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A: Okay, B. I’m going to ask that to sit in a chair. I have to do palpation in your arm to check pulse for
blood donation.

B: Okay put one arm, doctor? Like this?

A: Yes, just put one arm and relax.

B: Do you think something wrong with my blood pressure?

A: No, I’m just want to do some ascultation by using stethoscope and sphygmomanometer tests to make
sure. Now relax in your arm.

B: (Relax) I feel my arm is clenned.

A: I’m just trying to evaluate blood pressure indicators. And now breathe evenly.

B: (Breathe) Okay I feel comfortable for my arm.

A: Okay, next I’m going to inform you that your blood pressure indicators are in range of 90/60

B: What does this blood pressure indicator mean?

A: This is the normal blood pressure indicator, so that you are ready to donate blood.


A: Hi B !. Your medical history say you’re suffering from haemotysis

B: Yes, I have this problem on and off for years, and until now this symptom hasn’t reduced

A: Do you remember when exactly the onset of the problem was?

B: I first noticed my symptoms about 4 years ago. I always feel tired, coughed a lot sometime with blood

A: Okay, I understand. Have you ever been treated for a conditon?

B: Yes I have receive treatment before, I have gone to many hospital and they have provided me some
medical treatment such as: endoscopic treatment, and using hemostatic drugs. Not only does it help but
also it cause additional allergy symptom.

A: Okay I can see some allergy symtom such as rash, coughing and runny nose, I will prescrible some
medicine and hope its effection.

B: I also hope that, thank you doctor.

A: No problem ! B.

A: Good morning Miss.B, How many appointments do we have at this time?

B: Hello Doctor, we have 3 appointments set up so far for this morning.

A: Okay, when is the first appointment star? And what problem?

B: The first appointment is at nine – thirty. Thomas Johnson is going for asthma treatment. He said he feel
coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing, the treatment for him include: using inhaler to inhale medicine to his
lung, and provide a nutrient diet and what food he mustn’t eat to reduce his symptoms.

A: Okay, that right so that his symptom’s asthma can reduce effectively. And B, when is the next appointment ?.

B: Then you have an toddle at ten. She is showing the sign of the Jaundice, such is mucous membranes turn
yellow, fever and abdominal pain.

A: Okay, that is the symptoms of Jaundice, I will have to get the bili light ready. Can we push the
appointment back to ten thirty?

B: Okay, I will give the mother a call

A: Sure, and let me know if you set up anything else.

B: I will doctor

A: And the last appointment?

B: A Preschool was stung by bees in the farm at 11 a.m. She feel nausea and slight fever. You will
prescrible medications to reduce it, if need, you can keep an ice pack on stings to reduce the pain.

A: Okay thank B

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