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Identifying the Nurse's Requirement for Assistance • The nurse is unable to carry out the nursing activity

safely or efficiently on her alone. • Help will relieve the client's stress. • The nurse lacks the knowledge
or abilities required to carry out a certain nursing activity. • Know the rationale • Perform washing
clothes • Explain the technique to the client • Establish rapport to enhance cooperation • Ensure privacy
• Coordinate care Guidelines a. NI is based on scientific understanding, nursing research, and
professional care standards. b. Understand the NI to be implemented and challenge any that are
unclear. c. Adapt activities to the specific client. d. SAFE CARE should be implemented. e. Provide
instruction, support, and comfort. f. Be all-encompassing. g. Respect the client's dignity and boost the
client's self-esteem. h. 4) Right direction and communication 5) Right supervision and evaluation
Documenting Nursing Activities  After carrying out the nursing activities, the nurse completed the
implementation phase by recording or documenting the interventions and client’s response on the
nursing progress notes.  Nursing care must not be recorded in advance to avoid any error.  The nurse
may record routine activities at the end of the shift.  Medications require immediate recording after
administration to safeguard patient from error. Key Points  Implementing is putting the planned
nursing intervention into action; it consists of DOING and DOCUMENTING.  Reassessment occur
simultaneously during the implementation phase.  Nurses need the cognitive, interpersonal and
technical skills.  Process of Implementing include Reassessing the client, Determining the nurse’s need
for assistance, Implement the Nursing Intervention, Supervise the delegated and Documenting the
interventions performed. Evaluation  Evaluating is a planned, ongoing, purposeful activity in which the
HCP’s determining the client’s progress toward achievement of goal and determine the effectiveness of
the NCP.  Evaluation is an important aspect of the nursing process because conclusion drawn from the
evaluation determine whether the nursing intervention should be terminated, continued, or change. 
Evaluation is continuous  Evaluation done while or immediately after implementing a nursing order
enables the nurse to make on-the-spot modification in an intervention.  Through evaluating, nurse
demonstrate responsibility and accountability for their action. It also indicates interest on the result of
the nursing activities. Purpose:  Determine the client’s progress or lack of progress toward achievement
of expected outcome.  Determine the effectiveness of nursing care in helping clients achieve the
expected outcomes.  Determine the overall quality of the care provided.  Promote nursing
accountability. Process of Evaluating There are 5 Main Activities performed in planning: (CCRDM) 1.
Collecting data related to the desired outcome 2. Comparing the data with the desired outcome 3.
Relating nursing activities to outcome 4. Drawing conclusions about problem status 5. Making decisions
about the NCP Collecting Data Related to the Desired Outcome  Using the clearly stated, precise, and
measurable desired outcomes as a guide, the nurse collects data so that conclusions can be drawn about
whether goals have been met. It is usually necessary to collect both objective and subjective data. 
Asking clients to describe how they feel results in subjective data  Objective data consists of observable
facts such as laboratory values and the client’s behavior. Comparing the Data with the Desired Outcome
 Both the nurse and client play an active role in comparing the client’s actual responses with the
desired outcomes.  When determining whether a goal has been achieved, the nurse can draw one of
three possible conclusions: 1. The goal was met; that is, the client response is the same as the desired
outcome. 2. The goal was partially met; that is, either a short-term outcome was achieved but the long-
term goal was not, or the desired goal was incompletely attained. 3. The goal was not met; that is, the
client response did not meet the desired outcome, Relating Nursing Activities to Outcome  Determining
whether the nursing activities had any relation to the desired outcomes.  It should never be assumed
that a nursing activity was the cause of or the only factor in meeting, partially meeting, or not meeting a
goal.  Critical thinking skills are employed to determine the degree to which nursing action help
contributed to the client’s improve status. This skill enables the nurse to apply an analytical focus to the
client’s response to nursing interventions and to evaluate the benefits of those action and identify
additional opportunities for change.

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