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Name : Ega Purnama Putra

Class : 1C1
NIM : P27838121008

Conversation Apologizing
(X Arrives Late For Meeting the Bus was Late)

Time shows at 10 a.m, X arrived late because the bus had an obstacle that was a leaky tire. X
walked hurriedly to meeting room. X gets the task of recording all the points contained in the
morning meeting.

X : “Sorry sir, I arrived late because the bus was having a problem.”
Y : “Oh my god, what do you do?! the client feels uncomfortable with your behavior!”
X : “I am Sorry sir.”
Shortly thereafter X meets the client to apologize for his behavior. The meeting held
discussed the cooperation between clients in the procurement of health services.

X : “I am sorry for my mistake, sir.”

Client : “I hope you can responsibly for your mistakes.”
Y : “Uhm… Sir, Is this week free? I'll reschedule to meet you.
Client : “Yes, I can attend the meeting in Thursday.”
X : “Thankfully, well Sir I'll make a schedule for Thursday.”
Client : “I accept your apologize, may your mistakes not be repeated.”
Y : “Thank you very much Sir.”
X : “Thank you very much Sir.”

Conversation Complaint
At a party, X spills wine on Y dress
(X Spills wine on y dress)
X: Oh sorry ms y for my mistake spills wine on your dress, im so sorry.
Y: Oh no this is my favorite dress. Its hard to find another dress like this.
X: im so sorry miss. What can I offer for my apologize?
Y: its difficult to wash this dress, im afraid this stain wouldn’t disappear.
X: maybe I can buy you another dress for my apologize whats the brand of your dress
Y: ummm its from YY brand its so expensive to buy anyway
X: no problem its my mistake so I must responsible here its my number i will send u a
massage. Once again im so sorry for my mistake.
Y: okay I will wait your message.

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