

52.  aptitude
inherent ability

If you don`t pass the aptitide test, you will not a chance to study Design at our university.

aptitude Test - Eignungstest

53.  certificate
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts

Students get language certificates after the successful completion of the final test.

language certificate - Sprachzeugnis

54.  academic year

the period of time each year when the school is open and people are
Graduate students can borrow $20,500 per academic year.


55.  term
a limited period of time during which something lasts

"At the end of this term, we will have been in public service over 32 years."

winter term = Wintersemester

56.  duration
the period of time during which something continues

The exact date and duration when Apple freezes those rankings is not fixed or
announced in advance.

programme duration - Regelstudienzeit, Studiendauer

57.  academic degree

an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient
has satisfactorily completed a course of study

This programme leads the first academic degree.

Akademischer Abschluss

58.  seminar
a course offered for a small group of advanced students

Welcome to our first seminar on Mechatronics.

seminar room - Seminarraum

59.  hostel
inexpensive supervised lodging

"Most of them are college-going students living in hostels or lodges," he said.New York
Times (Jul 12, 2012)
student hostel - Studentenwohnheim

60.  accommodation
living quarters provided for public convenience

If you want to study abroad, you need to find suitable accomodation.


61.  part-time
for less than the standard number of hours

Part-time workers are much more likely to end up working for minimum wage,
according to the BLS's analysis.

part-time job - Teilzeitjob

62.  dean
an administrator at a university or college

“Students are doing the math,” said Michelle J. Anderson, dean of the City University of
New York School of Law.

Dekan einer Fakultät

63.  sandwich
insert or squeeze tightly between two people or objects

Sandwiched Generation: More middle-aged adults are caring for both children and
aging parents, reports USA Today.

sandwich course - Studium mit einem Praktikum

64.  roommate
an associate who shares a room with you

His roommates said he liked watching funny clips on YouTube to unwind, enjoyed a

cup of tea and would relax listening to classical Indian music.

65.  classmate
an acquaintance that you go to school with

And after the first year I was looking for somewhere to live with some classmates in
Silicon Valley.


66.  applied science

the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific
knowledge to practical problems

The Department has made significant progress in breaking down the walls between our
basic science and applied science programs.

University of Applied Sciences - Fachhochschule

67.  agreement
the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises

George Osborne says an international agreement to amend tax rules is vital.

learning agreement - Leistungsvereinbarung für Auslandssemester

68.  deadline
the point in time at which something must be completed

But as the deadline approached, he began making excuses, according to the

complaint.Seattle Times (Jan 30, 2013)


69.  scholarship
financial aid provided to a student on the basis of merit

After attending a Roman Catholic high school, Mr. Shugg earned a scholarship to the
Victoria College of the Arts in contemporary dance.

70.  loan
the temporary provision of money (usually at interest)
“Trying to make sure you can cover your credit costs in this interest rate environment is
difficult on small-business loans,” he said.


71.  workload
work that a person is expected to do in a specified time

“You have a heavy workload and it is exhausting,” Mr. Xi said.

Arbeitsbelastung ( bezogen auf ECTS-Punkte)

72.  project
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted

Students have to plan their project work carefully.

final project - Abschlussarbeit/Bachelorarbeit

73.  skill
an ability that has been acquired by training

Add your langugae and intercultural skills to your CV.

soft skills - Schlüsselkompetenzen

74.  sideline
an auxiliary activity

Most students have a sideline job to finance their studies.

sideline job - Nebenjob

75.  present
deliver or put forth (a speech or idea)

He presented other authors’ writing as his own.Scientific American (Feb 13, 2013)

to give a presentation - einen Vortrag halten

76.  campus
a field on which the buildings of a university are situated

The map of the campus gives you a good overview about all facilities of the university.

university campus - Universitätsgelände

77.  research
systematic investigation to establish facts

Overall, the research shows that one in five UK kids is living in poverty.

research paper - Forschungsarbeit

research proposal - Forschungsthema/ -vorschlag
to research/ to undertake research - forschen

78.  intellectual property

intangible property that is the result of creativity

"We also want to make sure that people's intellectual property is protected."

Geistiges Eigentum

79.  field trip

a group excursion for firsthand examination

Science classes regularly make field trips to meet Mr. Immortal Jellyfish Man.

to conduct a field trip - eine Studienreise durchführen

80.  supervisor
one who has charge and direction of

In Miami, he quickly found a job as a supervisor in an auto parts factory.

to contact a supervisor - einen Betreuer ansprechen

supervision - Betreuung

81.  application
a verbal or written request for assistance or admission
application letter - Bewerbungsschreiben
online application - Online Bewerbung

82.  eligible
qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen

to be eligible for a scholarship - für ein Stipendium geeignet sein

83.  collaboration
act of working jointly

multidisciplinary collaboration - interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit

84.  recruitment
enlisting people for the army (or for a job or a cause etc.)

recruitment fair - Jobmesse

85.  education
activities that impart knowledge or skill

excellent educational oppotunities - sehr gute Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten

86.  tailor
adjust to a specific need or market

the course is tailored to the students' needs - der Kurs ist auf die studentischen
Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten

87.  funding
financial resources provided to make some project possible

to apply for funding - sich um finanzielle Unterstützung bewerben

88.  career
the general progression or course of one's professional life

academic and professional career - akademische und Berufliche Entwicklung

89.  expertise
skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledge

to gain professional expertise - berufliche Qualifikation erlangen

90.  session
the time during which a school holds classes

to partizipate in a session - an einer Sitzung/Beratung/Veranstaltung teilnehmen

91.  qualified
meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task

highly-quilified staff - gut ausgebildetes Team

92.  regulation
an authoritative rule

to inform about exam regulations - sich über Prüfungsbestimmungen informieren

93.  accreditation
the act of granting official approval or recognition

ask for accreditation of previously attended modules - Anerkennung von

Studienleistungen beantragen

94.  knowledge
the result of perception, learning, and reasoning

to improve knowledge - Wissen erweitern

95.  theory
a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the world


96.  practice
systematic training by multiple repetitions

practice-oriented study programme - praxisorientierter Studiengang

97.  topic
the subject matter of a conversation or discussion

the topic of a presentation - Vortragsthema

98.  requirement
something that is needed in advance

to meet the entry requirements - Zulassungsvoraussetzungen erfüllen

99.  graduate
receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies

to graduate in July - das Studieum im Juli abschließen

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