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This picture shows the look before applying the banana shoe polish. As you
can see it is an old and used shoe so let us wait for the result when our
product is already applied. Will it be effective in making the shoe spotless
and shinier?

After applying the banana peel shoe polish, it becomes more presentable
looking than before. The old and unpleasant look changed to new and
spotless from dirt.

After a day, it hardens too much and leaves residue when

applying to a shoe. Instead of creating another shoe polish,
I reheated it and added more cooking oil to soften enough
the shoe polish. In this way, it would have an easy
application and this time, there was no left residue on the

Shoe polish is crucial for shoes to make them glossier and more attractive look.
The resulting product is so good that it can even make an old pair of leather shoes
water repellent or waterproof. Since water can cause a tear to leathers, having this
product will preserve the life of leather shoes. Instead of throwing the banana peel after
eating a banana, use it in a convenient way where waste becomes lesser. I can say that
this banana shoe polish is an environmentally friendly product. It promotes better effects
to humans because of its natural ingredient.

Therefore, I conclude that banana peel shoe polish is more feasible than the
usual commercial shoe polish. It will help people save money by not needing to buy new
shoes as frequently as before. Banana is a fruit we eat every day and is usually easy to
find in your respective house so, you would not spend anything on the materials
needed. For this reason, it is a preferable product to utilize in everyday living.

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