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MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

I MANAGEMENT SCIENCE methods to solve the problems con-

Management science is a synonymous with nected with human organization
operational research. Operation s research 2. OR provide a more accurate descrip-
provides a quantitative technique or a sci- tion about the cause and effect rela-
entific approach to the executives for mak- tionship
ing good decisions for operation under con-
3. OR provide solutions for various busi-
trol. It provides a scientific approach to
ness problems
problem solving for executive management.
4. OR facilitates the process of decision
Operations research

Operations research is the application of
5. optimum allocation of limited re-
methods of science to complex problems
arising in the direction and management
6. planning, scheduling, controlling large
of large systems of man, machine, mate-
and complex projects
rial and money in industry, business, gov-
ernment and defense. Definition According Scope of Operations Research

to T.L Satly “OR is the art of giving bad The main objective of operations research

answers to the problems where Otherwise is to solve complex management problems.

worse answers are given” Characteristics of It is mainly used in decision problem. A

Operations research technique multidisciplinary team used various opera-

tions research techniques to solve complex
• Operations research technique is mul- decision problems. The members of the
tidisciplinary. team work together to find a feasible so-
• It is used to solve complex manage- lution which is beneficial for the entire or-
ment problems. ganization. The scope of the operations re-
search involves the following areas.
• It is a set of mathematical techniques.
1 In defense operations: A number of compo-
• It is a scientific approach in decision
nents are involved in military operations.
Each component works to achieve maxi-
• It is a team activity
mum gain from its operation. The experts

Functions of OR in this field coordinate the entire activities

and they utilize their skill to achieve opti-
1. OR is the application of scientific mum solution.
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

2 In industry: In an industrial organization niques can be applied for control of R&D

there are number of departments. Each projects, product introduction, product
department tries to optimize capital in- planning etc.
vestment. HRM department tries to ap-
Management uses of Operation Research
point efficient people at minimum cost.
The following are the some of the areas of
There is a conflict between these depart-
management where tools of OR are used
ments. The application of operations re-
search techniques helps to integrate the ac-
1. Finanance, budgeting and invest-
tivities of various departments to attain the

overall objective of the organization. De-
• Cash flow analysis used to deter-
cision trees, inventory model, linear pro-
mine long term capital require-
gramming, transportation model, sequenc-
ments, dividend policies etc.
ing model, assignment model and replace-
• To determine the credit policies of
ment model are helpful to the mangers to
solve various problems. the organization

2. Purchasing and procurement

3 In agriculture: Operations research tech-
niques are used to select land area for agri- • To determine the quantity and

culture and the seed of food grains. timing of purchase of raw mate-
rials, machineries etc.
4 In traffic control: Queuing theory is used
• To decide rules for buying and
for traffic control.
supplying under different pricing
5 In hospitals: In hospitals we can see lengthy • Equipment replacement policies
queues. This problem can be solved by
• To determine the strategies for
the application of operations research tech-
Exploration of new material

6 Planning: Govt. uses the OR techniques in 3. Production management

order to maximize per capita income with
• To take decision related with lo-
minimum sacrifice of time. Govt. can fur-
cation and size of warehouses, dis-
ther use OR techniques for framing future
tribution centers etc.
• To take decision of distribution
7 Research and development: OR tech- policy
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

• Used in production scheduling, al- in pictorial form so as to facilitate

location of resources etc. analysis

• Used to determine optimum pro- 2. Mathematical model: it is known

duction mix as symbolic model also. It employs a
4. Marketing management set of mathematical symbols to repre-
sent the decision variable of the sys-
• Used for product selection, timing

• Used to decide advertising strat- 3. Analogue models: in this model

egy set of properties are used. An orga-
nization chart is a common analogue
• Determine the size of stock to
meet future demand

5. Personnel management 4. By nature of environment:

iat • Used to decide recruitment poli-
cies and assignment of jobs
• deterministic model in which ev-
erything is defined and the results
are certain.
• Selection of suitable employees
• Probabilistic model in which the
Phases of Operation Research input and output variables follow

1. Formulation of problem a probability distribution

2. Set up a mathematical model for the 5. By the extend of generality

problem • general model: it can be ap-

3. Deriving solutions from the model plied in general and does not per-
tain to one problem only
4. Testing the model
• Specific model: it is applicable
5. Establishing control over the model
under specific condition only.
6. Implementing the solution
6. According to procedure
Operation Research models
• analytical model: mathemati-

1. Physical model (iconic model): it cal tools are used to solve a prob-

include all the form =s of diagrams, lem

graphs and charts. They bring out sig- • Simulation: numerical solution
nificant factors and inter-relationship method which helps to analyze
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

a system to find its optimum vice and idle time of service facilities
solution through trial and error are minimized is waiting line model or
method. queuing model.

OR techniques 5. Decision theory: OR technique of

Decision theory is applied to select
1. Probability: the probability con-
best alternative course of action
cepts try to analyze uncertainties and
6. Game theory: Game theory helps to
bring out necessary data with reason-
determine the best course of action for
able accuracy for the purpose of deci-

a firm in view of the expected counter
sion making
moves from the competitors.
2. Linear Programming: This model
7. Transportation problem: The aim
is used for resource allocation when
of this technique is find out the mini-
the resources are limited and there are
mum transportation cost.
iatnumber of competing candidates for
the use of resources. The model may 8. The assignment problem: This

be used to maximize the returns or technique is used to assign jobs to ef-

minimize the costs. ficient and suitable persons at mini-

mum cost.
3. Sequencing: When a manufacturing
firm has some job orders, which can 9. Network analysis: Program evalu-
ation and review technique and criti-
be processed on two or three machines
and the processing times of each job cal path method are powerful tools for

on each machine is known, then the planning and control of complex jobs

problem of processing in a sequence to involving a large number of complex

minimize the cost or time is known as activities.

sequencing model. 10. Dynamic programming: this tech-

4. Waiting Line Model or Queuing nique deals with the problems that

Model: A model used for solving a arise in connection with multi period

problem where certain service facili- analysis and decisions.

ties have to provide service to its cus- 11. Simulation: it uses a computer-
tomers, so as to avoid lengthy wait- ized symbolic model in order to rep-
ing line or queue, so that customers resent actual decision making under
will get satisfaction from effective ser- certainty for determining alternative
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

course of action based upon facts and choosing the best alternatives from a set of
assumptions. feasible alternatives, in situation in which

12. Replacement theory: this theory the objective e function as well as con-

suggested the determination of the straints can be expressed as linear math-

time when items of plant should be re- ematical functions. Linear programming

placed. involves optimization of certain functions

called objective function subject to cer-
13. Nonlinear programming: it is that
tain constraints. Linear programming tech-
form of programming in which some
nique may be used for solving broad range

or all variables are curvy linear.
of problems arising in business, govern-
14. Goal programming: goal program-
ment, industry, hospitals, libraries, etc.
ming deals with problems having mul-
Definition: Samulson, Dorfman and
tiple objectives.
Solow stated that LPP as “the analysis of
15. Market analysis: it is a method of
analyzing the current movement of the
problems in which a linear function of a
number of variables is to be maximized (or
same variable in an effort to predict minimized) when these variables are sub-
the future movement of same variable. ject to a number of restraints in the form

Limitations of OR of linear inequalities”.

Application areas of LPP

∆ Huge calculations are required for solv-
ing some problems 1. Industry
∆ OR provides solution only if the ele-
• Product mix problem: LP is
ments are quantified.
used to select optimal product
∆ Possibility of having frequent changes in mix to make best use of machine
basic data and man hours available while
maximization of profit.
LEM (LPP) • Product scheduling: LP is use-

Linear programming is widely used math- ful for allocating operators to ma-

ematical modeling technique, which is de- chines, products, machines.

veloped to help decision makers in planning • Product smoothening: with

and decision making as far as resource al- the help of LPP an industrial or-
location is concerned. It is a technique for ganization can solve the problem
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

of scheduling its production on ficient manner of allocating man-

the basis of future demand of the ufacturing plants and distribution
products. centres for physical distribution.
• by using transportation technique • Staffing problem/ job evalua-
of LP, we can decide the distri- tion: Selection of suitable person
bution system that will minimize for a specified job and evaluation
the transportation cost from sev- of a job in organization has been
eral warehouses to different mar- done with the help of Linear pro-

ket locations gramming technique.
• Problem related with pro- • Media selection: the LPP is
duction distribution: the prob- used to select the advertising mix
lem is to minimize cost by decid- that will maximize the audience
ing what is to be produced at each exposure.
iat source and where the goods are to
be transported.
Merits of LP Problem

• Communication industry: LP ∆ it helps an organization to study the in-

methods are used to solve prob- formation through scientific approach

lems involving facilities for trans- the application of LPP helps to con-

portation, relaying etc. sider all possible solutions of a prob-

lem and select the optimal solution
2. Management application

• Portfolio selection: This in- ∆ LP helps to identify the constraints un-

volves the selection of specific in- der which an organization operates.

vestment activity among several ∆ plans can be reevaluated for changing

activities. The objective func- conditions
tion is to find the allocation which ∆ can be used for production problems
maximizes the expected return.
Demerits of LP Problem
• Profit planning: It involves
the maximization of profit margin ∆ LP model can only be applied if the con-

from investment in plant facilities straints and objectives functions can

and equipment, cash in hand etc. be stated as linear expressions

• Physical distribution: It deter- ∆ co-efficient in the objective function

mines the most economical and ef- and the constraints equations must
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

be completely known to create linear 5. Non negative restrictions: all deci-

equations sions variables must assume non neg-

∆ it may provide fractional valued answers ative values. The negative values
of physical quantities are impossible.
∆ if the management has conflicting mul-
tiple goals, the LP will fail to give cor-
rect solution 6. Linearity: the basic assumption is
that the objectives and constraints
∆ LP does not consider the effect of time
governing it should be linear in form.
and uncertainty

Both must be expressed in terms of
Basic requirements of LP linear equation or inequalities.

1. Well defined objective function: 7. Finiteness: the activities and con-

a LPP should have a well-defined ob- straints must be finite in number

jective function. Objective function 8. Additivity: sum of the resources

iat may be to maximize profit or minimize used by different activities must be
equal to the total quantity resources

2. Constraints: there are limited re- used by each activity individually.

strictions on resources, which are to be 9. Certainty: all model coefficient like

allocated to various activities. These unit profit contribution of each prod-
limited resources are expressed as con- uct are assumed to be known with cer-
straints or restrictions. tainty. It is also assumed that these

3. Decision variable and their rela- are not changing under the period of

tionship: the decision variables are study.

activity variables such as products, 10. Divisibility: the solution of LPP

services etc. these variables are usu- need not be in integers (whole num-
ally interrelated in terms of utilization bers). The solution figures are divisi-
of resources. The relationship among ble and may take any fractional value.
the variables should be linear. 11. Deterministic: we assume that con-
4. Alternative course of action: dition of certainty exist with each
there should be alternative course of problem. That means the coefficient
action for selecting the best course of in the objective function and con-
action. straints are completely known.
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

Formulation of Mathematical Model of a new product, new service, new organi-

to Linear Programming Program zation, and new business.
Formulation of Linear Programming model
involves the following steps.
A project is composed of jobs, activities or
1. Identification of the problem and set- functions that are related to one another
ting up of objectives. and all these should be completed in or-
der to complete the project. These activi-
2. Establish the interrelationship be-
ties are arranged in logical sequence in the
tween the variables of the situation.

form of network. Network is a combination
3. Identification of alternative variables
of activities & events of a project. Network
Specification of constraints.
analysis is a system which plans projects by
4. Summarizing the problem in a math- analyzing the project activities.
ematical form. Objectives of network analysis
Graphical method Graphical method is
used to solve linear programming problem.
a) powerful tool for planning, scheduling
and control of projects
It involves two variables. Each line is rep-
b) It shows a simple way of the interrela-
resented by each constraint. Steps
tionship of the various activities con-
1. Formulate the problem. sulting a project.
2. All constraints may be written as c) to minimize the total cost of the project

equality. d) Helps to minimize time of the comple-

3. Draw the curve. tion of the project

4. Find out the feasible region. e) it leads to optimal use of resources

f ) it avoids production delays

Feasible solution: Any combination
of activity levels which satisfies all con- Managerial application of network
straints, including non-negative restric- Analysis
tions, is known as feasible solution to the
1. planning
Meaning of project: A project simply 2. research and development

refers to any investment opportunity which 3. installation of a complex new equip-

is to be exploited for profit. It may consist ment
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

4. market penetration programmer 2. Critical activities- these are the activ-

ities lying on the critical path
5. Construction of building, bridges, fac-
tories etc. 3. Preceding activities (predecessor) - ac-
tivities must be completed immedi-
6. preparation of inventory plans
ately prior to the start of another ac-
7. market strategies
tivity are called preceding activity
8. launching of new products 4. Succeeding activity (successor) - ac-
tivities that cannot be started until
Terms related with network analysis

one or more of the activities are com-
1. Network diagram- it is a diagram pleted are called succeeding activity.
showing the activities & events of a 5. Concurrent activities- activities which
project, their sequence & relationship. can be accomplished concurrently or
2. Activity- it is a job or task or item of simultaneously are known as concur-
iat work to be completed in specific time. rent activities.

6. Earliest start time(EST) - it is the ear-

3. Event- it represent start or end of
an activity (represent by circle called liest time an activity can begin.

node) 7. Latest start time (LST) - it is the dif-

4. Dummy activity- it is an imaginary ference between latest finish time the

activity included in the activity. It estimated time for the activity.

does not consume time. 8. Earliest finish time (EFT) - EST +
activity time duration.
Methods of network analysis Critical
9. Latest finish time (LFT) - it is the lat-
path method (CPM)
est possible time an activity can finish
It is a network technique involving the without delaying the project.
preparation of the network in the form of
10. Float- float means amount of excess
arrow diagram and its analysis to identify
or spare time up to which an activity
the critical path.
can be delayed without affecting the
project. Float may be two type – free
Terms related with CPM
float & independent float.

1. Critical path- it is the longest path in 11. Free float: free float is that portion of
the network the total float within which an activity
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

can be manipulated without affecting It is a network technique of scheduling &

the float of subsequent activities controlling the project where activity times
cannot be precisely estimated.
12. Independent float: it is that portion
of total float within which an activity Terms related with PERT
can be delayed for start without affect-
• Optimistic time- shortest possible
ing floats of the preceding activities.
time in which an activity can be com-

Application of CPM pleted.

• Pessimistic time- maximum possible

• Construction of dams or canals
time in which an activity can be com-
• Construction of building or highway pleted.

• Communication networks • Most likely time- normal time an ac-

• Production planning tivity would take.

• Maintenance of oil refinery & aero
• Slack- it is similar to float but associ-
ated with event and used in PERT.

Advantages of PERT
Advantages of CPM
• Reduces cost & time
• Makes better & detail planning
• Effective control
• Helps in ascertaining the time sched-
• Handles uncertainties
• Provide updated project information
• Control become easy
• Identify critical elements
• Difficult to develop clear & logical net-
• Optimum utilization of resources
• All activities cannot be clearly identi-

• Based on assumptions fied in some projects

• Not suitable in certain projects

• Rigidity
• Error in time estimation
• Not a panacea for all ills
PERT(Programme Evaluation & Re-
view Technique)
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

3. 3 time estimate
Application of PERT 4. Consider both time & cost

• Construction of industry 5. It reveal critical & non critical activi-

• Installation of plant & machinery ties

• Maintenance & major repairs of ships, 6. Critical path is determined on the ba-

aircrafts etc. sis of slack

Mainly used in defense & Research
• Administration
&development project

• Managing accounts
7. Compulsory
• Defense projects
• Research & development projects
The decision theory is a technique used for
Difference between CPM & PERT decision making in uncertain conditions or

iat situations. It provides a framework and
methodology for rational decision making
1. Activity oriented when the outcomes are uncertain. Decision

2. Deterministic model making may be defined as a process which

results on the selection from a set of alter-
3. Single time estimate
native course of actions which is considered
4. Concerned with time only
to meet the objectives of the decision prob-
5. It does not reveal critical & non criti- lem more satisfactory than others judged
cal activities by decision makers.

6. Critical path is determined on the ba-

Elements common to all decisions
sis of float
1. Course of action: - There is finite
7. It used in construction & industrial
number of decision alternatives avail-
able to the decision maker at each
8. Dummy activities are not compulsory
point in time when a decision is made.

PERT The number and type of such alter-

natives may depend upon the previ-
1. Event oriented ous decisions. These alternatives are
2. Probabilistic model called course of action.
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

2. State of nature: - These are future during the period in which such a decision
conditions that are not under the con- is made. That means it is the situation in
trol of decision maker. A state of na- which the decision maker knows the conse-
ture may be the state of economy, a quences of every action and option available
weather condition, a political develop- to him in taking decision.
ment, etc. Decision making under uncertainty
3. Payoff: It is the outcome resulting In decision making under pure uncertainty,
from each possible combination of al- the decision maker has absolutely no knowl-

ternatives and states of nature. The edge, not even about the likelihood of oc-
payoff values is always conditional val- currence for any state of nature. In such
ues because of unknown states of na- situations, the decision maker’s behavior is
ture. purely based on his/her attitude toward the

4. Payoff table: it is also known as pay unknown. There are different criteria of de-
iat off matrix. This depicts the tabular
form of pay off of various alternative
cision making under this situation.

• Optimism criterion
course of action vs. states of nature. • Pessimism criterion
5. Opportunity loss table / regret • probabilities
table: Opportunity loss of an act is
• Regret criterion.
the difference between the payoff of
that act or action and payoff of the 1. Optimism (maximize or mini-

best act which has foregone. mize)criterion:

As per this criterion the decision
Decision making environments
maker ensures that he should not miss
• Decision making under certainty the opportunity to achieve the largest
possible profit. In the maximize cri-
• Decision making under uncertainty
terion the decision maker selects the
• Decision making under risk
decision that will result in the maxi-
• Decision making under competition
mum of maximum payoffs; known as

Decision making under certainty an optimistic criterion.

Certainty refers to an environment in which 2. Pessimism (maximize or mini-

the decision maker is in a position to know mize) criterion: In this criterion
exactly what will happen by his decision the decision maker ensures that he
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

would earn no less than some speci- ber between 0 and 1. In the spe-
fied amount. The decision maker se- cial case where it is one, the crite-
lects the alternative that represents rion reduces to Maximize and in the
the maximum of minima pay off in special case where it is zero the crite-
case of profits. This criterion is also rion reduces to Maximize. The deci-
known as Wald’s criterion. sion maker can set alpha to a number

3. Laplace criterion: We don’t know between zero and one according to his

the states of nature. Hence it is as- or her level of optimism.

H (criterion of realism)= α + (1 − α)

sumed that all states of nature will oc-
cur with equal probability. (minimum in column). Select an alter-

Steps: - native with best anticipated weighted

average pay off value.
• Assign equal probability value to
each state of nature.
Decision making under risk
iat • Compute the expected or aver-
age pay off for each alternative by
It is a probabilistic situation. Here more
than one state opt nature exists. The de-
adding all the payoff and dividing
cision maker has sufficient information to
by the number of possible states
assign probability values to the likely oc-
of nature. (Probability of state of
currence of each of these states. On the ba-
nature j) x (pay off value for the
sis of knowing the probability distribution
combination of alternative i and
of the states of nature, the best decision
state of nature j.)
is to select the course of action which has
• Select the best expected pay off
the largest expected pay off value. There
4. Criterion of realism (Hurwitz are mainly three methods used to find de-
criterion): As per this criterion cisions under risk.
a rational decision maker is neither
i. Expected Monetary Value
completely optimistic nor pessimistic.
ii. Expected opportunity loss criterion
Hurwitz introduced coefficient of opti-
iii. Expected value of regrets
mism. The Hurwitz alpha is a crite-
rion for decision making under com- Expected monetary value (EMV): It is the
plete uncertainty that represents a weighted sum of possible pay off for each
compromise between the Maximize or alternative. EMV = conditional profits or
minimize criteria. The alpha is a num- losses× corresponding probability of each
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

state of nature. parties with conflicting interests). It is con-

cerned with decision making in organiza-
Expected Value of perfect information: If
tions where the outcome depends upon de-
the decision maker is able to acquire perfect
cisions of two or autonomous players, one
information about the occurrence of vari-
of which may be nature itself and where no
ous states of nature, then he will be able
single decision maker has full control over
to select a course of action that yields the
the outcomes. It aims to find optimal so-
desired pay off for whatever state of na-
lutions to situations of conflict and coop-
ture actually happens. The expected value
eration under the assumption that players

of perfect information is the expected out-
are instrumentally rational and act in their
come with perfect information.
best interests. The basic constituents of
EVPI = Expected value with per-
any game are its participating, autonomous
fect information – maximum EMV.
decision makers called players. A game
Expected value with perfect information
= (best outcome for consequence for first
state of nature × probability of first state
must have two players. The total number
of players may be large, but must be finite,
and must be known. Each player must have
of nature) + best outcome for consequence
more than one choice.
for second state of nature × probability of
second state of nature) Decision trees
A decision tree is a decision support tool
Expected value of regrets or expected op-
that uses a tree-like graph or model of de-
portunity loss (EOL): As per the crite-
cisions and their possible consequences, in-
rion, the decision is to select the strategy
cluding chance event outcomes, resource
with minimum expected opportunity loss.
costs, and utility. It is one way to display
Decision making under competition or an algorithm. Decision trees are commonly
conflict (game theory) used in operations research, specifically in
Game theory is a study of strategic de- decision analysis, to help identify a strat-
cision making. More formally, it is "the egy most likely to reach a goal. It is a
study of mathematical models of conflict schematic tree-shaped diagram used to de-
and cooperation between intelligent ratio- termine a course of action or show a sta-
nal decision-makers. Game theory is a tistical probability. Each branch of the de-
branch of mathematics that deals with the cision tree represents a possible decision or
analysis of games (i.e., situations involving occurrence. The tree structure shows how
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

one choice leads to the next, and the use of solution is a basic solution if the num-
branches indicates that each option is mu- ber of nonnegative allocations is equal
tually exclusive. to m+n -1, where ‘m’ is the number of
A decision tree consists of 3 types of nodes: rows and ‘n’ is the number of columns
i.Decision nodes - commonly represented in a transportation problem.
by squares. It indicates places where a de- 3. Optimal solution: A feasible solu-
cision maker must make a decision. tion is said to be an optimal solution,
ii.Chance nodes - represented by circles. It if it minimizes the transportation cost.
is point at which decision maker will dis-

4. Non degenerate basic feasible so-
cover the response to his decision.
lution: A feasible solution to a trans-
iii. End nodes - represented by triangles
portation problem is said to be non-
V TRANSPORTATIONMODEL degenerate if it contains m+n -1 and
The transportation problem involves de- each allocation is independent.
termining a minimum-cost plan for ship-
ping from multiple sources to multiple des-
5. Loops in transportation problem:
An ordered set of four or more cells
tinations. A transportation model is used
can be formed as a loop, of any of the
to determine how to distribute supplies to
two adjacent cells in the ordered set
various destinations while minimizing total
lie either in the same row or in the
cost. The main objective of a transporta-
same column. A feasible solution to a
tion problem is to satisfy the demand des-
transportation problem is basic if the
tination requirements within the plant ca-
corresponding cells in the transporta-
pacity constraints at minimum transporta-
tion table do not contain a loop.
tion cost.
Solution to a transportation problem
Special terms related to transportation
The following are the steps to solve a trans-
portation problem.
1. Feasible solution: Feasible solution
1. Define the objective function. That is
to a transportation problem is a set
minimization of cost.
of nonnegative allocations (Xij > 0)
which satisfies the row and column 2. Set up a transportation table with ‘m’
sum restrictions. rows and ‘n’ columns

2. Basic feasible solution: A feasible 3. Develop an initial feasible solution.

MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

4. Verify the initial feasible solution is 4. If allocation made in step 2 is equal to

optimum or not. the supply available at second source,

5. If the solution is not optimal, then then move vertically down to the cell

modify the allocation. (3, 1).

6. Repeat step and six till we get an op- 5. Continue the procedure till an alloca-

timal solution. tion is made in the south east corner

cell of the transportations table.
Methods to find out initial feasible so-
Least cost method In this method allocations

are made in the cells with the smallest unit
1. North West corner method (NWCM)
cost. It reduces the computation as well as
2. Least cost method (LCM) the amount of time necessary to arrive at
3. Vogel’s approximation method the optimal solution
North West corner method

It is a simple method to obtain an initial

Steps: -

1. Select the cell with the lowest trans-

solution. This method does not take into portation cost among all the rows or
account the cost of transportation on any columns of the transportation table,
route of transportation.
2. If there are more than two lowest same
Steps: -
cost, we can select the cell for alloca-
1. Start with the cell at the North West tion arbitrarily, among the lowest cost

corner of the transportation matrix cells.

and allocate commodity equal to the 3. Assign maximum units in the lowest
minimum of the rim values for the first cost cell. Then we can exhaust either
row and first column. a row total or a column on the basis
2. If allocation done in step I is equal of allocation. Eliminate that column
to the supply available at first source, or row.
then move vertically down to the cell 4. Consider the reduced matrix table and
(2, 1) in the second row and first col- select another lowest cost cell. Then
umn. allocate the maximum units in that
3. Apply step one again for next alloca- cell. On the basis of that we can ex-
tion. haust either a row or column.
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

5. Continue the process till all the avail- we can discuss the modified distribution
able quantities are exhausted. method (MODI).
Steps in MODI method or U.V
Vogel’s Approximation Method
Vogel’s method is based on the concept of
opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the 1. Find the initial basic feasible solu-
cost incurred for forgone opportunities or tion of transportation problem by us-
penalties. Steps: - ing one of the three methods described
1. Find the penalty cost namely the dif-

ference between the smallest and next 2. Determine a set of numbers for each

smallest costs in each row and column. row and each column. That is U1 and
V1 for each row and column satisfying
2. Among the penalties found in step (1),
U1 + V! = Cij for each occupied cell.
select the maximum penalty. If there
3. Then calculate cell evaluation known
iat is a tie relate with maximum penal-
ties, select any one arbitrarily. as dij values for unoccupied cells.
That is dij = Cij (U1=V1)
3. From the selected column or row (as
per step 2) fin d out the cell which is 4. if all dij values are positive, the solu-
having lowest cost. As much as quan- tion is optimal and an unique solution
tity must be allocated to this cell by exists. If at least one of them is zero
considering the demand and supply. and other are positive, the solution is
4. The column or row which is ex- optimum but alternative solution ex-

hausted, is to be deleted. The above ist. If at least one dij is negative, the

steps is to be continued till an initial solution is not optimal.

feasible solution is attained. It should 5. Reallocation are too made, if the so-
be noted that if column is exhausted, lution is not optimal. Give maximum
then there will be a change in row allocation to the cell for which dij is
penalty and vice versa. negative making one of the occupied
cell is empty.
Finding the optimal solution
Once the initial basic feasible solution has 6. Select empty having the most negative

been computed, the next step is to deter- value Cij.

mine whether the solution obtained is opti- 7. Draw a closed path or loop for unoc-
mum or not. To perform optimality test, cupied cell selected in step 6. Assign
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Aviator College of Aviation Studies Manjeri IVth Semester BBA

+ve and –ve alternatively and find the in transportation problem. It may happen
minimum allocation cell having –ve Either at the initial stage or at subsequent
sign. The allocation should be added iteration. It is called degeneracy. Unbal-
to the allocation having positive sign anced transportation problem To obtain a
and subtract from the allocations hav- feasible solution, it is necessary that the
ing negative sign. total supply must equal to total demand.
8. Repeat from the step 2 till an opti- In unbalanced transportation problem it is
mum basic solution is obtained. not equal. This unbalanced problem is to
be converted into a balanced transportation

Degeneracy in transportation prob-
problem. For this fictitious destination or
source which will provide the surplus sup-
Some times the number of non-negative in-
ply or demands to be added.
dependent allocation is less than m+n-1,
iat ///////////ALL THE BEST///////////

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