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Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.

315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A,

on EPC Basis.

EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA Client - National highways and Infrastructure
Limited Consultants Pvt Ltd. (JV) development Corporation Limited


Filter Criteria as per MORT&H Section 2504.2.2

Base Material (Soil) Filter Material (10mm agg 10% and Sand 90%)

D15 15 % passing sieve size 0.0175 D15 15 % passing sieve size 0.23

D50 50 % passing sieve size 0.070 D50 50 % passing sieve size 0.55

D85 85 % passing sieve size 0.300

Sl No Criteria Value Obtain Specified limit Remarks

1 D15(Filter)/ D85(Base) 0.767 Less than 5 OK

Greater than 4 and less OK

2 D15(Filter)/ D15(Base) 13.14
than 20

3 D50(Filter)/ D50(Base) 7.86 Less than 25 Ok

EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A, on
EPC Basis.

Client - National highways and

EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures Limited A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA Consultants Infrastructure development Corporation
Pvt Ltd. (JV) Limited


Type of Material Soil Date of Sampling 10.10.2020

Use for Filter Media Base Material Date of Testing 11.10.2020

Tested by Jointly Location of sampling 298+150 RHS

Base Material ( Soil ) Base Material ( Soil )

Sample No 1, TW 200 Sample No 2, TW 500

Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm.

Sieve(mm) (gm) ned (gm) Retained % % of Passing Sieve(mm) (gm) ned (gm) Retained % % of Passing

11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100 11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100

5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100 5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100

2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100 2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100

1.400 14.8 7.4 7.40 92.60 1.400 0 0.0 0.00 100

0.710 8.2 4.1 11.50 88.50 0.710 69 13.8 13.80 86.2

0.355 3.6 1.8 13.30 86.70 0.355 19 3.8 17.60 82.4

0.180 14.2 7.1 20.40 79.60 0.180 29.5 5.9 23.50 76.5

0.090 22.2 11.1 31.50 68.50 0.090 51 10.2 33.70 66.3

0.075 31.4 15.7 47.20 52.8 0.075 88.5 17.7 51.40 48.6

Base Material ( Soil ) Base Material ( Soil )

Sample No 3, TW 300 Sample No 4, TW 200

Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing
(gm) ned (gm) Retained % (gm) ned (gm) Retained %

11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100 11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100

5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100 5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100

2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100 2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100

1.400 11.1 3.7 3.70 96.30 1.400 3.6 1.8 1.80 98.20

0.710 15.3 5.1 8.80 91.20 0.710 11.2 5.6 7.40 92.60

0.355 8.4 2.8 11.60 88.40 0.355 9.2 4.6 12.00 88.00

0.180 24.6 8.2 19.80 80.20 0.180 20 10.0 22.00 78.00

0.090 24 8.0 27.80 72.20 0.090 16 8.0 30.00 70.00

0.075 49.2 16.4 44.20 55.80 0.075 20 10.0 40.00 60.00

EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A, on EPC

A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA Consultants Client - National highways and Infrastructure
EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures Limited Pvt Ltd. (JV) development Corporation Limited


Type of Material Soil Date of Sampling 10.10.2020

Use for Filter Media Base Material Date of Testing 11.10.2020

Tested by Jointly Location of sampling 298+150 RHS

Average Grading of Base Material ( Soil )

Sieve(mm) Sample -1 ( Passing %) Sample -2 ( Passing %) Sample -3 ( Passing %) Sample -4 ( Passing %) % of Passing

11.20 100 100 100 100 100

5.600 100 100 100 100 100

2.800 100 100 100 100 100

1.400 92.60 100 96.30 98.20 96.8

0.710 88.50 86.2 91.20 92.60 89.6

0.355 86.70 82.4 88.40 88.00 86.4

0.180 79.60 76.5 80.20 78.00 78.6

0.090 68.50 66.3 72.20 70.00 69.3

0.075 52.8 48.6 55.80 60.00 54.3

0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00

D15 Base 0.0175

D50 Base 0.070

D85 Base 0.300

EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

11.20 100

5.600 100

2.800 100

1.400 96.8

0.710 89.6

0.355 86.4

0.180 78.6

0.090 69.3

0.075 54.3

0.01 0
Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A, on
EPC Basis.

Client - National highways and

EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures Limited A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA Consultants Infrastructure development Corporation
Pvt Ltd. (JV)


Type of Material Soil Date of Sampling 10.10.2020

Filter Media Filter Material

Use for (Sand ) Date of Testing 11.10.2020

Tested by Jointly Location of sampling 298+150 RHS

Filter Material ( Sand) Filter Material ( Sand)

Sample No 1, TW 500 Sample No 2, TW 500

Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing
(gm) ned (gm) Retained % (gm) ned (gm) Retained %

11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100 11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100

5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100 5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100

2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100 2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100

1.400 108 21.6 21.60 78.40 1.400 102 20.4 20.40 79.6

0.710 51 10.2 31.80 68.20 0.710 47 9.4 29.80 70.2

0.355 161 32.2 64.00 36.00 0.355 148.5 29.7 59.50 40.5

0.180 126 25.2 89.20 10.80 0.180 142.5 28.5 88.00 12.0

0.090 31.5 6.3 95.50 4.50 0.090 35 7.0 95.00 5.0

0.075 8.5 1.7 97.20 2.80 0.075 10 2.0 97.00 3.0

Filter Material ( Sand) Filter Material ( Sand)

Sample No 3, TW 300 Sample No 4, TW 500

Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing
(gm) ned (gm) Retained % (gm) ned (gm) Retained %

11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100 11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100

5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100 5.600 0 0.0 0.00 100

2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100 2.800 0 0.0 0.00 100

1.400 52.5 17.5 17.50 82.50 1.400 69 13.8 13.80 86.20

0.710 32.7 10.9 28.40 71.60 0.710 44 8.8 22.60 77.40

0.355 117.3 39.1 67.50 32.50 0.355 212 42.4 65.00 35.00

0.180 65.4 21.8 89.30 10.70 0.180 116.5 23.3 88.30 11.70

0.090 17.1 5.7 95.00 5.00 0.090 36 7.2 95.50 4.50

0.075 7.2 2.4 97.40 2.60 0.075 11.5 2.3 97.80 2.20

EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A, on EPC

A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA Consultants Client - National highways and Infrastructure
EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures Limited Pvt Ltd. (JV) development Corporation Limited


Type of Material Soil Date of Sampling 10.10.2020

Use for Filter Media Base Material Date of Testing 11.10.2020

Tested by Jointly Location of sampling 298+150 RHS

Average Grading of Base Material ( Sand )

Sieve(mm) Sample -1 ( Passing %) Sample -2 ( Passing %) Sample -3 ( Passing %) Sample -4 ( Passing %) % of Passing

11.20 100 100 100 100 100

5.600 100 100 100 100 100

2.800 100 100 100 100 100

1.400 78.40 79.6 82.50 86.20 81.7

0.710 68.20 70.2 71.60 77.40 71.9

0.355 36.00 40.5 32.50 35.00 36.0

0.180 10.80 12.0 10.70 11.70 11.3

0.090 4.50 5.0 5.00 4.50 4.8

0.075 2.80 3.0 2.60 2.20 2.7

EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A, on
EPC Basis.

Client - National highways and

EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures Limited A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA Consultants Infrastructure development Corporation
Pvt Ltd. (JV)


Type of Material Soil Date of Sampling 10.10.2020

Filter Media Filter Material

Use for (10mm Agg, ) Date of Testing 11.10.2020

Tested by Jointly Location of sampling 298+150 RHS

Filter Material ( 10mm agg) Filter Material ( 10mm agg)

Sample No 1, TW 5000gm Sample No 2, TW 5000gm

Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing
(gm) ned (gm) Retained % (gm) ned (gm) Retained %

11.20 0 0 0 100 11.20 0 0.0 0.00 100

5.600 3925 78.5 78.50 21.5 5.600 3960 79.2 79.20 20.8

2.800 750 15.0 93.50 6.5 2.800 700 14.0 93.20 6.8

1.400 235 4.7 98.20 1.80 1.400 280 5.6 98.80 1.2

0.710 0.710

0.355 0.355

0.180 0.180

0.090 0.090

0.075 0.075

Filter Material ( 10mm agg) Filter Material ( 10mm agg)

Sample No 3, TW 3000gm Sample No 4, TW 5000gm

Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing Sieve(mm) Wt. Retained Cumm.wt.Retai Cumm. % of Passing
(gm) ned (gm) Retained % (gm) ned (gm) Retained %

11.20 0 0 0 100 11.20 0 0 0 100

5.600 2454 81.8 81.80 18.2 5.600 4050 81.0 81.00 19.0

2.800 411 13.7 95.50 4.5 2.800 675 13.5 94.50 5.5

1.400 117 3.9 99.40 0.6 1.400 200 4.0 98.50 1.5

0.710 0.710

0.355 0.355

0.180 0.180

0.090 0.090

0.075 0.075

EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A, on EPC

A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA Consultants Client - National highways and Infrastructure
EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures Limited Pvt Ltd. (JV) development Corporation Limited


Type of Material Soil Date of Sampling 10.10.2020

Use for Filter Media Base Material Date of Testing 11.10.2020

Tested by Jointly Location of sampling 298+150 RHS

Average Grading of Base Material ( 10mm agg )

Sieve(mm) Sample -1 ( Passing %) Sample -2 ( Passing %) Sample -3 ( Passing %) Sample -4 ( Passing %) % of Passing

11.20 100 100 100 100 100

5.600 21.5 20.8 18.2 19.0 19.9

2.800 6.5 6.8 4.5 5.5 5.8

1.400 1.80 1.2 0.60 1.50 1.3






EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

Four laning of NH-37 from Rangagara to Kaliabor Tinali KM 297.000 to 315.315 in Nagaon District in the state of Assam under SARDP-NE, Phase-A, on
EPC Basis.

Client - National highways and

A.E - STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & AYOLEEZA
EPC -M/S Simplex Infrastructures Limited Consultants Pvt Ltd. (JV) Infrastructure development
Corporation Limited


Filter Materials Ratio (10:90) 10mm:sand 10% 90%

Sieve(mm) Avg Grading of Avg Grading of 30% of 10mm Agg 70% of Sand Blended % of Specified Limit Table 300-3
10mm agg. Sand passing

11.20 100 100 10.00 90 100 100

5.600 19.9 100 1.99 90 92.0 92-100

2.800 5.8 100 0.58 90 90.6 83-100

1.400 1.3 81.7 0.13 73.51 73.6 59-96

0.710 71.9 64.67 64.7 35-80

0.355 36.0 32.40 32.4 14-40

0.180 11.3 10.17 10.2 3--15

0.090 4.8 4.28 4.3 0--5

0.075 2.7 2.385 2.4 N.R







0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00

D15 Filter 0.23

D50 Filter 0.55

EPC Contractor Representative Authority Engineers Representative

11.20 100.00 100 100

5.600 92.000 92 100

2.800 90.500 83 100

1.400 73.600 59.00 96

0.710 64.700 35.00 80

0.355 32.4 14.00 40.0

0.180 10.200 3.00 15

0.090 4.300 0.00 5

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