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PRE -TES T Technology for Teaching and Lear n in g 2

Directions: Read and understand the activity.

Once you are done save your file into pdf
form and submit your activity on or before the
given deadline.


Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting Hardware Approach and
Software Approach. Below the Venn diagram discuss the importance of these
approaches in Education.

Hardware approach of Software approach use
The similarities learning materials such as
educational technology
between programmed instruction
uses teaching
hardware and materials and techniques.
software are both
-Machines are used for
used as a -the emphasis is given to
making the course
learning materials teaching strategies based on
material more effective
and it helps principles of teaching and
-Hardware is tangible
teacher as well learning rather than
and physical.
as student to machines.
-Hardware cannot be
have an -Software is non tangible and
impacted by virus
interesting and logical.
attacks directly.
creative learning. -Viral attacks with use can
impact software programs
and applications.

These two approaches is very important to the improvement of educational learning.

Through these approaches it increase the student interest and makes them think
critically. Student feels learning materials more structured and clearer. It make
learning materials more attractive and interesting and the student become more
active in class activities.

Using 150 words, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of System

Analysis in Educational administration and management problems
according to your own opinion and stand.

Educational technology III or System analysis is the combination of hardware

approach and software approach. The advantage of it will enable to identify all
the components of the entire educational process as they relate to teacher
education on the one hand & to the whole system. Educators will see the needs
of the teacher education program as it relates to the educational system as a
whole. It will thus facilitate the institution of reforms when needed. It will also lend
itself to the use of modern technological advances, as well as adapt itself to
make use of the advances of technology. The disadvantages of it are costly and
time consuming because of an intensively and too much analyzing therefore in
analyzing system should be balance and appropriate.

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