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Evidencia Video entrevista virtual.


Stella Hernández Chacón

Sena Virtual


Camilo Andres Ariza Zambrano

Septiembre 25 de 2022
Entrevistador: Tatiana Suarez Ruiz
Entrevistado: Luz Stella Hernandez


I'm going to ask you some questions

What is your name?

My name is Stella Hernandez.

1.Tell us about yourself

I studied at Sena and graduated in Foreign Trade Operations.

My previous job was in an imported wine company. I was in logistics, in charge of the

2. What motivates you?:

I am motivated to learn new things and my family

3. What are your hobbies?:

My hobby is painting and watching TV.

4. What are your future plans if you get this job?.

I would like to have job stability, also I want buy a house for my family

5. What are your future goals or what are your professional goals?

I would like to continue training, also lead a work team

6. What do you see as a great success in your life?

Consolidate myself professionally in a large company, and continue to have stability in my home.

7. Why did you leave your last job?

I wanted to grow professionally, but that company is small and it was not possible

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself working in a company like this, developing professionally and with my happy family

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