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MMPI (13/12/2022).

Lie Scale (L) - designed to assess the sincerity of the subject


The subject is self-confident and hardly thinks about imagining himself / herself
in a "better" light.

Confidence scale (F) - created to detect invalid results


We can assume that the mental state of the subject is balanced enough and does not
cause him any particular anxiety.

Correction scale (K) - smoothes distortions caused by excessive unavailability and

caution of the subject

Not inclined to deny or ignore the presence of problems. Sensitive to the estimates
of the environment of his personality and his behavior

Hypochondria scale (HS) - determines the proximity of the subject to the astheno-
neurotic personality type

The subject's attention is focused mainly on the environment. As a rule, it is

open, active, with high potential for adaptation. It does not reflect on the state
of its health and body since it seems that there was never any reason to doubt

Depression scale (D) - designed to determine the degree of subjective depression,

moral discomfort

Confident, satisfied with themselves and their surroundings. Unsettled, sociable,

active and energetic, open and understandable for the environment. Feeling of one's
own strength in some cases can lead to excessive self-confidence, underestimation
of dangers, insufficient attention to people and the environment. Enough confident
in his abilities and capabilities. Not inclined to justified anxieties or
experiences, with predominantly even, good mood. Active, alert, understandable to
the environment, with an optimal level of mental adaptation.

The hysteria scale (Hy) - designed to identify individuals prone to neurotic

reactions of the conversion type

Excessive attention of the subject to their experiences, a pessimistic assessment

of their capabilities, some clumsiness of communication and behavior is possible.

Psychopathy Scale (Pd) - aimed at diagnosing a sociopathic personality type

The views and assessments of the subject harmoniously coincide with generally
accepted norms, the environment of difficulties or misunderstandings usually do not
occur. The mood is mostly even and calm, without periods of tension or

The scale of masculinity-femininity (Mf) - designed to measure the degree of

identification of the subject with the role of a man or a woman

The behavior of the subject is focused on following the image of a strong,

assertive, self-confident person who does not recognize ceremonies and is not
inclined to delve into the subtleties and shades of relationships. There is a
desire to defy their physical strength, arrogance, and simplicity of character with
some overestimation of their abilities.

The paranoia scale (Pa) - allows you to judge the presence of overvalued ideas,

The neurodynamic features of the subject contribute to the fairly rapid extinction
of the hurtful experiences. Not particularly sensitive or vindictive, reasonably
compliant, fairly even and balanced in character, not inclined to categorical in
the requirements for himself and others, preferring to achieve the goal without
exacerbating relations, takes into account the opinion of subcontractors.

Scale of psychasthenia (Pt) - establishes the similarity of the subject with

patients suffering from phobias, obsessive actions and thoughts

Unresponsive, self-confident and self-tested, boldly, openly and flexibly

interacting with the environment. Not afraid to make bold and risky decisions even
in conditions of lack of information.

Schizophrenia Scale (Sc) - aimed at diagnosing the schizoid personality type


The inner world of the subject is so merged with the inner world of most people
that the subject does not notice in himself, in his feelings and thoughts of
particular originality. Not inclined to search for new or non-standard approaches.
Outwardly simple, understandable. Well adapted to simple environments who do not
claim the originality of persons.

Scale of hypomania (Ma) - determines the degree of proximity of the subject to the
hyperthymic personality type

Reasonably active and optimistic in character. I am not inclined to discuss for a

long time the presence of particular difficulties in forthcoming affairs.

Social introversion scale (Si) - diagnostics of the degree of compliance with the
introverted personality type
Not particularly committed to broad social connections and interactions, necessity.

Maturity - 51%

Statistics of signs of aging, the number of which can be correlated with age, and
then a significant discrepancy serves as a predictive factor.

Alcoholism, Hampton - 31%


The indicator does not try to disclose the fact of alcohol abuse but serves
predictive purposes. When the rate is greatly exceeded, the predisposition easily
turns into pathology.

Attitude towards others - 70%


The indicator reveals qualities such as the need for communication, trust,
understanding, participation, tolerance, condescension to disadvantages, pity, and

Alarm - 22%

With a high level of this indicator, a person always chooses objects of anxiety,
and if they are absent, he invents them. At the same time, such features of
nervousness as tension, uncertainty, sensitivity, embarrassment, irritability,
vulnerability, dissatisfaction with life. Anxiety and worries prevent him from
concentrating - to fall asleep at night, and in pathological cases are accompanied
by characteristic symptoms - chilliness, indigestion, headaches, heart attacks. the
index is relatively low.

Control - 34%

Sensible, seasoned, self-critical, able to analyze their actions have a sense of


Rival - 72%

The rivalry reveals such "fighting" qualities like health, energy, self-control,
self-control, composure, concentration, confidence, dedication.

Service, lawyer personality type - 68%


The service nature includes such qualities as discipline, restraint, rationalism, a

tendency to regulate, etc., people who are distinguished by a disorderly, bohemian
lifestyle, have a low level of servility.
Humility, Crime - 16%

This property has people who have received too strict upbringing, complaining of
chronic malaise and have suffered life failures. They acutely perceive their
ordinary, reaching infantile manifestations, but at the same time can dream of
greatness, complain of health and life, are hesitant in their actions, badly
converge with people, strictly follow the norms of morality and take a lot of
things on faith.

Hardness, Dominance - 57%


Hardness - following one's convictions, principles and norms, immunity against

moral vices, confidence in the correctness of the chosen life path, often calm,
diligent, persistent, with rational judgment, a gentle character, often lead to
dependence from conditions and people, inability to oppose oneself to others, an
easy change of judgment.

Dependency - 35%

People in this category are rather passive, perhaps due to general malaise,
restrained, even secretive, cautious and suspicious, shy to infantilism, tolerant,
disciplined and easily change their judgments. They are anxious and sensitive,
often sentimental and very vulnerable. There can be feelings of dissatisfaction,
loneliness, doom, withdrawal in yourself and appeal to religion.

Confidence - 64%

Confidence, or fortitude, characterizes a person who is energetic, decisive,

strict, devoid of sentiment, peremptory, judgmental, and strongly caring about his

Ethnocentrism - 35%

Ethnocentrism characterizes the social type of the average man, living with the
small interests of today, committed to national traditions, close kinship, does not
distinguish himself, does not like to take risks, is suspicious of the new,
unfocused and not worried.

Hostility - 36%

Hostility consists of such qualities as secrecy, suspicion, mistrust,

vulnerability, selfishness, intolerance, irritability, incontinence, hatefulness,
arrogance, criticism, envy, vindictiveness, aggressiveness, high level (Ho) can
have a direct connection with the psyche.

Honesty - 75%

The respondent with high integrity strictly follows the laws and generally accepted
standards of morality and at the same time has a "clear conscience". With low
integrity, arrogance in actions, non-fulfillment of promises, etc.

Need for affection, need for emotional experiences - 41%


The need for affection can be associated with a sense of loneliness and marital
disorder and reveals such traits as kindness, courtesy, trust. There is a close
coincidence with expert assessments.

Leadership - 81%

Leadership characterizes the main qualities of the organizer and leader: health,
cheerfulness, energy, sociability, will, firmness, confidence, decisiveness,
resourcefulness, balance, composure, commitment, initiative, sense of camaraderie,
lack of fear for his authority, honesty, frankness, understanding, skill, when it
is necessary, to take risks, good memory.

Immorality - 16%

Immorality is verified by the respondent's attitude to the actions of people who,

under current laws, are considered punishable, or by generally accepted moral
standards unethical.

Altruism - 88%

Altruism characterizes unselfishness, pliability, generosity, special trust.

Altruism extends to fairly close people or is purely external.

Femininity of Interests - 94%


The indicator reveals sexual vocational guidance - a tendency toward professions

that are preferred by men or women.

Originality - 48%

The indicator collects opinions that are considered manifestations of originality.

Naivety - 55%

Due to the informativeness of features and high variance, the indicator works well,
giving a high correlation with expert estimates. As a rule, it decreases with age.
Authority, the problem of authoritarianism - 0%

The indicator gathers statistics of qualities for which it is respected in the

team. These include male character, sober mind, autonomy, poise, self-esteem, self-
esteem, modesty, honesty, sense of responsibility, frankness, ability to listen to
the opinions of others, lack of need for privacy, interest in science, etc.

Social Confidence - 66%


Social confidence distinguishes people who are sociable, assertive, arrogant and
impudent. They tend to get their way, even if it is necessary to circumvent the
law. Social confidence is a professional sign of salespeople, supply agents,
journalists, and often lacking in creative personalities.

Inflexibility - 40%

The indicator reveals inflexibility as a character trait - an unwillingness to

change habits, passivity, indecision, caution, tendency to get lost in a changing

Sexual development - 60%


Downward deviations are observed in practice, self-confident people with low

interests and indulgences to their own shortcomings. The average is typical for
young married men and young artists, deviations to a greater degree are sentimental
and sensitive for men.

A high rate of sexual development along with social confidence, problems of

authoritarianism and immorality can be a sign of homosexual manifestations. With
age, the level of sexual development does not change.

Deviation The tendencies are observed in women that are sensitive, soft, modest,
with strongly pronounced femininity. The average indicator is characteristic for
unmarried girls, deviations to the large side in women are resolute with a sober
mindset and male manners.

Panurus Complex - 37%


The test reveals the respondent's tendency to too often agrees with those neutral
opinions, the meaning of the formulations of which must be understood. The reasons
are his natural passivity or lack of interest in the test results.

Self-esteem, self-satisfaction - 66%


The indicator collects statistics of signs that positively characterize a person in

various relationships. As a result, such properties of nature as self-confidence,
confidence in a good attitude or neglect of the latter, self-control, firmness,
will, sense of social significance and general cheerfulness. From young to middle
age usually increases, reaching particularly high values among creative workers and
middle managers.

Conformism, Somatization Reaction - 57%


Conformity characterizes people who are restrained, firm, confident, sociable, but
cautious, attentive, but not sympathetic, many of them are disciplined and
worshiped by authorities, are great realists in life and are quite content with the
daily routine.

Sexual Activity, Sexual Status - 30%


A high sexual status usually means marital disorder and therefore can be combined
with a need for affection. Actually, sexual status is assessed indirectly by the
manifest feeling of sexual hunger. On the contrary, low sexual status means sexual
inactivity or a feeling of marital comfort.

Tolerance, Tolerance - 73%


People with heightened tolerance are more often among the optimists, they can adapt
to existing conditions, they can more easily endure difficulties and sufferings. In
especially difficult conditions, they go into the world of poetry and science, that
is, they live a double life.

The test is performed using the iOS app - MindLab.

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