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After spending so much time doing “group activities” sitting at home from Zoom, sitting face

to face with my group members and discussing the assignment was quite refreshing.
It was really fun exchanging ideas and opinions on different topics during the class. However,
there was a certain challenge to this as well. Since, this was the first group assignment for the
course, there was a lot of enthusiasm amongst all the members to put forward their ideas and
viewpoints. Initially, this caused a chaos, but taking time to listen to each other’s ideas and
then building on those ideas really helped a lot. In this case, my team member Prashant took
the lead and made sure that every member had the opportunity to present their idea.
Moreover, the team was very supportive and respectful of each other’s viewpoints. But what
helped us the most was, establishing various roles of the individual team member right at the
start. We discussed which role (decider, editor, scheduler, etc.) works the best of us and made
sure to complete our responsibilities for that. Since every member had their role already laid
out and every person had their own point of view, groupthink was not that big of a challenge
for us. However, since there were so many ideas bouncing around that narrowing down these
points and coming to a group consensus was a task. It was much easier to understand the
viewpoint of other team member (through their body language and expressions) because
during virtual meetings we sometimes had our cameras off, or there were connection issues,
so all these factors acted as a barrier. At the end, it was quite a refreshing experience, as the
discussions were impactful.

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