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In order to find out if Ylang ylang (canaga c. Odorata) and lemon (citrus

limon) extract is an effective ingredient in the production of an organic

fabric conditioner, the researchers conducted a study entitled, " The

effectiveness of Ylang ylang and lemon extract as fabric conditioner".

This research aimed to answer this four main-sub questions:

1. How will the ylang-ylang and lemon extract help to maintain


2. Is this organic fabric conditioner will stain our clothes?

3. Is the scent gained from the ylang-ylang and lemon extract will last in

long periods of time?

4. Does the fabric conditioner satisfy the consumers?

The researchers aimed to prove that the main ingredients ie. ylang-ylang

and lemon extract has a significant effect in the production of organic

fabric conditioner in terms of sensuality, texture, and color. With the

related literatures and studies, the researchers were able to find

supporting information and other details that will helped make the study

credible. The researchers under go various procedures and tests that in

order for them to produce an effective and organic fabric conditioner and

to satisfy the consumers' needs. After numerous tests, the researchers

made sure that the organic fabric conditioner is made from natural and

easily accessible ingredients. Therefore, it not only helped the

researchers in obtaining the needed ingredients, it also helped the future

consumers avoiding harmful chemicals that is mostly present in

commercially mass produced perfumes, it also helped the environment

because most people don't make use the versatility of plants and other

ingredients, the researchers proved that there are various uses of the

plants and other ingredients not only for their sole purpose. The

researcher aimed to produce an organic fabric conditioner that could last

at least 1 hour. After numerous tests, the researchers and respondents

said upon observation that the fabric conditioner lasted for 40 minutes.

Others said that the scent ended in 1 hour. However, due to different

experiments performed by the researchers, it was anticipated that people

who sweat on their rclothes made the duration of the fabric conditioner's

scent decrease. The researchers gathered information through different

ways such as survey questionnaire that served as their guide and have

prior knowledge about fabric conditioners, response about the fabric

conditioner, and the respondents' evaluation regarding the use of the

fabric conditioner. A survey questionnaire is given to each student to

answer. They were given free fabric conditioner for the researchers to

know about their response regarding the quality and scent of the product.

The survey questionnaire went well, the researchers mostly received

positive feedbacks, main reason was they liked the scent and the idea of

producing organic fabric conditioner that can be made with ingredients

you can find in places that are easily accessible but there are some who

gave negative feedbacks because some students preferred mild scented

fabric conditioner to avoid allergic reactions and to not hurt Their

olfactory sense.

The researchers therefore conclude that this Fabric Conditioner is

applicable to spread the fragrance to our clothes. Instead of spending

more money to buy fabric conditioner, why do we make an alternative

fabric conditioner for us to save more money .Fabric conditioner helps

us to soften and clean our clothes. We can use this to whiten our

clothes and to maintain it’s fragrance. We should be conservative in

using fabric conditioner to help our environment. Using Y-lang Y-lang

and lemon extract can helps us to have a long lasting fragrance. In also

for us to look organize and clean.


The researchers recommend you to buy their product because it is

affordable and it can help us to save more money because the

ingredients used are easily found in our environment. In making an

alternative fabric conditioner allowed us to be creative and organize.

And this alternative Fabric Conditioner is applicable to every laundry.

This research will be a possible reference and inspiration for future

researchers. It’ll allow future researchers to properly make use of their

potential in gathering information, performing experiments, and in

general, researching.

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