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Quantum Computing Challenges
A subfield of computer science called quantum computing makes use of the fundamentals of
quantum theory. The behavior of energy and matter at the atomic and subatomic levels is
explained by quantum theory. In the 1980s, quantum computing emerged . It was found that
quantum algorithms were more effective than their classical counterparts at solving some
computational issues.
When compared to today's conventional CMOS-based systems, quantum computers promise an
exponential increase in power. The human brain is unable to comprehend the magnitude of this
increase. As a result, there is a lot of excitement regarding the potential advantages of quantum
computers over existing systems. The rise of quantum computing prophets, who assert that these
machines will be able to alter the world in just a few years, can be seen in light of this promise.
On the other hand, there are increasingly skeptics of quantum computing who assert that it will
never occur.
According to the cited article, there are four major obstacles that stand in the way of quantum
computing becoming a reality.
1. Product Quality: When we run calculations, today's qubits give us the wrong result after a
certain number of instructions or operations. It is possible for the outcome to be
indistinguishable from noise.
2. Correction of Errors: We need to implement error correction algorithms that check for
and then correct for random qubit errors as they occur because qubits are not good
enough for scale. These are intricate instruction sets that effectively extend the system's
lifetime by making use of a large number of physical qubits.
3. Control of Qubits: We need to demonstrate that we are capable of controlling multiple
qubits in order to put complex algorithms, such as error correction strategies, into action.
The latency of that control must be low, perhaps tens of nanoseconds. Additionally,
adaptive feedback control circuits based on CMOS must be the source.
4. Excessive Wires: A million-qubit chip with millions of wires connecting to the circuit
board or exiting the cryogenic measurement chamber is difficult to construct.
Quantum computing can sort through a lot of possibilities to find possible solutions to difficult
problems and challenges. Quantum computers use qubits, whereas classical computers store data
as bits with either 0 or 1. In a quantum state that engages 0 and 1 in multiple dimensions, qubits
carry information.
Therefore,Some of our current systems may be disrupted by quantum computers. From email to
online retail transactions, the security framework for a variety of privacy and communication
protocols is provided by the RSA cryptosystem. A mature quantum computer could test every
option within hours, whereas current standards rely on the fact that no one has the computing
power to test every possible method to decrypt encrypted data
Quantum Computing: What It Is & How It Works | Built In

Scientists won't be able to use ordinary computers to do things like harness the power of
molecules during photosynthesis. They need to use quantum computers, which can solve the
conditional probability problem and measure and observe quantum systems at the molecular
level. In a nutshell, quantum computers are able to solve some of the most challenging problems
in the world in a matter of a weekend while simultaneously computing for billions of years.
The process of solving problems that are too large or complex for conventional computers is
known as quantum computing. It makes use of the laws of quantum mechanics. Qubits are what
run and solve multidimensional quantum algorithms in quantum computers.
Classical and quantum computers process information in fundamentally different ways. Quantum
computers transmit data through qubits, whereas traditional computers use binary bits. The
fundamental element of quantum's potential for exponentially greater computational power is the
qubit's capacity to remain in superposition. Measurements and observations are carried out by
quantum computers with the help of a wide range of algorithms. The computer then creates a
multidimensional space in which patterns and individual data points are housed after these
algorithms are input by a user. The quantum computer, for instance, would measure the
combinations of folds if a user wanted to find the least amount of energy required to solve a
protein folding problem; The solution to the issue is this combination.
The physical appearance of a quantum computer can vary. IBM, Microsoft, and Intel are just a
few of the technology companies that have created quantum simulators and processors that are
available for purchase or exclusive memberships. A genuine quantum computer is built primarily
from three parts. The first component consists of a conventional computer and infrastructure that
executes programming and communicates with the qubits. A means of transferring signals from
the computer to the qubits is described in the second section. Lastly, the qubits must be stored in
a container. The qubits must be able to stabilize in this storage unit, and certain requirements
must be met. These can include a vacuum chamber's housing or a temperature close to zero.
The first obstacle is that individual physical qubits need to be more accurate. Better engineering,
figuring out the best circuit layout, and figuring out the best combination of components could
all lead to this. Second, in order to create logical qubits, we must arrange them.
However, quantum computing faces difficulties that are not solely hardware-related. The
algorithmic advancements, not the speed, constitute the "magic" of quantum computing. Despite
the fact that quantum computing is still in its finicky and uncooperative early stages, business
interests have jumped in. (powers, aug 17,2022)

powers, J., aug 17,2022. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 01 2023].


Machines that use the properties of quantum physics to store data and carry out computations are
known as quantum computers. For certain tasks, where they could significantly outperform even
our best supercomputers, this can be extremely beneficial. Using the principles of quantum
theory, quantum computing runs quantum models and solves mathematical problems. It is used
to model photosynthesis, superconductivity, and complex molecular formations among other
quantum systems.
Information is encoded in binary "bits" that can be either zeros or ones in smartphones and
laptops, which are examples of classical computers. A quantum bit or qubit is the fundamental
memory unit in a quantum computer. Qubits, superposition, entanglement, and quantum
interference are the first concepts we need to know in order to comprehend how quantum
computing works. Physical systems, like an electron's spin or a photon's orientation, are used to
create qubits. Quantum superposition is a property of these systems that allows them to
simultaneously exist in many distinct configurations. Quantum entanglement is another method
by which qubits can be inseparably linked to one another. A series of qubits can thus
simultaneously represent multiple things.
The secure sharing of information could be enhanced with the use of quantum computers. or to
enhance radars' missile and aircraft detection capabilities. The environment and the maintenance
of clean water through chemical sensors are two additional areas where quantum computing is
anticipated to be beneficial. Security, finance, military affairs and intelligence, drug design and
discovery, aerospace design, utility design (nuclear fusion), polymer design, machine learning,
artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data search, and digital manufacturing could all benefit greatly
from quantum computing.
Numerous industries can benefit greatly from developments and solutions provided by quantum
computing. However, it is currently constrained.
- The tiniest change in the qubit environment can result in decay, or decoherence. As a
result, computations or errors are reduced to nothing. During the computation phase, a
quantum computer must be shielded from all external interference, as previously
- During the computing stage, error correction has not yet been perfected. Because of this,
calculations may not be reliable. Qubits aren't digital data bits, so they can't use the same
error correction techniques as traditional computers.
- Data can be corrupted when computational results are extracted. Promising developments
include a specific database search algorithm that guarantees that the act of measuring will
result in the quantum state decohering into the correct answer.
- Security and quantum cryptography are still in their infancy.
- Quantum computers can't use them to their full potential because they lack qubits.
It is important to point out that quantum computers haven't reached that point yet, and they won't
for some time. However, if and when a large, stable device is built, its unprecedented capacity to
factor large numbers would basically destroy the RSA cryptosystem. Fortunately, the technology
is still a ways off, but experts are working on it. That is not something that will take place in the
next five to ten years, according to the community, and they feel pretty confident about it.

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