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1) Jose Rizal- his contributions in our country are the novels he wrote to fight Spanish. By his novels
the Filipinos have voice and power to speak. Noli me Tangere and El Filibustersmo are both powerful
to fight Spanish and it because of Jose Rizal all Filipinos are able to have unity. He promotes national
and Global community development by his writings or novels. His ability to inspire others and his
compassion for his people made him a national hero. In joining this movement he inspired his fellow
Filipinos to take nonviolent action against the Spanish. His words awakened new ideas throughout the

“The youth is the hope of the motherland.”

2) Rodrigo Duterte- He is proudly presented Philippines in other country. President

Duterte is transparent to all Filipinos and it because of him we learned the word
“Unity”. He emphasized the importance to have greater global solidarity in order to
defeat the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). “If Asia is to serve as an engine of
global recovery, we all have to act responsibly within a system of norms,
commitments, and obligations. We have to resolve our disputes peacefully
according to international law. We have to work together – not against each other –
to achieve common ends,” Duterte said. He is our inspiration because of him all
Filipinos learn to share same values and revive the word “Bayanihan”.
“The key to recovery and shared prosperity remains the free movement of
goods, capital, and services, as well as the harnessing of valuable human
resources. Despite the pandemic, opportunities for growth remain,” he said
3) St Teresa of Calcutta- other Teresa was known for establishing the
Missionaries of Charity, now an organization with thousands of nuns helping
the poor in third world countries. However, she is a profound example of
someone who followed Jesus in caring for the needy, poor and those on the
fringe of society. She proposed the unity in religion because religion might
create war. She was able to create programs and initiatives that made her
an icon of charity around the world. Her genuine desire to serve the poor is
what propelled her to pursue this path. If you look at all her humanitarian
efforts, her motivations are clear as day. She didn’t care if someone was
white, black, brown, yellow, young, old, male, or female. In the summer of
1982, she even went to Beirut to help both Christian and Muslim children.

“When you judge someone, you have no time to love

them.”- Mother Teresa

4) Habitat Philippines- they provide house and lot or a shelter. Habitat

and its partners also provide families with improved access to clean
water, sustainable energy, healthcare, education and livelihood. Over 4
million Filipino families are living in unsustainable conditions with a lack
of safety and access to clean water and safe sanitation. Because of this
opportunity every Filipino has a chance to get house or shelter. By
creating this project or organization there are a lot of poor Filipinos will
receive its benefits and our nation will have a good environment and it
was because of the unity for the betterment.

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