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W07 Application Activity Template: Peer Evaluation and Self-

Name: Alex Ronald Arhin

Peer Evaluation
For this application activity, you are going to evaluate your peers’ participation in your
group. Think about each member of your group. Did everyone show up at the meeting?
Did they participate equally? Did everyone contribute ideas and thoughts? Now, take a
moment and think how each member of your group is also reflecting on your participation.
Do you feel like you did your best in your group?

In order to evaluate your peers for this assignment, imagine your group would receive 100
points for completing it. Based on your perception of the group work process and the load
each person carried, how would you divide up the points? Would you divide it equally or
were there members of the group that deserve more or less?

Step 1
Fill out the chart below listing the names of your group members and what portion of the
points you would give to each person. Remember that you have 100 points to divide
between all of your group members. Include yourself in the chart.

Group Member Amount of Points Reason

Alex Ronald Arhin 30 I took an active role as discussion

leader. I shared my opinions and
listened to others.

Alejandra Karina Uriepero 35 Alejandra took an active role as the

note taker/editor. Shared a lot of
great ideas and was really good at
getting others to share their ideas.
She also submitted the assignment
on behalf the group.

Paula Neoli Zarate 35 Paula took an active role as the

Reader/Time Keeper was very good
at helping us get the meeting
schedule, she kept us moving and on
Step 2 Self-Assessment
Use complete sentences to answer the following self -assessment questions regarding your
own participation in the group.

1. Give at least one example of how you were actively involved in your live group
meeting and assignment completion.
One way I was involved in my live group meeting was by being the scribe/note taker
for the whole group. During our meeting I took notes about everyone’s ideas and
was able to help organize our group’s thoughts about the project.

2. Would you do anything differently the next time you are working on an assignment
in a group? Why or why not?
One thing I would do differently when working on a group project is I would try and
speak up more. I did offer some of my opinions but for the most part I was busy
writing down what everyone else was saying so I didn’t share as much of my
opinion as I would have liked to. I felt like I had some good ideas that I never shared
and so next time I will make sure I take the opportunity to do so.

Step 3 Group Work Reflection

Answer the following questions to reflect on your experience with the live group meeting
and group project.

Each answer should use complete sentences and be at least 2-3 sentences in length.

1. What was your perception of group work before this assignment?

My perception going into this assignment was that it was going to be just like every
other group work experience that I have had. I was a little bit apprehensive because
this was my first experience of working with a group online. I thought it was going
to really challenging to be able to coordinate our time. I also thought it was going to
be hard to accomplish anything given that we weren’t meeting face to face.

2. Did your perception change during the process? Why or why not?
My perceptions did change somewhat during the process. While it was a little bit of
a challenge coordinating times, it all worked out and everyone was willing to meet
when we needed to.
My perception about it being harder to accomplish the task online changed. I found
that it was actually really convenient to work with a group online.

3. Share at least one challenge your group faced and how you overcame that challenge.
One challenge our group faced was getting started. When we met together for our
live meeting it was a little bit awkward at first and none of us really knew what to
say. Alejandra was able to break the ice a little bit by asking everyone to tell us a
little bit about ourselves. This really helped everyone to relax and ease into talking
about what we needed to for the assignment.

4. Did your group use effective communication before and during your live meeting?
Why or why not?
Yes, I felt like our group did a good job of using effective communication throughout
the entire unit. Everyone was respectful in their responses whether they were
written or during our online meeting. No one ever used any aggressive
communication. There were a few individuals who were a little bit passive in their
communication, but after our live meeting they did contribute more of their ideas in
our discussion space.

5. What did you learn from this experience and how will it benefit you as you continue
your education?
I have learned that working with a group online is an effective way to accomplish a
group project and to learn from doing. I was able to learn how to effectively work
with some online tools that I wasn’t very familiar with before. Tools such as
WhatsApp Messenger and Google docs. Group work is something that I am going to
continue to encounter throughout my life. It is something that I am going to need to
learn how to get really good at because I am fairly certain that group work is a large
part of online education.

Step 4
Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your
course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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